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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 500x500, ck challenge 2023 series 1 round 1 of 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19167599 No.19167599 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the /ck/ Challenge 2023 Series 1 - Round 1 of 4

In this series we are returning to a classical format that many may be familiar with. If you are new to /ck/ challenges and unsure on how they operate, I would advise reading the below pastebin for guidelines on participation and voting. These events are intended to generate original content, showcase cooking abilities, challenge oneself, and to simply have fun. It's highly encouraged to create an infograph of your process with accompanying recipe, but not mandatory.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hFEvit1h

The theme for Round 1 is... Pasta! This is an incredibly versatile food staple that can be made by beginners and experienced cooks alike. From dry goods to freshly made, there is no shortage of shapes, sauces, ingredients and forms that encompass this broad spectrum of flavor delivery.

// Timeline

Competition and Voting Opens: Sunday 4/16 @ 0900 EST
Competition Closes: Sunday 4/23 @ 2359 EST (+7 days)
Voting Closes: Monday 4/24 @ 2359 EST (+1 day)

Have fun in the kitchen!

>> No.19167641

thanks for making the first round an easy one for newer people

>> No.19167662

I have a fun idea for this that i have been wanting to try for a long time. Ravioli is technically pasta, right?

>> No.19167673

Are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.19167690
File: 231 KB, 1200x900, homemade-spaghetti-sauce-horizontal-1530890913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to do something more creative than normal pasta.

>> No.19167873

Bump. Having a cheat day tomorrow so I might conjure something up

>> No.19168017

Just to be clear, in round 1 we have a full 7 days to prepare and submit?
Do you have a link to any previous challenges? I've seen these in the past but never really paid attention, I think I am going to enter this year & since i'm the last guy on the board who still cooks i'll win

>> No.19168020

ignore me i'm
>Participating individuals have 7 days to create a dish that follows the theme using below guidelines.

>> No.19168026

If you don't make your own pasta, don't bother entering.

>> No.19168382

the scoring metrics are presentation, originality, appeal, and goals. even if you used pre-purchased pasta it shouldn't negatively impact any of these categories. if technique were a factor everyone would be screwed, this is all about the plated dish.

>> No.19168410

This is really gay

>> No.19168425

we try

>> No.19168537

Sheeeit, this might actually be fun, smacks of old 4chan activities. Will post some pasta in the coming days.

>> No.19168541

Do not forget to post sauce as well.

>> No.19168548

no it's fucking gay

>> No.19168568


Why are you posting in the thread then, mate? I love stuff like this, better than just calling each other faggots all day like normal.

>> No.19168634

Oh man it’s over for you guys, I’ll feel bad crushing all the newbs but I’m gonna make some bussin shit

>> No.19168687

frickin hate pasta, but yall bout tah learn today

>> No.19168803

I wonder what percentage of /ck/ actually owns a pasta machine. I sure as shit don't, I roll out by hand like my moonmen ancestors demand.

>> No.19168874 [DELETED] 

yes it is. also this guy is a faggot ignore him>>19167673 <---- massive faggot!!! disclaimer: he is a faggot

>> No.19168877

How do I best filter this gay circlejerk bullshit?

>> No.19168881

yes it is. also this guy is a faggot ignore him>>19167673 <---- massive faggot!!! disclaimer: he is a faggot!

>> No.19168887

you are the hugest faggot

>> No.19169033

You think you're the only one gonna put on some try hard pants?

>> No.19169201

Holy shit, somehow OP manages to have less creativity and imagination than everyone in the suggestion thread.

>> No.19169218

Then get creative with your pasta

>> No.19169229

One of the suggestions was an easy first sound. I'm sure it will ramp up.

>> No.19169253

Anyone have pica of previous winners? That might drum up additional interest

>> No.19169332

Pasta isn't an "easy" round. It's a specific technique that some people will have no problem with while others wont even attempt. It feels like the theme was chosen to create a clear gap between half the contestants right from the start.

>> No.19169374

>doesn't know how to filter threads
lol. lmao even

>> No.19169387

It's one thread. He could have hid it in less time than it took to make his post.

>> No.19169448

>pasta is a technique
bruh what? if you're going to talk out your ass at least make it sound semi-reasonable.

>> No.19169456

He's saying that there's a skill gap between people who can cook pasta and people who can make pasta, and that someone who makes their own pasta is likelier to win

>> No.19169579

Would have "bowl of cereal" been more /ck/'s speed? There's no skill gap here. Pasta is as simple as it comes. If you lack confidence or learned technique there's this miraculous thing called youtube that will hold your hand across the finish line.

>> No.19169627

>there's no wealth gap
>if you're poor there's this miraculous thing called getting a better job

>> No.19169733

I'm not upset, I've been making pasta since I was 6

>> No.19169742

Are you the pasta masta?

>> No.19169755

I think it was part love, part child labor

>> No.19169756

Well, you could also make gnocchi, but it's not like that does anything to lower the bar of entry.

>> No.19169776

Fucking what lol

>> No.19169796

Stay in school.

>> No.19169868

Stay on topic. Talking about skill gaps and you segue to economics, which doesn't even make sense as pasta is cheap. Lay off the weed, Cheech.

>> No.19169889

You're the one trying to derail the thread by pretending not to understand a simple one-off analogy.

>> No.19169976

>this is all about the plated dish
Only presentation is all about the plated dish. Yes, you are being judged on a single image of the plated dish, but knowing more about the process and ingredients used will help people get a better sense of the originality and use of the challenge theme, as well as if it actually sounds appealing. That's why it is encouraged to include a description, recipe, additional images, or vertical.

>> No.19170022

All categories can be assessed without a step-by-step. Technique is not a factor for scoring.

>> No.19170045

Look, I understand what you were trying to do, and agree something should have been said. I just don't think anyone is going to be fooled by your reasoning.

>> No.19170078

>I just don't think anyone is going to be fooled by your reasoning.
You mean the truth? If technique were a part of the challenge it would be a scorable category. You're gaslighting. Fuck off.

>> No.19170100

You could have just said, "let's agree to disagree and get cooking," but you seem insistent on making things as toxic as possible. Nobody finds that fun.

>> No.19170302

I have an idea but might be starting a new job this week, so the plan might change.
I'm going to try to make the gayest pasta dish imaginable just for you (no homo)

>> No.19170313

>truth us toxic
You're the reason this world will fail.

>> No.19170894

I have one somewhere, but don't have a lot of counterspace in my current situation. This round is pretty much easy mode for anyone who has a Kitchenaid with a pasta attachment.

>> No.19170947

I have both, the stand mixer kind and the clampy counter kind
The real treasure will be the friends I meet in my search for them all this time
I seriously have no fucking clue where they're at, so if I wind up making gnocchi you'll know I gave up and didn't make any friends

>> No.19171020

Making pasta by hand is not difficult, shapes and all. It really boils down to a good dough recipe. The rest of it is just the sauce and or accompaniments.

>> No.19171039

been looking for campenelles. looks like i might go wagon wheel on your sorry asses

>> No.19171071

>making pasta by hand is not difficult, shapes and all
You should show us how you roll and make fagottini.

>> No.19171544

>made penne ala vodka tonight
>checks /ck/
>it’s a pasta challenge
Well I did use boxed penne, so I reckon it would not have been challenge worthy anyway.

>> No.19171674

I've never done one of these before. Where do we post the pictures of our food?

>> No.19171681

/r/cooking. Post a link to the thread here so we can see how many upvotes it gets.

>> No.19171684

You just post in this thread. It's all pretty casual, but you should read the pastebin (it's short) because there's a couple basic things you need to include if you want to be counted.

>> No.19173101


>> No.19173735

Wait, in the "voting and scoring" section of the pastebin, what is meant by "challenge goals?"

>> No.19173757

>Wait, in the "voting and scoring" section of the pastebin, what is meant by "challenge goals?"
In this case, is it a "pasta dish," as opposed to say, a steak with a side of mac and cheese
Steak with mac and cheese isn't a pasta dish, it's steak with a side
But at the same time, butter noodles is a "pasta dish," but it's not something that's going to shine
So you have to balance, how much is "pasta dish" and how much is everything else

>> No.19173770

Think of it like Chopped or Iron Chef. In each show they have to use an ingredient or basket of ingredients to cook something under certain parameters. In Chopped they get judged on how well they transformed the 4 ingredients into a coherent dish (and get heavily penalized if they leave something out), while in Iron Chef they have to make multiple dishes showcasing one ingredient. The more ways they use the ingredient creatively and highlight different facets of it, the better they score in that category.

The equivalent here is challenge goals, which is about how well the dish showcases the theme of the round. The theme isn't usually just an ingredient, such as pasta, but in this case you would get a low score on challenge goals if the pasta wasn't the focus of the plate (and likely not counted at all if there was no pasta on the plate). You would get a higher score the more you do with "pasta" or the more creative you get while still presenting something that screams "pasta!" Of course the exact scoring from 1-5 is up to everyone's own interpretation, but that's the basic gist.

>> No.19174682

Bump. I’ll post a dish this week.

>> No.19175677

Odds are we're going to see 19 pasta limone dishes, 1 seafood pasta and a generic red pasta.

>> No.19176001

someone should make Terry Davis's spaghetti

>> No.19177085

>odds are we're going to see 19 pasta limone dishes
I'll give you 2 to 1 on that. How much do you want to wager?

>> No.19177690
File: 17 KB, 320x215, klk0AV9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first three categories should be pretty straightforward.

Presentation: how does the dish look visually on the plate? Does it grab your eye? Is there some kind of design and composition to it? Did they put care into the details, or does the knifework on the garnish or sauce placement look sloppy? This isn’t a photography contest, but people are inevitably going to take into consideration the framing and quality of the picture, possibly even including the background. No matter how good your plate looks irl it’s not going to look good if it’s too dark when you take the picture, or if it comes out blurry.

Originality: is it something basic you see everywhere like spaghetti and meatballs or fettucine alfredo? Or is it something unique and possibly new to you? Did they take a familiar dish and reinterpret it in some way?

Appeal: do you, personally, want to eat it? This includes any and everything from the ingredients, the combination of flavors, the execution, the presentation, etc. Since we obviously can't taste each dish, you kind of just have to go by everything you see and just assume they didn't add ten times more salt than they should have.

Ideally there are no picky eaters voting who wont eat anything if they can see a piece of tomato or an olive on the plate and so give the dish a 0/5 on appeal. If someone obviously looks like they’re submitting troll votes it’s up to the OP’s discretion to decide whether or not they should be counted.

>> No.19177703

Challenge goals are a little different. You can score however you interpret the rules, but I think a useful way is to begin by looking at the entry, reading the title and description, and then deciding if they made something that fits the theme. If they didn’t that would be a 0/5, which means their dish doesn’t count. If they did (“yeah, it’s a pasta dish”) then they start at 1/5.

After that you can just go back through the first 3 categories and look at them in terms of the theme.

Presentation: is it immediately obvious that it’s a pasta dish? Is the pasta the star? Or did they put the pasta in a bowl and completely cover it in sauce?

Originality: did they use a basic pasta and not do anything interesting with it, where it feels like it’s just the obvious choice and possibly the first thing a lot of people would imagine when they picture “pasta” in their head? Or maybe it uses a unique pasta type or combination of flavors? Did they just buy a box of dried penne, or did they make fresh ube ravioli stuffed with chestnuts, fiddleheads, and goat cheese?

Appeal: does the pasta look overcooked or did they not roll it out thin enough? Maybe you just hate angel hair or think shells should never be served with a cream sauce.

Again, that’s just a suggestion of how to look at it. Pasta isn’t a great example to use to explain challenge goals because it’s honestly a pretty bad theme. Normally there would be a lot more ways people could interpret the theme while still clearly sticking to it, but in this round it’s kind of just, “is it pasta or not?”

>> No.19178474
File: 737 KB, 2048x1536, Goulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy /ck/ new fag here. I'm presenting an American-style Goulash for my dish. With cornbread flapjacks to go along with it. This dish also is usually paired with white beans but I didn't want to wait 8 hours for them to soak. This dish is near and dear to my heart and I grew up eating it every time I would visit my grandparents. It was always a good day when you get done shelling peas, picking blueberries, or whatever they had us kids doing and sit down for dinner for some freshly made goulash. My version strays a little from my grandma's recipe but only because I like mine a little spicy.

>1lb of ground beef
>one yellow onion diced
>one or two bell peppers diced, I prefer poblano pepper but they cost a little more
>two cans of diced tomatoes, but you can go with fresh tomatoes though it is more chopping (I did this time)
>one box/1lb of elbow macaroni
>one 26oz can of tomato soup, try to get low sodium version (I used tomatoes puree and cut it with water this time)
>one tablespoon of diced garlic
>one teaspoon of onion powder
>one teaspoon of garlic powder
>one teaspoon of paprika
>one teaspoon of chili powder
>one teaspoon of ground cayenne powder
>olive oil
>beef stock or water if the meat gets too dry.

I Put the pot on medium to high heat with just enough olive oil to cover the bottom. Add the beef and spice when the pot is hot. Brown the beef then add the onion and peppers and cook till soft. Add a little beef stock or water if it starts to stick to the bottom of the pot. when peppers and onions are ready add the diced garlic, diced tomatoes, and tomato soup. Stir the content together and then add the uncooked macaroni. Bring the pot to medium or low heat and stir occasionally till the macaroni is done.

brought to you by Goulash Gang

>> No.19178476

You won't even have that many fags participating in your circlejerk anyway.

>> No.19178499

Good, fewer fags I have to beat
What are you submitting?

>> No.19178506
File: 2.33 MB, 640x360, mortal-kombat-started[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178511

I don't participate in gay bullshit by OPs (you) to try and feel like your life has had some kind of impact on other people. You will never matter to anybody, I'm sorry but it's the truth, especially if this is the low you have to aspire to.

Your thread has 70 (now 71) responses yet only 28 posters and most of the posts aer behaving as if they just entered the thread. Replying to yourself over and over again, and replying to me these two (this will be the final) time, will not change anything so please feel you've succeeded somehow by having an excuse to post in the thread again to respond to me. It is, afterall, a kind gesture from me to give you at least that. I hope you find a better life in the future.

>> No.19178539

I wasn't OP don't OP me, but I wish us well better futures
In the interim, I want to win this

>> No.19178556

Welp, looks like I'm going to be starting a new job next week. I'll try to do something fun for this round, but don't know how much time I'll have after that if all my time is taken up by working and drinking again.

>> No.19178687

>Goulash Gang
Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 5/ 5
Simple comfort foods that people can associate with.
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
extra point for the pancakes.
Total: 15 / 20
Good job, newbie. Simple tasty things that are not difficult are often looked down on by food snobs. I made goulash earlier this week, myself. I love seeing things my my parents or grandparents cooked to feed the family.

>> No.19178751

Lol. You're not supposed to vote for yourself, anon.

>> No.19178838

I WILL vote for myself after I cook.

>> No.19179112
File: 96 KB, 720x1280, Sagnette sugo e polpette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pasta wasn't made by me, but the sauce and the meatballs yes.
I made it yesterday. Today another type of pasta.

>> No.19179245

People have to ask because Italians are so retarded and autistic that no one can ever keep track of all the rules for what their food is named.

>> No.19179274
File: 154 KB, 816x810, 1667958164158111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least have the decency to warn its the american slop and not Goulash

>> No.19179343

He literally said "American-style Goulash" in the second sentence. Try reading, retard.

>> No.19179539


new taco bell thread just dropped. head over there where you're more comfortable

>> No.19180106
File: 554 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate the honest review anon. This Form of goulash is never really a pretty one but it's a nice hearty meal that's simple to make and a great way to get your energy built back up for a hard day in the garden.
thanks, anon I was just about to type that.
The food itself looks ok but work on your presentation for your next dish and time stamp it if you want it to be judged.

brought to you by Goulash Gang

>> No.19181415
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230419_175349_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.19181531
File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230419_182310_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomato puree, PBR, oregano, mushies, broccoli, colby or some shit, olive oil

>> No.19181650
File: 526 KB, 800x837, spag pie 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spaghetti pie 1 of 5
cook 4oz spag, drain
add tb butter
2 crushed garlic
cup parm
put in bottom of pie plate
bake 20 min at 350°f

cup ricotta
tsp oregano

1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 lb borg or italian saugage
add 15oz tom sauce
3 tb tom paste
3 tb basil
reduce to sauce
over spag in pie plate
layer ricotta mixture
then meat sauce
then add 1 cup ish shredded cheese (mozz or italian mix)
bake 25 min at 350°f.

>> No.19181653
File: 413 KB, 800x624, spag pie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spag pie 2
before bake

>> No.19181658
File: 355 KB, 800x450, spag pie 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spag pie 3
I left bread crumbs out of the recipe... because you can. I threw a loaf of bread together to make bread crumbs, but didnt want to be cooking all night.

>> No.19181661
File: 426 KB, 800x600, spag pie 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up turning the broiler on for a few minutes to finish the top.

>> No.19181671
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x1500, spag pie 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spag pie 5 of 5
Bread is good even though I threw it together. Cherry toms are off a plant in my house. Jalapeno because I didnt have any pepperoncini. Not pictured: big glass of cheap red wine.

>> No.19181791

yum. always wanted to eat this.

>> No.19181856
File: 732 KB, 1536x2048, Goulash Gang dig dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
Total: 16 / 20
looks good anon and I appreciate the step-by-step pics and instructions. And as someone that likes simple and easy-to-make food, it's right up my alley. Also very original never would have thought of that. But you're missing a time stamp so you lose some points there.

For example, see pic.

brought to you by Goulash Gang

>> No.19182213

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 0 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 6 / 20

Presentation is neat but boring and low effort. It's like those chefs who think if they drizzle sauce on top of every single dish, it's gourmet. Getting a 2 because yes at the very least it is neat, but if you were going to imitate actual pie dishes, then there were many others way you could've done it.

Originality is a 2, I see that you were trying to do your own thing, but in the end that burned you as well. Your dish is simple in a way that does not bolster originality. You smashed cooked spaghetti together and threw sauce and cheese on top like a Tasty video.

Appeal is a 0; The texture of smashed together spaghetti with butter and parm, disgusting. Then two extra layers of cheese would be too overwhelming even with the sauce. The top is too burnt (presentation) and not in a good way. If I can't eat this with one fork, then the top layer of cheese is probably sliding off. *The dish already has tomato sauce in it, but has a side of more tomatoes. There is also a jalapeño as if this is poor man's Papa Johns. A huge slice of bread as if this dish needs more bread. It's lazy, too lazy. (Presentation+Appeal)*

Challenge goals: Yes it's a pasta dish, smothered in cheese and bothered by bread. Originality with barely any creativity. I would not eat this, I would not make this. If you wanted layers, you could've made a Lasagna. You are also missing a timestamp and unique object, and since one anon took off points, for consistency I will do the same.

>> No.19182251

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
Total: 12 / 20

Presentation is neat, elegant, looks as if you were served by Baba. The char on the flapjacks bring class to an amalgamated dish. The leaf brings down the presentation, and it also looks a bit rotted. For what dish this is supposed to be, simplicity is key.

Originality, definitely not an original piece, recipe is as generic as it gets. Most Americans would also call this "Chili Mac". However, because of the cornbread flapjacks it will get 1 point.

Appeal isn't complicated without reason, ingredients and pasta to meat ratio is appropriate. Definitely a dish to whip up quick and eat for the whole week, beef stock is a plus to flavor along with the garlic.

Challenge Goals: Unique item and time stamp is visible, Presentation and Appeal categories did very well, originality not so much. Overall a 3.

>> No.19182310

Thanks, idiot. If you cared to look you'd find it is a common recipe. I didn't invent anything. The top is within common levels of "done" for cheese recipes. I didn't time stamp. I dont care. I'm just in it for the fun.
You are a fucking prick in everyone of these "challenge" threads. Your linguistic choices make it easy to pick you out. You are a typical, self hating egotist who turns his self hate outward at anonymous people to make yourself feel better. You know it isn't helping and the only thing that is going to free you of the pain is suicide. Stop waiting. Do it. Kill yourself. Do it now.

>> No.19182318

Thanks guys.
I used ground beef because it was on sale. If I did it again I'd use Italian sausage.... It is a touch bland as is.

>> No.19182323

What's the point of a cooking challenge where nobody's able to taste any of the dishes?

>> No.19182324

Look at the pretty pictures

>> No.19182563

> proceeds to watch hours of Ramsay sloptv

>> No.19182680

Damn, I forgot to take a pic of my chinky flotski noodles. But maybe that's a good thing because it looked ugly as sin.

>> No.19183052

bit of salt afterwards takes care of that. i like bland anyway.

>> No.19183054

I'll post pics in the morning of the pbr lasgna.

>> No.19183056
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230407_175711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this'll count since I made this last week but,
lots of butter
lemon juice

>> No.19183086

Thank you anon I'm the poster of >>19179112
Anyway I'll put a timestamp next time, it's ust I don't usually do it, I just take a pic to send to friends and sometimes I like to post here without any warning. Anyway I know I need to work on presentation. Tonight I'm making risotto and I tought to prepare a timestamp.
Anyway thanks Goulash Gang have a nice day and many more good dishes

>> No.19183153

wtf is that pasta type?

>> No.19183186
File: 153 KB, 676x333, pasta-fatta-in-casa-sagne-ritorte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Sagnette. It's like a twisted Tagliatella, is made like that so the sauce doesn't slide off like spaghetti or linguine. It's a pasta made here in south Italy, usually they make it with tomato sauce or Bolognese or with meatballs or lastly with chick peas but I made them big meatballs in that case, usually you need to make it really small.

>> No.19183200
File: 927 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230420_061324_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19183256

Took some spare noodles, dipped them in sauce and rolled them around some sticks I cut out of that monterey cheese. might do that next time. cheese is gross btw

>> No.19183381


seething flyover

>> No.19183782

Nice, thanks, we usually have a good variety of pastas in Australia but have never seen it.
I like the shape, am a big linguine fan but this looks like the superior flat pasta.
Time to go seek it out at a deli, surely will find it somewhere.

>> No.19184165
File: 643 KB, 2931x1706, 20230420_130457-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present The Taco Bell Combo

An ensemble of Korean noodle, topped with taco meat, atop cheese quesadilla with creamy Chipotle sauce, and a Chipotle sauce garnish at the front. Made
Taco meat:
Chili powder
Garlic salt to taste
Truffle powder
Umami powder made from shitake mushroom
Gochujang pepper flakes


>> No.19184636


>> No.19185179

Then enter with your home made pasta. Bet you won't.

>> No.19185346

I'm kinda surprised no one actually made pasta from scratch yet.

>> No.19185360

I'm gonna test pasta recipes tomorrow, make the dish Saturday

>> No.19185452
File: 46 KB, 679x515, A50EC51C-5DD8-4BAA-B60C-975BF724939B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been too busy this week and was going to post some kind of homemade pasta on Saturday as well. I love this stupid thing.

>> No.19186127

I'm planning on it tomorrow, actually. I recently got a pasta machine as a gift, but I'm still too lazy to open it so I'm gonna just use my rolling pin.

>> No.19186171

nice dick anon post more

>> No.19187624

Looks good anon, I wouldn't bother with the bread myself, a lot of carbs to meat.

>> No.19187637

Stop saying that. All that matters is that bread and pasta are different foods with different flavors and textures that can be combined to good effect. If you want fewer carbohydrates in your food, have a smaller serving. Don't refuse the combination altogether.

>> No.19189111
File: 3.35 MB, 3024x3024, 20230421_234827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to go to an Italian market for some ingredients to make an original pasta dish, but the guidos close at fucking 7pm and I'm busy the next couple days so I didn't have time. Oh well, here's my carbonara.

>> No.19189149

Presentation: 3 / 5
Decent presentation, basil leaf garnish adds nice color contrast.
Originality: 2 / 5
Kind of unoriginal but +1 Point for the cornbread flapjacks
Appeal: 4 / 5
Hearty, cheap, easy to make comfort food. Can't go wrong with that.
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
This is definitely a pasta dish.
Total: 13 / 20
Would eat.

>> No.19189154

Looks fantastic. Great job.

>> No.19189158

by deleting system32 you fucking lonely faggot

>> No.19189182

Presentation: 4 / 5
I like the plate, cherry tomatoes, and bread and butter. Jalapeño does kinda throw it off a bit but understandable since you said you don't have pepperoncini.
Originality: 2 / 5
It's really just a lasagna with spaghetti noodles. I guess if you didn't have any access to lasagna it would make sense but I don't really understand why else you would use spaghetti.
Appeal: 3 / 5
It seems like a pretty decent meal, again don't get the spaghetti but I bet it's pretty good.
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
This is a pasta dish.
Total: 13 / 20
Would eat. Might skip the bread because there's not really any excess sauce to mop up but looks tasty overall.

>> No.19189228

Presentation: 1 / 5
No garnish, messy plate
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Kind of hard to say without knowing what ingredients went into the sauce and meatballs and how they were cooked, but it's kinda hard to make truly bad sugo and meatballs so I bet it's at least decent.
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 9 / 20
Would eat. Looks alright, nothing special but definitely not bad.

>> No.19189237

Presentation: 1 / 5
You didn't even try
Originality: 1 / 5
I think this is just a regular lasagna
Appeal: 2 / 5
Lack of presentation and explanation of what it is you've made, but I would still try it, maybe a bit reluctantly.
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
I think this is a pasta dish.
Total: 7 / 20
It might be good but I don't know, hard to tell from just that picture.

>> No.19189273

Presentation: 4 / 5
The line of sauce could be smoother but I like it.
Originality: 3 / 5
I'd say Korean/ TexMex fusion is pretty original, but using a fast food quesadilla and sauce takes away from that.
Appeal: 2 / 5
This doesn't sound very good. I don't think noodles and flour tortillas should go together in one dish. The taco meat sounds pretty good though. I wouldn't have thought to add gochujang pepper flakes and I bet it works pretty well.
Challenge Goals: 1 / 5
Submitting Asian noodles to pasta challenge is a pretty contentious move. Even ignoring that though, I don't think this should be called a pasta dish even if the noodles were replaced with spaghetti. The pasta/noodles don't really add to the dish in a meaningful way and I think it would be better off without them.
Total: 10 / 20
If this were served to me I would be amused but my expectations taste wise would be low.

>> No.19189351

Spaghetti Pie:
Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
I don't actually know if spaghetti pie is an original dish, but I've never seen it before. I love PBR and would love to eat spag pie and drink PBR with you.

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
This is one of those dishes that's always going to look like sloppa, but as a big fan of sloppa I'd devour it. Did you add salt at any point in the recipe? It doesn't seem like there's much salt in there.

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 1 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
I'd eat it, but it just seems like a weird combination of foods that aren't complementary.

I'm not voting for this because you didn't make it for the contest.

I gave everyone a 5/5 for challenge goals because everyone used pasta. I'm sorry I didn't contribute to the challenge :( I just saw the thread tonight and will be out of town the next couple days so I won't be able to cook. I'll keep my eye out for the next competition.

>> No.19189668
File: 1.49 MB, 2087x2783, POPPY R1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Your Mom’s Lasagna”

I know it’s not the most original, but when I think of pasta I want a simple, hearty comfort food. Meaty tomato sauce, ricotta, and fresh herbs, all stacked between layers of pasta and baked into a recognizable cube that will put a smile on the face of even the dourest cat and brighten up the dreariest of Mondays.

You know it. You love it. April is the cruellest month. Give me your worst.

>> No.19189670

Which part of the mid west do you live in?

>> No.19189995

Goulash Gang
Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 2 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 8 / 20
I know that this is a real dish, but I’ve somehow gone my entire life never encountering it. It really just looks and sounds like sloppa to me, or like dry flyover chili where the beans are replaced with macaroni. And then you put some pancakes on the side for some reason. It’s all kind of the same color and just looks like carbs on carbs. I’m sorry. Maybe I’d feel differently if it were something I grew up eating,

Presentation: 0 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 1 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 4 / 20
Dude. Weed.

Immodest Panda
Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 1 / 5
Challenge Goals: 1 / 5
Total: 8 / 20
I’ve eaten my fair share of Taco Bell, but if this were an LTO I’d take a hard pass. The “taco meat” actually sounds interesting, but there’s a tiny spoonful on top of a pile of plain noodles, and I’m not sure how the quesadilla is supposed to go with that. Props for doing something fun with the plating.

Sponge Face
Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 2 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 7 / 20
It looks like you had more pasta in the box than you wanted to use but said, “fuck it, I might as well just use it all.” There’s too much on the plate and not enough sauce. It looks dry, slightly undercooked, and there’s way too much bacon(?).

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 10 / 20
As you said, it’s nothing original. It looks appealing, and the presentation is simple but nice (aside from the pool of grease on the left side). While the carbonara looked like a little too much for a single serving, this looks a little too small, and doesn’t fit the plate.

No timestamp, no vote.

>> No.19190343

This is the most amazing dish Ive ever encountered! I mean I had my doubts, so I decided to try to make a batch myself. alAnd, my word, is it delicious af. Even better two days later!! Youre th most amazingest cooker of foods, ever anon!! +1021 points for being so great at stuff!! You win the the title for sure. I need not see the other contestants. I am truly impressed. Great job, you winner of pasta challenge!!!

>> No.19190351

cool plate

>> No.19190353

hey, thanks.

>> No.19190655
File: 908 KB, 1461x3860, Adobe_20230422_143211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/arbonara benedict
wa la

>> No.19190663
File: 129 KB, 444x384, ITS-pasta-FAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19190783

Panda here, :) thanks guys! there was actually much more taco meat, but i didn't put it on so i could plate it. i really wanted to try plating all of it together. this is a really fun competition like a cooking show, can't wait for the next challenge.

>> No.19190880

Those are the same mixing bowls my mom has been using since the 70's.

>> No.19190919

I had some orzo left over from making giouvetsi last month, so I made something with what I had to hand (leek / chilli / garlic base, white wine and tomato with sausage and some marscapone). It looked like vomit on a plate, so I didn't bother taking a picture.

>> No.19191061
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x2560, bone apple tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a doggy dog world where pasta dishes are a diamond dozen, one anon chooses to pursue a true culinary tour de France.
Mixing the pesto-pasta staple of Italy with the rich flavors of Indonesian fusion, this dish is sure to leave a mark. A mark of F, for Fantastic. It contains meat imported from the idyllic North-European hamlet of Aeki and sprinkled throughout is the subtle yet distinct taste of baked fermented celeriac. This creamy spaghetti with peanut sauce is sure to whet one's appetite. With subtle hints of chillies and ketjap manis to round out the sauce, this is truly amongst the dishes of all time.

Next time I'll add more varied veggies but shops are closed rn.

>> No.19191115
File: 194 KB, 1000x750, machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it begins...

>> No.19191144

At least make your shitpost submission believable.

>> No.19191157

>In a doggy dog world where pasta dishes are a diamond dozen, one anon chooses to pursue a true culinary tour de France
>A mark of F, for Fantastic
>this is truly amongst the dishes of all time
Made me laugh. Then I looked at the picture...

>> No.19191443

Lol, what? Is this the latest thing the youtubers are talking about or something? Like, “forget everything you’ve ever learned or seen done and season your cutting board instead of your food”? I try not to keep up with that garbage.

>> No.19191456

No, substituting ricotta for bechamel has always been considered low class.

>> No.19191458

and what do you think it is? chocolate? I can even take a picture of the bag.

>> No.19191467

Yeah, I don't think so. That's like saying you only eat ranch made with fresh herbs and everyone who uses the seasoning pack is low class.

>> No.19191484

Noodles got ya seethin'?

>> No.19191530

Not that anon, but I thought the same thing when I saw that entry. I didn't really like the theme for this round, and one of the reasons was because it didn't allow you to do anything other than Italian or Italian influenced stuff. I read "pasta" and immediately thought that puts any kind of Asian noodle dish out of the running, so it is a little annoying to see someone just completely ignore that distinction and say, "lol, spaghetti is a noodle and rice noodles are noodles but spaghetti is pasta so rice noodles are also pasta." It's nothing to make a stink about though; just take off points for challenge goals.

>> No.19191559

Ricotta is a type of food that is not good.

>> No.19191571


Who's getting it??

>> No.19191590

You're either pretty young or haven't been talking to people about food for very long. This is an ancient talking point.

>> No.19191605

This is only wrong insofar as anyone who eats ranch is low class, even if they "make it fresh"

>> No.19191630

>this is an ancient talking point
That's like saying, "smashburgers are the best way to make a hamburger" is an ancient talking point. I've been around for awhile, but only started seeing people online talk about smashburgers in the last year or two, and have never seen any make one in real life, or been to a restaurant that served them. Are you really, REALLY sure this isn't just something you saw in a youtube video a couple years ago and have been repeating as gospel because you just started cooking recently and liked their recipe?

>> No.19191824
File: 297 KB, 1200x900, ligma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming together tonight

>> No.19192003

i didn't know noodles weren't pasta. can you explain?

>> No.19192016

I hate that utensil at the far right so much

>> No.19192104

this is unacceptable.

>> No.19192188

Fug. I've been getting drunk and arguing with people about things I'm worried might get me banned before I can even enter the round. I'd planned on having most of my dish ready at this point, but I keep putting it off because I gave myself too much work, lol. I was expecting someone to do a tri-color something (I'm guessing ravioli). Are you the same anon that made a thread a month or two about how to do colored pasta?

>> No.19192232
File: 468 KB, 1000x805, 0C07C906-E895-420C-92CB-6910B8D3FE74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! So, I decided to make mushroom ravioli. I had everything on hand except for the ricotta that I bought yesterday.

>> No.19192239
File: 478 KB, 1000x853, 8691FB40-8CCD-4213-8882-E2856C457FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that I did not run it all over the counter like I usually do.

>> No.19192250
File: 291 KB, 1000x617, 03E57103-9C65-41C0-9570-BD23D2710890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a pastalet so if anybody can give pro tips on how to not get your sheets to taper off so drastically I’d be mighty appreciative. At about setting 5 I cut in half and roll out to 7 because I am a lonely person and these sheets get too big for me to not mess up.

>> No.19192266
File: 414 KB, 1000x717, 9809456A-7B83-40F1-AD03-EBDEFA44883F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now use a ravioli stamper even though the cut is more dull. The ravioli cutter is superior but I can’t cut circles.

>> No.19192275
File: 3.01 MB, 2322x1870, 65B7D68A-D729-4B56-B0B2-73A00538643C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning to make a normal alfredo sauce but had all of this leftover mushroom filling, so I tossed it in.

>> No.19192282
File: 3.94 MB, 4032x3024, 54FF16A1-48DB-4290-BFE2-561F9B8318DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19192293

Ngl its kind of showboaty to monopolize the thread with your 100 image cookalongs

>> No.19192300

Nta but i thought you’re supposed to

>> No.19192306
File: 495 KB, 1000x740, 8C5A32FB-2BA6-4A3D-9700-FCEF00E47E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL that looks like vomit
Yeah, well, it ate good. Woulda been purtier if I had not put the extra mushrooms into the sauce, but it made it taste even better and I will do it again. Parsley from me garden. So, here we are - ravioli ai fungi con autismo.

>> No.19192315

I’ve posted le finished prooduct before and gotten “but what aboots” so like wut do

>> No.19192319

>the ricotta that I bought yesterday
My condolences. We all just learned earlier today that apparently ricotta is only used in pasta dishes in the Midwest, and everyone knows about those Midwesterners. Nice egg-man; he had no idea what was coming. Are you just using AP flour?

>> No.19192340
File: 90 KB, 675x879, 3F86AAC1-AEC2-4ACB-8425-FF34C63173B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP works just fine but I used 00 this time. I’m going to be using a lot more AP in the future because Amazon just jerked my auto-order for this up to over $40 (maybe hoping people are dumb and don’t check their auto-order subscriptions for price increases) and I was like yeah lol fak no.

>> No.19192387

>used 00 this time
I was thinking it looked like it. I also didn't realize anyone used auto-order subscriptions; but I guess lots of people regularly use credit cards too, which never made sense to me either.

>> No.19192393

I think in the past people made verticles or a seperate thread

>> No.19192417
File: 366 KB, 1000x750, FCE1A544-0BE9-4130-B6A2-14DF3067F956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot the timestamp
Well, here is what I had left and put in the refrigerator for the dog tomorrow.

>> No.19192448

Sorry you didn't get good reviews but this looks super tasty
Where did you add the lemon juice?

>> No.19192449

Sticky, nigger mods

>> No.19192470

I forgot to rate this one - I think I thought it was part of spaghetti pie guy's pics.
Presentation: 1 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
The picture of the dish is awful, but I'd happily eat it.

Mushroom Ravioli
Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Looks good.

>> No.19192505

Oh, I went full retard for Amazon. They offered me fifty bucks to apply for their dumb credit card a few years ago. The ongoing credit for buying from them is nice, though right now I’m on the fence about cancelling. This whole “retail arbitrage” trend (fancy phrase for price scalping where sellers buy up locally to sell at absurd prices through online marketplaces) has me not buying much from Amazon right now. Oh, yeah- like 00 flour.

>> No.19192517

>fifty bucks to apply for their dumb credit card
Yeah, I've been ignoring that for years. I did sign up for Prime during lockdown and still have it. I hate that I still have it, and I hate everything about Amazon, but it's just so fucking convenient.

>> No.19192561

Ah, see. I’m thinking about cancelling. I was Prime for the free shipping, and when they paid me to take out their credit card that gave 4% back on Amazon purchases I was very happy. Now that their prices are so bad I’ve cancelled most of my autoshipments and rarely buy from them anymore. I’m thinking about cancelling Prime because I order too little from them now, which means I’ll cancel their card, too, because why even have it.

>> No.19192658

It's that damn 1-2 day free shipping that gets me (even though half the time the order is delayed). I actually ordered something yesterday for my dish (which I need to go make right now) and it was on my porch this morning. Then I looked around and every third house also had an Amazon package in front of their door. I'm not that picky about who I buy from, but Amazon has gotten disgusting. And like you said, the prices aren't even that good, assuming they have what you're looking for and not some no-name knock-off that turns out to be an Amazon subsidiary. Even within the past year I've gotten good deals. There's a brand of rice I always buy in a 15 pound bag from the Asian grocery store, but the last time I went it wasn't on sale and the price had gone up, so I looked online and it was only a couple dollars more on Amazon. Now it's double the price, and that's the same for 90% of the things I want. They used to be a book company, and people don't even read books anymore because of how easy everything has become.

Apologies for the rant. Time to cook.

>> No.19192674

No man, I get it. I remember when I was giddy when they expanded from selling just books to music and videos. Happy cooking.

>> No.19192685


>> No.19192900
File: 374 KB, 1200x900, bcn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the chicken marinade
Ginger, garlic, lemon, salt, garam masala, turmeric, kashmiri red pepper, kasuri methi (fenugreek) cumin, coriander, yogurt (hung/full fat)

>> No.19192907
File: 386 KB, 1200x900, bcn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19192917
File: 327 KB, 1200x900, bcn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put chicken aside, let rest
mix 1.5c semolina with 1.5c all purpose flour, with 2tsp garam masala and 1tsp fenugreek

>> No.19192928
File: 318 KB, 1200x900, bcn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with 1/3 of the flour masala, mix 2tsp coriander/cilantro and 2 eggs
I started with 1 egg but it wasn't enough to make up for how dry coriander leaf is, it wasn't adequate

>> No.19192933
File: 298 KB, 1200x900, bcn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make into ball, let rest

>> No.19192943
File: 297 KB, 1200x900, bcn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kashmiri pepper and paprika, 50/50

>> No.19192952
File: 315 KB, 1200x900, bcn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turmeric and caldo tomato chicken

>> No.19192971

balls deep

>> No.19192975
File: 301 KB, 1200x900, bcn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the chicken ready for roasting, 425, fan on, then 325 for about an hour
Clove, cardamom, bay, cinnamon, butter
This is a lot less than I used, I'm just getting started

>> No.19192986
File: 300 KB, 1200x900, bcn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added serranos, cumin, garam masala, kashmiri pepper, ground cardamom, ground cumin, fenugreek, garlic, and ginger

>> No.19192993
File: 520 KB, 1200x900, bcn10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drain a can's worth of whole peeled tomatoes into the pan to stop the sizzling
Add water

>> No.19193001
File: 275 KB, 1200x900, bcn11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simmer the tomato juice, water, and spices for 40-ish minutes while the chicken cooks

>> No.19193010
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, bcn12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knead the dough for 7 minutes, 12 if by hand, or longer

>> No.19193021
File: 249 KB, 1200x900, bcn13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one cup of cashews and blend it fine with the spice tomato mix
Remove the cinnamon stick and the bay leafs, that's what gives people the poops

>> No.19193027

44 minutes left. will he make it?

>> No.19193031
File: 264 KB, 1200x900, bcn14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then scrape, and blitz the tomatoes

>> No.19193037
File: 247 KB, 1200x900, bcn15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mix the toms with the sauce blend

>> No.19193042

Oh, wait. Eastern. Already too late.

I get timezones confused all the time. If a vote is called my vote is to let chicken dish autist toasting spices and fucking around with his blender to be included in the vote (if he ever shows pasta)

>> No.19193046 [DELETED] 

Pull the chickens, add them to the soup

>> No.19193052
File: 304 KB, 1200x900, bcn16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull the chickens, add them to the soup

>> No.19193054

There's still a full day, anon.

>> No.19193057

Oh! Why was I thinking Saturday?

>> No.19193063
File: 269 KB, 1200x900, bcn17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add cream, crema because it's cultured, adjust the spices (more of everything)

>> No.19193073

Probably because OP said it's 7 days. They're not very good with dates and times either.

>> No.19193075
File: 238 KB, 1200x900, bcn18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start rolling them noodles

>> No.19193084
File: 236 KB, 1200x900, bcn19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll out the noodles

>> No.19193092
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, bcn20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut them and boil

>> No.19193099

One of my friends wants to know if you’re married.

>> No.19193102
File: 316 KB, 1200x900, bcn21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter chicken noodles.

>> No.19193111
File: 433 KB, 1280x720, 1616634776051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting a little nervous there that you might have forgotten your timestamp. Already kind of a shame building all those flavors for a dish nobody is going to taste.

>> No.19193148

I’m breddy sure he ain’t dinin alone cooking like that.

>> No.19193192

I guess I just assumed it would be against the rules to have your boyfriend submit a vote for your own dish.

>> No.19193206

Nobody has voted yet. Finish your cold Taco Bell and go to sleep.

>> No.19193233

Kek. What's with the Taco Bell hate? Those are the only fast food threads that ever have any real discussion of food and cooking.

>> No.19193258

The salt from the caldo fucked with the gluten formation in the turmeric pasta the most, I was worried
The cilantro pasta was the easiest to work
The pepper pasta was surprisingly enthusiastic with its hotness
It was a good dish to mix up and make a mess of, they balanced each other out well, I will adjust the egg and liquid content the next time
Less egg white, samee eg yolk, maybe oil or water instead
Will do again
If some pajeet says he invented this, it's a lie, I came up with this on Monday, and have been developing it in my head all week

>> No.19193298

>the salt from the caldo fucked with the gluten formation in the turmeric pasta the most, I was worried
Yeah, you added some big flavors to the pasta and got a nice color on all three. Usually people add something with a lot of color but not a lot of flavor like spinach, because it's innocuous and typically wont fuck with your ratios. I usually spend all week developing a dish and then just wing it at the last minute, crossing my fingers and hoping things work out half as well as the image in my head.

>> No.19193365

>prices are bad
Prices are bad in grocery stores too. I thought 36 for 24 red bulls were overpriced until I went to the supermarket and paid the exact same price. Now if you purchase limited edition or scarce items the prices are only bad if they're not from the original vendor.

I get Amazon prime for free anyways so I don't care anymore

>> No.19193596

Topnotch, easily the best in here so far.
Thought it was going to come out like slop but looks good.
I'd personally would want some vegetables even though it's not really butter chicken then.

>> No.19193803

Final day and we have 9 entries so far. Not a bad turnout for how long it's been, but I guess I was expecting a few more based on the enthusiasm. Now we just need people to vote. We got some really good entries just in the past day or so, so maybe we should consider extending voting by an extra day if there isn't much activity and seeing how that goes?

>> No.19193817

>I've been around for awhile
>only started seeing people online talk about smashburgers in the last year or two
>thinks ricotta in lasagna is a recent argument
You have not been around for a while.

>> No.19193832

He's probably just older than you, anon. You experience time differently the longer you've been alive, and typically stop caring as much about every little thing that's trending. His 1-2 years might be the equivalent of half a lifetime to you.

>> No.19193836
File: 381 KB, 800x1200, I kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking rocked it. Curry done properly at every stage and innovative masala flavoured tricolor noodles.

>> No.19193839

People have been arguing about ricotta in lasagna since the fucking middle ages.

>> No.19193854

People were arguing about all kinds of irrelevant nonsense in the middle ages. Did you know that Christianity has different sects, and they actually used to go to war over them? Kind of insane we've made it this far as a species when you think about it.

>> No.19193923
File: 2.38 MB, 3024x2268, wwjbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't even read books anymore
If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.19194621
File: 2.14 MB, 3105x2329, shy guy Round 1 - Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cracked Pepper Pappardelle Caprese with Kumquats, Mint, and Smoked Sea Salt Almond Slivers.
Citrus marmalade taré, and a sweet balsamic reduction.

The basic idea is a caprese salad served over a chilled pasta eaten in the style of zaru soba. It’s essentially a cold pasta dish where you take some noodles and various toppings and dip them in a light, flavorful sauce. The balsamic reduction is served on the side as a condiment to be added to taste.

Pictures to follow.

>> No.19194817
File: 1.46 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On your lowest element heat 2 parts balsamic vinegar with 1 part cabernet and a little honey. Reduce by around two thirds, or when it reaches the right consistency.

>> No.19194826
File: 2.24 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melt a little butter in a pan, add almonds, smoked sea salt, a pinch of cayenne, and kumquat zest. Toss to coat and move to the oven to toast.

If you’ve never had a kumquat before they’re like mini bizzarro world egg shaped tangerines, except the exterior is sweet and the inside is tart and slightly bitter.

>> No.19194830
File: 2.47 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pasta dough is pretty standard: flour and eggs, a little olive oil, a pinch of salt, and I also added coarsely cracked black pepper. I decided to try using my Vitamix because it can apparently do everything. (The jury’s still out on that one.)

>> No.19194857
File: 2.41 MB, 2329x3105, sgpasta5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl I dated for awhile got me a meat grinder attachment for a KitchenAid for my birthday one year. I'm hard to shop for, but that was a pretty good gift. The only problem is that I didn't have a KitchenAid; she did. So that quickly turned into a thing. It's my birthday later this week and right about now I'm kind of wishing I had someone who wanted to buy me a pasta attachment for their stand mixer.

>> No.19194861
File: 1.76 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cooked the pasta in a shallow pan to get the water as starchy as possible to use in the dipping sauce.

>> No.19194868
File: 1.55 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over low heat, infuse olive oil with orange marmalade, cayenne, and kumquat.

>> No.19194872
File: 1.71 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add soy, mirin, a little POG concentrate, and reserved pasta water. Bring up to heat and season to taste with hondashi. The idea is to have a cold, light dipping sauce that is salty, and sweet, and tart, but also has a hint of warmth from the cayenne without being spicy and will stick to the pasta.

>> No.19194878
File: 1.90 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chilled pappardelle is topped with fresh mozzarella, heirloom tomato, basil, mint chiffonade, kumquats, and the spiced almond slivers.

>> No.19194901
File: 1.93 MB, 2329x3105, sgpasta11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a little worried I might have added too much pepper when I tasted the pasta to check for doneness, but eating it cold with everything else combined it worked out really well.

The thing I was most unsure about was this dipping sauce, but now I'm regretting not measuring anything or at least writing down a rough recipe, because it's definitely something I want to do again.

>> No.19195009
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Slaved away over a hot stove to give you this beautiful meal

>> No.19195070
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valid and thanks
That's right there isn't that much salt, but there's a reason. The old way I made it I used tomato soup and it already had a lot of salt in it and I found it was a bit too salty. And this time I tried tomato puree and it has half the amount of salt the soup does. When I did the taste test it was just about right and only need a pinch more. And thank you for the review.
Thank you for the review, and I say it's a chili-adjacent dish for sure, and it's definitely a "sloppa". But don't know how you would think it's "dry"? Have you ever had chili? It's never dry and if it was it wouldn't be chili. The reason for the cornbread flapjacks is to sop up the leftover sauce in the bowl. And the whole point is "carbs on carbs" so you can restore energy from doing physical work outside all day. But if you were to eat it all the time that would be bad as an old timer once told me "That's food to get you closer to god.".

brought to you by Goulash Gang

>> No.19195140

Dooooood. You know what I found today???? Porterhouse steaks $5.99 a pound! I couldn’t fucking believe it!!!!!!!! I’m thinking of making a thread later on when I grill these things. It’s been long before the pandemic since I’ve had a porterhouse. And they’re GORGEOUS. Gonna have steak tonight, either steak and eggs or make blue cheese salad dressing for some salads, then a big pot of soup from the bones.

>> No.19195143

Can we vote if we submitted an entry?

>> No.19195154

I’m the ravioli anon. I have a Kitchenaid stand mixer. And the meat grinder attachment. You know what I don’t have? The pasta attachment. I bought a pasta machine. It doesn’t take up much more storage space than the attachment, and that pasta attachment last I checked was retarded expensive. Nice hand rolled noodles by the way.

>> No.19195248

Make sure to post it in a thread, I wanna see

>> No.19195297

Presentation: 5 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Total: 20 / 20

>professional/skilled chef enters a dish
Okay I guess, I'm not Gordon Ramsey so to me it just looks/reads like the best dish.

Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 17 / 20

Presentation: The sauce being on the sides of the noodles looks ridiculous. The red piece of tomato on top stands out far more than it should. Noodles have a weird grainy texture to them.

Originality: Combination of Thai and Indian, made your own multicolored noodles.

Appeal: Looks delicious, no complaints here or in your process/recipe.

Challenge Goals: Very well done, you put your own twist on a well known recipe, created almost all of it from scratch, and only the plating really brings the score down.

>> No.19195359

I will be out of town on business until Wednesday. I would appreciate it if someone could tally this round in my stead and post results. I'll post the Round 2 Theme thread on Saturday 4/29.

>> No.19195374

>I'll post the Round 2 Theme thread on Saturday 4/29.
Post it on Sunday for consistency please. If I don't see anyone tally, I will do it.

>> No.19195905

>That's right there isn't that much salt, but there's a reason. The old way I made it I used tomato soup and it already had a lot of salt in it and I found it was a bit too salty. And this time I tried tomato puree and it has half the amount of salt the soup does. When I did the taste test it was just about right and only need a pinch more. And thank you for the review.
As long as it taste good, you're good. I asked because I find that under salting is a way more prevalent problem than over salting in home cooking. Salt is necessary to bring out the flavor in savory dishes.

That's it boys, just close the contest now. We have a winner.

>> No.19196079

Haha! Alrighty, then. Heatin up the grill as we speak. I’ll take pics. These porterhouses, man. We’re eatin like kings all week.

>> No.19196154

This looks so comfy and delicious.

>> No.19196228

Presentation: 4 / 5
Nice plate and garnish
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Can't go wrong with a classic mom lasagna
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 13 / 20
Looks good, I'd eat it

>> No.19196236

Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 13 / 20

>> No.19196252

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 14 / 20
Interesting dish, I'd try it for sure.

>> No.19196268

Presentation: 4 / 5
Nice plate
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Total: 15 / 20
Solid dish, looks good

>> No.19196282

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Total: 18 / 20
Well done, looks delicious

>> No.19196313

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Total: 19 / 20
Damn very nice, original Italian-Japanese fusion dish that was well executed and sounds very appetizing.

>> No.19196331

I have the KitchenAid pasta attachment but only because when I went to buy it there was no price tag. I figured it was probably $70-80 so I grabbed it, and when it rang up for over $200 I was too autistic to say something. I use it often and it works well, but I should have just bought a cheaper hand cranked one. Oh well

>> No.19196640

fold it every 3 or 4 rolls through, and switch which side you insert

>> No.19196751
File: 768 KB, 1200x900, BEEF NOODLES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goulash Gang
Here you go, goulash bro. Made some easy beef and noodles like mom used to make. Easy and similar to American goulash. Brown some stew meat, add chopped onions and cook until translucent. Add a couple cans of stewed toms, bay leaves and salt and pepper. Simmer, simmer, simmer. Stew meat can be tough. Make country style egg noodles. Flour, eggs, water. Cook em. Add em. Simmer for a while to let the flavors meld. Eat. I add a tb or two of tom paste after the onions... let it cook until it starts to release a bit of carmelized flavor. Hit it with a splash of white wine to break up some of the fond on the bottom of the pan. Longer simmers help to tenderize the meat. The home made noodles are easy once you do it a couple times and the flavor and texture is better than anything store bought. Tender, yet thick with a great chewiness.
that spag pie guy

>> No.19196795


>> No.19196814

ive never heard of this before, sounds like fun
im in the middle of a move and wont be participating, but wish everyone else luck

>> No.19196830

Don't worry, you'll get in on one soon, but don't wait, if we don't get more participants and it's just me and the same other three co/ck/suckers it'll run dry again
Make a submission even if it's stupid, that's more than what most people are up to

>> No.19197452

You still have a day left to vote in this round if you haven't already.

>> No.19197464

I was going to make a really cool ravioli for this round, but there was a family tragedy, so I haven't been able to do it. :( next round I suppose.

I was going to use natural foods to dye the pasta and then make a really cool pattern with the two colors and make a nice filling and sauce for them. :( Maybe I will make a thread about it when I feel like making them.

>> No.19197587
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damn I missed this thread, I'll have to give the next round a shot

Apologies for anyone I've missed

Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 1 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
really not looking particularly appealing, but I like the pancakes (?) with it.

Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
looks comfy and tasty

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
pretty inventive, reminds me of spaghetti meat pies some rural bakeries make here

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
I'm assuming this is lasagne?

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 2 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
noodles are pasta as far as I'm concerned. This looks really dry though

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
Simple but well executed scrub daddy

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 1 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
basil is a nice touch.

Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
dunno if I'm a fan of the poached egg or not

Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 4 / 5
Appeal: 2 / 5
Challenge Goals: 4 / 5
photo is a bit shit but I'm interested off the description

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
A+ for effort looks good

Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Inventive, high effort, and looks delicious.
I think it's slightly too much pasta for that amount of meat though

Presentation: 5 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
absolutely ridiculous.
best in class

>> No.19198171
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 4BD3169A-C1D0-471B-9D9A-E8E473F5EB10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye Olde ragu bolognese spaghetti but it's an overly complicated recipe I got from a friend's grandma.
Day 1: Pork belly

>> No.19198175

Youre too late, pal

>> No.19198176
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 296065EE-46F1-4C67-B3E2-0BAB249E9457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removed the fattiest bits because I'm a healthautist and my family has heart problems. Scored surfaces and cut into chunks

>> No.19198181
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 1158A86D-F88F-48A3-B575-014545E759CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight pork belly, enjoy your madeira bath
Ya ik, I cooked pasta recently though so I felt like sharing

>> No.19198188
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 830D426F-6A3C-4EAC-B835-46AB7A57E55D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2, soffritto base. My friend said his grandma chops them a lot more finely but I'm not very good with a knife

>> No.19198192
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 4EFE41F9-2680-432C-9CAF-7E38F966B35C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the pork belly chunks out of the madeira wine, covered them in flour and (tried to) evenly browned them on each side. The wine-and-pigmeatwater solution meanwhile goes into the soffritto.

>> No.19198197
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, 0627E9DD-E632-413C-9342-DFD69CF38972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pics keep showing up horizontally
Raise to a short boil to get rid of most of the alcohol, skimming off the stuff on the top in the process

>> No.19198201
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, 620ABC49-F6B1-47E2-85C5-7CCABB14C3E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tossed the pork chunks in along with two cans of tomatoes and their tomato water. Not pictured: tomatoes getting crushed against the edges of the pot

>> No.19198203
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, EFFC5990-167D-43AE-B7E9-75DBCEEB03EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tossed in a bay leaf, now we stew. My friend didn't know how long his grandma does it for but I've made soups before so we went for the "idk we'll just try it every so often until it feels right" method

>> No.19198206
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 5B1A662F-C8A8-47B3-8EDD-1E7A4110FDB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 4-5 hours later the watery soup has become a good stew. It will rest for the night and tomorrow it will become a spaghetti.

>> No.19198210
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, BB06F789-DA01-46A1-92CC-BFE836092422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3, dawn of the final day.
Chopped some garlic, cooked it until it smelled good in a mix of butter and olive oil. Not pictured: some tagliatelle cooking in a pot of salted water. (for some reason the store did not have spaghetti, but tagliatelle is still pasta noodles so we bought that instead)

>> No.19198212
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 907AD4A3-E9AE-4C5B-BF30-A94019C6EBB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladled some of the ragu bolognese onto the garlic-butter-oil mix. Cooking it again both heated it up and also helped reduce it even further by boiling off more water out of the sauce

>> No.19198223
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, 61D56C7F-34FA-414A-9824-66A25C1EC059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plated with tagliatelle noodles, ragu sauce on top, and some parmigiano scraped into small pieces. Cup of leftover madeira wine.
>Have some madeira, m'dear
>I've got a small cask of it here
>And once it's been opened, you know it won't keep
>Do finish it up, it will help you to sleep
We forgot to add salt or pepper at any stage of the process so we end up adding salt and pepper during the reheating/recooking stage in further eatings. Lasted 2 hungry students half a week.

>> No.19198832
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Yeah, I know a pasta machine isn’t that big of an investment. I was just kind of muttering to myself how much I regretted deciding to hand roll pasta, which somehow turned into an anecdote about an ex I also regret. It’s not even that big of a deal; I think I just have some kind of a psychological hangup that makes me dread doing anything with dough, so I put it off as long as possible. I actually have/had a pasta machine, but haven’t used it in years. Now that I’m thinking about it, that same ex probably has it. I’m almost positive she stashed away a couple of my knives and some art prints before I left.
Haha, I’ve definitely been there. As long as you use it and take care of it (and it doesn’t put you out on the street) I don’t see any problem with buying something nice every now and then. I have heard that KitchenAid accessories have gone down in quality recently and are using a lot more plastic parts, but I don’t really know.
Thanks for the votes. I’m not sure that my dish (or any dish) deserves a 20/20, but I appreciate it. It turned out better than I was expecting, but there’s always room for improvement.

>> No.19199737


Presentation: 2 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 9 / 20
You made a vertical, but I’m still not entirely sure what you did. Did you just make a hollandaise and use that as the sauce? It looks a little soupy for a carbonara. You’d usually also post your timestamp with the plated dish to be judged on presentation and we’re kind of missing that.

Presentation: 1 / 5
Originality: 2 / 5
Appeal: 2 / 5
Challenge Goals: 2 / 5
Total: 7 / 20
I appreciate an amusing description, but it’s hard to get a sense of what the dish actually is, and the bad picture doesn’t do anything to help.

Ravioli anon
Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 4 / 5
Challenge Goals: 3 / 5
Total: 13 / 20
LOL that looks like vomit (you’re the one who said it). Just kidding, but it is a very one tone dish, which makes the knifework on the parsley stand out even more. Still nicely plated and sounds good. I would have liked to see what went into the mushroom filling. Don’t forget a unique identifier next time.

>> No.19199750


Presentation: 3 / 5
Originality: 3 / 5
Appeal: 3 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Total: 14 / 20
It was looking really good up until the final pic. I have no reason to doubt the flavors are there, it just looks like the pasta/sauce/chicken ratios are off, and the plating doesn’t do it justice (the chicken looked a lot better coming out of the oven with the skin on, for example, even if that’s not what you were going for in the dish). Lots of interesting stuff in the pics. I liked draining the tomatoes over the pot to stop the spices from toasting, but using a canned tomato as a garnish feels really cheap.

shy guy
Presentation: 4 / 5
Originality: 5 / 5
Appeal: 5 / 5
Challenge Goals: 5 / 5
Total: 19 / 20
Very original and different. Nice presentation, except the plain cold pasta doesn’t look particularly nice without either of the sauces. It also looks a little on the thick side, but props for hand rolling it. There’s kind of a lot going on, but I don’t see why the different flavors wouldn’t work together. I wouldn’t hesitate to order this in a restaurant.

>> No.19199793

Next challenge should be sharks

>> No.19199839
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>> No.19199845

Stop humblebragging you retard. Why don't you go back to reading books about gastronomy.

>> No.19199875

>go back to reading books about gastronomy

>> No.19199974

Everyone is blowing their load over this and I dont get it
Weird salad on a big thick slab of noodle?
I think yall got the bamboozle

>> No.19200194
File: 2.53 MB, 3105x2329, sgpasta6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird salad
I didn’t think a caprese was anything that weird. It’s just starting to warm up where I am, so I thought doing a cold dish incorporating a winter/spring fruit (kumquat) and bright, fresh ingredients seemed appealing and different, since I was expecting most dishes to be heavy meat/tomato/cream sauce based.

I honestly thought the mushroom ravioli and tri-color butter chicken would blow my entry away in the scoring (but I guess you’re not supposed to say that because it’s “humblebragging”).

You’re entirely free to score my dish however you want, and if you think it sounds bad to you there’s an entire 25% dedicated just to that. I would prefer more people voting even if they’re harsh or critical, and it's a little disingenuous to say "everyone is blowing their load" when only 4 people voted - and you weren't even one of them. All I’d ask is that if you’re going to vote for one dish you should vote for them all.

>> No.19200272

I'll get you your damned attachment. We're not dating or anything. You can have my +1021 points that some awesome anon that wasn't me gave for my basic ass lasagna that looked like shit. Also, your gonna have to make me a baked noodle that's sweet somehow when your maker gets hooked up.

>> No.19200508
File: 3.68 MB, 443x201, I&#039;m the cook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make me a baked noodle that's sweet somehow
It’s a deal. How about a sesame-yuzu rice noodle pudding, with thai basil infused bourbon vanilla sweet cream, calvados macerated date brunoisé, and sansho pepper maple cabernet poached custard apple, topped with a maraschino sugar candied pecan and matcha pistachio crumble, and then baked upside down in a blood orange ginger snap meringue “crust”? We can talk about various Kitchenaid attachments and related sex stuff after that.

>> No.19200614

A blender for dough just seems wrong to me. You want to develop gluten when kneading, not puree it. How'd the texture turn out?

>> No.19200627

To add to this, I ask because I've blended roux thickened sauces in the past as extra precaution against breaking, and they always turn out thinner after blending because of the fuckery with gluten, so I'm curious how that works out with dough.

>> No.19200661
File: 68 KB, 442x800, baby-chef-and-dog-lobster-family-costume-141402-442x800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vitamix gets pretty low when turned all the way down, but yeah, it definitely got a little overworked. The end result wasn't terrible; it was actually a little reminiscent of some Asian style noodles that have a bit more "chew" to them. It was rolling them out that was a pain in the ass.
>blended roux thickened sauces in the past as extra precaution against breaking
I don't think I've ever seen anyone do this. If I'm going to blend a sauce I always do it before thickening. What's the thought process behind it?

Fuck, now I’m actually thinking about how I’d pull this off. I don’t know how to make rice noodles, so I think I’d steam black rice in a yuzu court bouillon, combine it with black sesame seeds, mix it into a tempura batter made with rice flour and a rice lager, and then put it through a sieve or ricer to create fried “noodles” that would then be folded into the pudding, which would require some other thickening agent such as Irish moss. The "noodles" obviously wouldn’t be crispy when combined with all the other ingredients and baked, but it might leave little doughy air pockets filled with glutenous rice and sesame seeds (poppy seeds would actually be better) that add an interesting texture and flavor. Everything else is pretty straight forward. It would have to upside down so that the blood orange supremes and ginger snap crumbs that are folded into the whipped egg whites would be able to form a meringue.

>> No.19200683
File: 412 KB, 1000x750, 5224C35A-77F7-4665-88C2-F9779E4750E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Thanks. Yeah, I realized later I included nothing about the filling. I kept it really simple. I threw some creminis into a food processor, then cooked the moisture out to the consistency of maybe taco meat. With salt, pepper, and thyme. After it cooled I mixed in some ricotta and parmesan. It was not very adventurous.

>> No.19200723

It's usually just because it's an extra fatty sauce that will be held for a while under less than ideal conditions. Blending it before can help, sure, but it's no guarantee. Blending toward the end ensures retention of the emulsion. I am surprised you've never thought of it/heard of it, whatever.

>> No.19200749

Also, I'd like to say your assessment is BS. The dough comes out less chewy. If I really cared about these challenges, you'd get a reddit downvote, but seeing as they're bullshit to begin with, just know you're getting called out on your bullshit.

>> No.19200888
File: 3.57 MB, 498x278, hulk downvote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Simmer down, dude. It's just a silly competition. We're all here to have fun and experiment and maybe learn something. No need to throw a hissy fit just because you didn't win the very first round.

>> No.19200959

>hur hur, it doesn't mean anything, so somehow my point of view is more meaningful that yours, because you are somehow more upset than me by my completely self-appointed standards
Yet another reason this stuff is bullshit. Not that it matters at all, besides being able to call fucktards out on their bullshit and watch them squirm.

>> No.19200966

I've been exposed

>> No.19200973

>being mad about the challenge

>> No.19200975

You seem to be the one squirming with rage. Why are you so mad? Maybe you should cook something.

>> No.19200982

>participating in a challenge with these kinds of bullshitters
I don't really care to, no. This is the reason shitposting ends up the predominant style.

>> No.19201005

>watch them squirm
You might as well have just said seethe/cope/dilate. That's what trolls always say when they know they've lost but can't help themselves from getting in the last word, when they could just walk away.

You're the reason we haven't had a real challenge in over half a decade. There's always that one guy who has to bitch about the rules, bitch about the themes, bitch about the people putting in the time to run the thing, and then after taking up all the oxygen and sucking all the enthusiasm out of the thread, they still enter a dish. And then when they think they weren't given the score "they deserved" by the random people voting (on fucking 4chan) they start bitching again how unfairly they've been treated and make the entire thing about themselves.

This isn't your board, or your challenge, or your thread. It's only as good as the people participating are willing to make it, and you're making it kind of shitty.

>> No.19201011

What was your entry? I did a thing with butter and chicken and noodles

>> No.19201023

Nope, not mine. And these sorts of posts make me happier about it. You defend what you think might make the board better, but it's what screws the board over in the first place. Cest la vie, more rude stuff than even the French would appreciate, likely.

>> No.19201045

>you defend what you think might make the board better
Um, yeah. I literally just described that one anon who derails every thread and seemingly just wants to turn every board into /b/, and my thoughts about that anon are that he should fuck off. I'm not going to lose any sleep at night if (you) don't agree with that.

>> No.19201074

>I thought doing a cold dish incorporating a winter/spring fruit (kumquat) and bright, fresh ingredients seemed appealing and different, since I was expecting most dishes to be heavy meat/tomato/cream sauce based.
most people on this board aren't chefs

>> No.19201082
File: 286 KB, 1200x953, doggroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food is supposed to be fun and some of you goofs are trying to make it not fun :(

Stop being grouchy

>> No.19201090

it's a combination of people who think they are superior, people who came here to be the lord of the flies, and people who think this stuff was stupid in the first place.

>> No.19201093

>that one anon
Apparently there's more than one of us, then, and you should be doubly concerned, because I don't post on /b/. Also, no u. You make this board worse.

>> No.19201101
File: 302 KB, 1280x720, chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, if you tightened up your cadence you could turn this into a great haiku (slam poetry rules) about 4chan in general.
At least we can all agree that /ck/ is, and always has been, a dog board.

>> No.19201147

>I guess I was expecting a few more based on the enthusiasm
Why not stretch participation time to two weeks? No one submitted until nearly halfway through the week, and then there were a bunch of entries right near the end. Plus multiple anons lamenting having missed out. There's clearly interest.
If you're worried that allowing late entrants is unfair to the anons who submitted on time, I would argue that having a week+ of exposure is more of a benefit than submitting during the second week in terms of votes.

>> No.19201240
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1616533012553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your post.

I've been staring at this image for the past 30 minutes, and it's incredible. All the dogs who have the ability to lift their ears have their ears lifted, and are at attention, while all the ones with shaggier hair who can’t lift their ears look sad and despondent, and even disabled and dejected. And then you zero in on the one with the biggest smile, right in the middle, and realize that he should be smaller than half the breeds surrounding him, and he’s not smiling, he’s grinning and gloating, because someone decided to put the most sociopathic dog of the bunch in charge. And then it becomes clear that this is his pack. And he’s been told he has really cute ears. And then there’s the one on the right with his ears up, looking like he gets slapped around by the boss regularly because he is not cute, but his ears are so large it would be hypocritical even for a dog not to recognize that at the end of the day pointier ears mean you’re a man, and being cute is just something you do for men. And then you finally zero in on something that makes you reevaluate your initial assumption that good dog ears and fluffiness are mutually exclusive. Next to the bullpug and in front of the easter bunny is the hero of the story, surrounded by his underdogs, spawn of ewok and black bear. And by the way, fuck those other underdogs way over on the right side; they’re ugly and retarded and nobody is really going to care if they’re just there to make the short hairs stand a fairer chance to get pet whenever a Japanese person comes over, and are essentially just being used as fodder for the elite, while fighting against the very system that thrives on that exploitation and yet sacrificing the real thing for the ideal.

You could write an entirely original Star Wars knockoff franchise just based on these characters and archetypes.

That's not OP. OP is gone. We're lord of the flies for the next week and extend anything.

>> No.19201250

RIP to Francis

>> No.19201256
File: 220 KB, 272x574, Dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairer chance to get pet whenever a Japanese person comes over,
If I remember right, that picture is from a Japanese dog daycare. I closely follow Japanese dog twitter.

>> No.19201281

Yes, but the dogs don't understand that. When the next person who comes through the door happens to be Japanese it's a completely new experience to them, because people coming through the door is magic. But they're lined up, right to left, from most obviously deserving to be pet, to definitely should be pet, to the group your eyes are going to pass right over, assuming you read from right to left. And putting the shiba right in the center makes it a comfort zone. The eyes will still be drawn to the cute ones on the end, but this at least gives the working dogs a few scraps.

>> No.19201283

>We're lord of the flies for the next week
All the better reason to extend participation time. OP's format didn't work well because anons read a Sunday start date as "OK, I'll get to that next weekend," and then life happens and they don't submit. Give people two weekends and you'll probably see better participation.

>> No.19201292

I'm completely cool with that idea. The only problem is that it doesn't work without a Jack Merridew, so unless someone decides to be in charge and make decisions for the next week, it's just going to be people arguing.

>> No.19201301

Yeah, you're right I think. I don't think I have the time to spare nor the willingness to have people call me a faggot all week to want to take up that mantle.

>> No.19201474

Especially when the dogs are full of shit. Shithtzus are cute, right? Who wouldn't want to encourage shithssus? They're so fluffy and cute and full of shit. I love them!

>> No.19202644

>anons read a Sunday start date as "OK, I'll get to that next weekend," and then life happens and they don't submit
That's their personal problem. You don't want 5 million entries anyways. If we extend these challenges, we'll never be able to get to the next challenge. This isn't Pro Master Chef. If they don't participate in this one they can participate in the next.