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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 1080x1350, Coffbusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19210665 No.19210665 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

"Who ya gonna call?" edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, might be time to replace your boiler.

Previous thread: >>19202824

>> No.19210694

Good morning, I have cancer

>> No.19210695

Moka bros, have you tried pre-infusion?
Put 80% of the (hot) water in the boiler, cover with the funnel and coffee powder and pour the rest of the water directly on the coffee to make a pre infusion, then assemble the pot and brew.

It requires a scale of course.

>> No.19210697

The cons speak for themselves. What are the pros?

>> No.19210712

Maybe sloppier preground will taste better?

>> No.19210714


>> No.19210742

So what's the best moka technique?

>> No.19210748

In synthesis, a good executed coffee tastes good without sugar but it will taste even better with it.

>> No.19210770

This seems like you just searched youtube but have no on hands experience.

>> No.19210776

Is everyone on ctg fucking insane

>> No.19210784
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First time?

>> No.19210799


>> No.19210824


>> No.19210847

Stop playing dumb, idiot.
You keep copy pasting my and other anons posts and talk to yourself.
It’s scaring me, STOP IT.

>> No.19210884
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Coffee's nice in Toronto

>> No.19210897

>eat a good supper
>shot of espresso digestif
nothing like it in the world, lads

>> No.19210934

please try street brew coffee

>> No.19211032

It’s time for a podcast.


Sleep tight /ctg/.

>> No.19211461

Anyone have any moka tips?

>> No.19211672


>> No.19211715
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I think I might have to take the Folgerspill bros
There's something super comforting about weak shitty coffee that even my best speciality brews simply can't match

>> No.19211809
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Inlaws bought me the Fellow Stagg [XF] Pour Over Set + Grinder, and I'm absolutely loving it. Huge improvement in taste over just sticking a bunch of preground beans into a Bodum french press. The Fellow kettle with the gooseneck is money.

>> No.19211838
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hey guys the seasoning in my coffee pot has started to come off what do i do?

>> No.19211843

Throw it away asap. That shit's full of cadmium.

>> No.19211849
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Is adding steamed milk to french roast with chicory a good idea?

>> No.19211854

That's the cum they put in it

>> No.19211874

Her body overall and complete lack of ass specifically are completely horrid. I can't imagine how depraved and zonked out of your mind on psychedelics you'd have to be to find Yoko attractive enough to fuck. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.19211896

It's a shoop, but the real one isn't much better. Her ass is pretty normal sized, but shaped like a sock full of mashed potatoes

>> No.19211902
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.19211910

Very simple, every woman looks good face down ass up, the hip bones facilitate the apparent existence of an ass and you don't have to see her fucked up gook shovel face

>> No.19211976

>trying to make moka into espresso
jesus fuck
>always stir the coffee before pouring

>> No.19211977

I don't think there is an inbetween alternative unless you want to count the wacaco. Aeropress has a glass and metal version for later though.

>> No.19211979

what the fuck am i even looking at?

>> No.19212015

He took second this year in the Italian brewers cup too kek.

>> No.19212029

>Italian brewers cup
is that like the special olympics?

>> No.19212057

Same venue.

>> No.19212061

and also how does removing the pot from the flame to pour out the first coffee and then putting it back on affect the brewing time and extraction?

>> No.19212062
File: 32 KB, 470x470, tmc3festivalred3jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't a Chinese company fuck around and put cadmium in red dye for aluminum?

>> No.19212077

Do you think timemore is making their own anodizing dye or just buying it from a company who makes dye? Take the meds anon. Make the coffee. Your next post should be about coffee, not your ocd. Live with the choices you've made or make different choices.

>> No.19212090

I don't know how it works, I don't know who checks stuff and approve them. That's why I'm so scared.

>> No.19212098

Literally every red anodizing dye I look up is chromium II and III. VI is the one to look out for. You're fine. You're not going to listen to anyone here and your ocd isn't allowing you to do any independent research so it looks like you're just fucked until you buy an EU made grinder.

>> No.19212108

it doesnt.
please be patient, he is italian.

>> No.19212192

Drink more coffee.

>> No.19212193 [DELETED] 
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.19212206

I can't find any grinder that is in the same price range and can do espresso. Amazon isn't an option, it costs 2-3 times the original price for the shipping and taxes

>> No.19212220

>that symbol

>> No.19212257

Is putting spices or salt into your coffee able to change the flavor much, I’ve tried nutmeg, cinnamon, salt and cumin and it only changes it a tad. Need to make a bold brew

>> No.19212291

Not really, ctg is just tryhard retards trying to out-hipster every other poster but that's basically every other coffee snob

>> No.19212301
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The cafe is open

>> No.19212303

>Baratza Encore/Virtuoso
>Eureka Mignon Crono/Filtro
Will these do espresso?

>> No.19212402
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Post breakfast goffee

>> No.19212469

I meant there’s extra water over the thin layer that it’s supposed to be there at the end of the brewing.
However the bigger problem is the premature gurgling with steam when the brew is at 3/4

>> No.19212513

Can I get a quick tutorial on how to make good coffee? I am not talking about THE BEST but if the best is 100% I want to make 80%. I drink coffee just for the caffeine but the cheap pre-ground supermarket coffee I make in my cheap french press tastes ass and I am looking for something better without spending $300+ on a coffee machine and going through an elaborate process each time I want to make coffee.

1. What's the best device for making coffee and why?
2. Can I even get good coffee at all from the supermarket even if I buy the most expensive brand?

>> No.19212530

French press is already good. Get a baratza encore and spend on beans, fond a serious local roaster. Use the Hoffman method for your pressing. These three things willtake you to 87% for the remainder, study burr geometry and mindfulness

>> No.19212534

buy a moka pot and find a local roaster to your taste. anything more is autism

>> No.19212539

how important is the filter of the french press? mine was like $10 so it just one simple metal sheet

>> No.19212549

Watch the hoffman french press video, you can almost do it without the filter, youre good. Fresh light roast beans is the important factor

>> No.19212550

That's basically what South Indian coffee is.

>> No.19212559

>I drink coffee just for the caffeine
buy caffeine pills and drink tea instead.
you can get a year supply of both for under $300
goodbye, dont come back :)

>> No.19212562

What is it you don't like about your Frecnh Press coffee?

If it's the grit in your coffee, look up the Hoffman method for French Press (basically just break the crust of the brew and let the grounds sink to the bottom, then don't plunge fully and pour carefully so the grounds don't end up in your cup).

If it's too sour, try letting it extract for longer. If it's too bitter, try letting it extract less. Or just buy better coffee beans since supermarket beans are usually stale and overroasted.

If it's too weak, maybe look at something like an Aeropress since that can make stronger brews (which are more suitable as a base for milk drinks). Plus it will be much quicker to brew and it's paper-filtered (so it avoids the grit problem).

>> No.19212657

I don't have a frame of reference but I was using unfiltered tap water, the cheapest supermarket pre-ground coffee and eyeballed the coffee/water ratio

I will have to get a filter and some premium coffee and weigh the coffee and see if it improves.

>> No.19212669
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Mronin fellow goys

>> No.19212685

What can I do with a case of coffee beans that were meant for Costco? They only last a year.

>> No.19212689

I had a coffee at work today,

>> No.19212696

What was the special occasion?

>> No.19212700

Came out as trans.

>> No.19212710

how much caffeine does coffee have?

let's say you use 30g of coffee beans
how much caffeine is in them and how much gets extracted?

>> No.19212713

Whenever I buy good beans I always get mad I have to use them. Does that make sense? I know its stupid but I hate buying shitty beans so when I run out of "the good stuff" I get baby rage

>> No.19212733

7 grams of beans made into an espresso (30 grams) have circa 80 grams of caffeine.
Do not exceed 400 grams of daily caffeine intake.

>> No.19212735

Huh? You can't change your sex though. Are you sick?

>> No.19212737

The FP is kino. With good technique you barely use the screen. I get some pretty good cups out of a moka, but they still can be temperamental. The press is my daily driver. It stays true to the beans and doesn't drop goose egg cups like a keurigg or moka will occasionally do.

>> No.19212739

No I just had a coffee.

>> No.19212740

>7 grams
I wont even begin to address all the other errors in your post because this already outs you as incompetent. An espresso is 18 grams

>> No.19212744

Espresso is Italian and in Italy they make an espresso with 7 grams, so KYS and stop altering Italian culture with your foreign subhumanity.

>> No.19212753
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Made coffee with aeropress

>> No.19212754

Just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on Giancomo

>> No.19212756

>giuseppe getting uppity again
your culture is shit.
also your nonna always hated you.

>> No.19212760


>> No.19212765
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>> No.19212768
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This is now a SCIENCE based approach coffee thread.
It's over with your ASTROLOGY bullshit.
Now's time for hard cold OBSERVABLE & MEASURABLE facts.

>> No.19212778

you are right anon, the espresso is 7g
which is why everyone should stop drinking trash italian coffee with trash italian names and start drinking real coffee made with a real amount of coffee named something like express-oh(everything sounds cooler with and x and the oh is the sound you mum makes when i fuck her ass)

>> No.19212781
File: 393 KB, 1080x1350, 6DDDEFAD-0F45-4E21-B749-24DC17485AAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a SOVL based approach coffee thread.
It's over with your AUTISTIC bullshit.
Now's time for warm COMFORTABLE & REASSURING brews.

>> No.19212782
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I hope you remember to pray to coffee gods to bless your brew. I usually hold my talisman at 63 degree angle in relation to the moon. Of course my cleaning runes have already cleansed the water from any impurities and sins.

>> No.19212790

is it normal wanting to shit and piss a lot after drinking coffee?

thats why i only drink coffee at home and when I don't have to go anywhere soon

>> No.19212802

Your heat is too high, you've gotta temp surf retard

>> No.19212806

What a handsome man. Does his coffee look and taste as good as him? I sometimes wonder.

>> No.19212811


>> No.19212814

Is there an app for that?

>> No.19212817

Depends on too many factors to even guess. Just buy some caffeine testing strips if you really want to know for your specific brew

>> No.19212825

In Italy they make espresso with charcoal, nobody cares you wop faggot

>> No.19212839

I do actually.

>> No.19212848

Soon, I will know the answer.
Next week I’ll have the grinder and order his coffee.
He says that he roast your beans as soon as he receives the order, so you have to expect to receive your coffee in circa 5-7 days.

>> No.19212850

Thats what he said, nobody

>> No.19212852

If he roasts the beans 250g at a time he is running a joke business I shiggy he diggys

>> No.19212862

>Repeatedly using "circa" like this
Fuck off esl retard

>> No.19212864

But i DO care.

Everybody civilised person knows it's a shoe company.

>> No.19212866

Thats what he said, nobody

>> No.19212871

Fuck off esl retard

>> No.19212885

Pick four (4) coffees.


>> No.19212926

Hmm google fucks up the page and remove the description.

Use the original link: https://www.caffepenazzi.it/categoria-prodotto/caffe-specialty/

>> No.19212999

>doesnt understand english
>calls other esl
Yep, definitely a nobody

>> No.19213005

Still have to roast them separately. I think Trobatti is lying about roasting to order, either that or he has some countertop home roasting device not meant for commercial environment. Real roasters have set roast days and you can order from those, like mon/wed/fri for example

>> No.19213017

>The roasting of the beans takes place in an artisanal way with a manually controlled machine, to order, as regards Single Origin. The Blend of the Master Roaster, fine coffee to be enjoyed at any time of the day, is created at least two/three times a week, therefore always available for sale and tasting. The business card of a craftsman who pleases the palate, without causing discomfort to our body.

>Your most welcome orders are arriving in abundance at this time, for which I am extremely grateful. It may therefore happen that there may be accumulations of work from which the average delivery times may change. In "normal" times, the coffees you find available in the shop are shipped, if ordered in beans, on average in TWO/THREE WORKING DAYS from receipt of payment. If they are for Moka, or in any case ground for other extraction systems, they go through FIVE/SIX because before grinding they have to develop their aromas, and this is essential for all types.

>> No.19213024

Yeah its very poorly written but does not sound like hes roasting your beans alone, sounds like a normal workflow and a lot of circle jerking

>> No.19213117

Based goffee wizard exercising the unclean

>> No.19213148

My niche will arrive soon, now I'm not in the mood to sell my old grinder (dont want to clean it), is it ok to use it as a spice grinder? It's a sage smart grinder

>> No.19213155

What do I need to do when I receive my first manual grinder, cleaning wise?
Is there an instruction booklet with everything explained?

>> No.19213174

Take it apart, wash it and put it together but don't ruin the burrs while putting it back together or else you'll get cadmium

>> No.19213198
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>wash it

>> No.19213236

which one.

>> No.19213238

That's really fast. Not many roasters are this fresh

>> No.19213241


>> No.19213243

Grind rice.

>> No.19213265

welcome to 2019

>> No.19213285

Oh fuck no please, I dont want to go back in time

>> No.19213294

serious answers only. now theres no chance for stupid ones.

using a moka pot, filter, great beans with very fresh and recent roast, technique is correct regarding temp on burner etc. grind is adequate, end result still is a smidge sour. maybe a skosh. what can i do to improve this?

>> No.19213300
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I did my first pull with flair, extraction time was pretty much like the guide says and according to my scale I did it around the correct pressure. The shot was so bitter it maked my head spin. Probably the beans were horseshit as I anticipated but I didn't predict it to be so bad. I don't think I have ever had a "correct" espresso, the only ones were from the "professional" nespresso machines in cafes, so I don't have a good reference point.

>> No.19213311

>very fresh and recent roast

>> No.19213344

Moka is inferior, you should french press

>> No.19213357

if you mean an aeropress filter then you should not be using it.
are you sure it is medium roast?
show a pic of the grind.
list your brew technique from start to finish

and are you sure its sour and not some other thing?
like astringent?
or it could be that it is brewed correctly but thats just how those beans taste.
im going to bed now so i wont be back to see your reply for like 10 hours sorry :)

>> No.19213424

>looks like you're just fucked until you buy an EU made grinder

>> No.19213467


>> No.19213618
File: 190 KB, 960x1280, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most recent yield was way better, little to no sourness. adjusted the grind to be a bit finer. total time of brewing was 4min though. apparently the sweet spot is 2-3.
31g bean
298g hot water
about 240g cuppa extracted (not exactly sure on weight, i was impatient towards the end)

>> No.19213624
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>> No.19213638

>298g hot water
fun metric fact: liquids are measured in litres.

this looks course

>> No.19213643

course AND dry. those are stale beans. probably been frozen.

>> No.19213648

>Imense supposition and arguing against said supposition
>Real roasters follow my arbitrary scenario
Why does he bother you so much?

>> No.19213654

literally the same. scale doesnt give a kufc

>this looks course
at least theyre not coarse. also, any image makes it hard to really tell. this is scant above table salt granules in reality.

roasted a few days ago, locally.

>> No.19213663

>Guatemala Huehuetenango confezione 200g
>Miscela del Mastro Torrefattore 100% Arabica, conf. 1 kg
>Miscela BrasindiA 100% Arabica, confezione 200g
>Caffè Perù Très Mosqueteros cf. 200 g (Arabica pura)

>> No.19213678

>roasted a few days ago
i just googled and learned that the oil shine on roasted beans (which yours lack) is actually a sign of stale beans. i thought the opposite and i was wrong so i sincerely apologize for the confusion.

>> No.19213682

>table salt granules
that's course (for espresso) but fine for meme press

>> No.19213688
File: 2.81 MB, 1485x2000, The-Blind-Leading-the-Blind-xx-Sebastian-Vrancx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19213695

Fun metric fact: 1g of water = 1mL of water

Also liquids are only measured in liters if they were measured volumetrically, if you measured the liquid in grams using a scale, then it's measured in grams faggot.

>> No.19213700

Based, I picked the first two ones you chose too.
I also added India Cherry AB and Santos X.

>> No.19213714

No anon, today I made two different coffees with minimum heat and it happened the same: it starts gurgling and spitting blonde coffee with bubbles at 50% of the extraction and the only thing I can do is to close the lid and let it finish gurgling.

Now I made coffee and it used all the water, I’m sure.

It’s absurd because days ago I had no problem for consecutive brews using the same coffees, I’m also sure I didn’t change anything…again never had this problem with 1 cup and 3 cup Bialetti, the extraction was 100% linear, but with this stainless moka it’s been an adventure so far.

I repeat, the coffee tastes good so I can ignore this behaviour but it still trigger my autism and I can’t ignore it because I have the need to control everything, my psychologist says that this is the reason why I don’t want to have sex, because I fear illnesses.

Help me.

>> No.19213734

you make a good point. i dialed it in a bit more after reducing the grind size. ill grind smaller on my next attempt and see how it goes.

>> No.19213742

Sounds like your stove's output is too high and/or inconsistent. Burner setting doesn't matter, if it's spitting steam before the brew is done then it's too hot.


You may need to literally move the pot partway off the burner to get the heat low enough to avoid the issue, I've got a gas stove with a fairly high output even at the lowest possible setting, so when it seems like the brew is starting to get too fast and it might spit steam, I move the pot slightly off the flame and WHO COULD GUESS, IT SLOWS THE PROCESS.

This is not difficult to understand, the only way steam is making it past the liquid water and into the brew chamber before the liquid level has dried to the level of the intake spout is it you're heating it too fast. This is the only possible scenario, assuming you don't just have extra holes in your water chamber somewhere, and that you're not flipping it upside down like a retard.

>> No.19213747

"...light roast and medium roast coffee beans are less likely to look oily. They simply haven’t been roasted long enough to draw the oils out. In general, the darker the roast, the more oily a coffee bean will look, but lighter roasts can occasionally look oily too. As coffee beans age, regardless of their roast level, the natural oils will make their way to the surface. This process doesn’t happen quickly, so if you notice oil on a medium or light roast, it means the beans are getting old and likely to have lost some of their initial flavor."

>> No.19213748

>if you measured the liquid in grams using a scale, then it's measured in grams
of course but that's wrong. not all liquids are water and different liquids have the same weight. milk, for example, weighs more than water.

i understand that you're new to the metric system so i'm just trying to help you and prevent you from making a further fool of yourself. you're welcome.

>> No.19213749

The man either roasts 250g batches or lies to you, which one are you defending?

>> No.19213751

Ok anon but why does this happen with the stainless moka and not with the aluminium one?

>> No.19213753

>not all liquids are water and different liquids have the same weight

yet here we are, and we were talking about water..

>> No.19213755

water is a liquid

liquids are measured in litres

you must have a learning disability (or a stubborn ego)

>> No.19213756

Steel and aluminum have different thermal properties, they heat differently. Different pots will have slight variations in their design that can affect this as well. You're the autistic one, you should understand this shit from obsessing over it. Be better at autism.

>> No.19213758

in fact, disregard that and keep making the same mistake. it's your life!

>> No.19213761

Nigger you literally quoted the person stating explicitly they they were measuring water

>> No.19213764

see >>19213695

>> No.19213766

yea nah you're right and i'm wrong so carry on being you

>> No.19213768


>> No.19213770

If I was measuring milk and I measured it in grams using a scale, I would not look up a grams milk to mL milk conversion chart to communicate the amount to someone, I would give them the amount I measured in grams. You are retarded.

>> No.19213775

>If I was measuring milk and I measured it in grams using a scale
then you would be wrong and i would continue to mock you.

>> No.19213778


it was water. it was always correct. you were wrong since the beginning.
touch grass.

>> No.19213780

>I would not look up a grams milk to mL milk conversion chart
if you had measured in litres like you were supposed to then you wouldn't have to use a conversion chart

>> No.19213788

>Retarded American zoomer just learned what the metric system is and is larping as someone who doesn't have downs

>> No.19213790
File: 1006 KB, 1125x5860, IMG_3278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally says that he roasts 250 gr batches of rare luxury coffees in front of his customers in private sessions.

>pic related

He has two roasting machines, the big one and the small black one he uses for his “the coffee tailor” luxury line.

>> No.19213794

I'm American so using GRAMS is hard enough. don't make me have to learn about LITRES as well! I can only concentrate on one thing at a time!

>> No.19213799

the post!

>> No.19213802
File: 161 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_3276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the black roaster.

I never found someone like him who roasts at your presence in private, that means that you pay for 250 grams or more of luxury coffee (40~65€) and you get to be with him doing his job and you have all the place close for you.

You literally can’t find another person who works like this, adding more to the experience of premium coffee.

>> No.19213808

Again, you create a caricature then attack said caricature. You've been doing this since the Trabattiposting started.
I'm reiterate the inquiry.
Why does this man make you seethe?

>> No.19213811

>This is the black roaster.
>pic show a white guy

>> No.19213814

Well anon, that’s it: tomorrow I’ll be making a coffee using the lowest amount of fire possible on the stove and film the extraction.

See you tomorrow then and thanks for the help.

>> No.19213817

And you think the
>8/9€ per 200 gr bags
>rare luxury coffee

>> No.19213829

My question was clear and simple and devoid of memespeak yet you failed to answer. Also seems like you are mistaking me for someone else. You really failed at everything here, 0/10 post anon

>> No.19213835

You can walk in to any decent roaster and watch them roadt without paying extra what are you talking about? This man seems like a con artist

>> No.19213844

>seems like a con artist
He shills superautomatics and tells people
>in order to best taste the coffee, even the perfectly roasted one (for it will always have some bitterness to it), you need to add white sugar (do not exceed) because it’s an enhancer of flavour and it also neutralise the bitterness and rebalances the cup.
Its very clear he's a venditore di olio di serpente.

>> No.19213854

>what is a false dilemma?

>> No.19213865


>> No.19213876

Ive lost interest, enjoy your chocolatey dark roast anon. I hope it brings you notes of cocoa and strong aroma

>> No.19213880
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Ps. also note that I already wrote that if using a too low flame the coffe stream simply interrupts after few seconds when a thin veil of coffee exit the spouts and nothing happens until i raise the flame.
Also the problem only occurs with the reducer on the 3 cup position and not when flipped on the 1 cup position.

Shit's intense.

>> No.19213885

How many grams do you think this is? Keep in mind this is off the small roaster, not the big red one for your 8/9€ per 200 gr bags.

>> No.19213913
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Next stop flavortown

>> No.19213924
File: 586 KB, 2000x1328, shutterstock_45454366[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other decent roasters don't work in such a soulful environment rich in history and traditions.

>> No.19213936

>liquids are measured in litres
You mean volume is measured in liters. Mass is measured in grams. Are you trying to argue that liquids don't have mass, anon?

>> No.19213945

What's so bad about superautomatics?
They grind your coffee and make espresso at 9 bar, what's not to like?
I'd buy a Jura E8 in a heartbeat if I had the money.

>in b4 "they remove all the autism we like"

That's your problem, I want to drink good coffee.

>> No.19213966
File: 395 KB, 578x741, Immagine 2023-04-28 214237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this book if you want to learn how to make good espresso, straight from the masters in the old country.

>> No.19213971

>They grind your coffee
>and make espresso at 9 bar
No they don't

Also you forgot
>Brew at wildly inconsistent temperatures that rarely if ever hit the ideal range for even part of the extraction

>> No.19213977

>get new beans from roasterman
>epic maragogibe beans
>in awe of the size of those lads
>go to dial in the new workflow
Many such cases. Have one of those juras at work and I 360 out of the kitchen and go to the mokamaster in the small kitchen everytime

>> No.19213978

Idk anon, I tried a De Longhi machine and it worked fine.

>> No.19213979

The old country is full of retards who burn the shit out of their beans and think that the time of day affects their ability to process lactose

>> No.19213984

You can just say you're retarded, you don't have to beat around the bush

>> No.19213986

And yet they invented the process you use to drink your coffee and all the food you love. Many such cases.

>> No.19213996

Incredibly poor value for the money. A kingrinder k4 and stock 9 bar gaggia will shit all over the entire jura line. K4 and Flair neo will as well. Now if you'll excuse me I'm about to go roast a 115g batch and listen to sicilian folk music.
I haven't pulled a 9bar shot in years. Brother I was just like you starting out. Buying shit beans, slamming pucks at 9bar 30s with tap water and arguing with people who knew better. You'll learn.

>> No.19213998

>cavemen invented the wheel
>you better not be using rubber tires devoid of sovl and history
Giancomo pls go

>> No.19214003

Shut the fuck up Vincente, your grandmother is retarded and her spaghetti sauce is shit

>> No.19214013

>No Giuseppe , the beans aren't shit you just have to let la jura work its magic and add sugar.

>> No.19214025

How good are you guys at describing flavor of your coffee? Do you drink it can you can pick out "oh this tastes exactly like hazelnuts" or "this has a lot of blackberry in it"? Or do you not care at all and just say "tastes good"?

I personally like to try and pick out flavor notes but I can't always do it. Sometimes I drink it and think "damn this is so good" but I can't place whats good about it. Just had a cup of the "wine" series from SW Coffee and it was insanely good but I can't place the flavors.

>> No.19214024

Hes not a conman its rare beans and he has a pocket square!

>> No.19214030


>> No.19214047

Best seethe-farmer hands down.

>> No.19214054

>you drink it can you can pick out "oh this tastes exactly like hazelnuts"
No matter how I roast, my brazilian maragogype tastes like straight hazelnuts. I can't stand it. Someone else might absolutely love it. Strangely some 36hr ferment columbian pacamara(pacas x maragogype) is one of the best coffees I drank last year.

>> No.19214113

>post much more than anyone else
>heh..... look at the seethe I've farmed

>> No.19214254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19214258
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>> No.19214348

I like how he abandons the whole
>roasted to order
after being proven wrong and goes back to homoposting.

>> No.19214436



>> No.19214466

You will never be a white woman Gianhomo.

>> No.19214514
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Silent post. But quite eloquent in its own right

>> No.19214530

Truly thought provoking.

>> No.19214634

It’s time for a podcast.


Sleep tight /ctg/.

>> No.19214643

>Roast, roast, roast, roast… “But you never get tired”? No, because every time it is a challenge in itself, and measure the experience carefully to maximize the result you will get in the cup. Each time a rise in the roasting curve to check, and to bring back the time and temperature parameters if it starts to get tantrums. I won't stop saying that Coffee comes from agriculture, that it is alive and sensitive to many factors, in addition to the roaster that spreads more and more heat. Therefore we will never be able to claim the absolute equality of each roast, however very similar they are. And in case you want an always identical product, there are those toasted by a PC, automatically. Too bad they lack a fundamental requirement: the soul of the coffee roaster…

>> No.19214646
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>> No.19214656

>my batches are inconsistent but its actually a good thing! Just add sugar.

>> No.19214662


>> No.19214676

>S O V L

>> No.19214710
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, No coffee, no life!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the devastating news I need to avoid coffee as it will stain composite bonding on teeth. I've been trying to find some industry trick like "clear" coffee. Something that looks like water or just mildly colorful but tastes exactly like coffee.
Or can I cover my teeth with vaseline before drinking coffee so the teeth don't get stained too much?

>> No.19214859

Use a straw retard

>> No.19214882

Add melk & cream

>> No.19215134
File: 1.75 MB, 4080x3072, 16827333622493555277567860512894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just blew thru my last can of Cafe Bustelo and pretty pumped to open this tomorrow morning. What am I in for?

>> No.19215148

Nespresso machines make espresso really really well. You need to dial it in perfectly to beat it. If you're used to Nespresso and swapping to home coffee it's like going from champagne to a bottle of apple juice you left under the bed

>> No.19215278
File: 33 KB, 512x512, 20230430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most sensual coffee ever?

>> No.19215326

Can you taste the difference between long black and americano?

>> No.19215364

I don't taste long black Americanos

>> No.19215427

Lungos are funkier than americanos.
Americano are softer and more balanced.
I'm not joking, that's the difference I've felt.

>> No.19215466
File: 369 KB, 500x271, 1514258155383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more pictures of characters drinking goffees

>> No.19215589

way too light for a moka, it can be done but it is super hard
also that grind is too coarse.
also why are your beans just in what looks like a bucket? they should be kept in at the very least and air tight container, and if you can some kind of vacuum seal/low oxygen container.

also the other anon is right, those beans look dry as hell.
i actually thought it was sand at first glance.

your yield was 240g?????
that sounds far too high.
didnt you say you had a 3 cup moka?

>> No.19215609

actually he is right.
grams are universal
especially for cooking
30g of milk is 30g of milk knowing the ml is literally worthless.
even if a recipe calls for 30ml of milk i can just use a scale and pour 30g of milk and its going to be the same amount of milk

>> No.19215612

>I throw 250g at a time in my ancient industrial roasting device
>nature is wonderful therefore we will not be able to claim the absolute equality of each roast
Pay me 60€ now

>> No.19215614

just to be sure
you are pouring boiling water in the base right?

>> No.19215617

>Oh btw other roasters with PC are not subject to wonderful nature because they lack soul
>this is a real argument btw and Im not conning you right now *winks and whaffs you with cologne*

>> No.19215619

>you can never evolve or change or improve upon something once it has been invented
actually kill yourself.

>> No.19215622

You can but you will gain quality which is the opposite of soul *pockets your squre*

>> No.19215630

natural process burundi kibingo

>> No.19215809

I can’t describe it half the time but I do like trying to hone in on fruity notes. I can sort of do it now, then add additional descriptors to further describe the quality. Like if it’s a bit mild, mildly sweet or murky in flavor I would say x dried fruit or fruit jam, but I would say fruit juice if it taste crisp and bright. Wine and more fermenty notes I often have issues with, simply because I don’t really drink wine to know enough

>> No.19215875

Coffees for this feel?

>> No.19215969

>You mean volume is measured in liters.
no. liquid volume is measured in cubic litres. liquids are meausred in litres.

>Mass is measured in grams
*cubic metres

>Are you trying to argue that liquids don't have mass, anon?
no. are you trying to move the goal posts, anon?

it's litres. the r is before the e. this is how i know you're american and new to the metric system. and like all arrogant american pigs you think you know everything about the thing you just discovered. please don't kill yourself.

>> No.19215972

how do you measure liquids (ie. milk) without using some kind of vessel to hold the liquid?

imagine if that vessel had markings on it that measured the liquid. would you then need to buy™ a scale™ you fucking brainwashed american capitalist pig?

>> No.19215997
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>> No.19215999

>cubic litres
Too obvious anon but you had a good run, got some bites for sure

>> No.19216014
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>> No.19216031

Volume cubed is funny to think about though, I suppose that would be some kind of hyperspace construct

>> No.19216104

I have lived in the English-speaking metric-using world for 35 years and no-one has ever used the term "cubic litres" at any point during that time.

>> No.19216109

not my problem

>> No.19216249

I’ve seen cL on a lot of bottled shit I buy from Europe, not so much in NA

>> No.19216272

That's centilitres, not cubic litres.

>> No.19216492

is it, my bad. Shouldn’t exist though, metric should go up in thousands, just phase the trash units out please

>> No.19216520

can you give an example of this new system.

>> No.19216602
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Today is smol french press day.

>> No.19216620

>dirty old shelf that is literally falling apart
>refuses to throw it away
classic italian sperg

>> No.19216660
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>creates a caricature and then attacks said caricature.
look up what a wooden coffee crates looks like.

you think he calls his breakfast "pain aux raisins" or "escargot"

>> No.19216728
File: 85 KB, 900x460, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon I just made coffee, and guess what...

I started with the lowest fire possible, barely visible, reducer on 1 cup, the coffee started exiting and after 5-6 seconds it stopped and the pot instantly started gurgling, not violently though, and bubbling, I then raised the fire for 10 seconds and turned the stove off to let it finish on residual heat but what happened was that the pot INSTANTLY stopped gurgling, thus signalling that it wasn't overheated and it didn't need temp surfing.

I'm lost and I want to cry, I don't know what the fuck should I do.

There's no leak of steam nor water where the two moka parts are connected, and of course it should be like this since there's a bayonet mechanism as closure which is also hard as fuck to operate.

So in 1 month of use the only way to correctly have the pot make all the coffee is to use medium fire, everything would go as expected but the coffee flows fast.

Is it time to call the customer service to have my pot inspected?

>> No.19216805

>I started with the lowest fire possible
i really dont know why you would ever do this
also temp surfing anons are retarded and over complicating things.
again, i have never used a 3 cup or 1 cup or whatever but
smallest burner
max heat
coffee starts flowing
turn to min heat
coffee gets halfway to bottom of spout(if you dont have a bialetti style top i dont know, i guess half of whatever your normal yield?)
turn heat off
wait for remaining heat to keep brewing coffee up to the bottom of the spout(it should only be a small trickle at this point)
run base under cold water

so yeh you might be shit out of luck
reject modernity
embrace aluminium
also im like 90% sure hoffmann did some part of his moka series on stainless steel moka.
ok he talks about it here(i linked with timestamp)
also maybe use a heating plate? idk.
i honestly want to buy the stuff you other moka anons use just so i can actually troubleshoot with you
but i dont have that kind of money(i dont need anything else keeping me from getting a new grinder.)
i would love to help fix your problems but at the end of the day i dont have any of the equipment that you have so my advice and my knowledge can only take me so far :(

>> No.19216815

Thanks for your service anon.

Well, my last resort before calling the customer service is to ask Alberto Trabatti.

He has the same pot as mine, despite his it's the pre restyling model (they should be the same), and he clearly says to use the lowest flame possible as he demonstrates us in his video:


Maybe I'm over reacting but I paid this moka (which I really like because it makes amazing coffee) 110€ and I want to be sure that it's not a defective unit.

At worst when I have money to throw away I'll shed 59€ for a Mokista 3/1 pot and use it with the Giannina.

>> No.19217003

Do not clean moka. Moka will acquire patina. Patins will slow down flow.
Keep making coffee.

>> No.19217058

I made another coffee because I was butthurt. Same exact fucking problem.

I didn’t use the aeropress filter both times and I guess that it plays a fundamental role.

I weighed 6 grams of coffee and I filled then funnel but it didn’t reach the borders, it was underfilled. Didn’t press and made coffee.

When I opened the moka to clean it, both times there was a hole at the center of the puck and coffee was attached to the upper filter.

Can this be a channeling issue where steam escapes through the puck?

I guess that the third test I can make is to completely fill the funnel with coffee and level it so it presses against the upper filter.

May god help me bros, for I need it.
I’m severely depressed and coffee is something I’m getting into (I love it) to fight depression and maybe turn this into a job.
I’m poor as fuck atm and buying this pot was a sacrifice, I had high expectations. Please god send help.

>> No.19217088
File: 1.28 MB, 2295x2018, 26EB27A3-C30F-45AB-949D-CBA89E164335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my coffee but how’s the bed? It’s pour over if you’re wondering.

>> No.19217205

Black, no paper filter, uneven grind bladegrinder grind and not all grounds are even wet. 0/10

>> No.19217230

Ask him why he's lying about roasting to order.

>> No.19217253

this has ruined my entire week
please be a troll

>> No.19217271
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>> No.19217281

I’ll do better, I’ll keep you posted from when I order to when I receive the coffee.
It shall be soon as I’m almost out of coffee, tomorrow or on Monday I’ll order the grinder and during the week I’ll buy beans from my local roaster to learn how to use the grinder, meanwhile I’ll order Penazzi coffee.

It will be a fun may.

>> No.19217295

just take the home roasting pill already.

>> No.19217309

Did you look into the kinu yet or are you set on the jx pro?

>> No.19217319

I did but it’s out of my budget sadly.

Kinu M47 Phoenix https://amzn.eu/d/iJtsFpZ

The JX pro S is 170€

>> No.19217347

I thought you were looking at the comandante for 230€ as well.

>> No.19217603


>> No.19217605

>Supposedly those are pretty good burrs for med-dark roasts.
they're better than 'pretty good' and they're suitable for all roasts.

mine > yours

>> No.19217669

that's a big guy

>> No.19217677 [DELETED] 

(For) >19217669 (You)

>> No.19217680

(For) >>19217669 (You)

>> No.19217736

OP here, I agree it's 0/10 I actually poked it and the melted parts are like molasses in texture.
It's not a troll this was genuinely made this morning, sorry. :(

>> No.19217743
File: 200 KB, 705x863, hemro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud. Ditting>Anfim. Always has been and always will be.

>> No.19217777

In the old thread(s) one anon posted a song by Max Gazze called "Vento d'Estate" and now I discovered this one.


Why does Max make such melancholic songs? They touch my soul.

>> No.19217781

both owned by the same company


>> No.19217804

I know. That's where I got the picture from. I'll take technical perfection over italian standard any day. There's a reason the Mahlkönig peak and e80 use ditting burrs. Would have been just as easy to use Anfim Scodys.

>> No.19218017
File: 149 KB, 1080x1080, 1651568928822759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A beautiful Saturday of breakfasts, get-togethers, meetings in the Roasting. One of our focal points is that we are located in an area just outside the center, suitable for arriving comfortably by car and parking without problems of space and paid parking. If to a certain extent the center has some peculiarities, it is equally true that being at its gates entails others. And, in the final analysis, it is also a bit of a litmus test to reward our loyal customers, with a peaceful environment detached from invasions. I am reminded of the example of Giuseppe Cipriani - he needs no introduction - who opened his Harry's Bar in a small street where many businesses in the past failed miserably. But he opened it in that alley because "people had to come there on purpose". Without being presumptuous, I hope that Cipriani looks down on me, and that he is a good mentor. And to human lands I say: "Your Espresso is being prepared"...

>> No.19218326

I'm almost honored one of my first attempts at pourover got saved by another anon

>> No.19218336

How many coffees does he drink daily? Being surrounded by coffee the whole day would make me crave coffee every 30 minutes.

>> No.19218432

Its like abstract art. Perfectly imperfect. I wish I got a sip.

>> No.19218724
File: 1.24 MB, 10x10, 1610459257371.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this coffe good

>> No.19218727

you said it wasnt your coffee

>> No.19218944

based niche user

>> No.19218971

Does cold brew need grind uniformity? Can I use food processor to make one?

>> No.19219008
File: 126 KB, 960x1280, cuppa 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way too light for a moka, it can be done but it is super hard
been getting it right after first day of trials. zero sourness, great flavors and body. extraction is honestly much easier on induction.

> those beans look dry as hell.
fresh roasted, this past tuesday. btw older beans release oils. over roasted beans release oils. fresh light, mid and even mid-dark beans have this matte look.

>that sounds far too high
boiler holds 300g water. more water for lighter/mid roasts is necessary to allow as much soaking of the puck as possible. for maximum extraction.

please gain some experience anon.

update to my original posts though, i did indeed reduce the grind size further. cups are brewing amazingly now.

pic rel: meme mug aside (was gifted to me), turned most recent moka cuppa to a cafe con leche. came out amazing.

>> No.19219352

>cubic liters
Are Yuros actually retarded? They supposedly invented this system yet they can't keep track of how it even works

>> No.19219380

I guess you are samefagging for lack of attention but just in case youre not: that was definitely a burger trying, through teary eyes, to find some flaw in metric because his precious inches cups and footlongs were criticized online somewhere

>> No.19219390

i want to see it
type it out
show us how the new and improved system would work.

>> No.19219405

>please gain some experience anon.
watch it anon.
also your bubble consistency is wack and your foam is shit.
do better.

>> No.19219437

>do better.

na. just whisked heated raw milk is good enough. the coffee was perfect.

gain some experience too.

>> No.19219463

>just whisked heated raw milk is good enough.
kill yourself
>gain some experience too.
i know more about moka than you.
kill yourself.

>> No.19219472

>kill yourself
>i know more about moka than you.
confirmed. because you typed those words.

keep gaining that experience.

>> No.19219493

but why tho?

i know you want to see it because you said that already. but why do you want to see it?

please don't make me repeat the question a fifth time

>> No.19219498

>rare coffee
>8/9€ per 250g
do italians really?

>> No.19219553
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, Alberto-e-Jura-E6-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 0.05€/g brazilians are roasted to order mio caro amico

>> No.19219616

>i have a better system
>show us
its to prove that your system actually makes sense you fucking loser.

>> No.19219618

what a disgusting fucking sellout.

>> No.19219620

but nobody needs your validation

>> No.19219622

i don't have to prove anything to you and i understand the system so your understanding is irrelevant to me

>> No.19219624

Why does he do the creepy grampa stare in every pic?
>I want to grind my beans with you privately anon, mom doesnt need to know

>> No.19219637

Based retard

>> No.19219653

so there is no new system
it can't be shown
it can't be proven
it can't be demonstrated
you are a fake and a fraud.

>> No.19219655

he gives me hard core autism vibes

>> No.19219683 [DELETED] 


>i don't can't see thing
>therefor thing doesn't exist

>> No.19219685


>i can't see thing
>therefor thing doesn't exist

>> No.19219797

I think comparative testing taught me a lot about picking out insividual flavors, its just much easier when you have something to compare to that has a different flavor but is still coffee. Im pretty ok with the basics like peanut, citrus, sweetness and so on, and the earthy notes are also doable to pick out but definitely have a lot to learn still. Making french press helps, its closest to cupping I suppose, with most flavors and aromas still in the cup

Moka, trabatti and cubic liter anons pls go

>> No.19219807

>it can't be proven
>it can't be demonstrated
you skipped these lines for some reason anon.

>> No.19219953

My system is based on SOVL.

>> No.19220032

which means it doesnt exist?

>> No.19220046
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>> No.19220053
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, 1662019273426352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many side gigs is this man allowed to have?

Also same or different pocket square than >>19219553 here?

>> No.19220070


>> No.19220096

Sorry. Demigod.

>> No.19220203

Alberto must be insanely rich to afford all these outfits, is selling coffee really that profitable?

>> No.19220231

We didn’t know anything about his wife, maybe she’s the rich one.

>> No.19220235

Anon I

>> No.19220242
File: 154 KB, 852x852, 046E9010-2B3D-45B7-8FA7-83B5AEEC5DF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19220247

Looks exactly like him but with some tiktok filter applied. Anon I

>> No.19220248
File: 133 KB, 1000x722, IMG_3311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19220253

Lol hes still wearing the pocket square

>> No.19220525

yo why the fuck does the milk steamer make the loud screeching sound? I thought it was some vibrational thing so i tried holding the cup different ways but goddamn that shit is louder than a nigress in heat

>> No.19220530

thats how milk steamers sound
you want steamed milk then you put up with it

>> No.19220533
File: 16 KB, 450x450, 61IHeL4eDtL._AC_SS450_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or swap to rotated milk
This thing is so fucking good

>> No.19220562

really? never even heard of one of these is it worth $60 if I already have a functional steamer on my machine?

>> No.19220569

I've never used a steamer but it's probably not worth doubling down. These are more for people who want foamed milk without espresso.

The latest generation is really good though. Microwave milk in a jug for 40s, give it 20s of the ol' rotate, and it's thick and light and creamy without being 'foamy'. Takes a bit of technique.

>> No.19220576

>microwave milk (kek)
>rotate milk

Nigger, just buy one of these and stop being a pleb.


>> No.19220585

There's nothing wrong with microwaving milk? Temperature is temperature.

Other milk foamers are mostly shit because they're just whisks, and what you get is this unstable frothy foam with huge bubbles that isn't really like steamed milk at all and isn't much fun to drink.

>> No.19220593

i have one of these and its very very good
honestly better than any cafe i have been in
but you have to heat the milk on the stove and you have to use a thermometer to make sure its at the right temp before you start
also you cant just dunk it in the milk you need to refine your technique with it to make proper milk.
if you want cafe style steamed milk without steaming it this is pretty much the best option.

>> No.19220597
File: 692 KB, 2304x3072, aeroccino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aeroccino is the only one that works.

I use one since many years and I'm satisfied, although steamed milk is better.

>> No.19220601

>buy rotator for $60
>buy something that does the same job for $100+
actual brainwashed goy.

>> No.19220604
File: 651 KB, 2277x3072, Aeroccino 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19220607

you can get better foam than that with the wizzer in the pic

>> No.19220612


It's $98, you nigger, it doesn't need batteries and it also heats your milk (there's also a cold milk frothing function).

If you like fiddling with Chinese battery powered toys, go for it.

>> No.19220621

>it doesn't need batteries
neither does the wizzer cunt.
it has a rechargeable Li-ion battery with a usb c port
also because its a mixer you can mix other liquids with it, its not some single purpose massive fucking thing that takes up space
the wizzer takes up no space
actually kill yourself.
better yet, admit you dont know what you are talking about and then kill yourself.

>> No.19220630

kingrinder raised prices and now the k0 is $50 off sale $33 on sale. whats the new entry level grinder?

>> No.19220645

>Huh, I'd really like a cappuccino
>let me grab my wizz-...the battery is dead.
>no cappuccino then

Many such cases.

Also that battery will degrade over the years, good look having that shit functional after 5-6 years, consoomer.

>> No.19220660

>use my phone all day every day for 4 years
>still holds a full day charge
>little wizzer spins for 2 minutes a day
>supposedly going to be worthless in 5-6 years
also the wizzer takes 2 seconds under water 2 clean. have fun cleaning that plastic pile of shit.
>power out cant make milk because my milk foamer needs wall power
>power out but that doesnt matter because i have hours of continuous spinning from my wizzer, milk drinks for everyone ! :)

eat shit and die you pathetic loser.

>> No.19220823
File: 297 KB, 448x441, 1677039236458489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19221015

What makes this better than one of those cheap $5-10 frothers?

>> No.19221058

they make different foam
the cheap ones can make good foam but the one in the pic will make "cafe style" foam.
so it really depends on what you want.

>> No.19221068

>having to be on the grid to make flat whites for your prepper squad
Absolutely not for me.

>> No.19221104

New thread