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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19199231 No.19199231 [Reply] [Original]

Today is my dog's birthday. He is the only friend I ever had my entire life. I even took him to prom when I graduated high school. I want to cook him a birthday dinner. Was thinking steak and potatoes, a cake and when he was done with that, give him a shot of alcohol so we can drink together. What is the best type of alcohol for an animal to consume? I have whiskey, bourbon, vodka and gin in my house. I also have a 6 pack of Yuengling if that's better.

>> No.19199235

I haven’t given alcohol to a dog since I first met your mother.

>> No.19199236

I am not making a chocolate cake before some retard thinks I am stupid enough to feed my dog chocolate.

>> No.19199239

Dinner sounds fine. Do not salt the steak and use a lean cut.

If you must give him a shot of beer. Alcohol is not good for dogs. I wouldn't give my dog alcohol.

>> No.19199245

There's recipes for steak cakes with liver puree frosting as well if you wanted to combine everything into one dish.

>> No.19199251

i'd give him some broth or gravy to drink or something

>> No.19199255

My dog drinks Jim Beam with me every now and then so that seems to be ok.

>> No.19199341

Animals can't handle grains, sugar or alcohol, man. 50% of the ingredients in cat and dog food is straight up bad for them. If you love your pet put him on a raw food diet, simple as

>> No.19199419

Dogs can handle grains just fine, they can even digest gluten.

>> No.19199441

>took him to prom when I graduated high school
That's not how prom works. You don't have a prom when you graduate high school. They're two different events.

>> No.19199449

Yeah, well I'm clearly retarded, leave me alone and tell what to cook for my dog

>> No.19199451

I meant the final year of highschool you stupid autist I didn't say they were both the same event.

>> No.19199482
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Well that's very sweet. I have a golden too, and on his b-day, which just so happens to be sandy hook, not to brag I always make him a big ol butter cake because he loves sweets, and it's the only cake that I could find that feel okay with giving my dog. Just don't give him alcohol, when my grandma used to visit us she always tried to give him beer. It could kill him. Just make him a cake and make sure dogs can eat all the ingredients and give him some steak. This is not Mission Hill, don't give him booze.

>> No.19199517

Pot roast with carrots and celery, no onions or spices of any kind, beer for braising liquid ok. Can serve over brown rice if desired.

Sweet potato pie for dessert, but obviously with no sugar added and crust must be basically just bread.

No alcohol, but you can give the pot liquor from your roast as a drink.

Wala! Doggie fesst

>> No.19199529

That's nice, dear. And if course you didn't say that. You're. Not. OP.
But the very true sentence "I jizzed in your mum when i fucked her" is a tacit statement of two events (fucking your mum and jizzing in her) as concurrent happenings just as "I even took him to prom when I graduated high school" is a tacit statement of two events (taking the dog to prom and graduating high school) as concurrent happenings.

It's not even an implication. It is an explicit declaration that two events occurred simultaneously just as your mum explicitly declared that she loved my hose watering her ladygarden.

>tell what to cook for my dog

I don't think alcohol is good for dogs, but steak and potato, so long as you salt neither, would make a lovely meal for him. I'd forego the cake, tho. I used to give my dog hot dogs every now and again, if you want to cheap out a little.

>> No.19199659

Give him carrots too. My dog loved them. I miss her so much…

>> No.19199691
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>> No.19199700
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Giving alcohol to your pets is animal abuse. I hate you simply based on your post.

>> No.19199719
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Okay, but what if they did it on their own? I walked back in my living room once and found my cat lapping at my roommate's Deep Eddy Lime and Topo Chico, I discouraged him but he kept trying to go for it as we kept it away. I think he has a problem

>> No.19199726
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>what if I was being negligent and something bad happened?
Well you'd still be a faggot

>> No.19199760

Grains fuck up even our teeth over time. Don't argue with me or I'll beat the fuck out of you

>> No.19199783
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I had never known him to want alcohol, he had sniffed it before when I would open a bottle and run off. You're a faggot, he's healthy and happy and this isn't a regular occurence, judge not.

>> No.19199805

Steak is cool. Sweet potato is better than potatoes. He will like it more. Alcohol is a no go. Maybe a shot of non alcoholic beer. Just drink two for him

>> No.19199807

Did you really take the dog to prom?

>> No.19199811
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210817-232548_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you

>> No.19200217

Where do you think you are

>> No.19200239

double fudge brownie then.

>> No.19200495

>took him to prom when I graduated high school
prom is before graduation, not after.
thread is lies, anons.

>> No.19200500

I don't see why people are upset about me giving my dog alcohol there is nothing in there they can't handle. I just want a birthday drink with my best friend.

>> No.19200501

>steak and potatoes
this will cause his phosphorus levels to skyrocket and will cause kidney failure.
stop trying to kill your dog.

>> No.19200510

I grew up poor in a small farm in Eastern Europe. We didn't have fancy dog food we just gave the dog whatever we were eating and he lived a long healthy life. Meat. Potato. Pasta it didn't matter he ate it just fine. Americans are so fucking soft.

>> No.19200560

It's not good for them and they can't appreciate it like we can. it's like asking if you wanted to give him a teeny tiny dose of rat poison. like i guess you could and it wouldn't kill him, but why?

>> No.19200584

>All dogs and situations are the same as well as the outcomes

>> No.19200588

I mean you are saying the same exact fucking thing but in reverse you stupid autist
>"you can't feed dogs that stuff that's bad"

>> No.19200634

be warned, most dogs will overindulge until they puke, and then eat more. make the steak and veggies, give him a little beer if you want, it won't kill him. but he'll enjoy playing with you or a walk more than a specific kind of food.

>> No.19200658

Nigger, we know whats bad for humans and dogs alike in general. The difference is that we humans (not niggers like you) can make our own consumption decisions far beyond what a dog can