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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.55 MB, 4000x2667, ruby-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19205665 No.19205665 [Reply] [Original]

what food you're addicted to

>> No.19205677

Rubypill me on these.

>> No.19205687

Cheez-it baked snack crackers, original. Might pick some up today

>> No.19205863
File: 1.19 MB, 665x897, ruby choc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes better than real chocolate

>> No.19205871

Extra toasted are the best. But those prices are through the roof right now

>> No.19205948

Extra Toasty are fucking delicious and are my one true junk food love.

>> No.19205978

American-style pizza and chocolate-dipped croissants

>> No.19205997
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I could eat 4-5 of these things every morning if I had no self control. They're the only processed food I have in my house but it's so worth it.
>microwave for a minute
>fry in a tablespoon of butter until golden brown

>> No.19206022

That's not so bad, although you could theoretically peel and grate your own

the McCain ones are the same as McDonald's I believe
Mcd hashbrowns are overpriced, whenever we wanted it Mum always said "we have hashbrowns at home!" and made us those

>> No.19206040

I've tried it, and as much as I hate to say this, it just isn't the same. Whatever seed oil and corn syrup shit they're pumping into these things, it's so much better than anything I've ever been able to make myself.

>> No.19206097

I thought that was ham for like a solid thirty seconds

>> No.19206259

holy want
regular chocolate, here. would love to try op’s

>> No.19206402
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>> No.19206410

Kill yourself
Its the same taste. Stop buying gimmicks

>> No.19206423

Chocolate that's supposed to taste fruity. Not sure if that fruity taste is natural because it's treated with citric acid to maintain that color too.

>> No.19206426

It's dyed pink and tastes the same

>> No.19206440

You can look up the ingredient list. There's no dye, and it has citric acid which will change the flavor a lot.

>> No.19206452

so its still a scam? any chocolate could have citric acid and taste the same
may as well buy orange flavored chocolate

>> No.19206662

it doesnt taste the same bitch

>> No.19206750

Nuts (not the male testicles you degenerate), avacados, mangos, and lettuce. They just taste so good

>> No.19207820

you sure do love nuts...

>> No.19208046

It does have more of an acidic tang and hints of raspberry. Not something I'd eat every day but ruby chocolate is interesting.

>> No.19208103
File: 25 KB, 300x202, Terry's+Choco+Orange+open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it like one of theses gimmicks?

>> No.19208104

These are my crack. I know what you mean about it not being the same when you make it fresh.

>> No.19208131

That's not a gimmick, that's a fucking national treasure

>> No.19208141

don't worry, prices are never going down regardless of administration or political bullshit, so just buy what you want and deal with the repercussions later

>> No.19208207
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>it has citric acid which will change the flavor a lot.

>> No.19208258
File: 214 KB, 960x960, 19765D74-61C7-4EBE-93FF-EE50284E0363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled meats. Pork, beef, lamb, chicken. BBQ. Ribs, brisket, pulled pork, chicken, sausage. That’s my addiction. Grilled meats.

>> No.19208275

>They're the only processed food I have in my house
>fry in a tablespoon of butter
What do you think the word "processed" means?

>> No.19208327
File: 196 KB, 980x1307, img-0557-1644423939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat popcorm almost every other day.

>> No.19208365

i'm going to eat some now, i think i will season it with zaatar or perhaps sriracha and honey

>> No.19208388

Whatever happened to this shit anyway?
Remember it being a big deal but then never actually saw any in a shop.

>> No.19208404

are you rarted

>> No.19208405

ever try cooking it in coconut oil?
then you don't even need butter
I just add salt after
its delicious

>> No.19208424

Do you think cows produce butter or something?

>> No.19208427

you clearly don't understand this thread

>> No.19208434

>Whatever happened to this shit anyway?
it had the same fate as "gold" chocolate.
>never actually saw any in a shop
you can only buy callets on the internet and you will need a melter if you want to make bars

>> No.19208474


>> No.19208529

Isn't gold chocolate the like white with caramel?
I've seen that in shops before.

>> No.19208573

I’m addicted to not eating.

>> No.19208960


>> No.19208968


>> No.19209037
File: 80 KB, 680x450, spicy-italian-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

italian subs

>> No.19209058

Let me guess, you can stop any time you want?

>> No.19209424


>> No.19209572

enjoy gout.

>> No.19209592
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Lol, I do have a bout of gout every so often. Lebanon bologna often triggers it

>> No.19209728
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>> No.19209737
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>inferior rotisserie chicken bits

>> No.19209742

Right now it's meat, gravy, and stuffing.

>> No.19209745

It just tastes like Easter chocolate. Like when you get Robin eggs, but minus the malt center. Honestly not that amazing. Its basically proprietary meme chocolate. You might as well get white chocolate flavored with berries.

>> No.19209790


>> No.19209839

based on what?

>> No.19209862

Anything rich in carbohydrates and/or fat.

>> No.19209879

Bombay Mix.

Can’t have it in the house

>> No.19210054
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these shits right here.

>> No.19210064


>> No.19210484


>post least healthy food on the planet
>that's not so bad

>> No.19210491

I don't see a Bloomin Onion

hashbrowns are the least unhealthy form of fried potato, it doesn't absorb as much oil per potato as chips or crisps

>> No.19210502

it's all the same thing really, but hashbrowns (and tater tots) absorb more oil than french fries.. that's why you even bother shredding it to begin with, it gets more crispy and fried

>> No.19210511

why white over red?

>> No.19210515

but hashbrowns are a formed slab, the outer bits get browned and the inner bits don't. chips have more browned surface area to hashbrowns.

>> No.19210525

hmm, it's an interesting thought, I guess. mcdonald's hashbrown has a decently higher % of calories from fat than their fries *and* their fries are blanched, so if you don't blanch the fries the difference would be even larger

>> No.19210568
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Not even memeing. I chomp 3 kg of these fuckers a week and still crave more. Send help.

>> No.19210606


Problem is being in SE USA, even if you get good ingredients, the bread is terrible 9/10 of the times.

>> No.19210610
File: 362 KB, 1024x681, foie-gras-torchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one one hand galvaging is illegal here but i personally think injecting them with hormones so they eat 4x as much as needed is worse than force feeding them
oh well foie is delicious

>> No.19210619
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>even if you get good ingredients, the bread is terrible
it's not possible to fuck bread up that bad
not even pajeets fuck bread up that bad

>foie is delicious
I have only ever had proper foie once and I felt a tad guilty about it, but fuck you are right

I would very much like to have it again, but on the other hand, ersatz foie (basically very fatty beef mince) is more or less cruelty-free and approaches maybe 70% of the taste, so I dunno... am I a softy, or am I the baddie here

>> No.19210631

naw its completely fine having moral reservations about the treatment of animals, i suppose at thr end of they day injecting them with mystery juice ultimately causes less stress than tying them to a sex swing and shoving a tube down their gullet.
real baddie mode is offering foie to people protesting a local animal fur retailer and telling them its a pistachio pate thats vegan
allegedly happened in my city a few blocks away from my old kitchen

>> No.19210632

are you orange yet

>> No.19210635


You haven't lived in towns where Jersey Mike's is a gourmet experience for the Italian Sub.

The Italian joints generally don't make their own bread, so they buy it from distributors or grocery stores. The worst get the sub rolls from the corporate bakery which is crumbly nasty shit.

>> No.19210642

force feeding geese is bad is a meme.

Those greedy geese fucks don't have human anatomy.

>> No.19210656

didn't know that i just watched a video once in culinary school and thought wow thats messed up then proceeded to enjoy foie afterwards

>> No.19210660

>real baddie mode is offering foie to people protesting a local animal fur retailer and telling them its a pistachio pate thats vegan
yes, it's bad, but you can't help but feel a sense of karma


>> No.19210661

Peanut butter, or Nutella, it's just so easy to eat too much of it.

>> No.19210673

mint chocolate chip ice cream. I can't keep it in my house

>> No.19210997

>it's not possible to fuck bread up that bad
oh you are so innocent

>> No.19211058

I think I prefer pate d'ardennes.

>> No.19211067

>pate d'ardennes
was ist?

>> No.19211083
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>> No.19211119

Anon how do you cope? I got it at 23 and I've kept it at bay with Allopurinol. I do a good job at staying away from red meat most of the time, but holy shit alcohol (and cigs) are wrecking my shit. I have yet to get another attack since last year but I tempt fate. Just wish I knew of something tasty to take away the pain of not eating lamb and whiskey 24x7

>> No.19211141

Wow I didn’t realize you could get gout so young

>> No.19211151

Makes me wet

>> No.19211165

It blows, in this case the cause was likely genetic. My paternal line has this issue where being overweight is a a one way ticket to pain. I don't get to kick the can down the road with health. Really need to stop being fat.

>> No.19211846
File: 256 KB, 800x534, 8FB0C637-7917-4402-B04A-1D002DADB9C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t get it until I was much older than 23. I wasn’t fat when I was younger though. It would probably go away if I lost weight. But it only affects one of my big toes and I only have a bout about once every two months. Going on a meat binge to me is worth it

>> No.19211928

vegemite on buttered toast

>> No.19211933

New Orleans French bread is where its at

>> No.19212021


Ruby is real chocolate

>> No.19212084

No Anon he can start any time he wants

>> No.19212152


I make mine with olive oil and then just add salt and stir (everyone tells me I make great popcorn). I'm going to try it with coconut oil next time, I like making and eating pop corn a lot.

>> No.19212587

It's a scam, they just added citric acid and try to bamboozle the gullible into thinking it comes from a made-up raspberry flavor. Raspberry of course because it's red ("ruby").

>> No.19212958

Me too! I use olive oil as well sometimes, its what I did almost all the time before I started to use coconut.

>> No.19213134

it should be illegal to sell something this addicting

>> No.19213136

>no beard net
enjoy pubic hair in your meal!

>> No.19213144

Is that what those mfers look like? Ive seen them in australian supermarkets over the years but never indulged.

>> No.19213145

What is this sorcery

>> No.19213149

oh yum, $27 popcorn!

>> No.19213157

dont stop, that's a healthy habit

>> No.19213162

$22 CAD for 2.3kg of it. It lasts months, a year even. I had one of these for slightly over a year and it was perfectly fine still.

You only need a scoop or two for the popcorn.
Care to explain what you mean?

>> No.19213163

All that meat is for him

>> No.19213378

I'm going to get some white wine tonight, sounds delicious.

>> No.19214198

Roasted peanuts, chips and other dry snacks. Used to chow down on garlic chips before I became allergic.

>> No.19214203

>t. Zimbabwean

>> No.19214218
File: 40 KB, 704x396, averageWargamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a combination of pizza+wings+fries with blue cheese dressing for the wings and honey mustard for the fries. normally a sprite for my drink. I was doing this once a week for a while thinking I could have a "cheat" day, but it's just not fuckin worth it . I'd waste $30 and basically a whole day being zonked out on food. pathetic!

>> No.19214220

green tea will burn calories faster accompanied with good lifestyle. godspeed

>> No.19214350
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, 3445B3F4-1179-44D3-B8BF-7A556A59A878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italian subs
My nigga. My favorite is White House in Atlantic City

>> No.19215462

I love to eat out the chocolate star on these and then eat the delicious turd center. I feel so dirty.

>> No.19215468

Is that spam

>> No.19215789

I totally ate through a 5lb bag of callets instead of making anything with them

>> No.19215795

It is not at all.

>> No.19216015

it's white chocolate dyed pink

>> No.19216021

I'm addicted to delicious (You)s.

>> No.19216061

tastes like a sour or under ripe strawberry with the mouthfeel of white chocolate goes well with matcha

>> No.19216869

no it not kys kys kys kys kys kys kys

>> No.19217124

I had a roommate like that, said his wish was to buy one of those popcorn machines in cinemas all for himself some day.
fucker was a slob, he'd have piles of dirty dishes in his room, left an open, UHT pasteurized milk carton on the fridge long enough to bloat from the gasses, and once borrowed my casserole to make some pasta that ended up sitting in the fridge, covered up in aluminum and barely half eaten, until it ended up stinking up the fridge and got all moldy and gross.
kinda miss him tho, all that shit aside he was a good lad.

>> No.19217311

wtheck is that, alien egg with candle wax ???

>> No.19217482
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>> No.19217483
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 9DC52F6B-459B-4767-8D39-81CFBB0675D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a side see. Picked up the habit from my dad. Easiest way to make anything spicy.

>> No.19217500

What type of tortillas are those

>> No.19217509

Just cheap white corn. Guerrero brand I think.

>> No.19217564

Mmm hydrogenated seed oils and cheap enriched flour, yum

>> No.19217632
File: 868 KB, 2048x1536, 67B6B141-6C82-4192-B6E5-345D46245C11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah mannn I only eat breatharian brand organic Indonesian baby yoga fart wind capsules when I’m not intermittent fasting too breh

>> No.19218120

My parents get me one for Christmas every year and I just remembered I have a half in the fridge. Do I go for it bros? The whole thing might be gone if I do.

>> No.19218208
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>> No.19218256
File: 47 KB, 525x350, SteaméDOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steamed hot dogs and poutine
i would eat it every week, but now i'm lactose intolerant so i have to pace them out and eat lactose pills

>> No.19218281

Protein shakes
It's almost like real meat doesn't even quench the hunger anymore. I just can't get enough soy.

>> No.19218350


you shut your filthy whore mouth and take that back

>> No.19218447
File: 270 KB, 1300x600, Amazon.com Cornhusker Kitchen Beef Tallow - Grass fed Beef Tallow (1.5 Pound Tubs).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep fry them in a dedicated deep fryer, like a fry daddy, filled with tallow.
That's how both the fries and hashbrowns were made pre-1984.
It's what gave McD's fries their "better than sex" reputation.
Better for you too

>> No.19218460
File: 136 KB, 735x700, Dietitian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one up Bruce, it's WORTH IT.
(unless you have a propensity towards food addiction, that is--otherwise, it could be your undoing.)

>> No.19218507
File: 78 KB, 888x563, SPUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo.. It's literally 'Tarted.
You are what you eat.

>> No.19218534

Even dollar trees carry small jars of coconut oil now.
Easily enough for 20+ batches of popcorn.
I like to make my own popcorn salt using regular sea salt and a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.
Just put in in a shaker with some uncooked rice grains as a desiccant or it can clump up.

>> No.19218566

>whenever we wanted it Mum always said "we have hashbrowns at home!" and made us those
if me mum ever said that to me id beat her up

>> No.19218607
File: 72 KB, 710x947, strami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot pastrami sandos. Can't get enough of them. Most places are shit at making them, including picrel. Only ever had a mind-blowing one in Montreal and SanFran. Besides when I cure and smoke my own. Gonna start one next weekend.

>> No.19218639
File: 3.67 MB, 4288x2848, Schwartz_smoked_meat_montreal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. I regularly think of Schwartz's Deli sandos at least once a week.
Yummy Plate in SF is pretty solid for what it cost.

>> No.19219483

I’m no Amerifat so I’ve always been curious, what’s inside? Just chocolate or actual orange?

>> No.19219556

So I take you're of the tattooed fuckwits that seem to only work in restaurants and think they are Gods gift to cooking because of their ink?

>> No.19219569

When I was a fat fuck, I would microwave a bag of popcorn, pour butter and sugar into it, shake it and eat it with a spoon.