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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19258970 No.19258970 [Reply] [Original]

I've traveled all over Japan and Korea, and I can say hands down that Japanese food absolutely mogs Korean slop in every way. Everything people say is "good" about Korean food was stolen from Japan and reproduced with inferiority.

>> No.19258974

Koreans think they are so attractive. Give me that jap low self esteem any day of the week. Oh, right, the food. Japs there too

>> No.19259005

I don't understand the picture at all...

>> No.19259017


>> No.19259233

Fpbp as usual

>> No.19259248

I don't know much about Korean food but I frankly dislike most japanese food except sushi (and maybe japanese curry), everything else either just does not taste good or is literally chinese tier 'eat-everything and enything that alive' food except maybe the sanitary conditions are better in japan

>> No.19259256

more like stolen from china, the same place japan got all their shit

>> No.19259266

you are not gonna make it

>> No.19259270

Japanese food is flavorless. They don't use any seasoning. The average jap thinks black pepper is spicy. Literally the britain of asia. Korean food actually has flavor and is a pleasure to eat
OP is probably a midwesterner whose most extreme exposure to flavor is ketchup, hence why he enjoys jap food so much and can't stand korean food

>> No.19259303

Korean sushi is the same as Japanese sushi but grilled

>> No.19259310
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Korean is better because they put cheese on all of the japanese food I like without getting offended.

>> No.19259730

I remember someone saying something about Korean's history/sense of beauty is basically putting flowers on everything and making it look like a gift box. They are retarded

>> No.19259779

China was ruled by Japan and CCP hid in the fucking mountains while other Chinese fought off invaders XD

>> No.19259781

No, they add sesame oil instead of rice vinegar to their sushi rice.
Koreans are ugly and rude.

>> No.19259801

t. Amerifat tastelet who needs sugar and salt in everything

>> No.19259809

Jajangmeon slaps though

>> No.19259851

Everything good about Japanese food was stolen from China and reproduces with inferiority.

>> No.19259910
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>eat at korean place where you order on a tablet
>as feedback I entered it was the best Japanese food I ever had
Can I ever go back?

>> No.19260351

korea has the autism of japan and the unbelievable obsession of wealth of china
BAD MIXTURE, as they say!

>> No.19260361

>Koreans think they are so attractive
>every Korean that Koreans think is a 10/10 has had massive amounts of plastic surgery
>also believe they’re the most intelligent race
Truly a fascinating people.

>> No.19260363 [DELETED] 

Should have said worst Baja, you implied that an ignoramus would think they are a much better version of japan!

>> No.19260368

Should have said worst baka, you implied that an ignoramus would think they are a much better version of japan!

>> No.19260393

I love how you people are so racist you pit other people against each other.

>> No.19260440

t. fun at parties

>> No.19260479

according to my mom who worked in a mostly korean office the ladies work real hard

>> No.19260513

korea isnt a real country. less than 2 generations ago it was a nation of mud huts and illiterate peasents.

>> No.19260521

When did ck become pol?

>> No.19260537

The type of people who live in the country define the cuisine of said country.

>> No.19260562

Koreans make everything gaudy and with no balance

>> No.19260565

Bantu hands wrote this post

>> No.19260569

Racism is fun. You should try it. I'm an agent of chaos...

>> No.19260573

4chin has aways done a heckin' racism calm down chud

>> No.19260604

Korean food is more flavorful, it's easier to eat every day. Japanese food is simplistic and "delicate," the flavor dramatically increases with respect to how much money you're willing to spend, but affordable daily eats are extremely bland and get tiring fast.

Booze is no contest though, Japan mogs hard

>> No.19260725

Are Korean beers a thing? I don't know if i've ever seen one imported. Meanwhile, even most normies know that sapporo or kirin exists from that time their dad ordered one at the chinese restaurant.

>> No.19260803

Korean beers are hugely a thing. We have two markets: macro and craft. Everyone in S. Korea knows macro beers are pure shit, but due to nepotism you can find them in every godamn restaurant. Old people love them because of the price, young people put up with them but every convenience store has a full cooler of imports and crafts, usually 4 tall boys for 11k (around 8 or 9 bucks). Due to how recent they are and how much chaebol are obstructing them, craft beers haven't penetrated the international market yet.

Japanese beers are much more recognizable because they're far older and weren't introduced to the broad market during their nation's biggest and most crippling economic depression. While I do like a can of Sapporo now and again, Japan also has craft beers that are far more impressive in their innovation in quality. Yet, their craft beer production is surprisingly low in contrast to South Korea's. Most likely because Japanese brewers are focusing on other beverages, especially sake and distilled spirits.

>> No.19260809

no man they added kimchi on the side so now its korean. see korean bbq

>> No.19260819

Korean-style grilled meat predates yakiniku. Japanese openly admit that their yakiniku was largely taken from colonization. That's why they literally call rib meat "karubi" and serve kimchi and namul at most yakiniku chains.

>> No.19260827

wikipedia says you're a liar and linked me to this

>> No.19260830

>The term later became associated with Korean-derived cuisine (Korean Barbecue) during the early Shōwa period.[2][3][4][5][6][7] Due to the Korean War, the terms associated with Korea in Japan were divided into North Korea (Kita Chōsen) and South Korea (Kankoku); the reference to a "yakiniku restaurant" arose as a politically correct term for restaurants of either origin.[8][9]

>Today, "yakiniku" commonly refers to a style of cooking bite-size meat (usually beef and offal) and vegetables on gridirons or griddles over a flame of wood charcoals carbonized by dry distillation (sumibi, 炭火) or a gas/electric grill. It is one of the most popular dishes in Japan. The origin of contemporary yakiniku is considered to be Korean barbecue, one of the most popular dishes in Korean cuisine.[10][11]

>The present style of yakiniku restaurants are derived from Korean restaurants in Osaka and Tokyo, which opened around 1945 by Koreans in Japan

>> No.19260831

>Due to how recent they are and how much chaebol are obstructing them, craft beers haven't penetrated the international market yet.
American West Coast Jew here, my hands are involuntarily rubbing at this statement. Is the lack of international market entirely due to recency and these chaebol families, or is there a perceived lack of international demand? Are there any craft breweries that you think would be ready to take the leap to international markets?

>> No.19260946

craft breweries arent really a thing in asia. in the big cities they sometimes have them but its still an "interntional" thing frequented by expats more often than not

t. lived in tokyo for years, may not extrapolate to other asian countries

>> No.19260955

Why does every Asian hate every single other asian?

>> No.19260963

I wondered that too until recently when Ukraine war started. Before that, I thought, aren’t all Eastern Europeans the same? They should all love each other. Nope. They hate each other’s guts even more than they hate anybody else.

>> No.19260975

like they've got shit on blacks hating other blacks. They kill each other based on what side of the river they live. They do it over what block you live on. They do it over what coast they are from. They do it over what colors they wear. Yellow people are fucking mild in comparison.

>> No.19260976

And frankly up until WWII Western Europe was the same. France and England fought a 100 years war.

>> No.19260980

They aren't human over there, anon. Just let them kill each other and give the land to our friends in Israel. Which you might think is a bad thing until you see how they treat their neighbors. Let that whole area be reborn.

>> No.19260982

Consider the state of the matter in Europe just a hundred years ago. My Anglo grandfather called the Irish ‘micks’, the French ‘frogs’, and Germans ‘Fritz’ and ‘Huns’. It’s much more normal from a historical perspective to hate everyone around you.

>> No.19261106

>Literally the britain of asia.
In that it has the best food of its contintent?

>> No.19261258

You are not buying anyone with this post

>> No.19261270

Dude gooks fucking hate other gooks so much it's unreal. The type of shit japs will say about chinks or vice versa is so intense it makes /pol/ look like a newspaper comic

>> No.19261996

I tried to order a fruit salad in Korea once and boy was that a big mistake.

>> No.19262120
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ordered this in some place in asakusa

>> No.19262179

Go on.

>> No.19262200

Certified negro

>> No.19262240

>what if we made a delicious sauce full of rich savory flavor...and then ruin it by making it sweet as fuck
fuck both of them, they're both guilty of this
hell even chinese do this too

>> No.19262464

Containment boards have never worked

>> No.19262473


>> No.19262493

>I love how you people are so racist
What a coincidence, me too! Nice to see a fellow racism lover in this board.

>> No.19262547
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>> No.19263153

What a pointless thread. Both countries have inferior cuisine that's unworthy of discussion.

>> No.19263313

Minority detected

>> No.19263316
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I really enjoyed the act of pouring green tea over rice and eating with fresh fish

>> No.19263325

I'm guessing it had meat in it. Literally everything in Korea has meat in it.

>> No.19263350

I mean, they're craft breweries. They're little more than backyard operations run by small groups of relatively young Korean men who barely speak English and have zero clue how to access the international market. Chaebol have no problem because they're massive MNCs. If you want to partner up with Korean beers to bring them to international market, learn some Korean and touch base, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to export and the government might even aid them.

Source: my ass
South Korea opens a new brewery every week and the majority are run by Koreans and serve mostly Koreans. Yes, there are a few run by expats (Gorilla, Galmaegi) especially the older ones, but the lion's share are more recent and completely domestically owned and designed. Don't conflate all of Asia with Thailand.

>> No.19263579

No it's just I looked like some sort of pretentious asshole ordering it because fresh fruit in Korea is expensive and I had no idea. I'm just used to fruit being cheap and plentiful.

>> No.19264369

Fresh fruit isn't expensive in South Korea. These days, it might actually be cheaper than in the US depending on the product. Some shit is more expensive because it has to be imported (oranges, any tropical fruit) but domestic fruits like tangerines, apples, strawberries, melons can be comparable to domestic fruits in the US or even cheaper. We just don't have a land-border free trade partner to import cheap subtropical fruits from like you do.

>> No.19264451

I’ll ‘av you know that Japanese curry was stolen from the British who were in turn heavily inspired by the Indians.
British food is pretty much the direct opposite of Jap food really, it’s usually about strong direct flavours and focused on being warming and hearty whereas Japanese food tends to be lighter and more delicate and has the gall to serve people uncooked meat, which Bongs would never do.

>> No.19264937

korean food is just an inferior version of japanese food but with cheese

>> No.19264955

I'll admit it has been a while since i've been there so if it has changed that's good to know.

>> No.19266402

Retarded retard alert.

>> No.19266409


>> No.19266425
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>We put nuclear levels of chili flake sauce and/or cheese in our dishes
>So much flavor!
Back to work Kim-kun

>> No.19266509

its for the chazuke/kettle miso

>> No.19266591

>Japanese food is flavorless. They don't use any seasoning.
The Japanese literally invented monosodium glutamate, which is both a seasoning and a flavor enhancer.
Anyone that says otherwise is a korean shill.

>> No.19266597

South Korean,
North Korean,
dirty knees,
look at these!

>> No.19266787

have you ever lived in asia?
all asians are racist as fuck. chinese diaspora in malaysia, singapore, etc hate china and talk endless shit about "mainlanders". moreover, malaysia is 1/3rd chinese, 1/3rd malay and 1/3rd indian, and they hate each others guts - there's been more race riots than you can count.
koreans have this weird complex where they see themselves as the crown jewel of asia yet slavishly worship whites and basketball americans. and japan hates literaly any race that isn't japanese, they're probably the most ethnocentric nation in existance.
maybe the only exception is filipinos, who seemingly have the worst inferiority complex ever

>> No.19267113

korea has no real food culture because for the overwhelming majority of its history it was a vassal state to another power which meant that their culture and economy was basically composed of

>1% of the population is rich as fuck doing whatever they want
>10% being nobility doing almost whatever the fuck they want as long as they bowed down to their masters
>89% of the population are peasent/slaves who owned nothing and ate raw or fermented garbage

This continued well into the 1940s. I'm not being 'le heckin pol racism' when I say its a fake country that use to be made out of mud huts. The country is entirely propped up by western investment, and their food culture reflects this. You want to know a real traditional korean delicacy? It's called fresh meat. It's basically meat mixed with a hot pepper sauce. And thats it. What do I mean? How is it cooked? I'm missing some key descriptors right? No. It's literal raw meat, mixed with a basic sauce. Wow, thats weird. except its not when you realize thats what literal mudhut peasents would absolutely love to get their hands on if they were so poor and destitute that the only way they could ever get their hands on some beef is if they secretly kill one of their farm oxen and sneak away a bit of beef before the nobles confiscated the corpse for their own meals. This is why korean food 'sucks'. They basically have no food culture of their own, because they have been a poor, backwater country for the majority of their history.

thank you for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.19268068

You're less wrong than an otherwise intelligent person who knows a limited amount about Korea would think from looking at your post. But you're still wrong.

The Korean peninsula has traditionally been socioeconomically stratified prior to modernization, which makes it not in any way unique in the history of mankind. Like rich, literate people anywhere else in the world, Joseon gentry devised and recorded recipes, such as those which can be found in the 17th century Eumsik-dimibang (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eumsik_dimibang).). Palace foods have remained in the South Korean culinary canon and can be found at Michelin-starred restaurants, which hilariously are just as inaccessible to the vast majority of Koreans as they were 300 years ago.

Due to the famine-inducing effects of exploitative colonization and two major wars, South Korea lost or suspended many of its culinary traditions and new culinary trends came into vogue due to American supply drops, especially flour, white sugar, canned and preserved foods like sausages and spam. That's why we have food like tteokbeokki, which is a crude version of the original palace dish that's something like really good quality Chinese stirfry, now degraded into factory-dried rice starch (or flour) logs simmered in the cheapest and sweetest chili-rice starch sauce available to the plebeian aunties selling it down the street. It's also why "soju" and "makkeolli" usually refer to dollar bottles of watered down neutral grain alcohol with added fructose and highly preserved rice wine with artificial sweeteners. Yet, fortunately, those mid-late 20th century factory products are losing market share as start-ups are popping up like fucking mosquitos to sell rice wines with no additives and quality rice spirits based on centuries-old culinary traditions. Similarly, high quality dishes with hanwoo and blackhair pork are coming into vogue with working-class 20 and 30-somethings.

>> No.19268092

Correct, they invented msg because their food is fucking tasteless.
I hate how japanese food it is pretentious and fake as fuck.

>> No.19268101
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>swarthoid detected
cope, you graceless orc

>> No.19268104
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the makings of a cozy Saturday

>> No.19268111

Koreans demand more meat, as a result growing taller and stronger.

>> No.19268116
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>1 boor of nothing
>800 yen prus tip sir