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File: 52 KB, 600x360, HotTurkeySand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19210240 No.19210240 [Reply] [Original]

>ce n'est pas mon probleme

>> No.19210407

Qu'est ce qui est faux avec les bongs?

>> No.19210410

Pour it down the sink then

>> No.19210559
File: 103 KB, 866x1390, angry-hillbilly-with-shotgun-and-moonshine-on-a-white-background-GEE142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

этo cкopo бyдeт

>> No.19210918
File: 172 KB, 866x1390, pidor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19211017

it's actually a quebecois dish. go to any casse-croute and you can order a hot chicken (or "ot shicken" as they call it.)

>> No.19211037

Hot chicken is great. I add coleslaw in the sandwich

>> No.19211217

Seriously, how do you eat one of these?
The peas would go all over the place.

>> No.19211267

With a knife and fork, obviously.

>> No.19211315

HATO тeбe нe пoмoжeт, финн. Hacлaждaйтecь cвoим гopoхoм.

>> No.19211811
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1616278649075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a sandwich.

>> No.19211828

Oh bullshit, a Hot Brown is a sandwich, this is a sandwich

>> No.19212034

Haven't had a hot chicken in probably 15 years... Fixing that next time I go grocery shopping. Thanks OP.

>> No.19212052

Is this made with turkey gravy or poutine gravy?

>> No.19212056

hot brown is poop

>> No.19212079

Starts out as a sammie, though

>> No.19212114

i think you're mixing grammatical genders anon

>> No.19212120

I'm a man, and it's me whose problem it is not. Explain.

>> No.19212129

As a French person who speaks French as a first language, but also a native English speaker

I can't fucking understand Canadians in French most of the time, and in English pretty commonly, too, they're all doing their own thing with wonky 18th century languages mixing together
I unironically can understand Scottish better

>> No.19212136
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>think I can cook
>watch Jacques Pepin videos
I can't cook.

>> No.19212241
File: 49 KB, 452x653, ezgif-3-e9261c7e24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my family is French Canuck (although I amn't) and I studied Franch in school for like 6 years and upon visiting Montreal I couln't understand a fucking thing. They talk like the French version of southern yokels

>> No.19213525

Heh, yeah, they're rednecks for sure
The rest of 'em settled in the South

>> No.19213662


croque piss

>> No.19213698

Not everything involving peas and the colour brown is ours, you know.

>> No.19213822

Genuinely quite shocked at this, Interior Canadian English is the most easily comprehensible version of English as well as the best sounding

>> No.19213841

It's the Canadianisms
I started watching AvE to try and figure them out in context, but some Canadian accents stump me
I also have a hard time understanding Kiwis and some Aussies
The Try Channel has been handy for picking up Irishisms

>> No.19214257

That’s a Maritimer, they are indeed incomprehensible. No one talks like that west of Quebec.

>> No.19214296

Funnily enough Canadian French tends to be more "correct" than France French, because Quebec is dead set on preserving its language as-is while France embraces change. However most people here grow up and live with a lot of english exposition so we tend to use a lot of anglicismes and slang derived from bastardizing english terms to the point they replace their french counterpart in everyday language.

>> No.19214623

Except the French literally use english words for thing that already have a french word

>> No.19214637

Yeah but they'll just say the english word with a french accent, they incorporate them "properly".
In Quebec you'll find words that aren't in the dictionnary and wouldn't recognise as an english word.

>> No.19214648

eul sait

>> No.19214669

What they're saying is that Quebecers use old-timey French, that's why it's hard for me to understand chunks of it
Imagine if someone walked up to the counter at Subway and said "Fine innkeeper, if you'll abide by my countenance, I'll have a Philadelphia ffandwich, a full trotter, with twice the kine!"
You'd be like, "the shit is up with this fuck," too

>> No.19214689

They really don't. Quebecers have no trouble understanding "international" french, nor written France french. It's the same language. The average person will have very casual speech in everyday life but aside from amore local expressions it's no different. You're probably thinking of people from the Maritime provinces as >>19214257 said, these guys are hard to understand.

>> No.19214704

I don't know enough about Canada to make the distinction :(
I am learning, though

>> No.19214733

Quebec speaks french with a scottish accent. That's why everyone hates hearing it.

>> No.19214758

Compare this interview in Montreal (you shouldn't have much issue understanding it)
with this guy showing off all these maritime dialects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKTGwzVmSJU

>> No.19214760

ESLs definitely can't understand newfie speak.
Also had some irishmen in a hostel with some americans and the american girls couldn't tell what the fuck the irish guys were saying (in english).
>shower runs out of water
>girl comes out in towel
>ripped irish guy proceeds into shower
>girl slides under the saloon door to go back in
>he comes out and asks if I want to finish her off
>other girls are bewildered while I laugh

>later at night everyone in beds
>where's ripped irish guy?
>friend says he was fucking some girl in the bushes
>appears with pants undone

>> No.19214797

>Genuinely quite shocked at this
It's really not. North-American and European French had been separated for like 150 years following the 7 years war. And I mean *actually* separated.The UK and Australia might be separated geographically-speaking, but their people still moved from one place to the other. Trade and communication never stopped between the two. In this case though, allowing french-canadian to maintain any sort of rapport with mainland France was out of the question after their land became English clay. By the time contact was somewhat reestablished around the start of the 20th century, both languages had mutated and diverged from where they both started, which is completely understandable.

>> No.19214822

Interesting, TY
It's funny because I can kinda understand some of the Maritime wording, probably because my dad was from the north of France but lived in the south of France and I spent summers in both places as a kid, but fuck me some of that was indecipherable
Quebec French is definitely clearer, but it's got a distinct accent, about as different as classic French to Parisian French
I wonder if Parisian French is even a thing anymore

>> No.19214839

It's the same with English; even though there are lots of other languages influencing English in the US, there are some linguists who say that present-day American English may be closer to the Queen's English from colonial times
And obviously British English had its own separate influences over the centuries, which is why there's a lot of variation in British accents even on the home island

>> No.19214844


>> No.19214846

Define interior...
Because out there in fuckin' Spagatchewan and Alburta, they sound like the kind of web-toed Letterkenny-bred yokels that even the cheese-eaters down in Wiscaansin would kick to the curb for too much sisterfuckin'.

>> No.19215858
File: 2 KB, 125x125, pepe having a level 100 brainspasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quebec speaks french with a scottish accent

>> No.19215891

NTA but he's not wrong. The Quebecers split off their language from Continental French 400 years ago. It has a medieval, barking dog aspect to it.

>> No.19216236

>The Quebecers split off their language from Continental French 400 years ago.
It has to be the most repeated meme lmao.
Quebec had its own divergent version of french. It makes no sense to claim that Quebecois hasn't evolve in 400 years s I'm for some unknown reason and there are no serious evidence of this, it's just a meme that is repeated again and again because of the deeply rooted fear in Quebecois mindset of losing their identity. Quebecois has been heavily influenced by English in term of vocabulary, accent and grammar. I know it's hard to accept from a Quebecois point of view by when you're seriously looking into the matter is an undisputable fact

>> No.19216604

It even has its own regional accents.
If anything, Ontarois (moreso along hwys 11, 66 and 101 out from Rouyn-Noranda) is French with a Scottish accent. It cleans up around Ottawa (it's got a vowel shift, but it's legible), but the stuff in Central-ish Ontario is just hard-lived, toothless, highland Français. Montreal's quick, but more in a Welsh "Fuck vowels!" kind of way. It cleans up as you move out of the core to a point where it could be non-Metro French-French. And then you go North or East and it's just back to mountain folk and what might as well be Cajun.

>> No.19216615


>> No.19216656

My pipe is female. I can suck it all I want.

>> No.19216741

No he didn't

>> No.19216747

Give yer bawls a tug ya titfucker

>> No.19216750

Showed some bongs Newfie speak and they almost had a stroke

>> No.19216755

I double checked and you're right, he didn't.

BUT I'LL SAY THIS he was lucky because he didn't even know that he didn't

>> No.19216816

Can I tug on yours first there bwaud?

>> No.19216817

It's Irish.

>> No.19216831

The pronunciation is, shit gets goofy when you add in the Newfie slang

>> No.19216838

Centuries of whiskey and inbreeding will do that. Just ask the Cockneys.

>> No.19216927

I'm not sure what you call turkey gravey but it's not poutine gravy, so I'd go with the turkey one.

>> No.19217007

I’ve been to many places in the interior, from Yellowknife to Niagara-on-the-lake, and the people have always sounded virtually the same. At the same time I have to admit that I’ve never been to Saskatchewan or rural Alberta so perhaps it is different there. The principal identifying characteristic of this accent (as opposed to other American accents) is the near-universal pattern of stressed syllables being subtle diphthongs - example being ‘hang’. Americans sound flat in comparison.

>> No.19217049

Eastern Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba get a little bit Letterkenny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rSBmOgpcDE
Toronto has a few, most are terrible. The worst is the Toronto rappers who sound like a Caribbean take on Letterkenny. Especially "Phaem". The rest is usually Cheese-eater, artificial-redneck, or California-wannabe. We are truly a nation of terrible accents.

>> No.19217085
File: 123 KB, 960x960, BWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the big white cock

>> No.19217118

Tabarnak de calisse! Is that a fucking Saint Hubert's?

>> No.19217126

This is my accent. I think it's fairly typical, but perhaps you would disagree. in any case I am curious into which category of your classification system I fit into.

>> No.19217139

... Winnipeg with a corporate job? A bit of lift on the e's and words like "Nail." Definitely closer to RP North American English than I am (I'm more California-wannabe Chraana with a side of redneck rampage).

>> No.19217157

Letterkenny is some fucking Torontonian's idea of what the Prairies are like, extrapolated from the townies in Ontario's bible belt. Might as well watch Schitt's Creek.

>> No.19217180

Rural Ontario, far enough away that I pronounce Toronto with both T's. Pretty good guess, I think. Alas, no corporate job.

>> No.19217184

I was always told that Letterkenny was a parody of Listowel specifically, not the Prairies.

>> No.19217216

The accent's fairly similar in rural areas from Southern Ontario to the foothills in Alberta. It does reach a peak in the middle of Spagatchewan - Prince Albert to Saskatoon-ish, where it's like "Ok, so you're from Montana, but you want to sound like you're from Halifax?"

Bullshit! There's no T in Toronto!

>> No.19217247

The Trontonian pronunciation sounds much more natural and it's way easier, I have to admit.
>Unstressed first syllable lost in favour of stressed second syllable (very typical for english language)
>'Tr' is not actually pronouncable with a rhotic r, so it becomes 'chr'
>Difficult to pronounce 'ŋto' becomes 'no'
It makes perfect sense.

>> No.19217270

It's a result of mush mouth. Do you know how hard it is to read lips downtown? The corporate whores can be a little bit Valley Girl but they pronounce consonants. The rich folks up in the Don Valley area north of Bloor sound like people trying to sound wealthy. Aside from those two subspecies in this Calhounian experiment, you probably won't hear a hard T. I got fired off of Man from Toronto for chuckling when Woody said Toronto like the god damned grand marquis of Bel Air.

>> No.19217279

>the foothills in Alberta
Settled by Ukrainian, Germans, and Dutch. It sounds nothing like the "down by the bay boys."

>> No.19217293

Unless you stop at a gas station, liquor store, bar/venue... Do you know how much of the redneck belt is Ukrainian, German, Dutch and Finnish? They might speak different languages with their grandparents, but they have the same Country-nouveau, vowel shifted, web-toed lilt when they talk to each other.

>> No.19217300

Here is an "Albertan" accent

>> No.19217328

He's fairly clean, definitely a hard R on "Honour" and "Obscure". The U's are a bit odd too. I'm going to look him up after I place the guess, but I'm feeling Edmonton. The accents are always cleaner in urban centres - to the point where when you can tell them apart at all (a-tall?) it's because of vowel quirks or slang.

>> No.19217329

I'm from the Northern Ontario methlands. Everyone up there says tchronno.

>> No.19217337

I was way off. I'm glad he doesn't sound the way he looks.

>> No.19217341

Sudbury proper? Markstay?

>> No.19217348

>I'm from the Northern Ontario methlands
My condolences
Everyone up there says tchronno.
I'm only a few hours by car away, but everyone says either "Toronto' or "Toronno', I have never heard anyone who wasn't a transplant from the city itself say Chrawno. My father's family was from Muskoka and they are the same.

>> No.19217352

>My father's family was from Muskoka
Did you get any extra chromosomes out of the deal?

>> No.19217356

No, my mother was from Sarnia and they cancelled each other out.

>> No.19217360

good ol chore-wron'oh

>> No.19217369

Minamata in retrograde?

>> No.19217377

North of Suds

>> No.19217388

Like Timmins/Cochrane north, or just one of the little burghs along the way?

>> No.19217434

The latter. My entire family is from Timmins, Rouyn-Noranda, North Bay and the Ottawa Valley and the only ones who still say 'toe-ron-toe' are the geezers and Jean-Guys who can barely speak English

>> No.19217445

"You boys are from Toronto? My son's in Toronto! He's going to marry a black woman!"

>> No.19217461

He's a rancher from the SW foothills, near the Montana border.

>> No.19217472

He's had contact with people who speak English. I didn't realize the suits made it out that far.

>> No.19217476

>He's fairly clean
He's also a professional singer, in the talking-blues style, so probably pretty crisp from that. It's not the same at all as the syllabic sing-song of central Ontario.

>> No.19217608

As long as it's not the Ottawa valley, I can get away with just crossing my eyes and feeling my genes deteriorate... The vowel shift is so bad in Eastern Ontario that words come out wrong. Not once have I ever wanted a whole Ben fulla 'ags, but even less so East of Kingston.