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File: 733 KB, 1411x947, 6_years_of_keto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19248350 No.19248350 [Reply] [Original]

Is keto worth doing? Everyone that does keto seems to be fat. I want the actual facts on losing weight. Redpill me.

>> No.19248358

Why are you surprised there would be fat people doing keto? They are the ones that need it the most to lose weight.

>> No.19248361

just eat less and move a bit you fat lard

>> No.19248363

It works. Stay under 20g carbs per day. First week or so is gonna suck. After a couple of weeks you'll feel really good. Gotta buy ketone strips to pee on to make sure you're in ketosis. Drink lots of water. Hope you like meat and cheeses.

>> No.19248365 [DELETED] 
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I tried this but now I look like this. 5 years keto btw. Gained a lot of weight.

>> No.19248373

Why do you have no body hair? Did you not go thru puberty?

>> No.19248380


>> No.19248387

You're supposed to eat less

>> No.19248448

health wise keto is the absolute worst since you will most likely eat a fuck ton of bacons and animal fats which are very bad for you health wise
aesthetic wise, it MIGHT work, for a while, if you are skinny fat or not that fat in the first place. i also did keto once and it did make me look pretty good. i was only skinny fat though and i eventually stopped since it made me feel like shit.
if you are a hamplanet then it will NOT work. since keto only work short term and being a hamplanet you will need to stick to a diet for a LONG ass time for it to work and for you to be skinny again. keto only work short term because like i said, health wise, it is fucking terrible for you, and it will make you feel like shit.
so how should hamplanets eat? in a way that they can stick to for years, ideally their whole life. losing weight for people this fat will be a lifelong project not a couple of months.

>> No.19248469

>everyone that does keto seems to be fat
So is everyone on /fit/.

>> No.19248485

My dad was obese and is currently doing keto. He has lost a good amount of weight but he has saggy skin, doesn't work out at all, and looks sickly thin. He also says he has some advanced form of kidney failure but just brushes it off. That alone ensures I never want to do keto. I'll lose weight the slow and steady method where I'm not depriving myself of something essential.

>> No.19248507

Maybe if you've got blood sugar issues

>> No.19248511

>eat more then you burn off
fucking go to the gym and eat less retard

>> No.19248534

>Everyone that does keto seems to be fat
because while ketosis is actually a thing, most normalfag retard fatties just intepret the diet as being able to slap extra bacon & cheese onto everything

>> No.19248553

Clearly it's worth about the same as last week when you last posted your robo bread

>> No.19248563

Why do I keep reading this "tons of fat" stuff all tthe time? I thought keto was just eating no carbs. I don't stuff my food full of butter or fat, I just eat meat and cheese.

>> No.19248566

>I want the actual facts on losing weight. Redpill me
>Have a balanced diet
>Eat less calories than you consume
>Do exercise
So yeah eat less move more, none of these meme diets work
>But muh hormones make me fat!
No you fat fuck your body isn't a miracle machine that breaks the law of conservation of energy

>> No.19248571
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>> No.19248616
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keto is a high fat diet.
>I just eat meat and cheese.
is that all youre going to eat?

>> No.19248631

No fad diet is worth doing and forcing ketosis is hazardous to your health
Just fucking watch your calories.

>> No.19248636

Keto isn't supposed to be short for ketoacidosis

>> No.19248649

>is that all youre going to eat?
yeah, i want to lose weight fast

>> No.19248654

>but hey I'm losing weight so that's all that matters!
It's not like he's ignorant. Dude handles facility maintenance of some big ass factories. How he does that but doesn't know shit about balanced nutrients bewilders me.

>> No.19248692

if you already read my post here >>19248448 and you still feel that you want to do it then who am i to stop you.

>> No.19248705

>Is keto worth doing?
keto is a retard diet trend that just won't die for some reason.

Learn moderation and eat a balanced diet. Anything less will result in failure or worse.

>> No.19248711
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One meal a day works because you have something solid to peg your discipline to.
>Oh I'll just eat less
>Oh I'll just eat healthier
these are rules that are too easy to bend or break.
>I'll eat this ice cream today but I'll eat less the next meal :)
only works so often before you just say fuck it. One meal a day is easier to stick to because it's such a hard rule and if you're overweight it's unlikely that you'll eat more calories than you burn unless you're just guzzling milkshakes.
you should still exercise and try to eat healthier but sticking to a solid meal schedule (1/day, perhaps fast for 2 days every now and then) is a good starting point. I love unhealthy food and have shitty discipline but even I was able to lose a bunch of weight by doing omad.

>> No.19248717

i'm skinny, i'm just becoming skinnier

>> No.19248718

>forcing ketosis is hazardous to your health

>> No.19248742

go ahead. good luck.

>> No.19248845

what is ketoacidosis?

>> No.19248850

Its worth about as much as last time you posted it which was like yesterday you shill.

>> No.19248881

>one 60 year old guy with diabeetus who didn't eat for 5 fucking days = keto always bad
You're fucking stupid

>> No.19248886

>hey this side effect exists and could happen
>uh, this isn't relevant at all!
kys lardo

>> No.19248892

Learn how nuanced phrasing works next time retard

>> No.19248947

My understanding is that theres some evidence that the keto diet may be more effective for weight loss than a low-fat diet if you are an insulin-resistant fatty. (That is to say, fattys will be more likely to adhere to their calorie targets on a very low carb diet.) But the short term side effects of ketosis seem shitty, and you absolutely need glycogen from carbs to have good athletic performance, and it seems like it would be very hard to get all your micronutrients without eating vegetables or fruits which of course contain carbs, and it seems like everyone on keto is retarted, so imo keto is retarted. The fattys should listen to their allies from the heslthy at any size movement on this one, cause this is like the best case study those guys have lol, where i agree, id rather be fat eating sweet potatoes every day than be thin on steak and butter only.

>> No.19249071

Zoomer Atkins

>> No.19249081

ketoacidosis is caused by high blood ketone levels combined with high blood glucose levels, which is physically impossible on a low carb diet. Retard.

>> No.19249084

I used to be fat then I counted calories and accepted a little bit of hunger as my body telling me I'm losing weight, never to the point of starvation because that's counter-intuitive and you just overeat after. Stop eating out, eat tons of vegetables and healthy meats, count every calorie that goes in your mouth and have a cheat MEAL once a week.

It's hard, but it's better than a fucking meme diet. Just eat tons of vegetables.

>> No.19249096

Actual Keto? No.

Reducing your carbohydrates and increasing your protein intake? Yes.

>> No.19249102

>lose weight fast
>increased energy
>helps regulate blood sugar/insulin

>unsustainable long term
>keto flu/breaking in period sucks
>once u stop u gain all the weight back

Medeterrean diet/low carb is more sustainable long term. Keto and IF Is a fantastic way to burn off your a good bulk of fat but I’d highly reccomend just transitioning to something else after u lose about 20-50lbs. Keto is just unsustainable, your body will crave carbs like a drug addict and will lead you to regain all the weight you lost.

>> No.19249105

this, taking it to extreme levels is pointless and not reasonably attainable unless you happen to have a personal doctor

>> No.19249111

Just eat what you want but less of it
It's not hard lol

>> No.19249127

just count your calories on cronometer and follow a lifting program; anything w/ squat, ohp, bench, deadlift, chin-ups will do
it's the only thing that has ever made me look good, whether it was losing weight or gaining weight with a +/- 300-500 surplus/deficit
being on a calorie restricted diet made me care a lot more about what I ate and got me trying more recipes once a week
the same can be said for gaining weight, since some foods are easier to eat more of than others

>> No.19249136

insulin acting on adipocytes prevents lipolysis
cut out the insulin or make your adipocytes resist it (or rather stop making them sensitive with PUFAs)

keto + saturatedfatmaxxing is the obvious extreme

>> No.19249149

This is why Type2 diabetics are all so slim.

>> No.19249161

t2d is caused by being overfat to the point where insulin is unable to inhibit lipolysis, requiring more and more effort from the pancreas to push the glucose away (because the cells already have all the energy they want from the fat from your adipocytes) until it can't cope

>> No.19249163

animal fats are not inherently bad for you.

>> No.19249166
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>> No.19249352

I started 3 weeks ago. I lost over 10 pounds im 6' 250lb with alot of muscle mass. Make sure you take vitamins and electrolytes so you don't get scurvy. First few days suck but as you get into it your appetite will drop off and less food will fill you up. You can absolutely still get fat on keto, you have to maintain a calorie deficiency but it's not hard when you don't crave sugar or bread anymore.

>> No.19249364

It's starvation mode. You're burning muscle and overworking your kidneys and liver to filter that shit out

>> No.19250134

just dont mix carbs and fats too much in the same meal. cutting carbs obviously works though and has been popular since before arnold's era in bodybuilding for getting lean. keto always just looked like the new atkins diet, which also works
problem is people don't realize how many carbs they actually consume, and think they are consuming fewer than they are

>> No.19250399

>That guy is only three years older than me
Jesus Christ

>> No.19250407
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Here you go.

>> No.19250424

i think you left your Photoshop warp filter on

>> No.19250429

This desu. It's like those lardos who hear that there might be a single positive nutrient in dark chocolate so start shoving as much as possible down their gullet, or alcoholics who use claims about red wine to just drink more.

>> No.19250431

This is you after gaining weight? You look like you were 300lbs and deflated.

>> No.19250450

The trouble with counting calories is thinking you know the equation. Basal metabolic rate isn't some predictable constant. Hell it's possible to outright piss out fat. CICO is mostly popular among midwits who think that doing some basic number crunching makes them smart.


I can't stop wondering about the implications of this study.

>Two groups of mice given the exact same food, except one group gets solid pellets and the other gets fine powder
>Both groups given access to unlimited food
>The powder group ended up eating and eating

I get the impression that our bodies can't handle processed food properly, and that processed food simply doesn't trigger the same leptin response as unprocessed. This means that while you COULD just scream CICO at the powder mice and call them fatties, they'd naturally lose weight without the need to count anything if they were just fed food their bodies recognised.

I think CICO is just bad advice. The simple solution to obesity is to just stop eating processed junk and go back to natural food, whether it's meat, vegan, whatever.

>> No.19250453
File: 189 KB, 343x513, Screenshot 2023-05-08 144849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think all fat people look like this?

>> No.19250482

Reminder that keto isn't intended for weight loss. It was developed to reduce risk of seizures in children with epilepsy.

>> No.19250508

I lost weight, and became more content and started to gain focus again in my thought process. I have severe depression and add. I know it sounds goofy to say diet changes that, but todays food is just unhealthy. Carbs fuck you up, not immedeatly, but over 2-3 generations.

>> No.19250520

Well, it is suitable, sometimes for people with other disabilities too, like SYNGAP. Fad diets are stupid. If you simply eat less than 1,100-1,400 calories a day.

>> No.19250527


>> No.19250538

You dont have to strictly do keto, you just need to solely consume meat. It's fairly difficult to overeat on just meat in the sense of becoming obese. The reason every keto guy seems like a fat fuck is because its the only diet that appeals these fatsos because they can continue eating bacon. It is also a diet that is specifically used for people with obesity to lose a lot of weight in a short while, often to prep for surgery so that might also be why it has such a big reach with these lardos. It is also a popular diet with people that hate exercising since you dont really have to with keto.

>> No.19250542
File: 24 KB, 176x185, if only you knew how bad things really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A" semi brief history of my life 1989 to Present"
>posted 3 years ago

>> No.19250733

You're a retard that wants to believe he's smarter than normal people
Calorie counting doesn't have to be particularly accurate, you're not trying to make a tiny margin, ballpark figured work fine.

>> No.19250748
File: 81 KB, 940x528, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hormones in your body that tell you to eat food, and hormones that tell you to stop eating food. Rather than counting the caloric content of food that may very well not tell you to stop eating food, wouldn't it be better to just focus on eating food that tells you to stop eating? That way you'll wind up eating less calories anyway, and you'll be doing it in a way that doesn't require incredible willpower and make you more likely to fail.


Eating mainly meat and vegetables will naturally make you want to eat less because it'll fill you up, no counting or willpower required.

>> No.19250778

>and hormones that tell you to stop eating food
People with blown out metabolisms don't get this signal.

>> No.19250780

This is completely wrong. Keto is the best for hamplanets because it corrects their insulin resistance. And the fast initial weight loss usually gives the motivation to keep going unlike other diets.

>> No.19250781

>Rather than counting the caloric content of food that may very well not tell you to stop eating food, wouldn't it be better to just focus on eating food that tells you to stop eating?
No, dipshit. It's baffling that you'd say something like that after saying CICO is bad because BMR isn't consistent.

>> No.19250788

It's not a question of metablism at that point, it's a question of hormone resistance. The solution remains the same, stop eating garbage.

BMR isn't consistent, but the answer to the question of the sort of foods people should be eating are, ie. natural, unprocessed stuff.

>> No.19250805

>CICO requires incredible willpower
lol what the fuck
Are you a hamplanet?
CICO works by helping you identify where your caloric surplus is coming from so you can make informed decisions on what to eat. It does not take herculean restraint to go "wow I'm taking in 1200 extra calories per day from soda and chips, switching to diet soda and popcorn will put me at a deficit"

And no, satiety index is nowhere fucking CLOSE to reliable.

>> No.19250807

I don't know a single keto-fag that actually stuck to the diet and got results.
They always give up and put on extra weight from before they started.
I have never seen a keto-fag post before/after photos that were real.
The keto diet is bullshit. Just do portion control and cut out fast food + soda and booze. Exercise a few times a week. Easy.

>> No.19250811

>BMR isn't consistent
It actually is extremely reliable within the data tolerances that matter for CICO

Meanwhile your satiety shit is WILDLY inconsistent.

You're an idiot.

>> No.19250833

Do you know what leptin is?

>> No.19250844

Something that doesn't have an effect meal-to-meal you crystal clutching moron.

>> No.19250848

But no, for real, this is Rogan/Paltrow style pseudo-intellectual garbage. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19250851

>Something that doesn't have an effect meal-to-meal
My dude it's the hormone that tells you to stop fucking eating. If you think it has no place in a discussion about how much food people eat you're just a retard.

>> No.19250866

Educate yourself you stupid motherfucker
Stop promoting pseud garbage from people that want you to be vaccine free with a jade egg up your pussy

>> No.19250869

>Gotta buy ketone strips to pee on to make sure you're in ketosis
Never understood this fascination with those ketone strips.
If you're not eating carbs, and you're not dead, then obviously you're in ketosis. Your body can't just live on nothing. inb4 but fasting! Your body is in ketosis during a fast, burning off fat and protein.

>> No.19250880

So the tl;dr of your mouse faggotry is that the group that ate more got fat?
Way to disprove CICO.

>> No.19250887

>moxtye doesn't leave 4chan
>he just moves from/fit/ to /ck/
I hate vegans so goddamned much.

>> No.19250908

Keto is a meme, it's all about CICO

>> No.19250950

I lift and jog all the time literally just so I can eat whatever I want and not completely turn into a whale. Good foods too good.

>> No.19250961

>/fit/ namefag

>> No.19250963

>>Two groups of mice given the exact same food, except one group gets solid pellets and the other gets fine powder
nteresting findings, but your conclusion that natural food is better does not jive with the conclusion. Pellet food vs powdered pellet food, neither is natural. The study may just show that pellet food takes longer for the mice to break down so they feel fuller quicker and stop eating, plus having to chew a lot may also make them stop eating sooner.

I do agree that CICO probably does not really represent many real life use cases very well, and different diets with the same calories will affect the eater differently in many ways.

>> No.19250969

1 Reddit user posts 30 anti-keto threads a day because he's assmad about people eating.

>> No.19250971

>I do agree that CICO probably does not really represent many real life use cases very well, and different diets with the same calories will affect the eater differently in many ways.
And again: if CICO was about calculating a razor-thin margin that would matter, but that's not how CICO works. Whatever variation in retention is caused by the differing ways food is metabolized are largely irrelevant. CICO is about ballpark figures not perfectly accurate calculations

>calls people pseuds
>is the actual pseud
go buy some healing crystals faggot

>> No.19250980

Fuck off you vegan kike.

>> No.19250982

I'm literally eating beef taquitos right now
See I can eat what I want because I'm not a fat retard with no self control that needs to try and fail at a hundred fad diets

>> No.19251103

Proper keto is expensive. Low carb isn't quite as fast but it works well enough. Keto friendly foods help keep you full longer and remain within your TDEE.

>> No.19251382

It's good for short bursts. I did it for three months along with a high caloric deficit, 6 day a week gym routine, and a gallon of water a day and lost 50 lbs. However I hated it so much and it wrecked my metabolism for a while. Not recommended for anything long term. It's much better to just develop healthy eating habits and exercise.

>> No.19251423

that is a made up chart by keto cultists.
the most satiating food is the plain baked potato.

>> No.19251429

proper dieting has been known for decades
Pritikin/McDougall diet is all you need.

But these foods are dirt cheap. so the food industry constantly promotes nonsense diets to trick people into eating their expensive foods.

>> No.19251437
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>> No.19251445

McDougall had a stroke at 18 due to high cholesterol, which he inherited. So he developed a diet for himself to keep himself alive and he's still alive at 75. That's an amazing achievement by itself.

>> No.19252159

Real keto is hard. But it helped me get disgusted with bullshit food. I eat carbs but they're mostly above ground plant parts. Healthy oils. No processed bullshit. All thanks to lessons learned by doing strict keto for a year.

Too many new keto people struggle with it and fuck with sugar alcohol and almond flour. That's why they fail.

>> No.19252194

>fat free milk
>chicken breast
>rice and black beans
The secret though is not adding sauce, condiments, sour cream, cheese whatever. AKA learn how to fucking cook

>> No.19252195

>a fuck ton of bacons and animal fats which are very bad for you health wise
The Lipid Hypothesis has been debunked for DECADES. Please stop peddling this pseudoscience BS.

>> No.19252485

what i said isnt based on any "reseach" or "studies". it is based on my own experience. anybody who says animal fats are good is welcomed to die from heart attacks.

>> No.19252622

You're in luck because anecdotes are the most trust form of evidence on this website.

>> No.19252635

it should be. when knowledge comes from one's own experience, there is no arguments or studies or research that can sway you. you know you have possession of the truth and there is nothing "they" fear more than truth.

>> No.19252669
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>> No.19252737

If you want to lose weight then you need to count your calories. Eat 1500 a day, if you dont lose weight in a week, then drop it by 100 calories a week until you do.

>> No.19252751

Fuck you mom and dad :/

>> No.19252821
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Stay away from nu-keto. Like everything they latch onto, soys try to bargain their way through so they don't have to change anything. This results in "low net carb" trash like "keto pizza", "keto bread", "keto chocolate balls" and other garbage. Your goal should be ZERO carbs. Absolutely zero is not really doable, but any "carb allowance" will just mean you're going to go over that, 100%.

The keto idea is simple: FAT, MEAT, EGGS, CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES. Dairy is limited to hard cheese, because it's pretty much free of lactose and therefore carbs. Other dairy is better avoided. Especially plain milk is far from keto-friendly, it's basically a candy drink. What is ALSO to be avoided, if you want to be in ketosis, is too much protein. Keto diet is primarily FAT based. If you're just eating endless meat and cheese, you're on a high protein/low carb diet, NOT keto. You also MUST exercise or you will only end up skinnyfat and flabby.

BUT WAIT. Keto is a false god, you should be doing high protein and moderate carb (this will come from dairy protein sources) and fucking LIFT. Every two months, do at least one week of fasting, and not pussy fasting but water+salts+minerals+vitamins only. I recommend loading up on minerals and vitamins you can store in the week before fasting. Exercise is NOT optional in this phase, and the first three days DO NOT COUNT. Any day you're still shitting, you're not truly fasting. It will suck, but if you do this a bunch of times you will get used to it and the effects of starting a fast will be at most maybe a half hour of slight dizziness on the first day.

>t. died from heart attack and now haunts /ck/

>> No.19252893


>> No.19253029

Keto is fucking retarded and anyone on keto is a moron
No I won't elaborate because you wouldn't listen unless I was a fellow knuckle-dragging pseud towing your particular fad diet line

Just stop eating so much fucking food you fat piece of shit

>> No.19253140

My point is that even with access to infinite calories, mice given "normal" food remained a normal weight.

>> No.19253673

It can't happen if you dont have diabetes

>> No.19253758
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I don't get why keto makes people so furious. It's just a diet, what sparks this seething?

>> No.19254243

Some people are just better
Those people despise misinformation and pseudo-intellectual bullshit