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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19209469 No.19209469 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about the state of /ck/ here.

>> No.19209473

You first, retard

>> No.19209475

I think it's fake and gay

>> No.19209485

The only board to always make me laugh. It's a shame we have that one tranny janny who deletes Ja/ck/ threads on sight while other ecelebs are allowed to advertise themselves.

>> No.19209492
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>open catalog
>there's more food than politics or dicks

>> No.19209499

>I am too lazy to do my own research, spoon feed me
>I can't make my own decisions, spoon feed me
>Fast food
>I made this and posted it on reddit and no one cares so I came here
>I made this average meal and want some attention/praise
>I can cook and make an arrogant thread being arrogant
>An anon who wants to share and makes a nice meal and gets shit on because it's not a Michelin Star looking dish
>Anon makes the most basic bitch meal ever and everyone praises him
>Abandoned threads because no one replies in 10 minutes
>Personal bloggers
The Indian lad who made the Okra last night is the best poster this board has seen in a long time. My GF made a meal, Imagine eating this good, /fit/ posters/the angry drunk manlet, and the cat fag are all fuckin cancer.

>> No.19209500

Not enough autists harassing Jack and encouraging him to make his cookbook that'll eventually just be another investment drain.

>> No.19209501

best board on 4chan unironically

>> No.19209506

>complain about fast food
>shit on people actually making food
classic /ck/

>> No.19209508

i like

>> No.19209515

remove the fast food threads
buying fast food is not cooking

>> No.19209518

The janitor(s) on this board is out of fucking control. 3 times this week I've been banned for "off-topic" posts and replying to off-topic threads. Not banned from /ck/, but from all boards for 24 hours. Believe it or not, this is actually an improvement to how things were just a few months ago where literally any ban from /ck/ would be 72 hours from all boards.
I don't even know what off-topic threads I was replying to, because they're never linked in my ban messages, probably because everything in the thread gets nuked. How many times have you replied to a seemingly innocuous cooking related thread, only for it to be missing from the catalogue just a few minutes later? How many times have you made a thread and had it deleted for being "off topic" almost instantly? I made a thread like 2 weeks ago asking what the best type of cheese for a grilled cheese was. The image for the thread was a grilled cheese. 24 hours later is was removed and I was given a warning.

>> No.19209525
File: 46 KB, 900x600, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad newfag frogthreads are banned.

>> No.19209526

This thread will still get deleted. Sorry, bud.

>> No.19209527

range ban cigarette posters

>> No.19209528

No but it's still food. Food & Cooking board

>> No.19209529

Yeah that happened to me too. Made me avoid /ck/. Meanwhile /vr/ was handing out warnings even when I was purposely being a dick

>> No.19209530
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>> No.19209531

I just smoked my 2nd cig of the day

Stay mad :^)

>> No.19209533


>> No.19209536
File: 187 KB, 603x452, fry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No but it's still food
>it's still food

>> No.19209538

>the image for the thread was a grilled cheese
Next time you're going to write a wall of text complaining about being treated unfairly, start with the actual fucking thing you posted. We all know exactly what "innocuous" image you posted.

>> No.19209540
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Grow up.

>> No.19209545
File: 600 KB, 1481x987, Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 13-31-18 (2) _ck_ - Beverages becoming way too expensive - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies are out of control. How can posting one thread be considered "spamming/flooding"? The constant 3 day bans for complete bullshit reasons, from all boards, have got to stop.

>> No.19209550

Were you in the /ck/ challenge last week? You sound like someone who was participating. That person threw a giant tantrum when everything didn't go exactly as they thought it should.

>> No.19209551
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>> No.19209552
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>> No.19209555
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Not sure how long the OP of this thread was banned since it wasn't me who posted the thread, but the janny who did it was kind enough to leave the OP a threatening message before doing it.

>> No.19209557

Lol nah man. I just have no tolerance for lazy kids. A generation who spends their entire life in front of a screen can't Google what rice cooker to buy to cook rice to go with their air fried chicken nuggets?

>> No.19209559

Also, for context, this post was in response to a large scale trolling effort of a food-related thread. I didn't reply to the trolls because there were so many of them. I was just commenting on how badly the thread had been ruined by them. The troll posts of course were not deleted. My post only got deleted and me banned because I said the /pol/ dogwhistle word.

>> No.19209560

Kek yeah I got that one too, for posting a pepe as reply I think. I wouldn't even care if it was just a ban from /ck/ but from all boards is seriously hard gay.

>> No.19209561

You were literally spamming the exact same thread but with different colored jelly beans each time.

>> No.19209562

Why is it always a ban across all boards? Even for the most harmless shit like >>19209552? How the hell can you justify handing out a 3 day, site wide ban for posting about jelly beans? On other boards I can make a deliberate /pol/ bait post and only get banned for a day, if I even get banned.

>> No.19209564

Any other board on the site, you only get a ban from that board.

>> No.19209565

it's pretty obvious you just wanted to start a low effort Bud Light/trans controversy pol bait thread

>> No.19209566

I made one thread in response to the pear jelly bean thread as a joke. The narrative you've concocted inside your mind isn't reality.

>> No.19209568

Bring back signatures and make posting your hand a requirement.