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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 576 KB, 1642x1447, 20230509_140615_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19253871 No.19253871 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/ I'm gonna try to do a slow cooked brisket cook along, even if it's just gonna be in a crock pot for a few hours

>> No.19253884

>powdered ketchup
>cats on table
I will be monitoring thread. good luck homie

>> No.19253888

Ketchup isn't mine, I hate ketchup. And my cats are just running around but they're not on the table when we eat dinner

>> No.19253913
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Seasoned the brisket

>> No.19253915

> powdered ketchup
The fuck. Why?

>> No.19253927

For the brisket of course.

>> No.19253935
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Brisket in the pot! Will update you guys about it in a few hours but in between I'll post other pertinent stuff

>> No.19253936
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Ew catfaggot food
Into the trash it goes

>> No.19253943
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This is maple

>> No.19253951
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And this is pumpkin
Named them after the places I want the day i found them (maple farm and a pumpkin patch)

>> No.19253960
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Will also review this bottle of Nelson's Green Briar Tennessee Whiskey in a bit.

>> No.19253968

No, those are cats and not plants. Silly anon.

>> No.19253981

amazing creatures
I love them so much

>> No.19253982
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Silly anon, maple is not a plant

>> No.19253989
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Nice keeks

>> No.19254002

Don't leave your whiskey out in direct sun like that. It can ruin the flavor in a surprisingly short amount of time.

>> No.19254006

Very cute cat, what's it's name?
I just went out to take a pic dw, it's safe and back inside getting slowly sipped

>> No.19254015
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Not fooling anyone here, smarty pants.

>> No.19254017
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Pretty good, especially at it's price. Has a slight "funky" after taste which I don't mind, sticks to the pallet and sweet. Not overly spicy at all.

>> No.19254029
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Pichael. Like Michael but with a P.
I actually call her Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Pichael, and SquooBear most of the time.

>> No.19254032
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Review this mount A-Li oolong tea soon cuz why not
(Hope my picture doesn't come out rotated)

>> No.19254043

Pumpkin Picheal is very cute nice
Damn I got sentient plants now, just gotta wait for the zombies now

>> No.19254044

Let the birds free. They don’t deserve to be cooped up in tiny cages. It’s cruel. They are meant for flying.

>> No.19254055

I know, but they're not my birds so there's not much I can do sadly :/

>> No.19254063
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Slight green color, and last time I made some it didn't get greener, gonna let it sit for a min to cool and post an update

>> No.19254074

It's too late now anyway. They'd get eaten alive within the hour if you let them outside. Kots will get them inside and they'll shit everywhere

>> No.19254085
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Tastes very nice. Has a slight nougat sweetness in the back and it's a very muted flavor but still great
(I swear I'm taking these pictures upright)

>> No.19254093

Holy shit what a disgusting home

>> No.19254098

Imagine being this much of a yanky

>> No.19254100

I'm Canadian...

>> No.19254145

Looks good OP, I'm watching this thread.

>> No.19254285

I'll update you guys about them in 2 hours! In the meantime I'm on my 4th steep of the oolong tea and it now it's barely green and is starting to taste more bitter and closer to green tea and that sweet after taste is disappearing (but it's still good)

>> No.19254338
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Small update as I open it to stir and flip it

>> No.19254561


>> No.19254567

it's just sourced Dickel, right?

>> No.19254653

Not very sure, sorry anon
(And bumping at the same time, should be pulling it out soon)

>> No.19254670

>funky after taste
it's the sour mash

>> No.19254736
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Alright boys it's the moment of truth

>> No.19254753
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Smells really good

>> No.19254766
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>> No.19254777

Added some raw onion slices to add some crunchyness and added some of the marinade on top, and served with a side of sunshine potatoes. 10/10 would do it again.

Follow me tomorrow where I'm gonna make a tian with salmon!

>> No.19254885
File: 218 KB, 1273x1024, 1675028808871347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate op and his gross home and nasty parasite cats on the table/in the kitchen. fucking absolutely abhorrent. all that said. nice job with the green brier tennessee whisky.

>> No.19254896

Checked and to completion pilled

>> No.19254898

That cat and the dude aren't trying to have to check out their women, Mr Handsome.

>> No.19254935

I will now go enjoy some more tea with frozen green grapes for dessert. Thank you very much for following anons!
At least my stovetop is actually clean unlike most posters

>> No.19254952

No one with cats and birds in tiny cages in their kitchen has a clean stove

>> No.19255082

Post a stove pic then Mr. No cats or birds

>> No.19255205

>crock pot brisket
Yankee faggot

>> No.19255220
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>> No.19255236

poor fag here
i like cheese steak sandwiches.
i like food over powered by sauce
what are some cheap cuts of beef i could start trying to cook?
I already make pretty good ground beef chopped cheese sandwiches

>> No.19255240

He’s right though. Having bird cages hanging over your kitchen and letting cats roam freely on every surface is gross.

>> No.19255247


>> No.19255250

lmao, haters gonna hate

>> No.19255323
File: 869 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230509_222751_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt even look that clean
Looks like it was wiped once with a stagnant filthy towel

>> No.19255331

who fuckin' cares, bro?

>> No.19255335

Who cares about basic kitchen hygiene on a food and cooking board?

>> No.19255344

I certainly don't. The heat of the cooking kills the germs.

>> No.19255361

I know
Everyone knows
Catfaggots are vile people

>> No.19255370
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That's a heckin large cat. Even the littler one is big.

>> No.19255423

Hey, OP, you’re being a whiny little bitch boy. Tell your mom that bird cages don’t belong in the kitchen. Especially not hanging from the ceiling when they can fling bird shitpiss all about

>> No.19255429

Scary bread.

>> No.19255496
File: 27 KB, 600x381, snookerbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not even OP

>> No.19255526

Of course you are lol. Shitty imitation of a northern US imitation of a southern US dish. Quintessentially Canadian.

>> No.19255682

Flank steak?

>> No.19255683

>Holy shit what a disgusting home
that's a cat

>> No.19255696

>No browning
>Slow cooker
Bro this is like making a cook along for a frozen pizza. Waste of a thread. You aren't doing anything.
I have nothing against anything you're doing, btw, the meal will be great, I just don't see anything worthy of sharing on 4chang.

>> No.19255698

OP here. Do you guys even see the kitchen and the birds in the same shot? They're far from each other and they are never going to interact with each other so no shitpiss is getting in my food. And do you guys not clean your tables and surfaces? My cats are clean and I clean their paws every week and the surface I'm going to eat on and cook on. Although I do invite you to seeth more about my kitties tomorrow as I cook a tian accompanied with salmon! Good night /seeth-k/

>> No.19255701

>what are some cheap cuts of beef i could start trying to cook?
Pork shoulder

>> No.19255713

Yeah sadly it was a bit rushed so it didn't turn out as good as I would of, and I was cooking for 6 so I couldn't do it in my cast iron. I just wanted to do a cook along for fun. I hope my thread at least killed a fast food thread or any shitty bait thread.

>> No.19256160

Make your own cook-a-long thread lad

>> No.19256169

whats a decent price on flank steak?

>> No.19256196

God what a boring meal.

>> No.19256202

>My cats are clean
lol cat owners are brain damaged I swear

>> No.19256238

Je voudrais manger ça.
Bon travaille, anon.

>> No.19256741

But not their shit.

>> No.19256756

>I clean once a week so its fine to let an animal that digs through a box of piss and shit daily walk all over everything
Also you can see the cat hair >>19254753
Absolutely gross, would not dine at your house/10