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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.93 MB, 4444x3690, Dennys-DofS-menu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19199143 No.19199143 [Reply] [Original]

Hobbit Hole.

>> No.19199154

You want the Hobbit Hole or do you wanna Build Your Own Hobbit Slam?

>> No.19199247

I slammed your mom in the hobbit hole last night.

>> No.19199265

wtf those prices are awesome... I got a burger from burger-fi on Friday and it cost $22...

>> No.19199286

During the 2008 recession, there was this 2,4,6,8 thing at Denny's. Where you could get stuff from $2 to $8. One was biscuits and sausage gravy and hashbrowns for $2.

>> No.19199630

The honey cake french toast was literally a slice of honey pound cake drizzled with honey. Also hobbit hole was best breakfast item

>> No.19199817
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, Dennys+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Gandalf's gobble melt

>> No.19199825


>> No.19199826

It's not going to be as great as the Hobbit Cafe in Houston.

>> No.19199947

> All this fucking shit
> Not just making a traditional breakfast in one pot like Sam

Also, how did he even cook with a fire that seems lit from nothing? Look how flat that skillet is to the ground.

>> No.19199951

Fuck you, Denny's. Last time I went to you, I got food poisoning.

>> No.19199954
File: 1.07 MB, 245x135, tumblr_mx489ii47g1sy4ug5o8_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19199994 [DELETED] 

>Also, how did he even cook with a fire that seems lit from nothing? Look how flat that skillet is to the ground.
Sorry to break your suspension of disbelief in a movie about elves and goblins and dragons and wizards.

>> No.19199998

The heat of the hobbit feet cooks the sausages.

>> No.19200004
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, dennysbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay, somebody else remembers... it was incredible.

2 dollars for 2 pancakes

4 dollars for a biscuits and gravy combo
4 dollars for INFINITE pancakes
4 dollars for essentially a small grand slam

6 dollars for an amazing breakfast sandwich with eggs and ham, AND a side of hash browns ????

8 dollars for a huge steak and eggs skillet

>> No.19200024
File: 5 KB, 266x190, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biscuits and gravy was my shit as a highschooler walking to denny's with my friends

>> No.19200034

You burn down the first pile of wood into hot coals which stay hot for a long time and you cook on top of that. You don't really do food over an open campfire flame unless it's something that cooks very quick like a marshmallow or if you're some tribal fuck with a pig on a spit.

>> No.19200142

How was he able to carry this many sausages for breakfast every day?

>> No.19200996

For me, its Bilbos breakfast feast.

>> No.19201028

if they brought this back and made it a yearly thing, I'd actually go to Denny's sober and on purpose.

>> No.19201050

I would order a Hobbit Hole Breakfast and a Smaug's Fire Burger and loudly belch as I eat within the Denny's to assert dominance. if I see anyone with Honey Cake French Toast I will slap it out of their hands and slurp it up off the floor.

>> No.19201210
File: 105 KB, 640x627, 1554683765903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cum scones
do americans really?

>> No.19201217 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 620x1080, 1679818936671176.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many things ruined by them...

>> No.19201233

you might wanna take your balls to the doctor

>> No.19201332
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1681013826231826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why come last recession everyone was poor but at least food was cheap but THIS recession everyone is poor but food is expensive?

>> No.19201467

Crop failures, throttled gas supply and a labor shortage.

>> No.19201520

They actually call things on the menu a "Slam" lmao

>> No.19201663

Boomers decided to shut down the economy and devalue all money cuz the flu with a fancy name

>> No.19201755 [DELETED] 

God, I hate niggers so much. How can something so ugly and disgusting exist? It's like a masterpiece of creation, but in reverse.

>> No.19201756
File: 329 KB, 868x1024, 8235193432_a148476fc8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the seed cake being particularly good. But I thought had been called Elvish bread or Lembas or something.

>> No.19201783

dude, same.
we would walk to denny's in the middle of the night, pay with loose change, and leave no tip.
probably got some spit in our food because of that but good times

>> No.19201865

>labor shortage
More like wage shortage

>> No.19201921

well yeah the hobbit trilogy was a decade ago

>> No.19202584
File: 291 KB, 1280x945, 1280px-Steve_Smith_as_Red_Green_riding_in_the_2012_Golden_Days_Parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying 7 dollars for breakfast
>not getting a $1.99 are you outta your mind Grand Slam

Now I remember why I don't go to Dennys anymore. Also the racist anti white settlements the company gave to the blacks years ago.

>> No.19202586

My brother in Christ, those have been on the menu since 1977

>> No.19202689

Honestly food vendors have way better analytics to work with, so they can pinpoint where demand is and pass costs along to the consumer or even increase profit. They sit high and tight while inflation takes the heat, not that there isn’t but they’re definitely ahead of inflation by a big margin. Tyson just reported doubling their profit this year so what does that tell you about labor costs?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the latest scare tactic around fires in farms is there doing as well, wouldn’t be the first time.

>> No.19203540

This time, energy costs shot up and that hits food production hard.

>> No.19204434

Because we're also suffering from 70s-tier Stagflation at the moment, so everything's costing more but the wages are staying the same.

>> No.19204443


>> No.19204466

come on and slam
Frodo, Gollum, Sam

>> No.19204473
File: 47 KB, 450x450, pablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporate greed.
>but heres X reason why things actually are more expen-
Prices skyrocketing ALONGSIDE record-breaking profit margins do not happen if things are actually more expensive.

>> No.19204510

Kek I remember thinking fuck those prices I can get like 6 mcdoubles instead

>> No.19204738

What weird ductape made boat is this? Why does his penis have a wig? Did he win the award for the boat or fishing?

>> No.19206527


>> No.19206671

nah it's minimum wage going up, anons here told me so

>> No.19206712

Are you not familiar with our lord and savior Red Green?

>> No.19206837

Exactly. Food costs have definitely gone up, but no where near enough to justify many fast food places basically doubling their prices in a year. But, they charge what they can get away with. Yeah, the corporate greed is disgusting, but what really sickens me is that people put up with it.

>> No.19206842

They put up with it because they're afraid to lose what they have. That fear is of course deliberately manufactured.

People will keep putting up with it, and the rich will keep raising, and people will keep putting up with it... until they don't, and violence ensues. In the past that would mean things getting better for the people and worse for the rich for a time--until the people inevitably let their guard down--but with modern weaponry I'm not convinced it's possible to put the rich and their bootlickers in their place any more.

>> No.19206845

>three rings
>for dwarves and hobbits
Wow, fucking dropped. Just real sloppy execution

>> No.19207071

Crammed them in his hobbit hole

>> No.19207808

>LE COrPoRATE greed
>ignore the only thing that causes inflation is the US ruthless printing of US dollars like a fucking retard

Daily reminder that Stalin was right, the people who made these comments deserved to be punished by the state.

The fags are literally defending the liberal state and imperialists by blaming it on working class "corporate" greed.

>> No.19207888

Maybe don't burn down hundreds of food processing plants, farms, and factories and food won't be so expensive. Just a thought.

>> No.19207943

God, thanks you for not making me a huge retard like this anon >>19207808

>> No.19208866

>Go forth and devour.

>> No.19208894

>ᛁᛉᛁᚴᚻᚫ ᛁᛉᛁᚴᚻᚫ
What did those retards mean by this? Not only are those the wrong runes (unicode, not Angerthas, plus some weird additions), it doesn't even fucking spell anything comprehensible.

>> No.19208903

Or maybe it's supposed to be
but that doesn't make much sense either.

>> No.19210019

>inflation is only caused by one thing!

If you don't know shit about economics, just shut the fuck up. Yeah, printing money is one piece of the puzzle. Another, bigger piece is that these corporations are reporting record profits, you fucktard.

>> No.19210042

aint nothin wrong with chunky cum

>> No.19210087

I know this is like a meme, but honestly, most of those dishes sound pretty good. Like food you'd expect from a hipster brunch spot or something for double tbe price.

>> No.19210986

>currency loses value
>companies don't wanna lose money so they ensure their relative margins stay the same (e.g. by raising prices)
>absolute profits increase but don't buy you more relative to the pre-inflation profits
>according to retardnon that someone is the origin of inflation
You really need to heed your own advice.

>> No.19211070

yeah bro and prices totally come down when market forces bring their costs down, right? Oh no, they just make up some other reason that justifies raising prices and raise prices again.

>companies don't wanna lose money so they ensure their relative margins stay the same
Yeah that's all they're doing, surely they keep it to the minimum amount needed for this. Also interesting how their rising costs seem to never include wages unless governments literally force them to be raised.

>> No.19211183

do amerifats really?

>> No.19211244

Bacon-alia was far too good of a pun for such a mediocre restaurant chain.

>> No.19211283

>prices rise due to supply shocks
>higher prices + not enough supply to fulfill contracts sends many companies into bankruptcy
>remaining companies now have less competition = more market power
>can afford to raise margins
Welcome to Economics 203

>> No.19211368

don't tbe ridiculous

>> No.19211381

Pot is no longer on the fire, it is behind it.

>> No.19212158

>Also interesting how their rising costs seem to never include wages
I'm assuming you're a Shartmerican based on that reply. Not my (or their) problem that y'all are too fucking dumb and lazy to engage in collective bargaining. Me and mine got a 10.5% raise this year precisely to keep up with rising COL.

>> No.19212298

Corporations are always greedy, regardless of whether the currency is inflating or not. The idea that corporate greed causes inflation is irrelevant. If it was the main cause of inflation, monetary policy would be pointless.

>> No.19212344

>the more there is of something, assuming constant demand, the lower its value will be
>*Fed creates more USD in two years than have ever been created in the country's entire preceding history*
>inflation happens, USD buys less than before

>> No.19212391

To be fair the Federal Reserve is a private company and not, as the name would suggest, a part of the federal government.

>> No.19212484

What does that have to do with the kind of corporations retardnon is REEEEEing about, like the ones that manufacture his Funko Pops? Also, the Fed is a ''''''private'''''' company.

>> No.19212519

It's technically not directly overseen by the government, no, but they do have some massive influence on it, including appointing its board, paying 'em and receiving the profits it generates. Besides, it's Congress that allows them to distribute currency. If you wanna talk legal, then it can be regarded as both private and governmental depending on the case. The reserve banks for their part aren't owned by the government per se but are nevertheless so-called "federally created instrumentalities" and the aforementioned Board of Governors is straight-up a federal agency. And while there are ''''''privately'''''' held stocks, these may not be traded, transferred to someone else or borrowed against and they grant their holders no ownership of the Reserve Bank's surplus. It also doesn't give you proportional voting power to choose the reserve banks' directors for instance.

Here's a relevant quote by some polsci professor that Wikipedia cites:
>the "ownership" of the Reserve Banks by the commercial banks is symbolic; they do not exercise the proprietary control associated with the concept of ownership nor share, beyond the statutory dividend, in Reserve Bank "profits." ... Bank ownership and election at the base are therefore devoid of substantive significance, despite the superficial appearance of private bank control that the formal arrangement creates.

Some dimwitted mouthbreathers took this ''''''private'''''' nature of the Fed to mean that the U.S. government is literally controlled by THA BANKZ!!!11one and spun up some conspiracy theories that having nothing to do with reality. Corruption in U.S. politics is far more mundane and obvious. It's "merely" monied interests lobbying politicians through (((donations))) to pass laws that suit their needs. That doesn't mean that they're literally in charge as evidenced by the times when the State does legislate against their interests. Again, it "merely" means they have an outsized influence over them.

>> No.19212813

Tolkien died for this.

>> No.19214140

Bilbo's sausage. Cram it or slam it?

>> No.19214650

I'm not saying that places shouldnt raise prices to adjust for inflation. The obvious point I'm making is that they're raising prices far beyond that point. In many cases, prices have been raised by 30-60%, while inflation is nowhere near that high. And once AGAIN, inflation has multiple sources, this being one of them.

I have to wonder if you're either autistic or just pretending to be retarded at this point. You have almost zero capability of inferring information that isnt explicitly stated (even when it's clearly implied) and are needlessly pedantic.

>> No.19214737

Once more because you still don't get it: Companies raising prices isn't a source of inflation, it's a consequence of it, you nitwit.

>> No.19214742

Inflation is an average you tard
Different products rise in price at different rates

>> No.19216200

What the fuck are you saying, you mouthbreather? Companies raising prices is the source and cause of inflation, literally the only source of inflation. Inflation is defined as how much prices go up, that's what inflation is.

The choice to raise prices is always a choice, especially in situations where the company is making record profit. Every dollar they raise prices is an extra dollar of profit to shareholders; every dollar they don't raise is a dollar of profit they miss out on. Even if you examine a company that's dealing with inflation in the cost of their inputs, the decision to raise prices or accept decreased profits is theirs - and inflation only goes up if firms make the decision to raise prices. Inflation isn't a law of physics, it doesn't fall from the sky, it happens because companies raise prices so prices go up.

>> No.19216522

>What the fuck are you saying, you mouthbreather? Water levels rising is the source and cause of flooding, literally the only source of flooding. Flooding is defined as how much water levels go up, that's what flooding is.
>Why the fuck are you bringing up dumb shit like "increases in precipitation", "sealing of soils" and "straightening of watercourses" as if that caused flooding!?!?
Least imbecilic Americlap.