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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19265539 No.19265539 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best post stroke food?

>> No.19265556

Definitely nothing oily, cheesy, or carry. They shouldn't have wasted the resources to heal you.

>> No.19265567

wendies chilli
good morning jack good to see youre back and at it !

>> No.19265571

Lions mane supplements to improve neurological function
Lots of omega 3s, fish are a good idea (sardines baby). Blueberries and other anti-oxidant rich foods. Nothing inflammatory (no processed foods, minimal sugar, nothing fried, no alcohol). Generally balanced and healthy diet, lots of fresh fruits and veg. Godspeed and get well soon.

>> No.19265573

i wish kf would get up already i sneed to jackpost

>> No.19265590
File: 61 KB, 750x799, 88786BE0-907D-4D95-8ADE-756B71AA1D0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite recipe is mcdonalds big burger mac with a diet order fries coke diet coke mcdouble with cheese and diet coke a large diet coke meal with the meal

>> No.19265609

the proof is in the side of pudding with this stroke poster

>> No.19265629

party cheese salad and cookoff chili made with year old brisket covered in freezerburn

>> No.19265659
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Anything that ja/ck/ makes

>> No.19265688

man you retards eat the most disgusting shit. no better than pigs

>> No.19265733

Burnt toast is definitely the best post-stroke food.

>> No.19265746

Janny Josh is to busy sweeping it up to reboot the site. Jack will die to his next stroke before it goes back up.

>> No.19265750

Maybe it's the context of the thread. You expect to find the classy 4channer in this thread?

>> No.19265753

> Jack will die to his next stroke
Don't say that, jack will never die

>> No.19265754

Why does my dude go tongue first??? Who the fuck sticks out their tongue to take a bite of food????

>> No.19265758
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Look at the way Jack acts around food vs around his family. The man is an addict.

>> No.19265767
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For comparison. Also Tammy sounded so sad serving Jack the salad in OPs video.

>> No.19265780

>t. said retard

>> No.19265783

Who the freak is Robert?
Also, posting before jannies kill the thread.

>> No.19265789
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Why didn't he review the salad?

>> No.19265800

How did you know my name and that I work at Wendy’s?

>> No.19265829

I do this. It's to help move the food into my mouth correctly

>> No.19265853

>Just uploaded a video of him making ribs

>> No.19265863
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we're so fucking back

>> No.19265885

If you start by eating small blood clots, you can become immune to larger ones over time.

>> No.19265888

looking pink, like a real man would make. Jack likes his meat a little red.

>> No.19265901

>First thing he wants after his third chance at life is more fatty ribs

>> No.19266309

Haters gonna hate

>> No.19266934

Tell me about Jack! Why does he tongue the food?

>> No.19266948

well you're going to die soon so whatever you want i guess

>> No.19266955

The actual answer is he genuinely believed like ten or so years ago Food Network was going to pick him up for a series and that's why Guy Fieri used to do

>> No.19267085
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>> No.19267210

lol the though of Jack actually working when he only has 1 functional limb.

>> No.19268216


>> No.19268780

Why is his dog crying

>> No.19268789

"oh god hes ruining my food again just let the women cook again"

>> No.19268801


>> No.19268811

His first stroke was relatively mild and even after his second stroke if he actually made lifestyle changes he would have gotten back to a decent level of pre stroke ability. After his third? It's basically pointless and he probably realizes it. Also each stroke takes roughly eight years off your life expectancy so

>> No.19268827

Fucker had a chance to get movement back on his left side, but he would rather beg God to heal him despite his gluttony rather than putting in the effort in PT. Now he's pretty much stuck in a mobility scooter.

>> No.19268851

He still could do it even now, when he was in rehab recently they worked out his arms and legs for him and he admitted he had not moved them in four years. Guess he stopped doing that

>> No.19270149

He just learned the truth about 9/11.

>> No.19271278
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i haven't kept up with jack in a while, i only knew he had one stroke. are you telling me he not only had a second stroke but a third too?

>> No.19271549

yes but don't worry, the stupid fat cunt has still learned absolutely nothing

>> No.19271771

chilly cheese dogs

>> No.19271914

His latest stroke was a couple of months ago. He was in the hospital for a bit before moving to a nursing home for rehab. Instead of you know, doing rehab, he spent most of his time bitching about the food on Facebook. He's even more crippled now and pretty much confined to a wheelchair since he can only really stand now.

>> No.19271961

Jr. looking massive , taking form

>> No.19271970

jack looks like hell lol holy shit, i guess three strokes and no changes to your diet or lifestyle after the first one will do that to you

>> No.19272404
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Meat gud he fine, sugar bad

>> No.19272456

i think he's trying to kill himself at this point

>> No.19272462

Again, you don't have a good life expectancy if you somehow manage to survive three strokes and two heart attacks. If you have terminal lung cancer, why bother giving up smoking? Same deal. My only question is why he isn't even fatter, I guess you can only gorge on so much meat

>> No.19272464

fair point. also i didn't know about the heart attacks, i only knew about the strokes, when did he have his heart attacks?

>> No.19272473

Well sure, but that kinda attitude is why he had three strokes in the first place and not one or zero.

>> No.19272507

Yeah you get to where you are by ignoring your problems but when you're so far gone you basically just concede you fucked up and move on. Also he doesn't want to be healthy enough. You have to want to improve your health to improve it. It is honestly his high fat diet that keeps doing him in, someone with the conditions he has should not be doing keto.
To be fair we aren't sure that he did, that's something his hated son has told people so take it with a grain of salt

>> No.19272776

I like to have a Marlboro red after sex.

>> No.19273195

Probably reads /ck/ and the armchair doctors who say red meat is actually le based and healthy for preventing vascular incidents

>> No.19273295

I'm honestly shocked that Nikocado is lasting longer than jack

>> No.19273319

god works in mysterious ways, i guess just killing him off would be too easy and just wants to prolong that fat fuck's suffering for teaching people how to poison as many people as possible

>> No.19273324

hes actively losing weight and lost 80lbs this month. id call bullshit but he actually looks skinnier

>> No.19273390

Nikocado has actually lost a little weight recently, also he's younger than Jack by twenty years
Damn, didn't realize it was that much. Guess he really meant it when he said it wasn't forever

>> No.19273720

Holy shit that gut lmao

>> No.19273724

How did he get a beer belly so badly while being a teetotaler

>> No.19273732

>not meat
you gotta hand it to jack, his stupidity and ignorance is so monumentally great its almost impressive

>> No.19273734

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-brewery_syndrome ?
>ABS is a rare medical condition in which intoxicating quantities of ethanol are produced through endogenous fermentation within the digestive system.

>> No.19273739

Because he's a glutton?

>> No.19273740

No diet he would ever realistically go on would work because he eats too much overall. This is a guy who insists that every single meal has to have meat.
And it goes nowhere else?

>> No.19273743

Imagine having a hot sloppy make-out session with Ja/ck/

>> No.19273748

Masturbatory, or embolism?

>> No.19273749

I guess not

>> No.19273773

some people just don't want to change man. my dad's last couple years was in and out of the hospital for all kinds of problems related to his drinking. he kept a good face on it until the end, but he still continued to drink and hide it from everyone.

>> No.19274060

Probably mayonnaise.

>> No.19274061

The weird part is that Jack's vice before meat was booze. If he never met Tammy he would have drank himself to death a decade ago.

>> No.19274121

The problem with that way of thinking is each subsequent stroke makes his life more and more miserable. Sure it sucks now, but it can get a whole lot worse - he could wind up with aphasia and not be able to speak, he could be completely paralyzed and bedridden where the only way to clean himself is having a home health aide hose him down like an elephant.
The boy ain't right.

>> No.19274135

I have watched Jack in various forms for over a decade and the only time he has ever seemed even slightly happy was when he was shoving red meat down his throat. That's the main issue with him. I can't imagine what he eats on days he isn't filming.

>> No.19274136
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onlyusemeblade has untreated diabetes and is a major alcoholic, not sure whether he or ja/ck/ is more impressive with their continued existence

>> No.19274167

Is this really a genre of meal? Lmao

>> No.19274489

Definitely not philly cheesesteak.

>> No.19274505

God damn he looks like he's aged 20 years in the last year

>> No.19274569

>Not having a stroke contingency plan
You should always talk to a relative or friend or trusted physician for what to do if you have a stroke, namely doing the needful and putting you down. If I have a major stroke where I lose faculties of intellection and speech, I told several people and made them agree to euthanize me. I'm not going through life with a fraction of my brain in tact being a fundamentally different person. There are people who have strokes who lose all coutence, resort to hypersexuality like animals, or compulsive gambling. You're NOT the same person after a major stroke. I would rather be dead than be an invalid.

>> No.19276356

Lose weight fatty