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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19268575 No.19268575 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to a breakfast place
>Styles itself as a greasy spoon diner, but it's expensive and in a 'hip' part of town
>They are known for their eggs benedicts, so they poach hundreds of eggs each day
>I order the standard breakfast: Bacon, toast, hashbrowns, two eggs any style
>two eggs any style
>"And how would we like our eggs today?"
>"Poached, please"
>"No, we won't do it"
>"Why not?"
>"because....we just WON'T, OKAY?!?"
>"You poach hundreds of eggs each day, it's not even hard, why won't you do it?"
>"We just won't, we only do that for benedicts"

This was probably 6 years ago and it still annoys me. This same place was AGGRESSIVELY enforcing masks (to the point of turning away people who came to get pickup orders outside and literally didn't even set foot in the restaurant - meanwhile crazy homeless people would wander in and they'd give them free coffee/food because "muh mutual aid".

Then said homeless tweakers started a fire that burned down the restaurant one night, they raised like $300K from GoFundMe simps to rebuild it in an even more expensive area, and now charge even MORE for scrambled eggs. It really rustles my jimmies.
>Anyway, who was in the wrong about the poached eggs?

>> No.19268586

The restaurant, any place that treats street tweakers better than paying customers deserves to fail.

>> No.19268603

They can fuck off. But also, I would never eat at a greasy spoon that makes eggs Benedict to begin with. That cook should be slapping out bacon, sausage and hashbrowns all day and not even know what the fuck hollandaise even is. Regardless, any greasy spoon that fucks up eggs, whether they can't poach or give over medium when you order over easy=the most fundamental test of any greasy spoon.

>> No.19268614

reminds me of canada's shit pizza chain
>school trip to University of Waterloo
>group of four including me go to the Pizza Pizza in one of the buildings
>ask for half vegetable and half pepperoni on the same pizza, we told them we'd pay the price of the more expensive version for the whole pizza
>dick-broken crushed-soul wagie adamantly refuses
>'manager' comes out and says the same thing
we even thought about if the vegetables would get burnt or if the pepperoni would be uncooked. we said it'd be fine regardless. I think it's related to the IQ of a person and maybe we take for granted our decision making skills that are slightly above a drooling ape.

>> No.19268655
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>This was probably 6 years ago

>> No.19268678

Are you intentionally using the term "greasy spoon" over and over or am I just easily irritated?

>> No.19268742

Are you a third worlder or something? Do you not know what a greasy spoon diner is?

>> No.19268785

Not him, but you did say it like three times in two sentences anon

>> No.19268795

When you're talking about a hamburger it's okay to say hamburger.

>> No.19268843
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No fucking shit. I had this experience at a Red Robin in a nice suburban part of town.

> Go have lunch at Red Robin I frequent regularly with my mother because I care about her and we like bottomless fries.
> Sit down.
> Five minutes later the waitress and the manager sit this disheveled, clearly high/mentally disturbed homeless lady next to us.
> They give her fries, a milkshake, and a cheeseburger.
> She proceeds to scream, yell, and ask everybody if it is Christmas (it is March 3rd), and splatter ranch everywhere. She reeks of shit and mildew and piss
> Small children are terrified, parents eyeing her closely.
> Finally get up, pull the waitress aside, and ask her what possessed them to allow a mentally disturbed homeless person in.
> Sputters off an excuse "We are a compassionate group of people here at this Red Robin and want to aid the homeless. It's cold outside and she has no place to go."
> Manager comes over and advises me not to be discriminatory.
> We finish our food and pay zero tip.
> Call corporate that night and advise that it was the worst treatment I had ever received from staff and the most uncomfortable experience I ever had.
> Meal refunded via EFT, send me a 25-dollar gift card.
> Leave a nasty review.
> Pass by a week later, walk in, notice the manager has been replaced by an older corporate type.
> Turns out that had been his sixteenth complaint since they were treating the homeless to whatever and somebody finally sicced the health department or some shit so corporate sacked the manager.
> Still a bit wary about that place.

>> No.19268865
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Anon, if they serve Eggs Benedict, it's NOT a greasy spoon.

but yeah, fuck them.

>> No.19268868

Before the story about the fire I thought I knew the place you were referring to kek

>> No.19268875

>He has never been irrationally angry over a stupid even in his life.

Heartwarming story. Hopefully the former manager got turned down for free food.

>> No.19268907

Doesnt sound like anyone in this story was in the right
>arguing about eggs

>> No.19268928

I'd just leave

>> No.19268932

The waitress, specifically, was in the wrong. Bill and Juan working the egg cauldrons could not give a shit about two non-benedict poached eggs and would have happily slapped them on your plate. The waitress was probably in a shit mood from Plan B side effects as a result of her tinder hookup last night, and was actively trying to assert petty control over your choices as a form of imagined revenge. She's probably a single mother now, and/or possibly a drug addict.

>> No.19268936

>egg cauldron
Just to verify this is a joke and not an actual thing right? I loled but then I was like hmm

>> No.19270585

make it the next meme appliance and get rich, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.19270595

>This was probably 6 years ago and it still annoys me.
You are fucking idiot.

>> No.19270596

I used to refuse to do poached eggs, too. Even for benedicts. But I worked at Denny's on the nightshift.

Sometimes I'd just fill an egg skillet with water and do it like that, but I realized I could just say no and none of the management cared.

Most restaurants are absolute garbage. I hate restaurants.

>> No.19270613

i love restaurants but i do think you're actually right and most are astonishingly bad. people will really eat anything instead of cook for themselves.

>> No.19270672
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>6 years ago
>Mask mandate

>> No.19270945

A wagie denied you poached eggs six years ago...six years ago....this is something you still think about?
No other worries? Other than poached eggs?

>> No.19270953

yeah i had a similar thing when restaurants started getting rid of smoking sections. like, what the fuck, am i meant to go have a smoke outside? i want to have a fucking cigarette with my waffles. literally no one else in the restaurant cares.

>> No.19271261

Former homeless here. There's lots of types of homeless, but some are derelicts. Mentally cracked fruitcakes who are beyond help and personal dignity. Do not befriend the derelicts or feed them or offer them things. They're basically wild animals when they get to that stage.

I'm fucking amazed that some people are so fucking infested with brainworms that they treat derelicts like any other homeless folks.

I guess maybe they like getting threatened with needles or knives or having shit thrown at them.
And it's especially vile to invite them in to ruin paying customers' fucking meals.

>> No.19271275

>turd world level reading comprehension.

>> No.19271500

>and then everybody clapped

>> No.19271502

>>They are known for their eggs benedicts,
Non american here,what the hell is that?

>> No.19271504

This is so nice to hear if true.

>> No.19271524
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x1500, 17205-eggs-benedict-beauty-4x3-BP-2828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham, egg, hollandaise on an English muffin.

>> No.19272895

Just say diner you stupid fuck. They’re all greasy spoon-filled shitholes. I bet you say New York City too like a fucking clown

>> No.19272905

A diner and a greasy spoon are different things. How's Alabama, Cletus?

>> No.19272912

You deserve to get raped and murdered like the worthless piece of shit you are. If you can’t give a shit about yourself enough to work 20 hours a month to pay rent, you deserve a slow painful death.

A homeless fuckin loser used to sit outside a Mexican restaurant and beg for change. They brought him some food and he threw it on the ground. He just wanted money. Next thing they brought out was a lava hot frying pan and they beat him with it til he stopped moving.

>> No.19272918

Are you talking about the chain “greasy spoon” or a shitty cheap restaurant? Because that’s every diner. Every diner is a shitty cheap hellhole. Keep acting smug about knowing a word, it’s cute. It’s like when you people brag about cooking as if billions of people on the planet don’t do it every day

>> No.19272924


>> No.19272937

was this in Portland or California?

>> No.19272950
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>> No.19272974

it's because they can. a control fantasy, a power trip. as soon as you start requesting regular poached eggs, their entire modular menu is fucked in their minds and they lose it, and they take pleasure in refusing your simple request. don't try to understand it beyond that, just avoid these kinds of people

>> No.19273001

Who are you to tell professional chefs what their menu should be? If you want customized food made to order, go to a 5 Star Greasy Spoon

>> No.19273013

You should burn the place down again and incriminate a negro. They deserve it.

>> No.19273030
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, 1671047197884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this 100%. My dad has worked as manager of this gas station restaurant franchise from my state for some 10 odd years now and one of the things he learned very quick is that homeless and vagrants are like that for a reason. Almost invariably rude and entitled, he stopped giving them meals a couple years into the job with an exception if they're polite and have children with them.

>> No.19273072

kill yourself you worthless fucking subhuman

>> No.19273078

You were in the wrong for trying give your money to yuppie gentrifying faggots like them

>> No.19273084

not only are you not american, youre clearly not very intelligent.

>> No.19273093

>but some are derelicts
Bull fucking shit. Most homeless people are homeless because they’re derelicts. The vast majority are tweakers and assholes

>> No.19273094

Runcible spoon in Bloomington, huh?

>> No.19273189

that's really bizarre because I'm like 90% sure you can do this if you order online.

>> No.19273223

in Canada it's a pretty standard dish and even the shittiest places will do it. it's often more expensive than it should be at a greasy spoon due to low volume on it but I've never seen a place that didn't do it that wasn't some bullshit american chain joint like dennys or ihop

IDK why americans think it's such a fancy thing. hollandaise sauce is literally just butter, cream, egg, and lemon juice. maybe some cayenne. it's only expensive because of the huge amount of dairy in it

he's being a faggot but a "greasy spoon" is more often a breakfast specific place and don't serve non-breakfast foods or only have a minimal non-breakfast menu while diners serve lunch and dinner and often have a minimal breakfast menu.

>> No.19273233

It's not a fucking power fantasy you dumbass, it's because their managers don't allow it. I won't deny that power tripping minimum wage workers exist, but 99 times out of 100 it's because of someone higher up the chain. I've worked minimum wage gigs before, and asshole niggers like you always make a big fuss like you're fighting the power by being an asshole towards guys just doing their fucking jobs. I'm not infringing on your fucking rights by IDing for cigarettes or beer, or not selling something because we're out of it. Use your fucking head for 2 minutes, 2 fucking minutes, about a situation before you start bitching about it.

>> No.19273258

I live in a shit flyover
My gf ordered eggs benedicts once from a local restaurant that everyone in town absolutely raved about
The sauce was completely broken and tasted like shit
one egg was poached, the other egg was literally, and I mean literally, a hard boiled egg.
It was not an overcooked poached egg, it was a round hard boiled egg that in the shape of an egg that was completely boiled within it's shell.

Never going back to that overpriced dump ever.

>> No.19273306

I don't think that's a real restaurant just a version for the dorm. They probably only have already made personal pizzas. Had that at Guelph and after a month of it never wanted Pizza Pizza again. That was 23 years ago.

>> No.19273341

>I was just following orders
This has never and will never excuse someone's actions.

>> No.19273347

Based Milgram opponent.
Human nature and the desire to "pass the buck", however...

>> No.19273368
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>This was probably 6 years ago and it still annoys me.

The trauma runs deep bruh.

The trauma of the poached egg

>> No.19273379
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>What do you mean I can't get something for free
>this is literally hitler, you're literally 1984, you should go on the nuremberg trials

>> No.19273399

Im certain they use a powdered mix anyways.

>> No.19273436

it is available but I worked at a pretty shitty place and even they didn't do it. but they also made their own pancake batter and had me actually squeeze orange juice so maybe that place was more Quality than i thought

i stand by my statement that it is inexplicable that the american FEARS and RECOILS from the yellow sauce thinking its too "fancy" for their blood

>> No.19273456
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>american FEARS and RECOILS from the yellow sauce thinking its too "fancy" for their blood
It's literally Egg yolks, butter and lemon juice...
And a pinch of cayenne.
If you can temper eggs or use a mixing bowl on top of a pot of water, Hollandaise
is a breeze.

>> No.19273469

>he doesnt know about the sausage gridiron/fly zapper combo appliance

>> No.19273480
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I almost lost a finger in that thing!
Heated up my zipper pretty fuckin' good too.

>> No.19273489

americans have brain problems and think eggs benny is too fancy to serve at a diner

>> No.19273503
File: 819 KB, 474x266, DEAD like ME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans have brain problems
Many do, but E.B. is not uncommon here.
Hell there was a whole episode of Dead like me where Rube gets schooled by a Der Waffle Haus short order cookie on how to properly poach a egg.
But then...those were different times.

>> No.19273562
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I hate liberals so much it’s unreal, anyways they should have the poached eggs since it said any style and you’re a paying customer, desu.

>> No.19273583
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Even Roger Penske thinks that’s based.

>parents live in a turbo liberal part of the state
>tourism is the number 1 moneymaker for the city
>city government invests in hospitality; a whole shitload of hotels are built
>Covid hits
>city already has a bad problem with homelessness to begin with
>since the entire country is on lockdown and the tourism industry in the city comes to a halt the hotels are empty
>turbo libs have the idea to tell the hotels to let homeless people stay in the hotels
>this attracts homeless people from all over that side of the state to come to the city
>Covid ends and tourists start coming back
>but the homeless people scare them all away and hurts the industry
>the dumbass city government decided to defund the police department so there’s not enough police to deal with the homeless people and it’s just hurting the city more

But at least there’s no heckin racist cops

>> No.19273629

Only liberals eat poached eggs in the first place. Real red-blooded Americans don't eat that faggot shit. All you need for breakfast is a FRIED egg, some bacon, sausage, ham, and WHITE toast with REAL BUTTER none of this avocado olive flavored soypaste coasties eat.

>> No.19273640
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Don't forget to wash it down with some fucking AMERICAN PBR!

>> No.19273644

That's gay coastie shit. Real men drink Coors. (Used to be B*d L*ght before they went all GAY on us...)

>> No.19273661
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I was just funnin'
For me, if it's gonna be CHEAP macro-beer, it's either Hamms 30 pk. or Molson Canuck 18 pk.
Cheap, potable, and NOT GAY.

>> No.19273681

dont forget the twelve gallons of whiskey and a good amount of motor oil

>> No.19273695
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That's pretty nutter butters, but not something I wouldn't expect from Mexicans. They fucking hate homeless people, especially since most of them work their fucking ass off in shit jobs to get what they have. Even the third-generation immigrants are pretty conservative in that regard.

>I'm fucking amazed that some people are so fucking infested with brainworms that they treat derelicts like any other homeless folks.

I live in Denver. I hear shit like what I posted in my Red Robin thing from liberal fucknuggets constantly. I am done with having any compassion for homeless. I can't differentiate, and frankly I don't care to. I see their fucking camps and the trash they leave behind, and the cops don't do fuck all about it so it becomes a glorified game of musical homeless camp. They clean up and move somewhere for another 2 weeks. They even give them advance notice.

These progressive assholes who run the city really have no understanding of the Give A Mouse a Cookie Phenomenon. We give the homeless tong of free things; they take advantage of it and make everything worse. We've had tons of buildings burn down, car thefts, can't ride trains because the homeless use the light rail as a roving shelter to smoke drugs in. Stop feeding all homeless, stop giving them camping shit, start arresting them, putting them in a registry, and forcing them to get clean. If they were just assholes to the homeless for five years the problem would vaporize and I could hang out anywhere, any time in my city like I used to.

>> No.19273699

>No brainer
Anytime you are mad about some petty interaction from 6 years ago you're in the wrong. Details of the encounter are not relevant.

>> No.19273710

This was in Seattle. So, you are right in spirit.

>> No.19273779

somewhat based

>> No.19273782

>>He has never been irrationally angry over a stupid even in his life.
i am, but it goes away after a while. obsessing over shit that happened years ago is indicative of having no life and not filling it with new experiences

>> No.19273839

I gave a homeless man some change a few months ago.

Literally a minute later, another homeless person asked me for change.

>> No.19273843

Cry about it you hand wringing bitch ass. When shit inevitably hits the fan, entitled pricks like yourself will be the first to be taken down by hordes of angry peasants. This time sleepy joe and his gang of clowns ain’t coming to bail you out. What a glorious day that will be.

>> No.19273892

>All you need for breakfast is a FRIED egg, some bacon, sausage, ham, and WHITE toast with REAL BUTTER none of this avocado olive flavored soypaste coasties eat.

As a proud diner eating NJ boy, Fuck You. We like our breakfast anytime of the day or night and the short greek bastard cookng the food had better be able to server proper poached eggs.

As for bums, we handle them "Jersey Style".


>> No.19273938

>used to live in denver, near blake street
>lots of homeless, had a couple get buck with me once but tried to remain "compassionate" to those less fortunate to me
>cant imagine how it is now, 6 years later
>now i live near tacoma
>no longer see the homeless as my fellow human beings, can't even have a cigarette on the bar patio without one of them showing up out of god fucking knows where (probably the woods behind the ross) and begging for cigarettes
i'd like to give them a smoke but you give them an inch and they'll take a mile. my friends don't agree with me telling them to fuck off but i do anyways

>> No.19273975

>FRIED egg, some bacon, sausage, ham


Based. Quality food

>WHITE toast

Ah c'mon now what? Nothing special or nutritious about that. Just bottom of the barrel shit really.

>> No.19274093
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Don't feel bad abou8t it, ever. I've been to conservative cities, saw a homeless guy harass an old couple in Fort Smith and the cops came and they beat the shit out of him in front of maybe 30 restaurant patrons. People just kind of watched, some people filmed it. What I'm saying is that there are still places that don't put up with homeless bums.

My dad used to drive flaggers around for money, and he said the homeless would see him with a cigar and insist on a lighter and get aggressive. He just chews them. Or they want a dollar. You give em a dollar, now they want five. Five becomes ten, and ten becomes 20.

Again, i have no compassion. You lose it very quickly when you listen to them on Denver twitter feeds about how they smoke your charity away. Even volunteered once at the soup kitchen downtown. Listened to those assholes talk for two hours about how they were just going to rip people off, what their schtick was gonna be, who had free shit this day and that. Your just a resource to be mined in their eyes.

>> No.19274164

I live pretty close to a Salvation Army; not the thrift shop but an actual facility to "house" and "help" them and all they do is hustle eachother and the bar across the street.

For those people it's obviously a lifestyle. They're failed gangsters who got run out of the weed game so now they beg for money while bullying lesser crackheads to go beg for them (they actually do this and have a hierarchy of essentially turning eachother out)

>> No.19275224

>I've been to conservative cities
don't exist

>> No.19275283

>If you can’t give a shit about yourself enough to work 20 hours a month to pay rent
how do you get a job when you don't have a place?
how do you get a place when you don't have a job?
see the problem there? guess that was too much for your 10 brain cells to handle

>> No.19275370

This did not happen.

>> No.19275387

I don't understand this phenomenon. There should be a cheap, greasy spoon diner on every other street corner, but for some reason, there isn't. So when some small gs diner opens up, it's immediately ironic and hip so everyone has to go there, there's 20-30 minute wait for a table and the prices sub-optimum. Maybe it was the "fat = bad" trend of the 80s which killed them off, so that the rare occurence is treated as something special. So much fear and doubt for bacon, eggs, toast & coffee ffs.

>> No.19275406

>(they actually do this and have a hierarchy of essentially turning eachother out)
That sounds incredibly gay. And before anyone accuses me of being a bigot, I'm pretty sure the phrase "turning someone out" refers to a homosexual turning someone else into a homosexual by raping him.

>> No.19275515

>Maybe it was the "fat = bad" trend of the 80s which killed them off
nowadays it's the exorbitant commercial rent prices. real estate companies continue to consolidate. they'd rather have space sit vacant than lower rent prices, and they can afford to. you know all those 4+1s going up absolutely everywhere in the country? the bottom floor is a revolving door of tenants because prices are just too fucking high.

>> No.19275597

What is a "4+1"?

>> No.19275666


>> No.19275668

5 story apartment buildings consisting of 4 levels of apartments and a bottom floor for commercial tenants. they've exploded in popularity because they're the cheapest dwelling that satisfies everything in the IBC. and because so many US municipalities outsource their building codes using the IBC, it's why every US town/city is slowly becoming a boring homogenous blob

>> No.19275706

>The International Building Code®(IBC®) establishes minimum requirements for building systems using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. It is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials and new building designs.
Holy word salad.

>> No.19275720

6 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was like a stake through my heart. I died that day...on the inside.

>> No.19275741

it does but I couldn't think of a phrase less overtly about pimping for financial abuse bolstered by crack

you know shit is getting weird out there when the crackheads have their own base slaves

>> No.19275748
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it's probably just building codes saying you have to use actual insulation, poured concrete instead of framing with literal lead pipes and tree branches, shit like that

>> No.19275830

what's wrong with mixed use development? do you not like having shops and services be close to your dwelling?

>> No.19275857

>This same place was AGGRESSIVELY enforcing masks
why go there? why give them the time of day?
this whole scenerio makes no sense.

>> No.19275890

The problem is that they charge retardly high for rent making living there prohibitively expensive, let alone running a store

>> No.19275898

>what's wrong with mixed use development?
that's not the problem. the problem is that these buildings arose because it's the cheapest multi-tenant dwelling to build with all the fucked up zoning in the country. an overwhelming majority of US zoning is single family housing, mixed use development effectively doesn't exist here outside of some old """""""historic"""""""" districts in cities. what's left after SFH zoning is commercial zoning which is fiercely fought over everyone, including the real estate companies building the 5+1s. so the only ones that can afford it are the biggest companies, and they're going rely on their economies of scale to make them as similar as possible. they drive out anything locally owned.

as i said in my other post, the bottom floor is a revolving door of tenants. all the ones near me, every couple months there's a new array of shops there. it's the closest to "mixed use" we can get, but we'll never get it because US zoning is completely fucked and skewed toward boomers treating their house as an investment. they don't care about services close to them, they're fine making the 30 minute trek to costco.

>> No.19276152

>accuses me of being a bigot
Nobody cares about degenerate faggots in general especially on this forum.

>> No.19276161

holy shit karen go back to reedddit lmao

>> No.19276204

it sounds like your problem isn't with building codes or zoning, but with lazy architecture. lazy architecture can happen with ANY new construction anon

>> No.19276247

i don't really have a problem with the 5+1, it's more a symptom of the problem. the actual root cause is the dogshit zoning across the country.

>> No.19277765
