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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 361 KB, 760x523, Featureman sex offender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19207142 No.19207142 [Reply] [Original]

Food Fans.........


>> No.19207177

he did WHAT to little kids?

>> No.19207187

>hell awaits food fans
>for i
>am a sod-o-mite
let's get started

>> No.19207216

I always felt bad for hating him because everyone else thought he was a lovable grandfather replacement.

>> No.19207223

i will now watch your channel

>> No.19207232

The comment section is reddit incarnate

>> No.19207236

That's every comment section on every video

>> No.19207239

Not gonna watch that long ass video. Someone summarize it

>> No.19207246

He got 3 life sentences for committing crimes against nature, and got off on a technicality

>> No.19207247

He's a pedophile who got caught sucking some 14 year old kids cock and he lies about it in the video. You can google the public records with his name and see the 3 convictions he has for "Crimes against nature"

>> No.19207253

>crimes against nature
Legal proceedings shouldn't be allowed to use these kinds of open-ended euphemisms. Just say what the fuck he actually did, that phrase could mean literally anything to anyone.

>> No.19207258

This was back in the 70's mind you, I don't think that term is used at all in the US anymore. Unless its for genocide, then it's still used. You got to remember they thought pedophilia and homosexuality was a crime against nature back then. Which, at least being a pedo is one, fuck them.

>> No.19207260

>could mean literally anything to anyone.
It means a very specific thing in legal context.

>> No.19207278

>Sexual practices that have historically been considered to be "crimes against nature" include masturbation, sodomy[2] and bestiality.[3]
>The crime against nature statutes are however still used to criminalize sexual conduct involving minors, incest, public sex, prostitution and bestiality.
Seems pretty broad to me.

>> No.19207296

Guess which ones they caught him doing?

>> No.19207307
File: 224 KB, 627x548, 120938201983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit? He's a lonely old man making videos do have something to do before he dies. He isn't hurting anyone. I can't imagine how much of a loser you'd have to be to find this guy's channel and decide to dig through any personal information you could find on him before stumbling across this, then choosing to make a video "exposing" him for internet clout. Get a life.

>> No.19207313

Featureman made the video talking about being convicted first.

>> No.19207317
File: 12 KB, 250x185, 71zzpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3x lifetime for diddling kiddies
>lefties be like

>> No.19207320

Actually he has multiple videos where he hangs out with a 16 year old. Kinda relevant

>> No.19207335

TIL Donald Trump is a leftie

>> No.19207348


>> No.19207363

Trump lost, get over it.

>> No.19207371

Why are so many youtubers pedos?

>> No.19207375

name five

>> No.19207385

>The sex offender... committed sex offences?

>> No.19207416

jack bros.... we just keep winning

>> No.19207426

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.19207436
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, herbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the memes gotta stop coming true

>> No.19207437

Bros...... not the comfy old watermelon man

>> No.19207445

stfu pedo

>> No.19207450

I thought he was dead

>> No.19207456
File: 35 KB, 640x621, 6bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.19207465

i think that anon has a point. that was 50 years ago. there's no crime so bad you still need to be talking about it 50 years later

>> No.19207472

hello food fags

>> No.19207473

^child rapist

>> No.19207479

bro what the fuck is wrong with you??

>> No.19207484

Sex crimes are bad but how relevant is that to this dude having a youtube channel?
If he had done that shit recently and was working directly with kids, then yeah you should be concerned. But hes just some old dude making videos online, i genuinely dont see the harm

>> No.19207485

when it comes to pedos 50 years or yesterday doesn't matter to me they all deserve the rope

>> No.19207487

wasnt this known about for a while? ck niggas have been posting his weird old flickr photos here for years

>> No.19207490

you should be dragged through the streets of jerusalem with him while getting flayed

try not to get too excited at the thought you subhuman

>> No.19207493

rapist detected

>> No.19207494

Especially the ones who pretend that masturbating to drawings of anime toddlers is totally normal.

>> No.19207503

>there's no crime so bad you still need to be talking about it 50 years later
the holocaust was 80 something years ago

>> No.19207504

the kid was 14, that's only two years short of the age of consent in most US states. i'm not sure that can really be considered "pedophilia"

>> No.19207511

yeah and that reinforces my point. you remember when they were going around arresting and trying all those senile nazis in their 90s? it was shameful. they should've let them die in peace

>> No.19207514

We knew he was a gay pervert but not a literal child rapist

>> No.19207528

Fuck off and die scum

>> No.19207537
File: 38 KB, 937x176, 1658821614940941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, last year they nabbed an old lady that was just a 19 year old secretary at one of the camps. I guess she'll die in prison now

>> No.19207538

If you read the case file, he did the same thing to another boy in another special home for boys.

>> No.19207547

Explain how being a pedophile could possibly be considered a "crime against nature" when humans hit childbirthing age at like 12 and back before the advent of laws and society, when we lived as part of nature, they were regularly fucking at that age

>> No.19207556

Thanks for offering yourself as the sacrifice for Huitzilopochtli

>> No.19207564

it seems this watermelon man has a type.... retarded gay kids in state custody... curious

>> No.19207568

That's either some good bait, or you're a crime against nature. I'm leaning toward the latter, you fucking scum seem to flock together and defend each others behavior because you see yourself in them.

Hope someone stomps your head in anon.

>> No.19207572

pretty fucked up but nobody seems to be saying why he got away scott free? pretty sure if he got 3x life sentences he wouldn't be making videos right now.

>> No.19207586

the age of consent is 14 in the following countries: China, Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Macau, Paraguay, Honduras, Madagascar, Italy, Portugal, Chile, Austria, Peru, Hungary, Bulgaria, Panama, and Serbia, not to speak of places where it's lower. are law abiding citizens of these countries "pedophiles"?

>> No.19207607

Oh boy, pedophilia, my favorite FOOD and COOKING topic.

>> No.19207624


>> No.19207634

Half of those countries you listed have terrible judicial systems, and the ones that don't, you totally have misunderstood the laws.

AoC in plenty of countries is dependant on if the person they consent with is a certain number of years within their age.

Not some 37 year old sucking some 14 year old cock like this old pedophile pervert you're defending. You fucking nonce.

>> No.19207638

even though their sexual practices are simply what was considered normal for all of human history until less than 100 years ago?

>> No.19207645

i specifically only included countries where 14 was the AOC with either no stipulations, or the only stipulation being that the adult can't be in a position of authority over the minor. i have not misrepresented the laws at all

>> No.19207663

He was convicted and handed three life sentences. The judge was lenient and gave him a suspended sentence, with a condition of a year of parole to be spent in jail.
Since there was no law allowing a judge to mandate a parolee to spend their time in jail he was allowed to go free and become the watermelon groomer you know today. Had the judges just let him go to jail for three life sentences he would be there still for his heinous deeds.

>> No.19207666

I…..I’m in one of his online photo albums bros :(

>> No.19207667 [DELETED] 
File: 500 KB, 468x435, wendy2131471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to bother reading this thread but I love cunny

>> No.19207669 [DELETED] 

Yeah what was the technicality that prevented his life imprisonment?

>> No.19207670

And so is being a faggot. Putting your weiner in an anus is indeed a crime against nature.

>> No.19207794
File: 8 KB, 250x141, 544647658758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off and die scum

>> No.19207955

None of this has anything to do with cunny though.
The person was 14.
Normalfaggot American sheep would call someone who has sex with a 17.99 year old a pedo. It's fucking hilarious

>> No.19208007

Also legal in Mexico. So they would cheer him and shake his hand there for obeying the law

>> No.19208013

Wouldn't that be triple jeopardy?

>> No.19208188

tom's friend, who tom has been friends with since this guy was 16, just uploaded a video where he's talking to tom on the phone
i haven't watched it yet but the comments are not looking good for him

>> No.19208197

who was that other
>heckin wholesome old man!
youtuber who was outed for pedo crimes? I think he did like a scrubs theme song sing along and had a bunch of dogs

>> No.19208204

>tom's friend
>since this guy was 16
you mean tom's grooming victim

>> No.19208208

that was the conclusion to draw yes

>> No.19208209

16 is completely legal in most of the US

>> No.19208266

shut up queer

>> No.19208448

This thread is hilarious

>> No.19208848

Who gives a shit? Featureman is like 90 years old and his videos are comfy as hell

>> No.19208873

Wonder why he even bothered posting this. He showed zero remorse and threats it like stealing a candy bar.

>> No.19208883
