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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.26 MB, 4000x3000, 20230427_143520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19210413 No.19210413 [Reply] [Original]

Om nom nom

>> No.19210414

Please tell me that's not carpet

>> No.19210422

It's my bf's fursuit

>> No.19210433

Too poor to own a table :-(

>> No.19210436

Not instant ramen? Fucking rich people.

>> No.19210510

>poor person meal
You could get a loaf of bread for that price and have it last multiple meals. A dollop of PB&J shouldn't be more expensive than the splash of milk and spoonful of margarine or butter.

>> No.19210513

Instant ramen is much more expensive than ordinary pasta if you you compare the price per pound. Its supposed cheapness is a meme for illiterate niggers and lazy fratbros.

>> No.19210534

I can get 10 packs a ramen for a $1. They also come with seasoning, and they taste better because they’re fried.
I don’t even eat ramen anymore but there’s a reason it’s a poorfag staple.

>> No.19210542

>1 Cup Oatmeal (27c a serving)
>2 Cups Water
>1 Can Corn (50c a can)

1) Microwave Oatmeal and water for the recommended time
2) Stir in canned corn
3) Eat

>> No.19210555

>10 packs for $1
I hate Canada. $1 for 1 pack, or worse.

Do pancakes count? It's the bacon or the real syrup where they get you.

>> No.19210570

I bought a 20 pack of mac n cheese in bulk. Lmao.

>> No.19210596

Pancakes can be made cheap, and it's flexible since you can top them with whatever leftovers you have.
Honestly, I also made a lot of pasta carbonara with cheap ingredients, also here, bacon being the most expensive part I used but it's so simple and works well, fills you up and tastes good. Only 4 ingredients, pasta, egg, bacon and grated cheese.

>> No.19210601

>poor people are only allowed to eat lentils, beans, and the shittiest bread!

There's a difference between someone wasting cash on luxuries or someone simply buying more than 80 pounds of fucking beans. You can still buy some things when you are hard on cash.

>> No.19210625

dude i don’t even care
it looks beautiful, op. i absolutely would.

>> No.19210937

with or without the juice from the can?

>> No.19210955
File: 907 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ricin beans

the most expensive part is the talko seasoning paccket

>> No.19210958

poor people are poor for a reason

>> No.19210970

>I hate Canada. $1 for 1 pack, or worse.
I don't know where he's buying ramen because even in my area the absolute cheapest ramen is 30 cents per individual pack.
anything beyond that can go as high as $5 per pack for imported stuff
I can't imagine mixing oats and corn, does it really taste good?
I personally would do rice and corn with some tobasco, you can get 16oz bags for 88 cents here and for me at least would be more cost effective too

>> No.19211023

yes, they are stupid and morally bad and god hates them.

>> No.19211026


>> No.19211034

My recipe here is an example one. I put whatever ingredients I have on hand.

>> No.19211176
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ingredients speak for themselves

>> No.19211190

i agree with your general sentiment but you can still get a better bang for your buck and not be stuck eating goyslop KD.

>> No.19211204

Sure and live off of peanut butter bread or have mac and cheese and eggs once and again

>> No.19211213
File: 566 KB, 600x600, Knorr pasta sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are retarded cheap, come in a wide variety of kinds, get a few cans of condensed milk (also cheap, shelf life forever) make with that better than boxed mac in cheese

>> No.19211227

100% this. You simply can't find a better deal than these. Absolutely dirt cheap and they mog pretty much every other mac and cheese you can buy at a store.

>> No.19211248

damn, thats the winner in my book..

>> No.19211412

Thank you for your compliment, Anon

>> No.19211441

Unironically true

>> No.19211451

if you're so poor why are you eating on paper fucking disposable plates?

use a dish jesus christ.

>> No.19211456

Because he is almost as lazy as he is poor.

>> No.19211460

This would be a quarter of the price if you made your own mac and cheese instead of buying kraft and what I assume are instant mashed potatoes

>> No.19211475
File: 918 KB, 1920x1275, 1654764723474754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 dollar loaves of bread smothered in the "premium" torture free butter to go alongside as much salad and pre-cooked rotisserie chicken as a man and his dog can eat? Yeah man, being poor is rough. Only made 230 bucks pan handling today. But ya know, it's a man eat man world out there!

>> No.19211478

That's a omelette, I think

>> No.19211603

>I can get 10 packs a ramen for a $1
Even if this was true (it's not - prices are closer to 20 cents per pack minimum), that price would be around the same per kilocalorie as pasta or rice plus oil. And it would be much more expensive than wheat flour plus oil.

>> No.19211617

There's a box right there!

>> No.19211618

I miss when the KD cheese was so cheesy that you could add some of the packet to your scrambled eggs too and both those and the KD would be cheesy and delicious.

>> No.19211626

So fucking gross dude. Fuck sake.

>> No.19211689

kraft mac and cheese is $1/box where i live (not op), and eggs are $2.12/dozen. That looks like 2 eggs.
Assuming $4 per pack of 4 sticks of butter, and $3 per carton of milk, OP probably spent around $1.75 for that large meal, and around 1200 calories. That is cheap, but even if it wasn't, are poor people supposed to subsist on the absolute cheapest edible material they can get their hands on?

>> No.19211710

>are poor people supposed to subsist on the absolute cheapest edible material they can get their hands on?
If you're poor, you generally try to save as much as you can as you work towards no longer being poor. It sucks, but sometimes you just have to worry about getting your calories at whatever cost.
>t. was poor

>> No.19211720

I was also poor, and the chief consideration in my mind when I went to the store to spend the $10 giftcard I earned doing surveys online in my free time, was ensuring the maximum amount of calories per dollar. Rice and beans are just about undisputed in that area, if you're buying them in large quantities, but if you're not, something like OP's meal is not half bad.

>> No.19211751
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>Pork loin on sale $0.99/lb x 12 oz
>Fresh sweet corn $0.49 each
>Red potato ~$0.25
>Serrano pepper ~$0.10
>Butter, salt, pepper ~$0.25

My $1.83 poor person meal.

>> No.19211802

You don't have to be dirt poor to like eating cheaply.

>> No.19211830
File: 187 KB, 999x666, Ricin' Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Japanese Subway Favorite
>Deese niggas be eatin' CASTOR beans!!

>> No.19211842
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You've outed yourself as a Leaf, Anon.

>> No.19211892
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I make these all the time.

> Whole wheat tortilla - $3 for 10
> Kraft singles - $4 for 16
> Processed ham - $5 for 9oz, 24 slices
> Spring mix - $3 for 5oz

$0.3 for tortilla, $0.25 for cheese, $0.63 for ham, and like $0.08 max for spring mix plus another maybe $0.08 for condiments if I add them.

$1.34 total in terms of money eaten. Not the cheapest meal ever, but in terms of delicious/price ratio it's hard to beat.

>> No.19211969
File: 11 KB, 493x402, hi_five_icwydt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obscure reference anon I like it

>> No.19212769

Anyone dumb enough to be poor isn't going to be smart enough to know how to feed themselves on the cheap, anon.

>> No.19212960

rice and beans has good nutrition, rice and instamac not so much.

>> No.19212965

holy shit is the pic moving??

>> No.19212985

Thanks for the updoot kind stranger

>> No.19213006
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Chicken-Rice-and-Bean-Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poor people thread needs more soup. Most are cheap, easy to make, and last a few days. Too many varieties to go into, but soup is the way for cheap nutrition and something beyond the standard staples of rice, bean, egg, bread, pasta, and potato. although you can always add those in as well. Soup also helps stretch the meat out.

>> No.19213008

I fuckin' love the blue box mac and cheese bros

>> No.19213018

sorry have included a trigger warning for peeps with motion sensitivities because THAT PIC IS FUCKING MOOOOOVING AND SHAKING

>> No.19213046

nigga im in the Cheese Club and it's 50 cents a box

>> No.19213050
File: 11 KB, 185x273, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19213173

Corn sucks.

>> No.19213405


>> No.19213406

Potatoes, eggs, milk, pork, whole chicken, bananas, deenz.

>> No.19213440

this shit is ass

>> No.19215119

That's a load bearing box holding up the drop ceiling

>> No.19215333

Do you mix the cheese and egg and whisk in pasta water to temperature and not scramble or what?

>> No.19215340
File: 282 KB, 560x643, lolusuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you suck.

>> No.19215351
File: 3.69 MB, 600x337, ladle gonna lade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kluski soop

also showing off my new ladle. not trying to rub it in, I'm very fortunate

>> No.19216097

it's fine for 50 cents a box. mix it with butter and a can of tuna, no milk necessary, square meal for less than 2 dollars. of course it's "ass" but what do you expect for 50 cents

>> No.19216550

Yes, I do it like that. After a couple of tries it's really a simple and tasty meal.

>> No.19217278

The best price I ever found was a 6-pack for $1 in modern times. I remember the hayday of 10-cent per pack ramen noodles. I miss those days.

>> No.19217306

This but replace the eggs with ground beef and mix it in with the mac, that shits God tier poorfaggot food

>> No.19217362

You can make a proper meal for 50 cents.

>> No.19217382
File: 39 KB, 500x500, split peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bag of these some cheap ham hocks,follow direction on back of package, get some cheap day old bread to dunk in
Split pea soup last 2-3 days

>> No.19217403

Yes, it is 25 cents a pack which may be higher than regular pasta although with pasta you don't just eat plain boiled pasta you add ingredients upping the cost
Ramon is boiling water and adding the flavor pack-25 cents.

>> No.19217449

Spaghetti 28p
baked beans 50p
sweetcorn 56p
cheese £4.80
A filling meal for less than two pounds per meal, most of that stuff above can provide more than one meal.

>> No.19217515

Dogshit advice, if you're poor enough to be struggling for food then you cannot afford to have that bad of a diet. Aside from having to deal with health issues from vitamin deficiencies, you'd have to deal with near constant hunger pains/light headedness while working your likely highly physical job. If half the people in this thread came under hard times they'd fucking die

>> No.19217532

beans have ok nutrition particularly soybeans which have complete protein
white rice on the other hand is entirely empty calories and worse for you than enriched white bread

>> No.19217571
File: 2.65 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20221002_184552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kippers and Triscuits with some pepperoncini and banana peppers. $2.00 total, I guess.

>> No.19218079

I kinda agree. Corn on its own is just below the threshold to be worth actually eating. Cornbread on the other hand is amazing.

>> No.19218094

Chicken Kiev £3.05
Potatoes 70p
Peas £1.35
Just over £2 a meal.

>> No.19218097

3$ for a carton of milk? Do murricans really

>> No.19218105

The price of freedom is steep.

>> No.19218110

From the screenshot I thought it was maggots

>> No.19218148

What in it

>> No.19218151

$3 for a gallon

>> No.19218187

I like eating kraft mac and cheese. It was originally intended for the great depression. How fitting that we would still be eating it during the great recession.
I also like the protein shakes (picrel). Just one of these things can effectively replace a meal, or at least stop the hunger pains for several hours. Also, 12 of them costs $30. You can't go a restaurant and get 3 meals for $30.

>> No.19218189
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>> No.19218213
File: 160 KB, 1080x1080, Fried-Chicken-Gizzard-Easy-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are cheap and great when fried, also chicken heats and livers

>> No.19218236
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This is delicious and cheap meat

>> No.19218250
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>> No.19218255
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Hell yeah. I add some onions, carrots, and celery to mine but yeah it like $1 per meal.

>> No.19218532

honey why are you posting on 4channel and not ramming my ass

>> No.19218536

God I love soup
I'm gonna make soup tomorrow night, thanks.

>> No.19218876
File: 687 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230430_103219_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullion cubes plus Plus beans plus water equals one meal. 20 oz of beans for $3, 25 bully and cubes for $2.50. 40 cents per meal. Top that assholes.

>> No.19218884

Just beans? That's too much insoluble fiber to have for more than once meal a week. We eat to live, not to survive.

>> No.19218904

just chicken broth and drop dumplings made from eggs and flour. it's good if you get the misture just right. it's easy to fuck up †bh

>> No.19218915
File: 229 KB, 1500x1500, snack_size-ez_cheese-ritz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for broke puttin on the ritz with ez cheese

>> No.19219998

Eggs £2.40
Bell Peppers £1.20
Onion 12p
Butter £1.99
Chips £2.50

Omelette, £2.20ish per meal. Food isn't cheap any more, the above used to be closer to £1.20, but it is still far cheaper than eating out.

>> No.19220010
File: 1.25 MB, 4608x2080, I had two plates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got called a poor piece of shit and that I should die for posting this.

>> No.19220013

Paper plates.... Is doing the dishes really that big of a deal for a poor person?

>> No.19220020
File: 882 KB, 4608x2080, BREAKFAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper plates are microwavable, but I use normal plates too.

>> No.19220027

>are microwavable
unlike the ones I have*, although it depends on the meal if it causes sparks

>> No.19220034

I think this is acceptable. i haven't had frozen tendies in ages, I should buy some

>> No.19220903

Rice £1.75
Breaded chicken fillets £2.00
Curry/Sweet and sour/other sauce £1.50

£1.85 per meal

>> No.19221472

I use ground pork, much cheaper. My local meat shop does whole pork shoulders for $1.60 a pound about every 4 or 5 weeks and they'll grind it for you at no additional charge.

>> No.19221477

>20 oz of beans for $3
What? I can get 16oz for $1 all day long at my local grocery store.

>> No.19221635

is that dog food?

>> No.19221695

I had this once and while the flavour was honestly fine there was something about chewing on and manipulating with my own tongue, the texture of another tongue, that made me sick to my stomach instantly.

>> No.19221907

no that's just macaroni and ground meat (usually 50% pork&beef) with ketchup

>> No.19222361

Daily sloppa thread

>> No.19222414

what compels poor people to not kys themselves?

>> No.19222434
File: 2.07 MB, 3024x4032, B5397C7E-7B42-4820-B577-AB7139947EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family specialty

>> No.19222463

Is this an Aum Shinrikyo or w.e reference? I don't remember where beans come in.

>> No.19222468

It's Chicken Kyiv now, you FUCKING BIGOT

>> No.19222470

it's only a struggle if you struggle

>> No.19222475

Interesting. Shall try.

>> No.19222490

You know how to cook, sister.
This stuff is expensive now. Like $7 a can.
You just outed yourself as a liar or going to a really bad place. Anything tongue like is removed. Should be anyway. Pulls right off until you're in the muscle and thats it. Maybe in your head.
Looks delicious. Do you play guitar with your big toes or something?

>> No.19222492

I'm glad eggs are becoming poor people food again
seen a 60% deflation in the price of a dozen in the past few months where I shop
It peaked out at $8.95/dz

>> No.19222500

what the hell kind of flat bread is that?

>> No.19222507

pretty sure it's a buckwheat crepe my man

>> No.19222511

really seriously intensely beefy flavor with the texture of a good pot roast if prepared correctly

>> No.19222514

>buckwheat crepe
those exist. sounds amazing

>> No.19222519

buckwheat pancakes do gigamog standard so yeah

>> No.19222525

well aware that buckwheat pancakes are a thing just never heard of somebody doing the crepe thing with that particular variety of flour

>> No.19222533

You will never be a woman

>> No.19222543

I like to use an entire stick of butter when I make my great recession kraft mac & cheese. I could just be imagining it, and it may be totally a placebo effect, but the extra fat seems to just make it taste just a little bit more decadent, like breading a steak

>> No.19222544

fat is good for you and highly satiating the best part of the steak some would say

>> No.19222546

Make some buckwheat crepes with beer
Turn on your broiler
Fry off some bacon
in the bacon grease, par off some shrimps
Take some grated cheese, the shrimps, and roll up the crepes (with some fresh tarragon if you got it)
In the pan, bring some heavy cream just to a simmer
Add salt, white pepper, and white American cheese, melt it
Put your crepes in an oven-safe dish, cover with cream sauce, and broil them to melt the cheese inside and finish cooking the shrimps
Pull when cooked, top it with the bacon (and more tarragon if you have it, otherwise paprika or pimento
Serve it with the rest of your beer and some toast to mop up the sauce
Cheers, you're eating like a proper Frenchman
>t. franch

>> No.19222549

sounds nice but you're posting in a poor person meal thread anon

>> No.19222557

Buy expired shrimps, then
Roll those dice
Or use surimi
Or Treet because it's discount Spam

>> No.19222562

saved thanks bro

>> No.19222571

oh I see. that could work. still not eating the bugs of the sea however

>> No.19222588

that looks like really tasty corn.

>> No.19222592

Not that I've tried it, but it's probably good with canned tuna if you drain it dry
Stretch it with breadcrumbs, let the cheese make it juicy

>> No.19222597

would. tuna is the chicken of the sea. I quite enjoy it

>> No.19222625

what is beef of the sea?

>> No.19222627

whale blubber

>> No.19222632

>talko seasoning paccket
what if i told you that you could make that on your own for a fraction of the cost...


>> No.19222641

wrong. It's my pee pee

>> No.19222644

actually never mind I checked and it was whale blubber. You were right, carry on

>> No.19222646

She didn't even use garlic powder.

Powdered garlic, cayenne and cumin are all that's truly needed and she left out a third of it.

>> No.19222648

technically speaking. you've checked into culinary history

>> No.19222651

Beefs live on land, though, so maybe it's trout since trout is freshwater
Trout is cheap and/or free so I think a French trout pancake rollup with cheese counts as poorfag food

>> No.19222658

I especially enjoy wild caught rainbow trout coming out of the running river water from my own pole. they fry up real tasty

>> No.19222666
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x1080, 1668729783684136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello this is Chef John from FoodWishes.com with... Kewpie™ Airfied Mayo Chickpeas! This might sound a little bit strange but it works. It works really, really well. And unlike the more popular Chickpea dishes, this requires very little effort and almost no finesse or technique. There's no grinding or sifting involved.

The first thing you want to do is get your can of chickpeas and drain the liquid from them. Some people might want to use a sifter but you don't actually have to.

We'll go ahead and fill the can with water and drain it again to get rid of the preservatives and salt. Now dump the can of chickpeas into an airfryer and set it for 7 minutes. Depending on your airfryer you may want to set it longer for that extra crispy texture.

We'll go ahead and get out Kewpie™ not-mayonnaise out and add a generous serving of it over our chickpeas but not generous enough that it overwhelms the chickpeas. We'll give it a quick stir with the spoon and that's it. My take on what I consider a proper mediterranean meal.
And as always... enjoy!

>> No.19222682

When I was 14 or so I went fishing with my grandpa on the Gallatin
His '32 Chevy was in A River Runs Through It
He caught a 7lb rainbow trout while we were out
His hands were covered in mosquitos, he was working hard to bring it to shore
I remember him wiping the backs of his hands, crushing all the mosquitos, painting his hands with blood
He finally reeled in the trout to where I could carry it out of the water against my chest, it took all of my strength, the trout was incredibly strong
He taught me how to kill trout by knocking them unconscious with pliers and then letting them suffocate on land
But this trout
This trout kicked back for an hour
Concussed but not dead, hanging from a tree, never gave up, no matter how hard we bashed it
It was a good trout, even in death, and in dinner, I will never forget that trout.
But I bought a kit gun for fishing in that trout's memory.
Pliers are not enough. Shoot your fish, show them that much respect.

>> No.19222710

she just has it as optional but yes i agree with you. my point is that it's just way more cost effective than buying the packets.

>> No.19222712

eggs look alright
you can cook
very sad do not post here anymore

>poo in the loo
nasty kys
eggs aren't cheap anymore mr. gates
nasty and cut your nasty ass toes
checked, food only the devil would eat

>> No.19222726

what a wall of text. impressive output

>> No.19222740

nobody on /ck/ is poor.

>> No.19222743

deenz with pached eggs
box mac with frozen bul/canned seafood
baked potato
red sauce pasta
frozen seafood udon
modified ramen

>> No.19222748

nobody on 4channel is rich

>> No.19222811

He fought the Battle of the Bulge
99th Battle Babies
Only thing I have of his is his M&Ms dispenser
Well that and big-ass feet and long legs

>> No.19222844
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>> No.19222860

nice poetry morning glory

>> No.19222864

I seriously wish you would just kill yourself

>> No.19222888

I'm glad someone heard it

>> No.19222916

I didn’t realize I grew up poor until I browsed /ck/

>> No.19222921

reformed wealthfags are always welcomed here

>> No.19222982
File: 311 KB, 1620x1080, Mamliga-Landscape-scaled[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you DUMB motherfuckers really dont know how to poor

E Europoor here, when you're too poor for bread you make polenta or mamaliga and eat it hot while its melty with some cheese.

its yellow cornmeal savory porridge basically, even a fucking dog can cook this shit you just boil some water add salt and some yellow cornmeal and stir until it becomes a porridge and the contrast between the salty hot polenta and the cold butter and sour cream and cheese you add to it is very tasty

also the fact that only 3 posts talk about soups here is fucking insane, make a pot of soup you dumb cunt, throw some carrots onions celery garlic peppers in a fucking pot, look up veggie stew/soup recipes, I fucking love a hearty veggie soup with sour cream and chillis on the side

>> No.19223022

who would make soup when you can just buy a TV dinner in my country

>> No.19223051


>> No.19223533

idk what you want me to say, I had it at my dad's place, enjoyed the flavour, but the texture made me dizzy.

>> No.19223538

obviously you're not poor enough because the cheapest food is never the frozen tv dinner shit or frozen shit

not to knock on frozen shit but it will always be cheaper to buy vegetables in bulk and cook them over time, just like someone else said instant ramen is not that economic its just normalfag lazy person food for people too lazy to boil salted water and noodles

>> No.19223724

Rice butter salt and pepper throw in a scrambled egg with green onions for that extra

>> No.19223754

Chips £2.50
Sausages £2.30
Beans 50p
Eggs £2.40
Butter £1.99

£1.75 for a fry-up. For comparison, a pub chain does something similar for £5-6.

>> No.19223756

Honestly one of my favorite meals. Good taste.

>> No.19223776

>Chips £2.50
>Sausages £2.30
doesn't sound right, chips too expensive, sausages too cheap

>> No.19223798

Both are from Tesco, they are the price of buying the whole items, not the individual portions

Chips have gotten ridiculously expensive for some reason. You can get cheaper, chips are cheaper in Iceland (£2.00), and there are also the Tesco value brand sausages if you want, but you don't get as much meat in them.

>> No.19223839
File: 53 KB, 900x839, FqM8yNRWwAMb6pq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jedes Christ unfuck your toes man

>> No.19223879

>poor person meals
Beenie-weenies + mashed 'taters.
Beans and rice.
Bang a GILF that likes to cook.

>> No.19224021
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>> No.19225422

Noodles £1.00
Vegetable mix (Beansprouts, Mushroom, Cabbage, Carrot, Onion) £1.50
Bell pepper 60p or Sweetcorn 56p
Sauce £1.20
Sunflower oil £2.40
Beef/chicken/vegetable stock 75p

£2.40ish per meal. A veggie mix is cheaper than getting all the ingredients individually.

>> No.19225528

That looks like the soup my childhood babysitter made. Looks great!

>> No.19226132

is this made by AI?

>> No.19226136

The real answer

>> No.19226156

Premier Protein drinks don't come in a caramel flavor. good eye AI spy

>> No.19226192

>carton of eggs
>bushel of Kale
>cubed ham

>99 cent bag of rice
>5 dollar canned chicken
>seasoning of your choice I like rosemary

>put in a pot with water

>mac and cheese you pick brand
>tuna in bag or can
>work out

>chocolate milk

>> No.19226224

>bushel of kale
>a measure of capacity equal to 64 US pints (equivalent to 35.2 liters), used for dry goods.
that's a lot of fucking kale

>> No.19227122

One last meal, Soup
From £1.25 a meal
Tinned soup: 75p
Potato croquettes £1.00

To £1.78 a meal
Fresh soup £1.75
Garlic bread £1.80

For dessert,
Milk chocolate digestives 85p
Ice cream £2.20
Swiss roll £1.55
Custard 85p
Yoghurt 95p

I do believe it is still possible to eat well on a budget, being poor does not mean I have to eat rice and oats every day. I have posted a week's worth of hot meals for a total just under £15. This does not include the cost of condiments or electricity to cook the meals, but is still far cheaper than eating out. For comparison, a single small cheese pizza and a side of cheesy wedges from Dominos costs £13, not counting delivery. But don't assume that cooking entirely from scratch will be the cheapest option, For example, I use jars of sauces and tinned soup, simply because they are faster and cheaper than making my own. The frozen section can also have meals that work out cheaper, eg, pizza, and the vegetables and meats there can be cheaper than in the fresh aisles. Research, find your own balance.

Most of the prices mentioned are from mid-range store-brand products from a mid-range supermarket, name-brands are just not worth the price any more. Like I said in another post, you can get cheaper if you shop around (For example, cheddar cheese is cheaper in Aldi and Lidl than Tesco, sugar is cheaper in Sainsbury's, chicken nuggets are cheaper in Iceland) and look at the "value" range, though be careful and look at the ingredients and the price-per-100g, make sure you are getting actual value and are not being cheated into eating garbage.

This exercise has highlighted to me just how expensive food is getting, it was only a couple of years ago that I was getting sauces for 80p and soup for 50p, so that's an increase of 50% there alone with no end in sight. It's a complete disgrace. These are hard times, watch out out there lads.

>> No.19227139

looks like a furry meal, eaten by someone who avoids nutritious food and exercise and then copes with the inevitable results by hiding behind avatars

are you a furry?

>> No.19227175

Americans are too poor to own plates
They eat off paper like dog

>> No.19227319

Kiss the cow. Do it now!

>> No.19227391

Tell me more about these surveys

>> No.19227411
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>$2 for one of these
Wa la