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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 1283x1974, 1682433389991076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19254862 No.19254862 [Reply] [Original]

I would not. I do not eat food prepared by other people unless its in a kitchen monitored by the local health inspection agency.

>> No.19254869

My neighbors are trailer trash so no.

>> No.19254870

That looks like shit anon, what the fuck? Why are the potatoes blue?
Only from a reputable tamale lady.

>> No.19254928

I have.
Depends on the neighbour.

>> No.19254945

i've never spoken to the majority of my neighbors, and i wouldn't eat anything from the few i have spoken to

>> No.19254962

No. I'm pretty sure my neighbors are conspiring to kill me, or at least make me kill myself.

>> No.19254966

You should let them win.

>> No.19254970

Buying food from a house kitchen is sketch as shit. I have a few dairy farmer neighbors who make cheese curds, but they can't legally sell their own, only give it (think it has something to do with exploitation rights, I'm not in the farming business).
I ate at neighbors often though.

>> No.19254979

I'm hoping they used purple potatoes, because if not I have no idea what the fuck they did

>> No.19254984

kill them first

>> No.19254989

Not my neighbor’s, but everyone at work said said that the fajitas one of our coworkers made were really good. Tried them out, the fajitas were drenched in oil and tasted like nothing. 4/10.

>> No.19254990

those mashed potatoes are ruff stough

>> No.19254991

Yeah but only if it's a big booty Latina

>> No.19255073

not if they were black or i'd end up with some shit like op

>> No.19255097

I look down more on the person who posted this than the person who cooked the food.

>> No.19255140 [DELETED] 

That is a "plate" cooked by a NIGGER. I cannot believe I am posting the first NIGGER in this thread.

>> No.19255155

My parents are a part of a community center and we hold fish frys every so often (on Good Friday, during the summer, etc.) to get donations. Plates with Fried Catfish or Whiting, Mac & Cheese, Collards, and some dessert like peach cobbler or Pineapple upside down cake for 20 bucks. They sell through 60 pounds of fish in 2 - 3 hours so they make a killing and it helps fund the rest of the events for the year. Its a very fun time to hangout and see the community.

>> No.19255158

Only if I'm friendly with them

>> No.19255159

I ate food this week that a student had made for me.
A student I failed this semester.
In retrospect, not my wisest move.

>> No.19255164

Did their cum taste good?

>> No.19255169

So we're talking like the pic, right? Not sitting down at the dining room table, mingling with the neighbors, seeing it all come together. That's fine. But like yo here's some food I made? idk about that.

I know this flip lady that likes to feed me for some reason so she'll bring me food and she's never done me wrong. Everyone else, I would be extremely suspect if I never got to actually see like if they washed their hands, what their kitchen/utensils/dishes look like, was their shit expired, etc.

>> No.19255171

Do you autists never go to potlucks?

>> No.19255172

The other stuff looks fine but what the fuck is wrong the mashed potatoes!!

>> No.19255179

If you have a nasty neighbor with poor hygiene, fuck no. But my old neighbor and I would eat each other's food multiple times a year

>> No.19255182
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Potlucks are for high trust societies populated by people with high levels of orderliness. We no longer live in a high trust society populated by people with high levels of orderliness

>> No.19255183



>> No.19255186

That too, but we had dinner first

>> No.19255198

what's the cause for? why are they raising money?
is he right, is this the so called famously "seasoned" black cooking?

>> No.19255221
File: 369 KB, 632x485, Screenshot (326).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related I made Chicken Cacciatore, with fresh pasta, fresh bread and I made the Cannoli filling and shell by hand as well, I charged people 10 bucks for it all. Get enough people to chip in and you can make something nice and it won't be too expensive.

You however got ripped the fuck off, all of that looks like it came from a box and that's me being generous, none of it looks appetizing.
maybe it's what they're used to in prison lmao

>> No.19255231

because if you post that the jannies give you a 3 day ban from every board like psychopaths

>> No.19255252

Depends on the place and neighbors. The small midwest town I grew up in, yes. The Mexican neighborhood I lived in while married, yes. Even used to buy tamales every Saturday morning. In some highly melaniated urban shithole? Never.

>> No.19255259

You can also get banned on this board for saying certain women aren’t women and are simply mentally ill deviants. And disparaging China will sometimes get you a ban. Jannies are comprised.

>> No.19255287

The redditfication of 4chan continues

>> No.19255304

I used to make plates until I realized it was a waste of time if I wasn’t selling out (Quality wise). Was making nice, wholesome foods. Chicken cacciatore, boeuf bourguignon, braised short ribs, bolognese, roasts, roast birds, bbq.

I was netting like 500-800 extra a month. Always massive variance because I didn’t cut corners. You kind of get into a community when your selling plates, moreso make association. Basically you don’t hustle into other peoples areas if they are already making food there.

The other hustlers that were making the big $ were the ones with the goy sloppiest food. They were raking in 1000-2000 a month. It was hardly even cooking, just making shit like jiffy corn bread, pulled pork, and potato salad. All made with the cheapest bulk ingredients from costco or sams. Stupid profit margins like $4 cost for a plate they are selling for $18. You wouldn’t find these guys selling anything that had ingredients that were expensive. Always chicken or pork. Nothing that relied on the big 5 butter, cheese, wine, stock, and eggs. Those RUIN profit margins.

I couldn’t really compete with those guys. How am I supposed to convince someone who’s never tried my food that two braised short ribs with mushrooms, creamy french style mashed potatoes, and fresh roasted vegetables. Will get them more enjoyment than a heavy plate of chicken casserole and all the fucking potato salad and corn bread they want.

>> No.19255325

>But like yo here's some food I made?
That's how all my neighbours do it. It's a bit weird. I was moving in and the big ol' black bulldyke across the street with size G tits but no ass at all invited me to her porch to have drinks with her and her friends. They barbecued some chicken, too, and her niece made a watermelon frozen drink of some kind. Good time.
I was watching TV one evening when another neighbour knocked on my door with some pasta she made.
Another time, another neighbour stopped round with some Indonesian barbecued chicken and other shit.
Yet another time, a fourth neighbour (who's kinda retarded) left a lentil and veggie wrap in front of my door without knocking.
And finally, the Pakistani family down the street were having a barbecue for some muzzie holiday or other and invited passersby to eat with them, so I had some curries and rice and kebabs with them.
I've brought them all various things, too. Homemade bread. Smoked chicken or turkey I've made. Various chocolates I get imported from back home. Shit like that.
The lentil wrap lady even spent Thanksgiving at my house. She keeps an eye on my son for short bits from time to time like if I need to rush to the store, his mother isn't home yet and I don't want the bother of getting a five year old ready to go somewhere.
Sadly, though, some of these people have moved out or died (pasta lady moved out and drinks lady died and I haven't seen Indonesian lady in a while so I think she may have moved). The new people who replaced them aren't as sociable. The African family are starting to warm up and be a little chatty but they're both doctors so there's not much time to really get to know them.

>> No.19255339
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They are buying cheap stuff, preparing it and selling it for more than cost to make. This is just how basketball Americans make tax free income.

>> No.19255345

>buying food from your neighbors
That's the least neighborly thing I can think of holy shit.

I have however taken cookies and drinks that my neighbors have given me, and I've done work for my neighbors for cheap if not for free. I keep saying I should make my neighbors a pie or something. I make a good French silk. Maybe a mini pie.

>> No.19255353

yea OP is getting grifted, now they're gonna come at him next week "you want another plate" and if he says no they'll get offended and try to guilt him into it.

>> No.19255355

For a people so proud of their "cuisine", they really can't cook. I'm not sure where the meme comes from.

>> No.19255358

Why would anyone pay $20 for one plate of food? You can eat at restaurants for less.

>> No.19255360

They got SOUL!

>> No.19255371

>Another one?? Bro I was just about to ask for a refund on that last one. Wtf were those potatoes, dog?!

>> No.19255389

OP seems spineless considering he folded in the first place

>> No.19255400

I’m sure they used to be able to cook but that’s all been destroyed by the welfare state. Now everything they cook is processed, from a package, and heavily covered in various kinds of flavored salt, but we have to pretend it’s perfectly fine and delicious food to avoid being branded with the scarlet R.

>> No.19255407

Could be aluminum oxide off a stand mixer whisk. I've seen it happen.

>> No.19255408

only faggots have images like these on their PC. Why not dump your folder of blonde kids or naked neoclassical statues

>> No.19255417

>Mama Keshontavious: I gon teach y'all howta feed about fiddy chirrens wif jus two packs of rem roman noodles from da dolla sto
>White people on YouTube: :0

>> No.19255422

this has happened to me before. i was disappointed that some of the blandest food i've ever had was the home cooking of people from cultures that get memed for overuse of fat and seasoning (mexican, chinese and indian in my case). i dont even think i got xxxtra icy'd, these mfs were eating bowls of unseasoned chicken and rice strictly for sustenance. life doesn't have to be like that, man

>> No.19255431

Bec’s tacos are fire dood

>> No.19255435

Starting in the middle of covid my old neighbor ran (and still runs, as far as I know) an underground restaurant out of her townhome.
She went to culinary school and had a real restaurant (a brunchy cafe type place) she got from her ex-husband but it got shut down during covid and she couldn't keep up with expenses without revenue. Plus she was (or is) in her early fifties and was over the rat race anyway.
It was actually a pretty good racket, you could call her in the morning or text and see what the menu was for lunch and/or dinner, then you could make a "reservation". It was usually two or three choices, nothing fancy but not slop either; it was usually a casserole of some sort (a real one, not made-up Midwestern shit) or something that can just go in the oven as well as one or two dishes off the grill or out of a skillet, then simple veggies or similar for sides and a dessert. She'd also ask if there were any foods you liked or wanted to try and would make it a few days later, I think she was getting bored and trying to branch out with regulars.
I went for lunch two or three times a week and for dinner about once a week, I liked it because I was working at home and it got me out of the house. Lunch was also slower for her. She started making /fit/ meals for me and when I was skipping dessert she'd give me extra meat.
It was $20 prix fixe, she wouldn't take tips, I don't know how she was making money because she wasn't skimping on ingredients and she wasn't doing "takeout". Then again she owned her house and was probably getting some alimony to boot.
The funny part was she lived in a thousand-square-foot townhome so there was only room for three people at the bartop, three at the dining room table (pushed against the wall), and four outside on the patio. Full house every day. And her kitchen was like 8x8 and she was doing it all off a regular stove with about three feet of counter space. It was interesting just to watch, she was very good at it.

>> No.19255438

>I have a few dairy farmer neighbors who make cheese curds, but they can't legally sell their own, only give it
If they sold it, they'd have to follow regulations to make sure it doesn't kill you.
one of my co-workers in my old job made the best fucking samosas I've ever had in my life. I still think about them.

>> No.19255440

For 5$ it would be ok.

>> No.19255464

In the end it's the restaurant business isnt it? People want to eat the biggest amount of good food for the lowest prices. They want to find "value" and they dont need it to be healthy. That's what the public demand and if you gotta make money you gotta meet those demands.

>> No.19255536

Guy, they run fucking dairies. They adhere to the same regulations as the cheese makers when they handle milk. Made with the same equipments. It's even pasteurized on site. It's not your rinky dink grandpa's farm with 2 cows and a bunch of chickens. They can't sell it cause they don't have the right to according to the coop contract.

>> No.19255552

coop quota* contract

If they didn't make the cheese, they would have to literally throw away surplus milk

>> No.19255582

> everyone praises Hispanic food
>its always tasteless, really oily and greasy, yet the meat is dry and very well done
>always served out of a trough with tongs
White city people are retarded

>> No.19255587

socialoid cringe

>> No.19255755

If it looked good
I baked my neighbors a loaf of cranberry bread because they snowblowed my sidewalk while I was away even though I didn't ask em to

>> No.19256038

What fucking Latino food are you eating, unless you live in a city that's got less than a 5% population of Latinos so all the food is made by white people you're probably just a tastelet who can't eat anything besides mcdonalds and kraft mac and cheese.

>> No.19256050

>sells plates
Absolutely no one who "sells plates" puts good food on them. The entire reason they do this shit is to get easy money. Anyway, I eat food that my neighbors make all the time.

>> No.19256078

why not kill yourself instead you soulless automaton.

>> No.19256082

the first thing power brokers do is compromise moderation staff. its so easy to bribe people who work for free.

>> No.19256175
File: 1.62 MB, 429x592, Terry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a buddy, craziest guy I've ever known, but thats a dif story. Met him when I was hitchhiking. His wife was Filipino and make a bunch of egg rolls and load up those closable Styrofoam trays with them and sell them on fb around their small town for $20 each. Amount wise, I'd say it was a little more than a 10 box from the frozen section, but these were amazing. I realize this lady was probably the exception not the rule though.

It was kinda one of those things where if he had to go to the city for something he'd swing by the aisan mart to pick up stuff to make them.

>> No.19256179

Most people...and I mean most people eat the worst bland tasting food. My WORST food got eaten by people telling me it was delicious. My BEST food had people raving and wanting for more. I honestly have low expectations for the food of others always.

People say things like "why do people go to mcdonalds still", then you taste their cooking. That's why.

>> No.19256183

Ethnic people often make delicious food. Black people and white people make garbage.

>> No.19256189

>he sells plates
why the fuck would you buy a plate that already has food on it

>> No.19256191

>The entire reason they do this shit is to get easy money
report their asses. Easy money isn't allowed for goyim.

No, but really, op should report their neighbor. There is no way that food is safe, and I doubt their local cottage food laws protect the neighbor. The neighbor is just risking people's lives and scamming them out of money. $20 for $4 worth of poison sloppa is some Jewish shit that needs to go..

>> No.19256193

i remember squaters moved in next door and brought us a dumpster pizza and a huge bag of garlic bread. we ate nothing but toaster ovened garlic bread for three days.

>> No.19256200

>$20 for rotten food
What size/shape is your neighbor's nose?

>> No.19256220

I guarantee he's some lazy welfare shitbag that needs drug money

>> No.19256235

you are the reason we have a low trust low orderliness society and will never be a woman

>> No.19256241


Yeah, unless they're black or the food looks similar to OP's pic

>> No.19256249

they go to a furry picnic twice a year

>> No.19256254

I'm getting single mom finding ways to turn food stamps into a business opportunity vibe. She doesn't want a real job and is too stubborn to realize her cooking sucks.

>> No.19256264

Uh, was that the post of Indian food?

>> No.19256267

I don't eat food prepared by my roommate which is also my brother

>> No.19256269

And the fact that the Mac and cheese comes pre-peppered is proof she's black. Bitch is self conscious about the whole "season they food" meme, and overcompensated. She wants to prove how black she is by throwing the entire spice cabinet into the Mac.

>> No.19256276

Those potatoes look like they were previously used to start a lightbulb.

>> No.19256293
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They still good. You just don't want to see a black woman become an antra-panoor.

>> No.19256299

I'm pretty sure the iodine content of those mashed potatoes exceeds my daily recommended intake.

>> No.19256310
File: 230 KB, 1155x1594, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuk mixes seafood and meat

>> No.19256316

Where'd you see that? Imagine being so ESL you di t know what meatloaf, Mac and cheese, a d mashed potatoes are.

>> No.19256321

>He thinks the pasta shaped like shells are real shells
Holy ESL moment

>> No.19256322

>Too poor and ESL to know what surf and turf is

>> No.19256323

I live in apartments and one say some muslim kid came by with a tray of food and asked if I wanted it. I said no
They were probably trying to poison me

>> No.19256324

In fairness to ESL anon, those mashed potatoes are satanic and could contain anything from cement to live squid.

>> No.19256336

>Be Muslim
>Have cultural value that says food = love
>Try to show love to your neighbors by cooking them a delicious meal
>Send your autistic kid out with plates and tell him to give it to the neighbors
>Nobody trusts food from a kid
>Kid comes back with a the food
>Assume everybody is racist
>Blow up apartment building
Praise Allah

>> No.19256340
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But the fact that they don't know shellfish and meat are an established combination is kinda sad. ESL anon is probably Muslim

>> No.19256350

I was pretty drunk when I opened the door
I'm glad I didn't say anything retarded or they probably would've blown me up

>> No.19256356

If they invite me to have dinner with them, sure. Mystery meal they're trying to sell? Hell no.

>> No.19256363

100% black hands made that insanely overpriced completely inedible garbage.

>> No.19256381

The person is referred to as "he" in the image. Thanks for sharing your deranged fantasies with the class though.

>> No.19256385

My father's neighbor would always make really weird experimental shit like chicken tenders coated in Golden Grahams cereal, so it was always worth a shot.

>> No.19256393

My neighbor makes cookies and brings them over, she is elderly and likes doing this
cookies are always great
I help her out with trash and mowing
she makes great cookies

>> No.19256398

That sounds great for chicken & waffles.

>> No.19256401

"he" sells them. doesnt mean there isnt a she actually making that garbage.

>> No.19256422

The first time our dictatorship in Canada imprisoned the population during the holocough, some guy came to our door giving out bags of milk and this is in the city at least a half hour from any farm.

>> No.19256431

Tried that one, you're pretty spot on with that.

>> No.19256455

based old lady supporter
got a metric ton of hand-knitted socks this way
most comfortable things my feet have ever touched

>> No.19256457

Yeah, the best chicken noodle soup I had was from a neighbor. I learned that peas are very good in it.

>> No.19256539


>> No.19256559

t. has a welfare queen mother

>> No.19256563

I was at a friend's house and his Jamaican neighbor had cooked a fish stew over a woodfire and brought him a bowl. My friend rudely turned it down, so I took it. Best stew I've ever had.

>> No.19256582


>> No.19256590

Is this the only board that constantly points out ESL people? Cool, now I'm going to start doing the same even though I myself am ESL

>> No.19256597

based and community-pilled.

>> No.19256620

You should have made both cheap shit and expensive shit. You kept your profit margins low, why not make something cheap with the same low profit margins? You could have undercut your competitiors, bringing more customers with same profit per meal as you normally did

>> No.19256632
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Neighbor makes fantastic mlinci (I don't think there's an english word for then) that I buy frequently. Raw though, not cooked like this.

>> No.19256635

Same, i watched my old roommate throw food in the garbage then change his mind, take it out of the garbage, then take it to a party for people to eat. And this was an educatex guy with a couple degrees.

>> No.19256638

anon... if you live next to people living in trailers... you are also trailer trash

>> No.19256641

You let him live after witnessing this? I would have forgotten we live in a society and ended the creature of evil right there. You don't regret killing things that merely mimic life.
>Education being some kind of guide to the decency of a person

>> No.19256647

No friends or family? Or are you afraid they will poison you? Fucking faggot >>19255182

>> No.19256649

My neighbour is a cafe so yeah.

>> No.19256652

Is that noodles or some part of the digestive or intestinal track chopped up?

>> No.19256818

I had a little old lady neighbor who would make me dinner all the time because I helped her with stuff (shoveling snow or moving furniture or something), but then she died and the new neighbors don't feed me.

>> No.19256820
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A sort of hard thin flat bread. You break them up and cook them. I fucking love em.

>> No.19256822

Kill your new neighbors and hope for a better gacha roll

>> No.19256826

nothing wrong with being trailer trash. best time of my entire life was when I lived in a trailer and paid barely anything for rent but had a decent job so I could afford anything I wanted.

>> No.19256837

>only faggots have images like these on their PC.
And yet I get the feeling the real pole rider is you

>> No.19256910
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One time when I was living in a sharehouse with friends an older woman across the street baked us individual savoury pies and said she hopes we were doing ok and staying healthy. Thank you based older lady

>> No.19256917

I hate sandniggers, niggers and the like, but there is no reason to be mean to well-behaved neightbour. Neightbours are small community and should help eachother, and protect eachother form outsiders.

>> No.19256919

That's when you buy a truck with truck nuts and a jet ski.

>> No.19256920

I hate food from old people, they often use expired food cooked into mush because can't chew or see the best by date. But I enjoy meals from some of my neightbours sometimes.

>> No.19256938

I'm the local land Chad, you dumb nigger. So what if my neighbors live in trailers. All the more they look up to me. Not eating food cooked in their house though, get fucked with your 30yr mortgage on your shitty 3/2 on your maximum .25 acre lot (and that's the best case scenario for you, i'm sure you actually rent or are broadcasting live from moms basement)

>> No.19256945

not everyone is an amerilard that is used to getting trash food, some people actually eat sea shells.

>> No.19256953

Who the fuck eats the actual shell? Or are you just 'avin a giggle m8

>> No.19256958

Do you use your land to feed yourself? How much land do you think is minimum to feed a family/supply most of the food for a family?

>> No.19257038
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>Real potatoes Eddie?

>> No.19257046

literally intistinguishable from a $40 american “BBQ” meal except its missing the Tang

>> No.19257051

Well, as much as I hate government regulation, there are reasons behind some rules. Most of my neighbors are trash and I absolutely would not trust anything coming out of their kitchens. If one of them scampered around the neighborhood trying to peddle hot plates of food I would immediately research and then contact the appropriate authority.
>nooooo omg u snitch!
Yeah you bet I'd snitch. I'm not kidding when I say most of my neighbors are trash. Two of them keep their front door open almost 24/7 and depending on which one you're walking by you smell either dog shit or cat piss.

>> No.19257053
File: 277 KB, 456x938, 795FF56C-800E-4FB4-A1D6-030FF90FD292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be $210.96 plus tip, pardner.

>> No.19257058

This is why i dont try this. Sure, I can cook, and sure, I can make plates/trays that are a great value for the customers, but I highly doubt other people will be as accustomed to the culture in my kitchen.

>> No.19257064

I've seen a bunch of layouts online for full functioning micro farm on a half acre

>> No.19257068
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Try $40.99 for all you can eat

>> No.19257069

>Neighbors are comfortable just leaving the front door open all day
I would give my left ventricle to live in a place that trusting and confident. The grass is always greener, I guess.

>> No.19257159

I wont eat food from people unless ive seen inside their house
Certain things, like being a cat owner are an automatic disqualification

>> No.19257178
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Struck a nerve.

>> No.19257199

Only the neighbors whose house I've been in before. My neighbor and my family we have a potluck for thanksgiving and christmas. I cook the main dishes of course. Everyone likes my cooking. Today my mom told me she was thankful for me learning how to cook.

>> No.19257203


>> No.19257219
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I live next door to a nun and she has a garden with fresh vegetables. All I have to do is go to church like a good Christian and she makes sure I have plenty of fresh veggies. Like a week ago she brought me fresh out of the ground onions and a big turkey tray of extra pre grilled hotdogs. Shit was so cash. Praise the Lord.

>> No.19257231

if they tried this is the actual south* they would be rode out of town on a rail

*actual meaning: outside of the giant cities

>> No.19257247

America isn't old enough to have "established" food conventions.

>> No.19257252

The Republic of the United States is older than your shithole

>> No.19257254

Congratulations, you're pregananant!

>> No.19257262


>> No.19257266

did you fuck her?

>> No.19257275

My neighbour is based. He gives me fish and stuff, I give him eggs from my chicks. We trade garden vegetables.

>> No.19257277

did you fuck her?

>> No.19257288

did you fuck her?

>> No.19257290

Did you lay some pipe for her as a thank you? Older women get lonely

>> No.19257383

kill yourself already dave

>> No.19257389
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>Wypipo doan warsh dey Taytoes wit DAWn an' sheeeit!
I had 2 different Buh-Lack neighbors selling "Plates" in my old neighborhood during covid.
One was Muslim, the other just a wellfare Mamma(4 Keeds by 4 BabbyDaddys) the muslim one mustafa some appeal, since there were bassmobiles clogging up the street for 3 hours, at least 7-9 cars, many just parking on the neighbors' lawns.
The single mammy was kicking out garbage for $15/"Plate" I think she only sold like 4 of five, but the customers were of the same caliber of,(or worse than,) the loud bassmobile wanna-be gangstas going to the muslim one.
I fixed something in her kitchen once...
To think people were eating out of that filth. Literally 1/32" of grease and dust on everything.
You could scrape it off on sheets with a putty knife.
On the other hand, when I lived one state over, in a high trust area, we had potlucks all the fucking time; Block parties, campouts, friend circles.

>> No.19257397

based neighbors
hope they finish the job

>> No.19257410

>I fixed something in her kitchen once..
I didn't mean food...
I mean something broken.

>> No.19257450

did you fuck her?

>> No.19257473

I buy samosas and pakoras from an Indian lady who sells them out of the trunk of her busted Corolla in the parking lot of a Walmart.

>> No.19257500


>> No.19257521

Buddy you know the health inspector isn't at restaurants every day monitoring them right
They check in every couple years
And also there's a threshold, restaurants can still do a certain amount of bad things (while the health inspector is watching) and pass
Hope that doesnt ruin restaurants for you :)

>> No.19257713

I think she was mad that I never tried, though.

>> No.19257722

This food looks positively diseased

>> No.19257734

>Stupid profit margins like $4 cost for a plate they are selling for $18
This sounds weird. Why pay $18 for a plate of food when you can buy a good dinner for that price and it would probably be healthier than some neighborjizzslop?

>> No.19257736

No one said most people were intelligent or able to do math.

>> No.19257741

Homemade Filipino, Indian or Mexican food is usually great, I guess in those cultures the women learn to cook young and get good at it.

>> No.19257754

Would anyone here jizz in food if yo knew a cute neighbor was going to eat it?

>> No.19257905

wtf are you talking about, mac and cheese should always have a ton of black pepper

>> No.19257938

>I hate food from old people, they often use expired food cooked into mush because can't chew or see the best by date.
This is wrong.

>> No.19257975

>posts an ad for a barbeque
lmao this shit is so fucking embarrassing

>> No.19258177

They’re grilling, not barbecuing

>> No.19258446
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>sells plates
Something about that expression seems.. melanotic in nature

>> No.19258467 [DELETED] 

>the nigger, incapable of nostalgia or putting himself in a position he is not currently in

>> No.19258489

The people we bought our house from were Mormons. I guess they stopped going to church, they keep sending enforcers to bring them back into the fold. The first knock was a couple teenage girls with a plate of homemade Oreo ball things. My wife ate ‘em.

>> No.19258811

is the neighbor a basketball american?

>> No.19258831

My work had a 'pie day' for some reason a few years ago where employees could bring in both sweet and savory pies. Someone woman brought in a key lime pie made by her mom, said she was a professional baker, easily the best key lime pie I've ever tasted.

>> No.19259123

This guy prepped his potatoes the day before, and didn't keep them in water until he cooked them. So they turned brown/black

>> No.19259197

This. The reaction is harmless but it happens fast. Insane if he is selling it like this, week after week, thought.

>> No.19259379

I used to work with a black dude that sold shitty food as a side hustle like this. It was only $5 a plate but it looked just as bad.

Thing is, he was an excellent cook when he wasn't trying to rip you off. His personal bbq was amazing.

>> No.19259385

The era of eating food prepared by your neighbors has long passed, anon. That requires a homogenous, high- trust society which we haven't had in decades.

>> No.19259551

>sells plates
ugh what a terrible neighbor. Would not eat that slop
Where I am a Thai lady used to do this, and her food was so good she actually opened a restaurant and it's now literally the best restaurant in town by miles. Granted, the competition was pretty low as this is a non major city in a flyover shithole, but It's up there with some of the best food I've ever had. Been there with other Thai people from Thailand who also love it.
>The first knock was a couple teenage girls with a plate of homemade Oreo ball things
that doesn't sound so bad

>> No.19259571

From my experience people who brag about being able to cook usually aren't that good. Even more so when they're just dying to get other people to eat from them.
As for the question. No. I tend to keep to myself where ever I live and wouldn't trust eating from people I don't know. I know people like to counter that with eating from a restaurant the difference is restaurants can be held liable if I get sick from their food. My neighbors don't have fucking money to compensate me for food poisoning because they let their cat drag it's ass across a plate or something.

>> No.19259592

I mean the poster you're responding to is right, but the reason you're not dying isn't that the person CAN'T MAKE IT... Its simply they are not paying for the insane overhead to sell it.

>food testing and/or composition make up for nutritional guidelines
>packaging and labeling

It's also the reason you aren't gonna be successful in suing your neighbor for poisoning you when you get sick with an off batch.

>> No.19259691

you might be developing schizophrenia, go see a doctor

>> No.19259741

>xxxtra icy'd
Wtf does this mean

>> No.19259869

fuck off newfag

>> No.19259916

Yeah, I eat food prepared by people i work with all the time and they also eat things I cook. Made about a 150 fish tacos for everyone once

>> No.19259919

>being sociable is bad

>> No.19259927

idk, anon.
The old black ladies that used to live in my area before I and other white gentrified it, upping their taxes and forcing them out, used to sell some delicious fucking dinners (except the macaroni and cheese; holy shit, blacks make the absolute fucking worst mac and cheese) and the Cambodians, Mexicans and Indonesians here still do.

>> No.19259942

My "grandma" was a nun (mum's mum died when she was young and grandad couldn't care for six young kids so he sent them to a Catholic boarding school; my mother and her sibs kept in contact with one of the nuns who they thought of as a mother figure and my cousins, siblings and I think of like a grandma).
She used to cook some delicious shit, mostly simple peasant food, like macaroni cheese, lentils with smoked sausages, potato pancakes and pretty much every baked sweet you can imagine, but especially carrot cake.
I loved her and miss my Grosi. : (

>> No.19260102

What's a potluck? I've never heard of anything like that in my country.

>> No.19260173

When will you faggots realize the vast majority of the world doesn’t give a shit about their health? They just want tasty. That’s it.
Quit acting like you’re normal. You are not normal.

>> No.19260181

Me too. I was recently able to get their attack dog seized by animal control. I think they want revenge.

>> No.19260185

Everyone brings 1 dish to share.

>> No.19260193

Yeah, you and all the seething /pol/cels should go back there.
/ck/ is the food and cooking, not the being a cunt board.

>> No.19260196

Everyone from... where? Neighbours? Colleagues? Extended family?

>> No.19260234

>goes to Taco Bell
>man, mexicant food sucks!
Taco Bell is American. Go eat real hispanic food from real hispanics.

>> No.19260255

Whoever you want. Me and friends do potluck for /tg/ activities, I also sometimes do potlucks with my neighbors.
I have.
>t. has never been invited to his ethnic neighbor's barbeques
/pol/ and 24 hours news has rotted your brain. I'm sorry you're sucha weirdo no one likes you anon.

>> No.19260267

>they let their cat drag it's ass across a plate or something.
I hate cat people so much it's unreal. They wouldn't even see a problem with this because they're brain worms would tell em it's fine to help spread their population. Worse still you might never notice you just slowly become a literal npc that can't stop causing car crashes with your reaction time of a sloth.

>> No.19260327
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I have been here since 2006 you pol obcessed tranny tourist.

>> No.19260333

I have been invited to cook-outs and I have eaten food there, so I have.

>> No.19260334

>He's spent 17 years on this fucking website
Fucking hell that's the saddest thing I've read in a while

>> No.19260337

This. It's like they just want to eliminate the culture.
>Hurr it's a cooking board
And it's not a carbon copy of every other cooking board I could go to on the internet because of its culture. A culture they're trying to get rid of.

>> No.19260338

>>He's spent 17 years on this fucking website
>Fucking hell that's the saddest thing I've read in a while

>he says while posting on the same website

you're here forever newfag

>> No.19260339

17 years. You sad fuck.

>> No.19260348

You'll still be here 17 years later. There's nowhere else to go. You'll see just like the rest of us oldfags.

>> No.19260354

Whatever you need to tell yourself grandad.

>> No.19260358

Why does the mashed potato look like eggs and wtf is the grey shit? Also I would not eat food made by my neighbours but I would eat food made by my grandmas neighbours.

>> No.19260365

the grey shit is the mashed potatoes and the the thing you think is mashed potatoes is the mac & cheese.

>> No.19260370

What the fuck? Why are the potatoes grey? Did they not peel them? Also who calls mac and cheese shells?

>> No.19260373

Someone explained earlier in the thread that the potatoes turn gray if they prep them a day before and dont leave them in water. It still tastes the same but it looks bad.

>> No.19260412
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neighbors don't cook because neighbors don't buy groceries

>> No.19260429


>> No.19260444

>She used to cook some delicious shit, mostly simple peasant food, like macaroni cheese, lentils with smoked sausages, potato pancakes and pretty much every baked sweet you can imagine, but especially carrot cake.

that sounds so damn good Lol. Grandma has superior taste

>> No.19260449

>pre grilled hotdogs.

What does that mean. Pre-grilled?

>> No.19260605

I had an anon on another board defend a webm of a cat on a counter while the person cooked with "W-well you probably do things are considered gross." Completely missing the point that your pet shouldn't be near food your prepping or cooking.
Maybe it's a cat person issue.
Had a co-worker who came to work daily with animal fur on her clothing try to bring food to a work party. No one wanted to touch it. And she was offended to the max about it. If her hair and clothing had fur all over it what's in that food she had open in her house?
It's like sorry bitch no one wants to eat cat fur.
>From my experience people who brag about being able to cook usually aren't that good.
>aw yeah son I can burn in that kitchen. I can really tear i up in that kitchen son. Come get a plate. Let me bring you a plate. Naw son you gonna love it. Imma bring you a plate.
The driest chicken I've ever seen in my life. blobs of congealed Velveta surrounded by dry macaroni. I've seen prison food more appetizing.

>> No.19260834

When you're the only one in your apartment building that shops regularly

>> No.19260840

I'm guessing buddy means they were already cooked.
Funny way to say it but okay.

>> No.19260922

>if you don’t think mentally ill sexual deviants pretending to be woman are women, you’re a cunt
>if you don’t suck Chang’s little yellow dong, you’re a cunt
Yellow tranny detected

>> No.19260947

my neighbors:
>late 30s wannabe hipsters
>welfare negros
>bi-man in his 50s

i wouldnt et anything they made.

>> No.19260953

I think you need to move, my dude.

>> No.19261042

You call me a newfag because I don't come to your shit cooking board?

>> No.19261223

>Fellow tranny detected
Fixed that for you, queen.

>> No.19261355

my neighbours are mostly east asian, so yes

>> No.19261364

this is literaly on of the most pleasent boards on the site. go back to /brainworms/

>> No.19261387

So much in that post suggests it's a made up story.
You people have zero critical thinking skills.

>> No.19261404

You dont remember the /k/ potluck do you?

>> No.19261409

Cat people food is really the only food i wont touch solely on principal, even if they seem clean
These fuckers have no concept of cleanliness and hygiene i just cant do it

>> No.19261492

>on of the most pleasent boards
>fuck off newfag
Go back to English school, ESLfag.

>> No.19261496

holy based

>> No.19261537

We will never be a woman

>> No.19261651
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i haven't heard the 3 neighbors on my side of the apartment building ever have grocerys, like i never hear them place bags down to unlock their doors or even see any when i use my peekhole

now for me i have an excuse, i put my grocerys in my backpack but i usually have one bag also with grocerys in my hand so you will only ever hear me opening my door
i dont need to put down the bag and my bag isnt plastic or look like normal grocery bags

>> No.19261659

No. But this is probably based on my history of cumming in other people's food.

>> No.19261737

Why do all of those guys have the same hairdo?

>> No.19261760

It was the style of the time

>> No.19261766

My neighbors, sure

>> No.19261774

Of course I will and do. All my neighbors are white and middle class. There are gatherings of multiple families every weekend. Food and drink is always involved. I wouldn't do this if I lived around brown people of any background.

>> No.19261823

>high trust societies
>high levels of orderliness
like beating you wife/kids
raping your kids/grandkids
raping drunk women
but getting away with it because niggers bad amirite?

that kind of society huh?

>> No.19261943

Why are you talking about your childhood?

>> No.19262443

>High Trust societies where the neighbor was fucking your wife while you were at work.
>Little Donna getting molested by her dad
>Mommy getting drunk from the red wine again
Sounds based...

>> No.19262737

Yea I do it all the time. My neighbors are Cuban and I give them eggs and goat cheese from my farm, in return every now and then they come by with a platter of food and one of their relatives comes by and mows my front lawn when he does theirs. They are very nice people and the food is pretty good too.

>> No.19262810

35mm projection

>> No.19262822

My neighbors make us cookies on Christmas and yes they are very good.

>> No.19262847

lmao this post really brought out the societal dregs from the gutterhole.

>> No.19262856

Go back to twitter with your shit tyrannical opinions then. This isn't a "my worldview okay to post, yours bad" board either.

>> No.19262866

Wow you really got manipulated by television hard huh

>> No.19263482

he has ryan gosling gifs in there too

>> No.19263485

/tv/ is one of the lowest trust boards. Try again, child

>> No.19263508

Yep, our neighbors have given us fresh corn, tomatoes, avocados, limes and even an eggplant all which were grown in their farm in the outskirts of the city. They've also given us cake, cookies and spicy sausage that they made. In return ive made them cookies, tiramisu and my mom made stew for them a couple of times.
If your neighbors cook shit food show em how it's done so either they stop giving you their shit cooking out of shame or put in their a game.

>> No.19263519

>late 30s wannabe hipsters

Idk they might make some good food. Those are the types to open small businesses and offer small batch hipster artisan shit like organic free-trade chocolate bars and what-not

With real cocoa ethically sourced from Ghana

>> No.19263521


Aren't most people he's or she's

>> No.19263587

Imagine being such an insane loser that going to a bbq is utopian historical fantasy

>> No.19263621

I appreciate your efforts but lollipopping the chicken made it look less appetizing and the cannoli look burnt. It should have been free.

>> No.19263622
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>> No.19263628

The Best Brioche Blue-and-Bacon Beastinator wasn’t quite the same but, shit: he was a Beef well in the four-digit club these days too, so he was a man who needed to eat. Fine dining was just a treat.

Blue cheese was worth killin’ for. And thanks to privacy field generators, they could sit on a park bench and rock the fuckin’ foundations of the world while dippin’ their fries. He knew boss weren’t tellin’ him everything. Adam had all the subtlety of a relativistic brick, and Hoeff was deep-trained in reading people, all their microsign, all their little foibles.

>> No.19263629

Ask Tino down the block aboutta nice gabagool eh? he''l know whattit mean.

>> No.19264957

Well you're right about one thing. Niggers are in fact, bad.

>> No.19264980

Can confirm. Some girl I went to school with opened some "holistic eatery," whatever the fuck that means, and people say it's the kitty's titties. I've not been there myself, but all the people who had (or could have had) a handlebar moustache 15 years ago seem to like it.