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File: 22 KB, 192x225, eugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19202835 No.19202835 [Reply] [Original]

>Gets insulted by euros for liking a few american lagers
>Check out the ABV for guiness
>Check out the ABV for krombacher
>Both have higher calorie counts than most cheap usa beers
>The cheap drinks of the USA being natty ice and steel reserve being heavy hitting beers

>> No.19202851
File: 227 KB, 960x1280, spm_a2585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be a better comparison for Natty Ice and Steel Reserve honestly

>> No.19202866

that's only in tennessee tho

>> No.19203000

>calories bad
You know nothing. Your nipples shrink in the cold.

>> No.19203387

The alcohol content is not the issue.

>> No.19203473

If you want American booze that’ll knock you on your ass try some Tennessee moonshine. That shit’ll send you to another dimension

>> No.19203493

You can't determine beer quality mathematically

>> No.19203497

skill issue

>> No.19204147 [DELETED] 

Yes you can but it's not linear.
x is the quality of the beer out of 100
y is a boolean number (0 for American beers, 1 for European beers)
z is the alcohol content in %
x = max(y*z*5,100)

>> No.19204152

>>19203493 #
Yes you can but it's not linear.
x is the quality of the beer out of 100
y is a boolean number (0 for American beers, 1 for European beers)
z is the alcohol content in %
x = min(y*z*5,100)

>> No.19204166
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 0D66EF99-1DF1-48C8-B73D-12F36639B4D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuros are fucking retards who haven’t left their village in years because the communal travel donkey is already on reservation for the next 2 decades. So, they’re stuck in the 80s and think that America only has pisswater macro beer, they have no idea that literally every state has hundreds of local craft breweries making thousands of beer varieties. Even the most backwards redneck dive bars have at least Stone IPA or something on tap these days.

>> No.19204195

IPA literally tastes like hipster vomit

>> No.19204200

I know that you’re an ESL shitskin so English is hard for you but even then if that’s all you took away from my post it only further proves you’re a mental midget. My point is that craft beer is so ubiquitous in America these days that you can find large name craft beer even in swamp people bars. America has more beer variety and options available to the consumer, even excluding all of the IPAs, than your 3rd world yuro shithole. Guaranteed.

>> No.19204207

Just put some sugar and milk in it if the bitterness bothers you that much.

>> No.19204216

Americans don't know how to make beer. It doesn't matter if they have piss on tap, piss in a bottle, large name piss, craft piss, piss options...

>> No.19204228

I wonder why all of the beer ranking websites are dominated by American beers and why American beers consistently win international awards then? The only two people that produce good beer in the entirety of Europe are the Belgians and Czechs and yet every 3rd world uk fucker tries to ride on the coattail of these achievements as if their local shire has ever produced anything other than a brown lager made with fermented donkey shit. Your skin is brown and you are constantly seething over Americas superiority and America’s superior beer. Sad.

>> No.19204266

>wonder why all of the beer ranking websites are dominated by American beers and why American beers consistently win international awards then?
We're not talking marketing budget here. American are physically unable to make better beers than Europeans. They lack the patience, the skill, the love for tradition, the contact with their ancestral land. They also have been violently assaulted at birth by a doctor, who amputated part of their sexual organs, which make them aggressive and in a constant state of PTSD. This explains the fascination for guns, shooting, false virility signaling.
If having a gun collection was enough to make a good beer we would know.

>> No.19204271

Why are you close to eurotrash in the first place to be insulted by them? Why would you care about eurotrash?

>> No.19204274

>seems like a eurotrash cunt got offended by an American, oopsie

>> No.19204282
File: 626 KB, 2187x1640, 1682054842108136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ritalin powered text walls

>> No.19204286

Why do you give any fuck about a "beer ranking website?" Explain yourself, do you not have taste of your own?

>> No.19204292


>> No.19204294
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1649811942011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never buy a beer under 5.5% abv.
Pilsners are my favorite but it's so hard to find any above 5%, the only one I've found is from Buoy at 6%, it's good shit.

>> No.19204298

You're a frog poster and nobody cares about frogs.

>> No.19204302

How ironic that you've been trained to tip the bartender EVERY SINGLE time he does you a favor by pouring liquid in a glass while your own tip was taken from you at birth. It's like if someone was making a deliberate mockery out of Americans

>> No.19204305

Youre pretty emotional, I hope you're not drinking solvents in the middle of the week....

>> No.19204307

What a ridiculous non-argument. Of course taste is personal you fucking retard. The issue is is that you have one seething brown skinned Yuropoor trying to act like an arbiter on what beer is good and what beer is bad. Pointing out that the vast majority of people enjoy American beer suggests that YOU may be the tastelet in the room incapable of appreciating American craft beer because your brown skin and under developed prefrontal cortex prevents you from so.

>> No.19204308

>I hope you're not drinking solvents in the middle of the week...
no, I gave up drinking British beer ages ago.

>> No.19204311

You're full of shit, I don't tip anyone especially foreign presumptuous euro frog freaks like you,

>> No.19204330

That's your issue you cunt, don't put your bullshit on me. Are you some biden kamela supporter?

>> No.19204364

>why don't euros know about this belgian style chocolate extra hoppy IPA with lemon from hillbilly flyoveristan with a production rate of at least a couple of hectoliters/year?? it's the best in the world!
the mutt always starts to screech about muh microbreweries every single time the quality of amerimongrel beer is questioned, with no exceptions

>> No.19204390

This message contains insulting language directed toward someone who disagrees with the sender's views on American craft beer. The sender claims that the person being addressed is unable to appreciate American craft beer because of his race and mental capacity. These statements reflect a racist and ableist perspective.

Regarding the possible link between circumcision and the tone of the message, it is worth considering that circumcision is performed without consent and can involve physical trauma. Research indicates that early trauma can affect neurological development and increase the risk of psychological disturbances, including anger issues and aggression. However, it is important to note that correlation does not equal causation; there are many other factors that contribute to aggressive behavior, including environmental influences and learned patterns of behavior.

Is there anything else I can assist you with? Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for reaching out.