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19197005 No.19197005 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop drinking.

I grew up and live in shithole Wisconsin. Everyone either drinks themselves to death or is religious. I'm not religious and I don't think I will ever be. All the AA stuff around here requires you to be religious.

Im 26. I thought if I could manage my drinking so I didn't do any stupid shit while drunk I'd be fine. I got that all figured out. I hold a very nice job and outwardly everything is going very good for me besides being an alcoholic. I am functioning just fine. But the booze still takes it's toll. I feel like my drinking away my youth and slowly killing myself. I am a slave to the stuff. Ive downed a 5th every night for the last 3 years.

Do I have to move away? How do I stop.

>> No.19197014

Get hobbies that you can't partake in whole drunk. Something like guitar, piano, painting, fitness, or whatever as long as drinking makes it more difficult.

>> No.19197016

naltrexone worked for me

>> No.19197025

find some other hobby that's incompatible with drinking. start weight lifting or something.

>> No.19197029

I hike, fish, cook, tune cars, and run a computer repair side business on top of my 9 - 5. I keep very busy. I always stay under point 08 until I'm in for the night. I have a PBT.

It's just so normal where I live to exist like this.

>> No.19197031

Go to a therapist.

>> No.19197032

You get a girlfriend, anon. Then when she leaves you for BBC, you can end it all. :)

>> No.19197036


>> No.19197044

Yea I'm interested in that. Like I want to be sober but it just takes a momentary lapse to take a shot. Like a primal urge.

It'd be nice to have my brain rewire to associate that with nausea.

I was a terrible polydrug addict and I quit like everything 6 years ago to get my life back on track. Was a daily heroin user at the time I got off drugs and got my life off that.

Sober from all that garbage and my life is decent. This alcohol hill seems like the last crest I need to peak but it seems the hardest.

>> No.19197046

Seems like you may need to find an in patient clinic that's not faith based which is very hard. I wish you every bit of hope and strength you can overcome yourself op. Your power has to come from within

>> No.19197051

>I always stay under point 08 until I'm in for the night
well stop drinking while you're busy with other things for one. I get why it's easy to drink when you're bored and trying to relax but you can just stop otherwise.

>> No.19197058

>just stop drinking
It sounds so easy...

>> No.19197064

if you cant stop drinking, maybe you can try to drink ones with lower alcohol percentage instead.

It’s not the best option but it can help. Personally I recommend Smirnoff Ice. A sour soda with a little alcohol. Should get you energized without being buzzed

>> No.19197067

yeah if you've been at it for a while you've effectively rewired your brain and it takes quite a while for it to go back.

>> No.19197068

if you're out hiking or fishing, just don't take alcohol with you?

>> No.19197070

I don't think an in patient thing is the answer. I don't risk withdrawals.

Just a support group that isn't church based.. It seems like it should be a common thing but apparently it's a rediculous proposition for a non Christian to want a support group.

Im not le athiest, I'm just not religious.

>> No.19197071


Aye, I drove through there once. Wasn't a place I had a strong desire to return to

>> No.19197082

That's why nalexatrone seems like a good thing. This whole addiction is like primal, like needing to drink is like needing to pee.

Ive heard good results with that stuff.

I feel like a fucking retard for not being able to think my way out of this but it doesn't seem like a problem with that kind of solution.

Most of my friends who quit drinking had a major traumatic event that they caused while drunk that ushered in a change in their life that prompted them to get sober. I'm doing just fine in my day to day and I don't think I'm at risk for something like that since I'm so adjusted to this.

>> No.19197104

i quit with coffee and reading books, got into the idea of being smart and above people that had fun. i wasn't physically addicted though, just psychologically

>> No.19197159

>I'm 26
Let us know how drinking all the time does in your 30's, OP
t. alcoholic in his 40's

>> No.19197189

Hey, I also too and am alcoholic Wisconsinite! Naltrexone didn't work for me, but if you're a not-drink-whenever-you're-awake alcoholic it might for you. Otherwise, you're working on limited time. You're functioning, but then you won't, and then it's even harder to pick up the pieces.
Don't follow my example, that's about the age when I realized it was getting serious. Now I'm 33.
Sure, I'm own properties, a business, am a public notary, on paper. But I call brushing my teef and showering a win these days.

>> No.19197200

Unironically cannabis. I live somewhere it's legal but I can't imagine it's difficult to acquire there. I've never been DUDE WEED but taking gummies helped me drastically but back my drinking, which saved me many hangovers and helped me lose 30 pounds. Some people just need some substance to dissociate and I guess I'm one

>> No.19197201

Kinda in the same place but 30. It shocks me how functioning i am considering how drunk I will get. I'll be good for a few days and then drink a bit and that may or may not turn into a bender. Didn't drink tonight and my anxiety is through the roof from a 4 day bender. Makes me wanna drink.

>> No.19197203

>my anxiety is through the roof from a 4 day bender
Welcome to detoxing. I'm jittery/anxious all day until I get that sweet, sweet vodka back in my bloodstream.

>> No.19197214

It is primal. It's in your amygdala. Reasoning is in your frontal cortex. You can't use this evolved primate part of the brain to reason with the ancient lizard part. I mean, you can, but it'd honestly be easier to take some type of psychedelic therapy than fight it for two years in misery while the synapses unfuck themselves.
That's why the gay niggers at AA say it's progressive and "baffling."

>> No.19197215

aw sweet! depressed bawwing alcoholics on the food and cooking board! everyone's favourite!

>> No.19197223

It's been here since the beginning, newfag. Just like don't click on the thread lmao

>> No.19197234

It's hilarious how this board is chronically alcoholic but still acts like they take care of their bodies by avoiding whatever random thing they've been told is bad.

>> No.19197238

Off topic threads can be reported ;)
They've never been a part of this board

>> No.19197241
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At least I'm not the only one lol.

That was one of my plans. Just gotta get past the witbdrawals so smoking weed is enjoyable. I can do it. I've done It many times. But one bender is all it takes to go back to square one. I can get to the point of being sober (or at least cali sober) but without a support group it's hard to maintain for more than a few weeks. I'm kinda looking for just a non religious AA group.

I hate to act like a pussy but it's hard when literally every family member, coworker, friend, and acquaintance uses alcohol as a crutch. I'd like to find sober people who aren't religious to be around. I just don't think they exist here.

Maybe I just need to move somewhere this isn't so normal.

>> No.19197243

go be pathetic on >>>/r9k/ where sobbing faggots are tolerated

>> No.19197245

just kys already

>> No.19197247

>20 year old virgin moralfag/newfag
Let us know when you get that awesome promotion at that awesome job to junior Vice President where you go home to your mini mansion every night and your prom queen wife and 4 kids and 2.5 dogs, then judge us
None of this will happen so lol @ you

>> No.19197248

Why did you quote me retard? This thread is shit I just think it's funny what the average cu/ck/ is like.

>> No.19197249

I have a fat ugly wife, 3 kids and a yapping mutt and I fuck them all

>> No.19197251

Don't get why you're hung up on religion. Obviously God is real, even though people try to organize and pervert the sense of him. And even if not, fuck it nigga, makes more sense than pickling your brainstem from the inside out.

>> No.19197253


>> No.19197256

Go be a super cool guy that everyone definitely respects IRL on literally any other thread.

>> No.19197258

Nah, but I do have options. I really like my Smith and Wesson Model 29 in .44 magnum. Yeah, like Dirty Harry, but the barrel length is moreso Taxi Driver. I actually like Mel Gibson's rosco in Payback more out of all three of the options.

>> No.19197263

kys faggot
do it now

>> No.19197270
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>> No.19197272

look into the Sinclair method. It used Naltrexone. You can even get it implanted into the skin. It won't give you nausea it will just make you crave alcohol less.

>> No.19197273


I am not an atheist, pretty hardcore agnostic. I am open to the idea of a higher power. I just don't think it's a workable idea to join a group who's willingness to help is contingent on your ability to accept their exact religious dogma.

If you, as a Christian, we're living in the middle east don't you think it would be upsetting if the only way to join sober support groups was to complete a prerequisite of converting to islam?

>> No.19197275


>> No.19197278

That's the move I think..

>> No.19197280

suicide is more effective

>> No.19197294
File: 74 KB, 995x1001, 63tqfo6v50l71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in AA, although most groups are douchebags, you're not required to work the steps. They can still be a support group.
Off the top of my head there's also SMART, lifering, and dharma.
Or group therapy.
What the fuck do I know though, I'm sitting here with a beer in my hand on a Monday morning and have to drag my ass into work in 7 hours.
It seems that there's the fundamental wisdom that you just need to cut the shit, most people aren't willing though and alcoholism has killed many of them. You really just have to want to stop. Nobody can give you that. Even God gives us free will, he can't prevent us from fucking up our lives irrecoverably by our own hand.

>> No.19197296

kys faggot

>> No.19197299

hey guise I'm ruining my life with alcohol, is there anything I can do that doesn't involve self control or not drinking haha

>> No.19197301

I'll get right on it, chief.

>> No.19197311

haha have another drink first haha

>> No.19197317


>> No.19197326

fuck off druggie, this is a whining alcoholic thread

>> No.19197330

Way ahead of you.

>> No.19197332

don't forget to kys

>> No.19197355

Sorry I'm drunk, I forgot. Please relay further instructions.

>> No.19197360


>> No.19197366


>> No.19197368


>> No.19197372

Wisconsin isn't a shithole, it's just you