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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19213423 No.19213423 [Reply] [Original]

Why do chefs tend to have serious and intense demeanors in the kitchen, and what factors contribute to their occasional displays of anger or frustration?
Why do they have to act like they are in the millitary all the time? It's a kitchen. There a jokes like women belong in the kitchen; not men

>> No.19213432

gives the illusion of professionalism

>> No.19213435
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someone fucking exorcise this demon already

>> No.19213438

All chefs and restaurant managers were born assholes. They don't have a choice in the matter. Just be glad they couldn't make it as a cop etc etc.

>> No.19213441

it's all a massive larp and easy-going chefs prove it but they never end up sticking around because they're all addicted to heroin. women chefs tend to be nazis or revolting bull dykes who go above and beyond to emulate the select worst possible of loathsome male characteristics and get away with it because they're faggots and women and therefore an untouchable class

>> No.19213443

the same kind if guy to end up in the military is maybe the same kind of guy to end up in a kitchen perhaps. Long hours, no break, have to endure mentally and physically breaking activity. politics and bullshit work conditions. you would be a cunt too or you would have more self respect and intelligence than to become a chef. You give everything to be a chef and most times you don't end up somewhere you are happy with even if you put in "all the work" its more than that it is your fucking soul

>> No.19213455

>mentally and physically breaking activity
>spaghetti-slingers really think this
No wonder you're like this

>> No.19213463

>be chef
>surrounded by niggers in the back
>yelled at by women and faggots from the front
That's mentally breaking enough for even the most hardened lad

>> No.19213473

>be chef
>cook food

>> No.19213532
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Mark Wiens

>> No.19213560

>There a jokes like women belong in the kitchen; not men

This applies to the home setting, not professional. Its ok to have 1/2 decent food cooked for you at home, with groceries you paid for. If we're talking about a restaurant and higher prices, it needs to be high caliber. That's where men come in to do it RIGHT.

>> No.19213574

This guy has the most punchable face so far this year. Prove me wrong

>> No.19213585
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>> No.19213597

Choke-able neck too

>> No.19213603
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>> No.19213620

Food isn't that good. Holding your first born child isn't that good. Winning the lottery isn't that good. What the FUCK is this guys problem?

>> No.19213636
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>Mark treats everything like a five star meal

>> No.19213651

The lottery might be that good but the others, no. Also, how fake can he be to react that quickly. What was that? Bread and a little meat? He chewed like twice before *oogaboogah mm so guud*. Clown.

>> No.19213674

And kissable lips I might add.

>> No.19213705


""Kitchen politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low."

>> No.19213740

Because it's one of the most stressful jobs you can have and if you aren't serious and make sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing the entire thing can fall apart in an instant.

>> No.19213785
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Because they are artists. Master artists, and their assistants/helpers can never live up to their grand vision and it frustrates them in an existential sense

>> No.19213786

Wow this thread is a dumpster fire of low IQ bigotry. I will not be contributing or providing any (You)s

>> No.19213787 [DELETED] 

In current year, partly because Grandma Ramsey popularized the image of the asshole TV chef, which in reality reflects only crassness and low breeding. More generally, it reflects the impotency and lack of control they feel in other areas of their life, e.g. "my wife may be cucking me with half the high school basketball team, but at least here in my kitchen I can terrorize kids earning minimum wage to feel like a big man." They should be pitied, really.

>> No.19213789

>Because it's one of the most stressful jobs you can have and if you aren't serious and make sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing the entire thing can fall apart in an instant.
"Kitchen politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low."

>> No.19213797

>never cooked in a restaurant in his life
>sees beyond the veil

>> No.19213813

You already posting that, and it has virtually nothing to do with what you're replying to.

>> No.19213824


>oh no
>oh nononno no
>the customer ordered medium RARE but it came out MEDIUM
>it's over it's sof ucking over there's no coming back from this it's done we're finished it's so fucking over
the stakes are so low
it doesn't matter
you're cooking food that's it get over yourself

>> No.19213836

Overcooking a steak in the middle of a rush actually matters a lot.

>> No.19213855 [DELETED] 
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I'm not going to ask you again Mark. WHERE IS THE BODY?!

>> No.19214481

No, it fucking doesn't. Goys will eat whatever slop you shove in their face.

>> No.19214499

What a disgusting fucking image, fuck you for making me see this.

>> No.19214721
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The bodies mark..where are they?!

>> No.19214803

Because they saw it on a tv show, that's literally it. In cultures that never heard of Gordan Ramsey, being a chef is as normal a job as any other

>> No.19214866

I think it's because he loves his life. If things are going slightly well for me then I have this reaction for a lot of things. Been a few years now though... :(

>> No.19214873

Just because you have no standards doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't either. The majority of people are going to send a steak back if it arrives overcooked.

>> No.19214878

Those who can, do. Those who can't, work in the restaurant industry.

>> No.19214896

Can attest to this, worked in a Chili's kitchen and was surrounded by Creoles and Hispanics, then the front was all women and short, angry dudes. I eventually walked out cause the regional manager set the oven on fire while trying something.

>> No.19214905

It's the same reason people who coach professional sports teams tend to have serious and intense demeanors and occasionally display anger and frustration. The difference is that a chef is working longer hours, doing more, and getting paid a tiny fraction of what the coach is making, while almost never getting to take time off.

>> No.19214914
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>occasional displays of anger or frustration?
Sheeeeeit faggot, I've seen "chefs"(head cooks) throw whole salads at the EXPO line during a friday night service..
Sociopaths LOOOOVE being kitchen HEADS.
~Alternatively, I've been on "well-Oiled' crews b4, and had AMAZING service, with Pitcher-a-piece beers for the residuals...
>KITCHEN MANAGER: "step into the Walk-in with me J---"

>> No.19214921

It's all about Affect-Mirroring with him..
He hit on a great formula for vids--CAn't fault him for that--Just CAN'T watch him.

>> No.19214935

>Sociopaths LOOOOVE being kitchen HEADS
Well yeah, for most people working in kitchens it's probably the only time in their life they've managed other people, and they love having that power. But that's not why they go into the industry. The people you're describing are the kind of chefs you'd see on Kitchen Nightmares, as opposed to Ramsay who is actually level-headed and not on a sociopathic power trip.

>> No.19214965
File: 1.87 MB, 480x848, G.RamEGG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as opposed to Ramsay who is actually level-headed and not on a sociopathic power trip.
I can actually buy this--I've seen him work in a kitchen under Marco Pierre.
MAn has EARNED his chops.
(Grilled Cheese notwithstanding)


>> No.19214987

He HAS mellowed considerably.

>> No.19215142

>There a jokes like women belong in the kitchen; not men
women dont belong anywhere. if women belonged anywhere, they would be good at whatever it is. but they are good at nothing, therefore, women havent earned a spot in human history.

>> No.19215156

ive said it once, ill say it again. white men are weak when it comes to handling women. their wives know this and their daughters find out once they get older. and then the daugters become loose due to weak fathers. and then the cycle continues. she make this this tiktok, and he played a long even though it was clearly idiotic. my father wouldtn play a long and my mom wudnt have approved it. 100 bucks says his wife is fine with this too. weak. and hes famous too, so u can imagine what most others are like.

>> No.19215162
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>> No.19215178

>white men are weak when it comes to handling women
This MAY be true...
Massive programming made it so.

>> No.19215304

Their careers are on the line every night. You've never worked in a kitchen stfu.

>> No.19215411

The guy is just having fun with his daughter tf is wrong with you

>> No.19215428

the steaks are solo

>> No.19215434

I poasted that webm...
IDK what anon's problem is.
You aren't wrong.

>> No.19215442

>white men are weak when it comes to handling women
Yeah, OK Juan, have fun dealing with your 12 your old daughters pregnancy after the local cartel or policia is done with her.

>> No.19215452

>Why do chefs tend to have serious and intense demeanors in the kitchen
>t. normie who watches too much TV
the real world is not Kitchen Nightmares

>> No.19215455

May your days improve, anon

>> No.19215464

>checked and BASED

>> No.19215538

He kinda fakes it but I'm also sure he has some mental condition

>> No.19215586

i made my older bro the angry stick sous
didn't have the heart to discipline or fire people, he was the perfect nazi desu

>> No.19215662
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This webm depicts a father who is loving and present enough with his daughter that she feels comfortable joking with him like that. Not that you would know anything about loving fathers tho, I get it.

>> No.19215771

Imagine being stuck in a low ceiling, stuffed and steamy place with a crew of alck or coke addicts that also have access to very sharp knives, and you're the head honcho in this.
I'd be on edge too, ngl

>> No.19215790
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timing is everything in the kitchen.
one thing goes off time and it fucks up the whole order of things causing chefs to redress the situation on the fly.

>> No.19215828

Because it's french tradition to be whiny and angry all the time, it just gets passed down in a "I had to go through this so the new guy has to as well" dynamic

>> No.19216102

Why would I want to? I got college education and I make 200k a year.
Enjoy you're "chef" job while doing drugs all day. :)

>> No.19216115

lol what are jobs?

>> No.19216248
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His power knows no bounds. He is coming for us, anon. He will take us to the promised land. The land of the spice.
He is coming. Prepare ur anus

>> No.19216292
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Everybody on 4chan makes at least 200k a year. Don't you know that?

>> No.19217807

Kitchens haven't been like that since the 80's.

>> No.19217998

Maybe not at wendy's

>> No.19218483

I wouldn't know.

>> No.19220745

I would.

>> No.19220750

>bumping his e-celeb cancer thread from the very bottom of page 10

>> No.19220760

I'm bumping for further hate of this man.