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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19218323 No.19218323 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this

>> No.19218340

Doesn't bother me although I wouldn't want to have much to do with people like this

>> No.19218347

There's a reason we don't name livestock or treat them like pets. They're either a meat resource or a pet, only psychopaths see them as both.

>> No.19218349

"These people"? Youre racist?

>> No.19218353


>> No.19218385

Got pretty sad watching the Day 99 video desu

>> No.19218386

Bet that piggie was delicious. Seems a waste to just do a pit roast though

>> No.19218486

>japanese "people"

>> No.19218517

>butchering, usa: :-)
>butchering, asia: >:(

>> No.19218525
File: 177 KB, 917x871, 1444202866117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

showing compassion to a beast you intend to eat beyond making sure its well fed and healthy is kinda spooky
>hehe i love you but now its time to die ;_; omg you were sooo yummy :3

>> No.19218535

It's not a human, it's just a pig. You can treat it kind all you want but all it's going to say back is 'oink', not that hard to tell him goodnight.

>> No.19218541

Sleep tight porker

>> No.19218869

> butchering a pet, anywhere >:(

>> No.19219221

>showing compassion to a beast
yeah its so much better to treat it like shit, an object *eyeroll*

>> No.19219231

Yeah its much more normal to put them in a factory farm where consumers cant see them living in agony

>> No.19219244
File: 1.96 MB, 540x960, piglet-eating-with-spoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this?

>> No.19219247

better table manners than some people i know

>> No.19219252


>> No.19219256


>> No.19219261

Beat me to it.

>> No.19219264

i think you've been spamming pig threads on every board and it's getting obnoxious.

>> No.19219265
File: 1.21 MB, 352x640, VID-20230424-WA0001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbasses. I literally live on a farm and have plenty of cows, hogs, chickens. What's weird is treating it like a pet before killing it.

>> No.19220830

It was fake, the pig is still alive

>> No.19220923

Doesn't australia have laws against naming animals you plan to eat?

>> No.19220954

What of it? That umami flavour doesn't just grow on trees. It's liquid friendship in case you didn't know.

>> No.19220959

Which one is your lover for the night

>> No.19220981

This is nothing but the naked display of the cognitive dissonance we all avoid by buying meat at the supermarket instead.

>> No.19220998

>You can't factory farm animals, they are being abused and treated inhumanely
>Nooo you can't give a pig a a great life and then eat it either, he is a hecking pupperinelo. You fed it once that means you are now it's slave until he dies from natural causes
My thoughts are I want my own pig now but I'm waiting until he is bigger to slaughter it

>> No.19221003

They are toys
Not to me, they are good
They are toys for adults who can't have children
I'm not going to buy a fucking toy who requires food and medical care

>> No.19221004

Why do you assume the pig was shown compassion?

>> No.19221007


>> No.19221008

That pig is in fucking black face

>> No.19221012

How come they aren't moving? Are they silly like that

>> No.19221021

>wypipo don season dey food
that porridge sure looks seasoned blyuckchuds

>> No.19221061

Pigs are more civil and intelligent than your average American or Hungarian. This has been unequivocally proven by science.

>> No.19221075

Regardless a human will help me if I'm in peril, a pig won't
That's why I don't eat dogs, eating a cat is fine

>> No.19221078

quit eating pork some years back
not telling anyone else to though

>> No.19221476

it was a troll

>> No.19221483

you’re a toy for the elite.