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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 728 KB, 1683x1440, 20230504_210100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19236892 No.19236892 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do they make the hole so small on these stupid things?

>> No.19236896

Fellow Colander Council members shall we induct op?

>> No.19236931

these latest /ck/ threads are like looking at animals in a zoo

>> No.19236936

Shh, you'll scare them off.

>> No.19236945

Because you don't want all the steam to escape. Just enough to let the pressure out.

>> No.19236968
File: 207 KB, 2000x1200, gohan-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the size of the hole excludes the pasta

>> No.19236984

wait, is this actually what these are for? Only lid that has a hole like this is for a nonstick pan i have, i figured it was just for venting.

>> No.19237000

I want to try this but I'm scared of catching samoyeller

>> No.19237113
File: 133 KB, 500x500, s-l500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's is, you may be thinking of this

>> No.19237133

the texture is unpleasant if you use too much egg for the amount of rice

>> No.19237140

OP here. What's the fucking point of just making more small holes? Just make the hole bigger so my water drains faster!

>> No.19237444

it's gross if you don't use japan eggs or live in japan. the egg is not the same

>> No.19237448

Wow learn how to handle basics of cooking, cooklet

>> No.19237462

tastes like shit. it's just a terrible poorfag meal, no excuse.

>> No.19237466

>egg, japan

>> No.19237846


>> No.19237853

yes literally a massive difference. this might blow your mind but a lot of the food in america is dog shit in quality

>> No.19237861

It is not fuck off

>> No.19237863

I've spent my life traveling between east asia, the US and Australia. Americans have no idea how bad a lot of their food is, literal goyslop

>> No.19237876

fortunately there are other countries besides america and japan on this godforsaken earth

>> No.19237885

Im taking a massive shit right now im also laughing my ass out

>> No.19238029

tried it once, literally almost threw up. had to toss a good bowl of rice

>> No.19238037

in america, we leave our shit

>> No.19238081
File: 64 KB, 750x560, boiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little hole is not made for draining water, it's to prevent steam buildup so your pan doesn't turn into a boiler explosion throwing shrapnel all over your kitchen

>> No.19238119

I grew up with chickens. Different breeds and different feeds; all the eggs tasted the same. What could possibly be different about japanese eggs in either their flavor or production process?

>> No.19238125

their diet/climate. like how kewpie is better than duke's

>> No.19238124

That’s an insult to animals. Even they aren’t this degenerate.

>> No.19238128

>I grew up with chickens.
That's part of the issue. "normal" eggs are really good but in the US, they're basically a delicacy. I have to pay $10 per dozen for normal eggs. Everything else from egg farms comes from stressed, sick chickens. Those eggs are not the same as normal eggs. The shells are brittle, the yolks are thin and bright yellow and the flavor does not have the same richness as a normal farm egg from a happy chicken's butt.


>> No.19238181

>$10 for farm fresh eggs

Anon, you're just about as stupid as your post.

>> No.19238200
File: 1.91 MB, 1237x812, TraceabilityCartons-final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, cletus but I live in a real state. We don't have farms or inbreeding here. You'll never hear anyone here say "A-HYUK!" so, yeah, we pay a premium for normal eggs.

>> No.19238227

japanese use selective breeding and genetically engineer everything that's why shit is so expensive. They have watermelons that are over a hundred dollars that they selectively bred to grow like a cube. Eggs in Japan undergo intense selection as well. However a Japanese egg will never know the touch of a human until it's in your pan.

>> No.19238284

get pot, is stupid and thinks vent hole is for straining, doesn't get that most decent pots have a pour spout, and that the thick walled lid generally has a region of it filled with tiny holes that acts like a proper strainer, you just have to turn the lid to that pour region to use it.
Now you can control where you pour off the liquid, maybe even save it as a broth for other meals and such. As a thickener for biscuits and other recipes it its actual pasta.
the egg thing is because everyone else actually VACCINATES their chickens against salmonella. as in the raw eggs are generally FREE of the main egg based poisoning issue because the government requires the farmers to vaccinate each egg laying chicken and roosters used to breed them with vaccines against that disease. Instead of just pumping them full of steroids, antibiotics, and stuff to make them plump and producing eggs til they drop. UK does the same, reason they have less recalls for salmonella poisoning over there, you have to have idiots from unvaccinated countries and regions shit/piss/forget to wash their hands and bodies and handle the food/machines to cause an outbreak there.
the Square watermelon thing is because they have literal boxes they grow those melons in and they rotate/baby them to grow that way. Same for various fruits and such too.

>> No.19238386

Aw sweet lovecraftian trains!

>> No.19238492

>You're stupid
>That's why I pay a huge markup for "normal" eggs, because I'm so smart
People who use terms like "real" and "normal" in this context are brainlets

>> No.19238533

>cletus is trapped in an eternal confusion
color me shocked.

>> No.19238974

>source: me
Again, fuck off and stop wasting our time. Try Reddit, they'll love your life story.

>> No.19238983

are you a fucking idiot? throw it in a pan win some oil and wala egg fry rice

>> No.19238987
File: 67 KB, 907x600, pressure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to use pots that have the lid hole.
I'm not clamping down the lid with a rubber gasket ffs. It's not going to violently explode.
I guess maybe they are intended for retards who cook everything on full blast.

>> No.19238996

Good one op

>> No.19240428

>almost threw up
>bro just make more food!
tell me you're fat w/o telling me you're fat

>> No.19240458

the hole solves 2 problems. the first is the noise made by the lid. The second is the steam enveloping completely enveloping the top of the lid, which makes the handle too hot to grab with bare hands. The hole directs the steam away from the lid handle and allows for the lid of the pan to remain motionless.

>> No.19240487
File: 119 KB, 750x727, 1607407046647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do they make the hole so small on these stupid things?

>> No.19240527

>pressure gets high
>edge of lid just lifts and lets steam out
are americans putting weights ontop of the lid to stop this or something?

>> No.19240735

>a boiler explosion throwing shrapnel all over your kitchen

>> No.19240764

Just stretch them out

>> No.19240775

it's because the lid doesn't fit that particular pot if you get a properly sized lid the water is pressurized and comes out like a rocket try it sometime you'll be glad you did

>> No.19240778

fuck these holes, they're just trying to save money by selling you less glass

>> No.19240813


>> No.19241186

>watermelons that are over a hundred dollars that they selectively bred to grow like a cube
lol no, they're grown in a box

>> No.19241202

>that they selectively bred to grow like a cube.
...don't they just grow them in wooden enclosures so they're forced into shape as they grow?

>> No.19241746
File: 59 KB, 1200x675, how-does-pressure-cooker-work_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about pressure cooking?

>> No.19241760

29 million square miles of land and this dude only eats at fast food restaurants. Sad! Just be rich and get good food it’s that easy

>> No.19241770

When I'm in America I shop exclusively at the bougie grocery stores, Whole Foods etc... and thats just passable food. Going to normal grocery stores is goy slop central

>> No.19241790


>> No.19241819

>assuming im a redneck because i checked your stupid bragging post
nice try, fuckwad. i live not even an hour's drive from DC. and i get cheap fuckin eggs from farmers locally to me. enjoy your 10$ eggs you pissbaby

>> No.19241828

Again; if the lid is bouncing around on the pot you have the heat up too high. I never had that issue.
Second, using a cloth to grab the handle isn't that hard and it's certainly preferable to having a jet of steam shooting up at your hand.
Lidholes are retarded and are made for retards.

>> No.19241833

the chickens aren't genetically modified freaks of nature like in the states. next time you're in mexico buy a chicken

>> No.19241951

If your lid don't have a little hole and it isn't bouncing, it means your lid is shit and heat escapes all over the place.

>> No.19241956

>all over the place
instead of through a fucking hole, retard.
You think that's somehow better?

>> No.19242181

I use the hole to shove a probe thermometer in when steam jarring

>> No.19242378

>is this actually what these are for
>i figured it was just for venting.

>> No.19242410

Yeah for real, these soda cans are ridiculous

>> No.19242593

I'm going to go out on a limb here, a shot in the dark if you will, and suggest that perhaps with a certain percentage of possibility (kind of like a percentage prediction for a weather forecast concerning rain) that maybe the anon you have replied to may or may not have been talking about the can within which the soda beverage is contained.

>> No.19243823

utter retard

>> No.19243854
File: 791 KB, 1006x1254, 62389689_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna try it monday

>> No.19243857

do you need to let the egg out of the fridge and get it to room temp to do this?

>> No.19243868

You don't need to keep eggs in the fridge to begin with

>> No.19243871
File: 1.10 MB, 1120x727, f3ef8615-3c8e-4fd6-9751-e8c5ba539d77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pressure cooking scares me but i saw it in an isekai so i think i have to try it

>> No.19244045

The heat of the egg cooks the rice.

>> No.19244062

Checked. Quail eggs do not carry salmonella, just fyi. They also are not some huge overpowering egg like in the picrel

>> No.19244075

"Yes, it is possible to get salmonella poisoning from quail eggs. Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can be found on the outside of eggs, as well as inside. Quail eggs are no different, as they can carry the bacteria."

>> No.19244170

Same I'm not putting that grenade anywhere near my stove.

>> No.19245132
File: 34 KB, 625x626, 1449329260111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, what I would want to know what is the point of making shitty bait thread

>> No.19245134

thanks, doc

stable diffusion is a hell of a drug

>> No.19245136

get an electric pressure cooker and use it outside

>> No.19245149

>...but I'm scared of catching samoyeller
As well you should be. Those wine stewards are nothing to trifle with. One almost took off my nose once when I was trying to get her into the trunk.

>> No.19245154


>> No.19245168
File: 40 KB, 600x400, JUSTegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the bloom has been washed off the egg like in most large commercial poultry houses you do, but eggs that aren't washed don't ever have to be.
Americans used to know this 60 years ago when local farm eggs were more prevalent, but many have lived all their lives only ever buying eggs from a store and have never seen a living chicken.

>> No.19245234

I like to use it as a peep hole to make sure my food is looking good at all times

>> No.19245338

Have you tried dilating?

>> No.19245387

it's as much pressure as a soda can, and there's redundant failsafes

some older moka pot designs can become bombs though

so can a pressure cooker when filled with explosives instead of water and food

for the most consistent results, do pressure steaming with a second vessel instead of going raw and risking burning things

>> No.19245403

That's how I got a fatwa declared against me

>> No.19245639

There is no discernable difference between this site and reddit.

>> No.19245669

japanese eggs are folded over 1000 times