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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19224117 No.19224117 [Reply] [Original]

how do I store my stir fry shit long term

it all came in cans, baby corns, water chestnuts, etc., but once these bitches are open they're open

do i drain and put them all into a sealed plastic thing and leave it in the crisper? not drain and do the same?

>> No.19224121

Use the whole can you reddit spacing phonefag.

>> No.19224130

is that retard feeding them bread

>> No.19224146

Salted pretzel. They love it.

>> No.19224156

>Use the whole can
Not him, but I'm cooking for two, and you'll never use a whole can of each, or a whole bag of bean sprouts for a single meal.
I've always used ziplocks in the fridge.
Recently, I tried freezing half a bok-choi. Big mistake. Ruined the texture.

>> No.19224161

>you'll never use a whole can of each, or a whole bag of bean sprouts for a single meal
Have you even tried?

>> No.19224201

Let's see.....

Oh yeah, DUH.
YES, several times.

I don't know how much you shovel into your face every night, but yeah my GF and I can't go through but so much stir-fry at a shot.

>> No.19224217

My typical stir-fry includes not just water chestnuts, baby corn and bean sprouts, but also bok-choi, onions, carrots, cashews, snow peas, usually peppers, mushrooms, and rarely broccoli.
And obviously, meat.
Pile all that on top of rice, and it's a LOT for two people.

>> No.19224220

Forgot to mention, that while it's not traditional Chinese, cherry tomatoes go well too.

>> No.19224561

I've made this can of bean sprouts last like 5 pad thais jackass.

>> No.19224567

Use fewer ingredients at a time but more of each one.
I dont think you can re-seal a can of food so it will last years again.

>> No.19224591

You don't have to eat the whole thing, retard.

>> No.19224626
File: 61 KB, 674x395, VIXjSGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use fewer ingredients at a time but more of each one.
Fuck off. Ziplock + fridge works fine.

>re-seal a can
You don't belong on /ck/.


>You don't have to eat the whole thing, retard.
That was my whole point, retard.
Oh, wait.
You mean I should cook 2-3 times what I'm going to eat, then settle for microwaved leftovers days afterwords?
Instead of just cooking the stuff as I go?
You also don't belong on /ck/, or maybe you should just both stick to the McD's vs Burger King threads.

>> No.19224699

>ask a stupid question
>get sensible responses
>sperg out
You love to see it.

>> No.19224704
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Fuck off newfag.

>> No.19224705

who gives a fuck what you feed a random wild bird

>> No.19224743

As long as you don't mind fucking up the bird's gastro track, go ahead, feed them bread.
If you don't mind killing them, throw rice at weddings, or better yet, try getting them to eat Alka-Seltzers.
Or just shoot them, if you really feel that way.

>> No.19224749

>I don't know how to 4chins.

>> No.19224756

The bird god does

>> No.19224759

Cockatoos are cunts mate
Speaking of cunts...

>> No.19224907
File: 33 KB, 395x588, JqrG1Ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cockatoos are cunts mate
Not a surprise, most birds are cunts.
Then again, most cats are cunts.
And most humans are cunts too.
The real question is: Are _you_ enough of a cunt to just fuck other critters' shit up for no reason?

>> No.19224918

No. But if bread is bad for them, then they shouldn't eat it. Simple as.

>> No.19225002

Tell them, not me, dumbass.
or maybe just don't feed them bread, huh?
Simple ass.

>> No.19225158


>> No.19225161

everyone on this board has brain damage but me

>> No.19225170

not my problem

>> No.19225185
File: 103 KB, 500x375, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misquote/Strawman much?

>> No.19225190

What part of "if you feel that way" don't you comprehend?
Fuck the captcha, this board would be so much better if you had to pass an IQ test to post.

>> No.19225199

i feel like you're a faggot

>> No.19225206

I'd like to think I'm one of the good guys, but to be honest I was hit by a car in 2009, and the doctors said "minor" brain damage.
But I'm still surprised about how stupid about 50% of the posters here are.
Be honest, how many of you cunts can't hold down a real job?

>> No.19225210

Dream on Anon, I only go for girls.

>> No.19225218

>Fuck off. Ziplock + fridge works fine.
....you (or OP) literally said that your stuff is NOT lasting long enough
calm your tits

>> No.19225235
File: 106 KB, 500x356, reading comprehension 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck's sake.
OP said:
>how do I store my stir fry shit long term
...and I said:
>I've always used ziplocks in the fridge.

I'm really unclear on what part of this triggered your menstrual cycle early.

>> No.19225247

>If you don't mind killing them, throw rice at weddings
Rice has to be heated to expand you brainlet. How did a person on a cooking forum fall for this? El em ay oh

>> No.19225255

the heat of the bird expands the rice

>> No.19225260

The sterile closed environment the cans provided is gone. Vacuum bags help stave the rot off longer but ideally use the ingredients for something else soon, or toss them. Freezing will just turn the stuff into mush.

>> No.19225274

>I've never heard of a refrigerator.

>> No.19225280

re-can the remainders

>> No.19225285

Re-can? Can you do the re-can? Can you do the re-can?

>> No.19225292

a) why are you using so much canned shit, you can get fresh baby corn
b) you can absolutely use a whole can of waterchestnuts or bag of beansprouts in 3-4 portions of stirfry
c) yes you can absolutely keep stirfry as leftovers for the next day and in fact doing anything other than that if you're cooking for 2 is just being deliberately uneconomical with your time
d) why do you need ten different fuckin' vegetables in a single stirfry, you realise actual stirfries are not like this?
e) if a particular ingredient is just unviable because you can't get a packet small enough in your area, just don't fuckin' use it. None of these ingredients are irreplacable, use something else.

I hope that clears things up for you OP, please try to be less of a raging cunt next time

>> No.19225354
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>you can get fresh baby corn
Not Opie, but I've never seen this in any local grocery.
>you can absolutely use a whole can of waterchestnuts
Sure, very true, assuming: a) you're cooking for 4-6 people -OR- you want a pile of leftovers.
>you can absolutely keep stirfry as leftovers
I'm happy you like microwaved leftovers, but I'll pass.
>why do you need ten different fuckin' vegetables in a single stirfry
Because that's some good shit.
> actual stirfries are not like this?
"Actual" strifries are how-the-fuck-ever people make stir-fry.
>e) (not going to quote all that actual bullshit)
...but I will refer you back to existence of both ziplock bags and refrigerators (why is this so fucking hard for you????).
> please try to be less of a raging cunt next time
OK, I'm not really sure OP ever responded in this thread, let alone became a "raging cunt".
I suspect the lack of usernames on this board has left you confused,

>> No.19225368

>The heat of the bird cooks the egg

>> No.19225405

WOW, this fucking thread.
OP: Use what you want/need from each can, refrigerate the rest, without the liquid from the cans, cook it in the next batch.
Fuck all other posts.

>> No.19225410
File: 76 KB, 700x700, Tiger_Tiger_Sliced_Water_Chestnuts_in_Water_227g_700x700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not THAT many waterchestnuts, it's a sensible amount for four portions

I am sorry you live in a food desert and cannot find baby corn

If you really wanna make a huge amount of excess work for yourself by refusing to eat leftovers and instead decanting ingredients into bags I'm not gonna stop you but I am gonna think you have questionable priorities

>> No.19225431

Buy can caps dummy.

>> No.19225468

Yo dumbass, you know you can refry the leftovers. Better texture and a good sear. Veg only gets mushy if you overcook it in the first place. Noodles are better kept separate. Only fry up the amount of noodles you're going to eat and add more fresh ones when preparing leftovers.

I had OPs problem when I moved out on my own after a breakup. No roommates either. Always try to keep noodles separate. Like with Italian food. The noodles get mushy if you store them sauced up.

>> No.19225486

People say chocolate is bad for dogs.

I fed my dogs chocolate nearly every day, one lived 13 years the other 16.

>> No.19226290

>sensible amount for four portions
Read my posts. I'm cooking for two.
One can is good for two meals.
>you live in a food desert
I don't and never have. I live in suburban Virginia, grew up in suburban Maryland, and have never in my 58 years ever seen loose baby corn at the market.
> you have questionable priorities
I love cooking. That's why I'm on /ck/. I'm starting to wonder about your priorities, though.

>> No.19226294

Ziplock and fridge works fine.
You're creating a solution in search of a problem.
But I'm the dumbass?

>> No.19226338

Yeah, but if you're going to cook in a batch keep your noodles separate when storing. Or only cook as many noodles as you'll eat. It makes leftovers much tastier.

Yeah, I'd still consider you a dumbass after rereading the post I was replying to. Don't want microwaved leftovers. Obvious solution. Yeah, you're making your own problems as well.

You can batch cook the veggies and meat, then refry with fresh noodles. Easy fresh tasting dinner.

>> No.19226375

>only cook as many noodles as you'll eat.
I already do this when I use noodles, but usually have stir-fry with rice.
And I'm really lost on the concept on how I'm a dumbass for cooking dinner fresh each night.
I love cooking.
If you love fishing, are you a dumbass for just going to the store for fish?

>> No.19226405

Why are you taking this so personally? I thought your logic, especially in the beginning of the post, was dumb.

>> No.19226437

>Why are you taking this so personally?

I'm not the one constantly throwing stones.
All I've ever had to say is op should use ziplock bags to reserve half his canned goods for later use. It's a straightforward, simple answer to his original question, and works well for me.
And yet I keep getting people (or maybe just you?) inventing reasons I'm doing/advocating something ridiculous.
Maybe instead of insisting I'm wrong because I'm not doing it exactly your way, you could find an actual problem with my method?
Fer fuck's sake.

>> No.19226438

are you having trouble replying to a specific post little guy?

>> No.19226470

Hahaha your ego took this much of a hit from getting called dumbass? What kind of padded room do they keep you in? Or maybe you're a hermit who can't handle human interaction. Go back and read what you're replying to. I already said why I said what I said. Maybe you're not as good at conveying your point as you thought?

>> No.19226517
File: 66 KB, 589x453, 5ZSsYMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, are you 5????
Does your Mommy know you're on the interwebs?
I never did anything but explain my point of view.
Thanks for shitting up the thread.

>> No.19226601

I doubt bread is really bad for parrots.

>> No.19228228

kek, but why

>> No.19228296

everything you have posted is incorrect or disingenuous. i look forward to reloading this thread and viewing your reply as i can tell that you spend a lot of time on 4chan.

>> No.19228429

how do I get a gf like this

>> No.19228446
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>how do I store my stir fry shit long term
You're supposed to flush and wash your hands after taking a shit, not keep it.

>> No.19228450

i bet you're like 12