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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19203413 No.19203413 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider pad Thai a meal /ck/? Or do you consider it a side/snack?

>> No.19203423


>> No.19203426

There are people who consider it a snack?

>> No.19203429

no one considers it a snack/side.

>> No.19203431

Wouldn't that depend on how much of it you're eating?

>> No.19203435
File: 1.98 MB, 300x166, filthy-frank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in burgerland, pad thai would be seen as a snack

>> No.19203470

When I used to frequent one of the local thai restaurants I would order 3 entrees and 2 appetizers and eat them all in one sitting and still be hungry. Thai food just is not filling. I want to go to Thailand for sex tourism, but I am afraid I would starve to death.

>> No.19203506
File: 330 KB, 1200x1200, oh no!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a big enough portion and anything becomes a meal

>> No.19203510
File: 2.59 MB, 498x280, vince-mc-mahon-speechless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fat are you OP?

>> No.19203543


Not fat. Also not a burger. This stems from my friend going off on a rant about how it's not a meal and will not concede that he is wrong.

His argument to the portion size being big enough is that a big banana or a big portion of peas wouldn't be a meal just because of the size.

>> No.19204010

I cooked pad thai with 500 calories in chicken, 200 in shrimp, 300 in noodles, ate it all, ate a honey comb, then passed out for 5 hours today.

Fuck I love pad thai it's so easy to make.

>> No.19204019

Its interesting that pad Thai is widely considered to be a meal, but fried rice is typically considered a side.

They're both rice and protein, so why the difference in perception?

>> No.19204021

stop associating with retards like that

>> No.19204024

>Thai food just is not filling
No, you're just fat.

>> No.19204038

Fried rice is also a meal. Only Americans consider it a side.
But also, most Chinese restaurants serve food family-style, where you order several dishes for the table and everyone takes a bit of what they like, so that could contribute to the perception that it's a side dish.

>> No.19204045

Yes that is exactly my experience with fried rice. Makes sense.

>> No.19204090
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>the chinese running chinese restaurants offer fried rice as a side

>omg how could americans do this

>> No.19204295

if you fry 300 calories in rice and call it a meal i'm going to conquer your home

>> No.19204412

>rice stir fried with protein, egg and veggies
>not a meal
Tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat.

>> No.19206221

>me in the bkgnd driving an invisible car

>> No.19206331

They don't offer it as a side, though. Sides in chinese meals are usually pickled foods or similar

>> No.19206379

In the US and UK, it is a side in most-to-all take away set meals while pickles are entirely absent.

>> No.19206385

Not him but I see fried rice as a side all the time, usually as an alternative to the side of white rice that a lot of stuff comes with.

>> No.19206576

I don't eat at "chinese" goyslop shitholes. My gf is from china so we eat real food
See above. You're not eating real chinese food. This is like saying that breadsticks is a standard side in italian cuisine because all you know is olive garden

>> No.19206620

tell it to your vachina, fren

>> No.19206821
File: 57 KB, 666x557, 1673319171157818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You're not eating real chinese food

>chinese come to america
>chinese open restaurant
>chinese offer fried rice as a side
>omg thats not real chinese food
>how could americans do this

I suggest you and your mtf girlfriend have a serious dilating session

>> No.19207162

>chinese comes to america
>get warned by other chinese that americans can't handle family style serving
>get advised to serve your food western style i.e. individual plates plus sides
>americans eat up your goyslop perversion of real chinese food
>"mmm sugoiiii umaii I love chinese food!!!"
>"w-w-what do you mean real fried rice isn't a side??? dilate tranny!!"
No thanks. I'll be enjoying my gf's cooking shortly followed by plunging into her tight chink pussy
Nah. My gf and I are also both openly racist and anti semitic

>> No.19207224

>get warned by other chinese that americans can't handle family style serving
What the hell even is "family style serving"? I'm Chinese and if you look at any Chinese media, the restaurants serve they same way as they do in American Chinese restaurants, often serve the same food and the variation is mainly in how sweet the sauce is and how many broth based classics are served compared to fried "new" favourites.
Hell, the suiyuan shidan from mid Qing dynasty is fully translated now and 90% of the food items listed are strictly LESS extravagant than the most basic offerings at your American Chinese restaurant, with some common recipes tracking for a direct lineage.
How far do you have your own head stuck up your ass and does your own shit taste better from pretending that "traditional" Chinese food is a thriving complex food culture that somehow coexisted with regular famines?

>> No.19208333

Family style serving is when everyone shares all the dishes. How can you not know this?
If all you've eaten is Chinese food at chinese restaurants in america, then you don't know what food is really like for a typical chinese family. The food is surprisingly simple and easy to make - that's part of what's great about it

>> No.19208348

american pad thai is fucking garbage I've never had a good plate at a restaurant. you can never taste the fish sauce and they all have 3 times the amount of sugar needed. once I got pad thai and it was bright orange, they skipped tamarind and used ketchup. I live in a big city too it shouldn't be so terrible at every place

>> No.19208358

i like-a pead theay veery mahch

>> No.19208389

Milwaukee isn't a big city

>> No.19208411

Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers began visiting here in the late 16th century.
Hey, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name?
Yes, Pete, it is. In fact , it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."

>> No.19208429

>Nah. My gf and I are also both openly racist and anti semitic
That's nice, dear, but you and your vachina are wholly irrelevant. Tough break, kiddo

>> No.19208431

>it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."
Lies. It's Algonquin for "ain't shit here, lol"

>> No.19208478

Cope and seethe, incel

>> No.19208545

>Fuck I love pad thai it's so easy to make.
What do you put in it? I tried some recipes found online and they required tamarind paste, dried tofu, thai pickled radishes, chilis, beat sprouts, etc. It's not the biggest ingredients list but it's also not the shortest, plus I would never use these ingredients if I wasn't making pad thai. I didn't find it easy, so are you just using a different recipe or are these ingredients just more readily available where you live?

>> No.19209233

asians and westerners have different perception on which one to call sides or main.

>> No.19209264

Not Westerners just amerifats

>> No.19209277


>> No.19209278

But they do eat breadsticks (grissini) in Italy, usually just on the table before you start your antipasti. PS I've never been to Olive Garden.

>> No.19209288

snot noodre never fills me up :<

>> No.19209325

i have never seen europeans/australians have debate against americans on whether to call rice main or side dish.

>> No.19209484

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.19209919

>goyslop spewing retard drops the no real chinaman fallacy when confronted with facts
Nobody cares about your girlfriend more than they care about you being wrong on the internet.

>> No.19210050

lived in various asian countries and the west.

>> No.19210063

No one cares that you went to japan, weeb

>> No.19210264

uhh you guys know that pad thai was literally invented as a nationalist plot by a literal fascist right