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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 425x426, air fryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19230945 No.19230945 [Reply] [Original]

>air fryer
It's literally just a small oven. So what's the actual difference between an air fryer and a toaster oven, which is also a small oven?

>> No.19230950

one has a much bigger fan

>> No.19230951

Congratulations, you have cracked the code. It's a useless consoomerist bullshit appliance that does the same job as something you already have, just in a sleeker package with buzzwords attached to it.

>> No.19230952

>air fryer muffin tin
Well I'll be damned...

>> No.19231003

>buy a small oven so you can cook small meals without preheating your giant oven
Feels good man.

>> No.19231023

you vill give up ze oven and ze stove and even ze microwave and you vill conzume ze single serving chinese convection oven to reheat your goyslop and you vill be happy.

its about normalizing cooking for a single person, living by themselves, with the lowest level of technology possible

>but why not microwaves

because microwaves can be taken apart and turned into weapons. Your shitty little airfryer, can not.

>> No.19231043

It heats faster then an oven and thus cooks faster.

>> No.19231056

its for ADHD zoomers who dont want to wait 30 minutes for a burrito

>> No.19231065

This. Small fast convection oven for reasonable portion sizes with accessories designed to increase airflow.

>> No.19231095

the marketing push is so young people cook one meal portions, stay single and dont start families

>> No.19231105

you’re so fucking stupid it’s almost impressive

>> No.19231111

This is dumb reasoning, globohomo wants larger living groups in smaller arrangements like generational homes, a single person per dwelling is opposite the new world order gameplan.

>> No.19231131

Do you guys think there will be rivalries between pods like there is between high schools?
>Pod #54331? Yeah I fucking hate those guys so much it's unreal

>> No.19231134

Highly effective autism detector. Just put one on your counter, and OP's kind start sperging out. Early detection saves a lot of time wasted on attempted social interactions.

>> No.19231135

How many people that you don't know already are invited over to your house?

>> No.19231137

That literally already exists between neighbourhoods so duh

>> No.19231143

See, this is a perfect example of someone who doesn't into normal life. Let's watch, next he'll claim that he's "sigma".

>> No.19231151

I'm 38, and married with a kid. I have a normalish job and own a house....I don't invite strangers over.

>> No.19231157

That's exactly the kind of snobby response I'd expect from someone from omicron pod.

>> No.19231164

It's just easy to control and easier to clean than a toaster oven. It also heats up even faster than my toaster oven, it's really nice for pre-prepped fried foods like chicken for general tso's, hash browns, fries, and for vegetables you'd usually roast in the oven like carrots or brussel sprouts.

>> No.19231247


>> No.19231253


>> No.19231261

The airflow is what makes all the difference. Hence the goddamn name.

>> No.19231262

good thing they make air fryer toaster ovens. my gas got shut off but I had one of these babies so I went a whole month till I wanted my stovetop back

>> No.19231279

mm yummy hot phthalates from my hot plastic box

>> No.19231343

have fun eating an air fryers worth of bug nuggets

>> No.19231362
File: 59 KB, 1000x563, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looking it up quickly looks like toaster ovens typically use "static" heating elements, wheras air fryers utilize convection.

Given the number of models though and different shapes I'm guessing the rabbit hole of differences goes pretty deep.

I mean shape is one consideration, you can see how toaster ovens would be suited to flatter bigger stuff. Like pizzas or other stuff you're baking in a pan.

I'm a noob with cooking though and this question makes me wonder about the role of oil in each. Like do you use oil typically with an air fryer? It's called an air FRYER, which to me means oil.

Toaster oven I think of more general purpose, "heating shit up", sans oil.

>> No.19231363


Just get a normal sized convection toaster oven.

>> No.19231372

most modern toaster ovens have convection. Fuck a lot of Microwaves can do convection these days

>> No.19231385

Well that's what I mean by the rabbit hole going deep. If a lot of toaster ovens have convection then why would you buy an air fryer?

it seems the versatility is on the side of the toaster oven

>> No.19231426

>Cooking a meal
>Only 1 ingredient/dish needs to be roasted/baked
Hmmmm do I preheat my air fryer for 3 minutes and cook the dish with zero fuss and minimal washing up, or do I submit to peer pressure from faggots on /ck/ and preheat and have to clean a massive oven? What will I do? Wouldn't want to be called a consoomer.

>> No.19231427

The air fryer is made of plastic and puts plastic in your food

>> No.19231442

>it seems the versatility is on the side of the toaster oven

Yep. There are badass little toaster ovens now.

>> No.19231456

It's 2023, Reddit is boiling steaks in plastic bags.

>> No.19231468

I bet that you also believe that microwave ovens 'damage the DNA' in your food.

>> No.19231472

How would it put plastic in your food

How does it transfer

>> No.19231495

Air fryers preheat much faster.

>> No.19231502


>> No.19231503

A fan

>> No.19231513

Air fryers are more optimized for that. /not the cheapest ones/

>> No.19231527

Airfryer is way more convenient and energy efficient

>> No.19231532

I mean the schizo mindset is without limits Lol

>> No.19231563

Yea so since the volume is smaller it consumes way less energy than heating up entire oven. It also takes faster to reach the temperature. Which is great for small portions

>> No.19231572

I have one of those double chambered air fryers. You can set both chambers to cook and finish the same way; or you can rig it up to cook differently but still finish at the same time. It works great for small portions but unfortunately, it is very sensitive to the volume of food you put in. If you overload it, it will take forever. Also, it cooks noticeably slower if you both chambers instead of just one.

>> No.19231609
File: 43 KB, 480x480, kalorik-maxx-26-quart-stainless-steel-digital-air-fryer-oven-with-accessories-896259_480x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the kalorik 26qt fryer and it's definitely much more convenient than my oven for cooking smaller meals or reheating leftovers for a significantly smaller amount of time

>> No.19231621

>the lowest level of technology possible
LMAO, look at this retard who thinks convection ovens are high tech. Even my great grandparents already owned one.

>> No.19231624


>> No.19231626

not true. You can compare convection effects (heat and air circulation) between appliances, if they actually provide specs. Of course, then you have to believe said specs, then consider build quality and consistency in how the specs are tested. They're both relatively shit appliances in the vast majority of cases, but toaster ovens are generally much simpler, less bullshit plastic, at least.

>> No.19231636

Sounds like some pussy bullshit to me
I will preheat my big gas oven with a single potato

>> No.19231639

My half brother's Dad had a microwave from God-knows-when that had convection.

>> No.19231712

But I don't have a toaster oven and I cannot afford to run my oven

>> No.19231719

>more efficient
>less energy consuming
>better at making food brown and crispy
if you buy one, you'll end up using it 90% of the times compared to your large oven.
you can get a really good air fryer for like 100 bucks. Unless you live in an apartment with a tiny kitchen there's no reason to not own one. It will repay itself in the long run with what you can save on your energy bills, especially these days.

>> No.19231785

I'd buy an electric pressure cooker before an air fryer.

>> No.19231799

I got one from my inlaws for Christmas. It's great for frozen junk food. Sue me

>> No.19231800

All plastic degrades and sheds microplastics

>> No.19231809

Nobody wants to pressure you to buy an air fryer.

>> No.19231815

The point of the thread isn’t that it’s useless, just that the appliance has been around forever in the form of a toaster oven

>> No.19231819

They are essentially convection ovens. In my strictly personal experience I find they perform better than convection ovens and if roasting food you're able to use less oil but still get a crispier result, but again that's anecdotal. They heat up slightly faster and use less energy because they're smaller and the best ones make serving a little easier because the drawer or basket pulls out entirely. After experimenting I've found you can even cook things you don't normally associate with "frying" in one, you can even to a more limited extent bake in them. Its a niche but entirely functional and productive appliance a lot of people don't need but some people would benefit from.

The air fryer is to the oven as the hot plate is to the stove.

>> No.19231825
File: 662 KB, 828x1678, 1682988474905761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> meal for one
I cook entire chickens in them, how fat are you
air fryer fans are bigger and operate at ridiculously high speeds compared to convection ovens, a non retarded person could work that out by sound alone
hell, even some new ovens have a separate big top fan and airfryer mode

>> No.19231826
File: 194 KB, 1500x1500, 31350-VPA-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this. Functions as both a convection oven and an air fryer. Just used it last night. It made frozen General Tso's chicken super crispy in 15 minutes from a cold start on air fry mode. I like it.

>> No.19231831

Oh yeah, microplastic is an actual climate anxiety npc buzzword.

>> No.19231837

Also, I live where it's 110 in the summer so it's basically mandatory to have a small toaster/convection oven because I sure as fuck ain't making my entire home hot as fuck with a regular sized oven in the summer. So yeah, this $108 thing takes care of my air fryer needs and my oven needs.

>> No.19231851

Biggest advantages over a classic halogen convection oven are better temperature control and smaller volume, meaning quicker and more uniform heating.
That big glass bowl took a long while to heat up, so it was inefficient for small portions.

>> No.19231863
File: 13 KB, 238x217, 1601162987615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleans his oven every time he uses it

>> No.19231897

How so

>> No.19231905

maybe he's cooking the food directly on the oven shelves like that one guy

>> No.19231979


>> No.19232006

Then sell the oven for a toaster oven.

>> No.19232070

enjoy reduced oxygen in household, but based nonetheless

>> No.19232076

Do you need to use oil though??

>> No.19232086

I'm saying how is it an NPC buzzword if it's a thing that actually exists

Like it's a word that describes reality

>> No.19232108

Just look at the other buzzwords in the article.

>> No.19232114

The term I take issue with is "NPC"

It's not NPC to care about tiny particles of plastic in your body. Shit's fucked up

>> No.19232116

Maybe that's happening in your shitty country

>> No.19232120

Bro, he linked you to NPR, you are talking to an NPC.

>> No.19232122

ofc you care because you're an NPC.

>> No.19232146

No shit Sherlock. I have linked a literally NPC source to prove that it's an NPC buzzword.

>> No.19232150

Buzzword is a buzzword retard lmao

>> No.19232151

NPCs aren't self aware enough to know they're just regurgitating buzzwords, so their list of buzzwords are a good way to know what words are actually relevant.

>> No.19232159

That's exactly what an NPC would say.

>> No.19232236

not necessarily.
Some foods are already greasy enough (eg chicken wings) or don't need to be covered with oil to be cooked

>> No.19232270

I have one. I love it, my oven is a gas oven that's absolute shit. The Air Fryer does my stuff quicker, tastier and less clean jobs
One of the best purchases

>> No.19232622

Just did a ham and cheese sammich on a brioche bun in this on the air fryer mode. Put it in open faced. Had a hot, melty ham and cheese sammich with a perfectly toasted bun about three minutes from a cold start. I could do two at once with it if I wanted. Fucking awesome.

>> No.19233211

Yes it's a convection oven. But it is more efficient at getting fuckin hot fuckin fast. The larger airflow per volume means more oil and moisture can be evaporated which makes the food more crispy or 'fried'. It's not magic. It also not just a gimmick.

>> No.19233876

>FRYER, which to mean means oil
You can literally pan fry shit without oil though retard.

>> No.19234740

look at this retard that has no reading comprehension.

>> No.19234748

>a single person per dwelling is opposite the new world order gameplan.

you're a retard. they want you isolated and alone, forced into 'large communial dwellings' full of strangers, not family members. Oh sure, the brown people can have their little x-group ghettos but not you. You will live in the pod, and you will use the air fryer, and you will be happy.