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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19189978 No.19189978 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

The dignified roaster edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, get paid for making any coffee lately?

Previous thread: >>19177262

>> No.19189984
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What’s in the box?

>> No.19189987

An average sized italian

>> No.19189988

If only I could have a tenth of his dignity...

>> No.19189993
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La Bacchi Espresso di Torrefazione Caffè Penazzi 1926 ?

>> No.19189994
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It’s MOTHERFUCKING nespresso compatible capsules

Story: my parents started drinking quality goffee made with the moka, upon my suggestion of abandoning nespresso overpriced trash, but since they’re boomers who love their appliances, they can’t abandon the comfort of super quick capsule coffee in the morning, therefore I found this roaster which uses its blends and mono origins to also make capsules and here we are.

I tried one of these and it was light years better than commercial capsules, despite being a nespresso system you can clearly taste the aromatic profile and FEEL the differences, also since it’s medium roasted you can drink it without sugar.

So /ctg/, have you ever tried capsules with coffee from your roasteries?

These ones are from Ernani, here’s the link with all their complete offering of goffee: https://www.caffeernani.com/en/shop-en/

I will buy their beans in the future.

>> No.19189996

No thanks

>> No.19189999
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>stovetop espresso system

This man is the GOAT.

The absolute difference between down on earth guys like him and hipster feral alcohol syndrome faggots like James H*ffman with his 5000$ stovetop espresso clickbait bullshit.


>> No.19190001

I don't drink coffee but I buy it for fertilizer for my flowers this time of year. It's great. Support MAP causes.

>> No.19190005

I get it anon, nobody likes capsules, but since they’re not for me I figured out that at least I could’ve tried buying better quality shit for my parents.

So it turned out that there’s a new market for premium roaster coffee capsules, so you get the same exact coffee you can buy in beans or ground but enveloped inside nespresso capsules, it’s a big deal because more people can start trying good coffee and move to better extraction systems/machines abandoning nespresso related stuff.

>> No.19190017
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Based and compost pilled

>> No.19190025

burnt coffee

>> No.19190029

Is coffee carcinogenic? How much is safe to drink per week?

>> No.19190034

nigga you think this google or sum shit?

>> No.19190037

Try asking chatGPT or something

>> No.19190039

what are the 3 holes for

>> No.19190040

No it's not, it full of anti oxidants and vitamins, just avoid burned shit quality coffee and you're solid.

>> No.19190042
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For me it's goffeeB
simple as

>> No.19190047

How can a single man have this much talent?

>> No.19190053

Simple as what?

>> No.19190054
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One day I wrote to Alberto Trabatti as a follow up to his video 'La moka perfetta'*(the perfect moka) and we had a little conversation via email.

Here's the first answer he wrote me, first in Italian and then translated in English:

>Buon pomeriggio gentile [ANON], grazie per avermi scritto.
>Mi fa molto piacere che si stia dedicando anima e corpo alla buona riuscita della sua Moka domestica. È molto lodevole, in tempo nefasto di capsule e simili diavolerie.
>Comunque sia, la posso rassicurare. Il processo può essere anche ben eseguito, ma se è viziato da una macinatura non corretta, si rovina tutto.
>Posso confermare per esperienza personale che questo accade molto più di frequente rispetto a ciò che talora si ritiene scontato: il caffè è un prodotto dell’agricoltura, ma soprattutto è un prodotto vivo, quindi è altamente igroscopico, e risente delle variazioni di umidità.
>A questo aggiungiamo senz’altro il fatto di aver, e così non potrebbe che essere, standardizzato la macinatura per la caffettiera di casa a valori intermedi. Non si deve pertanto scoraggiare, semmai le consiglierei un piccolo sforzo, perché l’investimento è minimo, e le farei acquistare un macinino manuale per potersi regolare con più precisione la granulometria.
>Così facendo avrebbe anche un altro importante vantaggio: manterrebbe una maggior fragranza dei grani non macinati, in quanto la polvere a una velocità di ossidazione alquanto elevata. Sicuramente è meglio macinare di volta in volta quel che serve, anche in forza di quanto le ho appena detto circa possibili variazioni granulometriche.
>Se avesse tempo e l’occasione, [...] avrò con me pacchetti di macinato. Magari anche un macinacaffè manuale per lei se vorrà passare a trovarmi.
>Spero di aver dato un minimo di conforto alle sue appassionate sperimentazioni. Resto a disposizione, augurandole un sereno pomeriggio.
>Cordiali saluti,
>Alberto Trabatti


>> No.19190056

A spoon full of coffee grounds keeps the pedos at bay my dad use to say.

>> No.19190061

>in tempo nefasto di capsule e simili diavolerie.
Insanely based.

>> No.19190063


>> No.19190064
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>Good afternoon dear [ANON], thank you for writing to me.
>I am very pleased that you are dedicating yourself body and soul to the success of your domestic Moka. It is very commendable, in a nefarious time of capsules and similar newfangled things.
>Anyway, I can reassure you. The process can also be done well, but if it is spoiled by incorrect grinding, everything is ruined.
>I can confirm from personal experience that this happens much more frequently than what is sometimes taken for granted: coffee is a product of agriculture, but above all it is a living product, therefore it is highly hygroscopic, and is affected by variations in humidity.
>To this we certainly add the fact that we have, and so it could only be, standardized the grind for the home coffee maker at intermediate values. You should therefore not be discouraged, if anything I would recommend a little effort, because the investment is minimal, and I would have you buy a manual grinder to be able to adjust the granulometry more precisely.
> In doing so it would also have another important advantage: it would maintain a greater fragrance of the unground grains, as the powder has a rather high oxidation rate. It is certainly better to grind what is needed from time to time, also on the basis of what I have just told you about possible granulometric variations.
>If I have the time and the opportunity, [...] I will have packets of ground coffee with me. Maybe even a manual coffee grinder for you if you want to come and see me.
>I hope I have given a minimum of comfort to your passionate experimentations. I remain at your disposal, wishing you a peaceful afternoon.
>Kind regards,
>Alberto Trabatti

It's the Italian electrical power socket.

>> No.19190065

You are experts in many fields

>> No.19190067

Does like females? I like little girls too and yes they are simple. That's one thing I am attracted to.

>> No.19190071

so why are you still here?

>> No.19190072

It's also a drug and could damage organs which raises risk of cancer

>> No.19190078
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>Alchemica Potione di Coffea Arabica

I zozz'd

>> No.19190082

Yeah that's true, that was mostly a response to your question about trying pods from roasteries. This is better for your parents than using nespresso bullshit.

>> No.19190083
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This man is too good for this world.
Protect him at all cost.

>> No.19190085

Because I'm a MAP. This is 2023 anon.

>> No.19190105

What are some fun things to do with coffee? What fun things can you do with children?

>> No.19190109

Yes anon, he struck me as a kind, whole hearted and passionate person.
I wrote him via his torrefazione Penazzi website "contact us" form asking him for a suggestion as I was struggling with sour moka coffee, I even told him that I wasn't using his coffee and I was kind of afraid of being rude by asking him help using his "opponents" coffee, however is promptly replied with that answer above and helped me.
He didn't add things I didn't necessarily know, however the sheer fact of him explaining everything calmly while acknowledging my frustration was so refreshing and gave me hope.

That's why I told him that my next order will be towards his coffee, he really deserves my support (and my money I guess).

Also, since I'm from Milano, I could easily go and see him at torrefazione Penazzi, it's like 2 hours and half by car from here and I can also stop mid trip to Verona and visit Giamaica Caffè, eat a top tier pizza @ Renato Bosco and go back home happy to have helped my fellow Italian artisans.

>> No.19190128

Official thread soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0IzfoR2jGE

Vento d'Estate (Summer wind).

Very nostalgic, comfy and kino Italian song that couples well with coffee.

>> No.19190137

Folders Crystal's or nothing.

>> No.19190147

Feed coffee to children

>> No.19190210
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>> No.19190230
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You can make a hand scrub with used coffee pucks and soap.

Let this wise man be your guide: https://youtu.be/CM-P8SOpOzA

>> No.19190243
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>Alberto Trabatti's social distancing method of may 2020.
unfathomably based

>> No.19190246


>> No.19190253

>he doesn't use an expensive burr grinder
>he doesn't use 205F water
>he doesn't use a scale accurate to the milligram to ensure a proper 17:1 ratio of coffee grounds to water
>he doesn't roast his own beans

>> No.19190262

C15 has SOVL

>> No.19190298

Is it

>> No.19190335

It is, don't drink everyday

>> No.19190341

Do Europeans have a drip coffee machine at home like burgers? Do they rely on shitty instant or the laborious moka pot method? Seems like a sub-optimal way to get your caffeine in.

>> No.19190356

can we range ban italy?

>> No.19190358

>since I'm from Milano
Anon know that your mission in life is to try to be the man that Alberto Trabatti is.
Become passionate about your moka. Learn it. Master it.
Maybe down the line look into roasting. Become Alberto Trabatti's student. Learn the way.

>Do Europeans
Just because you're the same cunts coast to coast without a single ounce of variance in culture traditions & terroir, do not expect 44 different countries to be the same.

>> No.19190360

I feel like most Europeans nowadays use nespresso or other capsule systems.
In Italy most people use moka or espresso, as God intended, but the Nespresso Jew is strong with us too sadly.

>> No.19190369

no thanks

>> No.19190370

Non ironicamente anon, voglio andare a trovare Alberto questa estate e farmi insegnare.
Sono rimasto così colpito dal nostro dialogo che ha toccato tante corde in comune con me, che ho la passione per le cose buone e genuine, perciò appena possibile vorrei come dici tu diventare un suo allievo spirituale.

Un mio progetto era proprio quello di arrivare ad aprire una caffetteria di alto livello in Italia, di quelle dove non entri e bevi il caffettino a 1€ e sei fuori in 20 secondi, senza anima, ma un posto dove si fa tutto con calma e ti propongo sempre caffè di torrefazione di pregio a rotazione + una selezione fissa, diversi metodi di estrazione per diffondere cultura del caffè e poi anche una rivendita per esempio di moka e accessori, Aeropress e insomma tutto quello che possa interessare all’appassionato.

Di contorno, pasticceria fresca con brioche e prodotti da forno fatti con lievito madre da NOI, tiramisù e altro, magari anche pausa pranzo e aperitivo la sera sempre con prodotti da fornitori e artigiani selezionati, come i fratelli Billo come salumificio di qualità elevata.

La torrefazione sarebbe poi un sogno, per espandere la mia attività e diventare auto sufficiente, magari vendere anche il mio caffè.

Dipendenti formati in torrefazione ed esperti di tutti gli stili e analisi del caffè, li pagherei molto bene perché voglio dare dignità alle persone che lavorano per/con me, se riuscirò a permettermelo, poi chissà…

Sarebbe bello collaborare col signor Trabatti e servire il suo caffè sempre freschissimo.

Detto ciò, è il mio sogno nel cassetto.

Vediamo come andrà.

>> No.19190375
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Giamaica caffè washed Guatemalan decaf is good anon, choose good coffee and even decaf can be kino.

>> No.19190521

Anyone using an aeropress as your primary brewing method? I'm intrigued but it seems a bit meme-ish.

>> No.19190532
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Really based Milano-frà

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires
It's how i like to think of Alberto Trabatti.
Work towards this dream and you will achieve it.
In bocca al lupo as they say around you.

Sidenote for mokamaxxing: brew a mocca blend in your moka

>> No.19190545

>it seems a bit meme-ish
good instincts.
Better results without estrogen is hario switch or clever dripper.
But all these filter the oils which is absolute avot melacha.

>> No.19190551
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I encourage everyone ITT to write him with your coffee related questions, he's always more than happy to answer.

Also buy his goffee if he helped (You).

However Alberto needs to refresh his website look because it looks dated and not so friendly.

Did you know that he also has another website?


It's all dedicated to the moka, he also sells his very own moka with his brand and design, along with accessories and coffee expressly designed for moka.

He should merge both websites imho, anyways he's based.

>> No.19190554

i bite the niche pill, what am I thinking now? have to wait a week until it arrives

>> No.19190557

I use an aeropress. I don't tryhard it though, just put in two scoops of beans and then pour up to the line. I also have a moka but I don't really like the flavor from it.

>> No.19190570
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His moka is a hybrid between a Giannina and an ILSA moka pot, with a silicone gasket.

Overall is good, the reducer has a superior design to my Giannina, I still prefer the bayonet closure but it's a nice pot and also priced reasonably at 59€ for 3/1 cups.

>> No.19190612

What is a good coffee blend I can get at my local supermarket (Publix)? I want something similar to starbuck's blonde espresso roast, something light with a lot of caffeine for espresso.

>> No.19190618
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Just buy the real thing

>> No.19190619

no i hate starbucks

>> No.19190671

This is what happens when we don't bully moka autists enough.

>> No.19190677

you're alone schizo
moka-frà is pretty wholesome

>> No.19190687

You'll tire yourself out soon.

>> No.19190703

>he's jelly that a $200 moka & grinder setup makes coffee as good as his $2000 espresso setup

Lol. Lmao. No hard feelings anon.

>> No.19190713

Not surprisingly, the symptoms of bipolar disorder in someone with autism are likely to look different than they would in others. They commonly include “pressured speech” (rapid, loud and virtually nonstop talking), constant pacing, an abrupt decrease in sleep and increased impulsivity leading to aggression.

>> No.19190729

Yet you seem hurried for it to finish and return to astrology coffee.
Moka-frà enjoying his goffee threatens your worldview this much? Must be a pretty delicate worldview anon.

>> No.19190754

Annalisa enjoys her moka too. You should start emailing her.

>> No.19190770

Not sure if seething or low key effort trolling.

Maybe you should tip James Hoffman so he can open your email (reading and replying is optional).

>> No.19190774
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me on the left

>> No.19190793

Finally some good fucking goffee.
Is Mamma Guiliana /ourgirl/?

>> No.19190844

Coffee is a stupid dumb drink for babies

>> No.19190897
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Start small with a mobile Goffee shop then expand into full goffe train shop as per >>19190243
There's lots of inspiration on this channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt3MSUfyaWM

>> No.19190914
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>> No.19190946


Look. I know im responding to a mongoloid, i know. But i have to tell you. You dont know anything about coffee. Read all the faggot books you want. Go to coffee fest and turn your nose up to the italians and masturbate over synesso. Go pay thousands of dollars to be a q gradee and look at coffee under a uv light. Go for it. I dont even care. Just remember kid, i was stripping trucks of supremos while you were in fucking poopy pants diapers. I remeber when Choc full of Nuts delivered coffee in a fucking rolls royce. Your playing yourself, kid.

I have over 100 specialy offerings from 97 different countries of origin in contianer quanities AT ALL TIMES. Wow you say mr. Coffee broker bean KANG you just doxed yourself on the internet, but i dont care. Fuck you. Ive been doing this so long i was playing golf with the nca guys before it blew up ive been a member and disbarred by the scaa more times then your punk ass has even been on there mailing list. Ive FUCKED my way through more coffee roasters secrateries than you even have in your rolodex. I have a warehouse filled with over $1,000,000 of espresso equipment laying DEFUNCT.

People like you, kid, people like your are marks, customers, losers. Go ahead, drink your shitty overextracted coffee; freeze your green coffee; hook up pid machines to your little home.use espresso machines, buy a 1 bag Lorring. But to me kid, youll always be a loser and a faggot

>> No.19190968

this is what happens when the grinder/plastic/drink-your-coffee-day-of-roast schizo goes unchecked. it attracts other schizos.

>> No.19191000
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Please doing the needful sir. Never filter your oils and always brew bags roasted that week. If its been more than 48hrs your roaster is an italian jew and you need to buy laboratorio di torrefazione Giamaica caffè instead.

>> No.19191028

The moka autist doesnt like italians, either he is having an episode or there is an impostor

>> No.19191036
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fukkn luv this general

>> No.19191042

Too much caffeine is not good for the brain.

>> No.19191047
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gotta say there seems to be somebody seething pretty hard

>> No.19191048
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The rok autist and the Alberto Trabatti sperg are different anons.

>> No.19191056

>cleaning out espresso grinder with rice
>left with a mixture of finely ground rice and ground espresso
>decide to make espresso mochi
>they're fucking horrible
learn from my mistakes brothers

>> No.19191074
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It's Morphin' time!

>> No.19191078

How do you avoid crushing the glass under the aeropress while pressing down?

>> No.19191090
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Street brew coffee? That place is so obscure that it doesn’t have a website, you can’t order directly from them and they WON’T sell your coffee place their coffee unless they approve the philosophy behind your business, hence why only a handful of places serve their coffee.

>> No.19191097


>> No.19191101

You don't need to press that hard, most glass containers can handle it no problem.

>> No.19191108
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'evening, Sirs.

>> No.19191113
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This the cool guys bread?

>> No.19191116
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Per me è il caffè saka gran bar

>> No.19191120
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Based and Gianni Frasi pilled

>> No.19191122

>it doesn’t have a website, you can’t order directly from them

>> No.19191129
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How's your goffee fratelli?

>> No.19191130

That's it, I'm going to spam Alberto on /fa/.

This man has got so many outfits I'm started to think they boost his goffee game.

>> No.19191133

If you want to buy their coffee there are some stores who have them but be aware, it can be from batches of coffee not super fresh (like the one I bought) even though it’s vacuum sealed, so I suggest you to buy whole beans and not ground.

>> No.19191134
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Forgot the picture

>> No.19191145
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Sorry greasy, you're posting in a caitlin thread now.

>> No.19191147
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>> No.19191152
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This man is a radiates so much positivity.
Look at him happy on his goffee. Some lever machines, a train track prototyping a proper train goffee shop.
I can see why so many fear him.

>> No.19191158

>a train track prototyping a proper train goffee shop

>> No.19191172
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Yes im 'tistic, yes i like trains and you won't stop me. Also can't stop me.
Imagine being alive and not having a driver.

>> No.19191174
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Which music do you listen to while making coffee?

For me, it's Pino Daniele.


Listening to this while to moka gurgles in the background fills me with joy and nostalgia it's unreal, it's almost like if I'm back in the 90s.

>> No.19191210
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Nice song anon

>> No.19191218
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It just makes alot of sense, thats all anon. The aluminum autism italy train connection has become clearer than ever. Alberto reminds me alot of this fellow.

>> No.19191230

Alberto actually dresses good, though.

>> No.19191236
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>> No.19191267

He's not autistic, he's just full of passion and driven by nostalgia of a world that is no more. I understand him, he's literally like me.

>Mokista was born in 2020, to pay homage to the moment when, many years ago, I fell in love with coffee.

>I did the shopping, many Saturdays of the year, and every day during the summer holidays, together with my mother, in Bologna in the 70s and 80s, where I was born.

>Coffee was certainly not lacking among the foods purchased. We had a couple of regular suppliers: a grocery store in the center, and then my favorite place, the Drogheria Castiglione, in the homonymous street at number 51/d.

>Going in and asking for ground coffee for home had become an indispensable habit, seasoned with a pinch of magic.

>Behind the counter, a lanky man with silver hair and a gray coat, Mr. Mario, patiently listened to the customers' orders. When it was our turn, he dropped the desired weight of beans into an orange bag, which we chose from a variety of qualities – mostly blends – stored in some silos behind him. After a check on the balance, he poured them into the glass bell of a coffee grinder and started the motor.

>A "croaking" noise, as a child could define it, lasting a few seconds, and then the closure of the bag with a couple of staples, which was placed on the counter, near the cash register, or sometimes it was handed to me by Mario himself .

>However he went, every time I took possession of that warm casket his scent intoxicated me, and I continued to smell it without ever getting tired of it.


>> No.19191279
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>But he didn't end there… The part that saw me as the most direct protagonist was at home, after lunch. I was finally preparing the Moka: it was a privilege for me to be able to open the hermetic metal jar in which we kept the coffee, and come back into contact with that irresistible scent. We still have it somewhere.

>Naturally the operation was a ritual and a challenge. Woe to make mistakes: not only to avoid ruining the result, but to be pleased for having done a good thing, often combined with a coveted prize. Despite mum's reticence about tasting it at my tender age, due to the possible harmfulness of the drink, my grandmother's words got in the way, who ruled that "two teaspoons of coffee are good for the heart..." And so I had a free rein.

>One fine day, two coffee grinders arrived at home, one electric and one manual. I empathized even more in the role, producing fantastic aromas directly in my kitchen.

>A long time has passed since those days, often pervaded by a gentle light: thinking back on it, I really feel like I'm seeing those films in which a ray of sunlight passes through the rooms and makes its way through the dust of the past, suspended in mid-air . Only that there is my life, in those fragments, and not someone else's story.


>> No.19191285

most relatable excerpt i've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.19191290
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>The Castiglione Drogheria passed to other people, when Mario reached an age suitable for his retirement, who enthusiastically managed it until a few years ago. Then, one snowy Saturday afternoon, I went to look for them to let them taste some of my Coffee – because yes, in the meantime I have become a roaster following these events – but I found the shutter lowered and the sign turned around.

>A neighbor of their business told me it had been closed for a few months. I knew absolutely nothing about it; I was assailed by a sense of despondency and sadness for this nasty surprise.

>But, since there is always a corner in memory for beautiful memories that must not disappear, I have made my decision.

>Sometimes I happen to give lessons, small conferences, courses, to journalists, enthusiasts and professionals. When I tell my story, I start right here. I always told those present that in those moments I was transformed into the "Mokista" of the house, almost a high priest who performed a pagan rite. Something started going through my head…

>…And so it was. That's why this site exists, scented with memories, and Coffee.


TL;DR = I have become an expert coffee memelord because I have nostalgia of my grandma that called me "the little moka guy of the household" during my beloved infancy.

If this isn't SOVL and passion...

>> No.19191294
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Maybe if you're into the gay discothèque scene.
Italy, the land of the ubiquitous aluminum moka and alu boiler gaggias. Do most households have a moka or a two group diadema?

>> No.19191307

Did you just post the story of how moka exposure in childhood leads to asd?

>> No.19191323

This lord is too pure for this world.
Cristal clear why the amerilard is threatened by so much SOVL

>> No.19191333

That's a french champagne. You can't even keep your euroboo memes straight.

>> No.19191381
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>french champagne
nice pleonasm bruv
Also if you never got quality sparkling wine before know that it's mostly clear hence the expression cristal clear. It was later changed to crystal clear in the americas just like aluminium to aluminum.

>> No.19191414
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You know, looking at their headquarters you can clearly see that it’s just a house in a residential area.

Maybe I can use my grandma’s house as a condo roaster. How rad would it be?

>> No.19191419

I have a hand grinder and I really like it, except for the fact that the part that catches the grounds is too small for making bigger batches of coffee.
Is there an aftermarket catcher for the 1zpresso JX Pro or some other way to use it without having to empty it every ten seconds?

>> No.19191420

Russians make champagne too. They call it шaмпáнcкoe. I think the translation is something like "champagne".
>The first records of the term crystal-clear come from around the 1500s. The word crystal ultimately derives from the Greek krýstallos, meaning “ice” or referring to the clear kind of rock.

>> No.19191452

Also, I'd prefer the suggestion not be "put the grinder in a sandwich bag and use that to catch the grounds" if possible.

>> No.19191453
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champagne is made in champagne dumdum.

>> No.19191469

Champagne, Switzerland? The sly frenchman has a vested interest in a maintaining a meaningless brand name. You should know not to trust him by now.

>> No.19191486

A man without terroir wouldn't understand such concepts.

>> No.19191517

You understand they're actively working on expanding the "region" right? The definition doesn't matter when you change it to make more shekels.

>> No.19191608
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If I bought pre ground coffee at the store is it okay to grind it again to make fine grounds for espresso?

>> No.19191612
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Alberto says
>si proprio come faceva la nonna

>> No.19191705

Seriously, this man is peak based I can’t even fathom it. How is this even possible?


>> No.19191738
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>> No.19191767
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It’s all connected anon, the world truly is a little place.

Imagine a Penazzi x Giamaica collaboration for the ultimate kino goffee, that would be a dream.

>> No.19191819
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>Imagine a Penazzi x Giamaica collaboration for the ultimate kino goffee
With Gianni Frasi it would've been biblical.

>> No.19191829
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>> No.19191830

This thread reminds me of panettone thread and that’s a good thing.
Same meme magic and autism.

>> No.19191836

Is it possible to order Penazzi to USA?

>> No.19191860

Checked but that espresso system probably cost 10x as much as a 9barista.

>> No.19191868

put the grinder in a sandwich bag and use that to catch the grounds

>> No.19191875
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it's probably cheaper
€ 328.02

>> No.19191881

Only if they ship to the US, which you have to discover by asking Alberto directly.

Otherwise you can buy coffee from Giamaica caffè, in the last threads I posted some link to shops that sold some of their coffees, such as this one which has a super limited selection


If you want to go the import route, shop here because they’re super fast:


>> No.19191888
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Surprisingly cheap, it wins by 30 bucks.

>> No.19191908

You need to add VAT and other taxes if you’re outside the uk.
It will probably end in the 400+ € range.

It’s still a lot considered that with that money you can buy a Lelit Anna or Grace.

>> No.19191912

Outside of a few specialty cases I've always seen the 9barista as being more of a neat novelty than a serious espresso brewer. Something you get if you're already into espresso and want to play around with a new gadget.

>> No.19191931
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Although i've been doing lots of milk drinks lately those stovetop espresso truly have SOVL

>> No.19191946
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If I had money to throw around I’d buy an Alessi 9090 only for its aesthetic value.

There’s something Futurist about it that I like.

>> No.19191965
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>tfw I can’t make my Giannina make that much coffee

I need to learn Alberto’s secrets on how to master this pot.

Tonight I tried with lower flame on the stove and although it used almost all the water, it still started gurglin too early when there was like a touch more than half the amount of coffee in the top part.

Alberto clearly says to use the lowest flame possible.

I refuse to believe that my pot is defective.

>> No.19192065

Its a dogshit thermoblock superautomatic. Jura A1. Who knows why the king of autisticmoka is posing next to one.
>Espresso (automatic & super automatic)

>> No.19192079
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I'm sure once you get your grinder and Alberto's magic beans your Giannina will bloom and truly shine.

the butthurt is optional remember

>> No.19192099

I’m under the impression that he tells people to buy super automatics because it’s the average joe best shot at getting good coffee right at home.
Not everybody is like us and has the time/the will to grind their beans, press the ground coffee, use the scale and so on…he probably is doing this out of his desire to get the most people possible into good coffee.

Then again, if you ask him he will gladly suggest you which semi automatic machine to buy if you want to pursue that route.

I asked him what he thought about the 1Zpresso JX Pro and he told me that it’s an excellent product for my needs (I told him that it will be used as a jolly grinder for multi style - mostly moka and espresso but V60 too), he then added that if I want he’s stocking on Time more grinders and will soon have them on sale on his website, since he wants to offer products with good core value to his customers.

He didn’t tell me to buy his product, he told me that my choice is excellent and he’s happy that I’m stocking up on nice gear. He really is a honest gentleman.

>> No.19192133

Not my tierlist.
So the sovl king is shilling sovlless brewing equipment to sell more sovlfull beans?

>> No.19192167

He isn’t shilling anything, he has made some reviews on the roaster YouTube channel (also a De Longhi Dedica S) and he says that if people want to try the machine they can reach him at torrefazione Penazzi and he will gladly let them try it.
Some of these machines are cheaper than semi automatics that doesn’t have a built in grinder so he tells people to go that route if they want to throw Nespresso and capsules away, he’s already talking to people used to automatic machines and it makes sense to direct them towards these things.

His goal is to teach people the way of quality coffee, not to sell them his products and make money. He makes this very clear in his videos and I truly believe him because I interacted with the man and I know that he’s legit.

>> No.19192218
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This is how I coffee except my guy's name is Adrian...

>> No.19192220
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>made some reviews
>makes sense to direct them towards these things
>goal is to teach people the way of quality coffee
>buy a superautomatic
Easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled.

>> No.19192330

Is it easier to tell people to start with a 300-400€ super automatic that does everything for them or to tell them to buy a 450€ Lelit Anna + 150~300€ grinder + 25€ precision basket + 30€ tamper + 15€ WDT tool + etc..?

It’s not about fooling people, it’s about making people go down the coffee rabbit hole per grades, you start with “cheap” equipment and if you like what you’re doing then you upgrade if you feel the need, that’s why he tell the vast majority of his public to buy a super automatic machine if they want to start trying his coffee (he even sells a box with 3 blends made for super automatics to test out).

In some way of sorts that what I did by choosing the moka instead.
Originally I planned to shed close to 1000€ for a Lelit PL81T, an Eureka Mignon Zero grinder and various accessories, I studied all the equipment for months but then at some point I told myself to slow down and start with basic equipment to properly learn how to make coffee and test if I liked it to justify this big expense, so I ended up by already upgrading from an aluminium shitty Bialetti moka (the ones they made nowadays truly are pieces of shit regarding to quality and finish) to a full stainless steel one, then I compromised and choose to step down from the electric grinder to the manual grinder and as of today I spent under 300€.

Guess what, since I now have a quality manual grinder I could skip buying the automatic Eureka I wanted at the beginning and use the difference to buy a better machine like the PL91T with the 58mm group, or just stay with the PL81T and pocket the cash I saved.

Or maybe I’ll just discover that moka is all I need in my life and be happy with it for the next years.

People who may buy super automatics could undergo the same logic path and discover that they’re happy with that product.

It’s not that Penazzi sells them, right? They only sells you the coffee (and their custom moka, the V60 and other accessories).

>> No.19192334

>/atg/ - Alberto Trabatti General

>> No.19192348

It would be an upgrade to the usual autism.

>> No.19192365

I emailed a car dealership and they had a fiat for me to test drive! I have now made friends with car salesmen as they have answered my questions.
>Guess what, since I now have a quality manual grinder
Am I the one who told you a jx pro s last thread?

>> No.19192368

>told you to buy a
Sorry, had tiramisu on my screen.

>> No.19192912
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But can he cook this?

>> No.19193007
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Of course. Alberto is master of all superautomatic cooking methods.

>> No.19193467

What kinds of coffee do black people drink?

>> No.19193680

>He really is a honest gentleman.
unfathomably based

>His goal is to teach people the way of quality coffee, not to sell them his products and make money. He makes this very clear in his videos and I truly believe him because I interacted with the man and I know that he’s legit.
This man is a living saint. We must protect him at all costs.

>> No.19193735
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Holy shit. Even the light fixture is a moka pot.
How can he continually live ten steps ahead?

Let no man's success rates veer you off course or dicate your voyage but rather let them serve as a guide and not as a race; for the PATH to SUCCESS is not a competition, it's a JOUIRNEY we all must make. . .

>> No.19193807
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>> No.19193862

The Kamira is peak autism, I like it.

>> No.19193865

Must be fun being a coffee grinder

>> No.19193906
File: 683 KB, 698x698, 1670394895499404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Kamira is peak SOVL, I like it.
Is this the new captcha?

Let me tell you the Valladolid debate would not have been a controversy but a simple query: "do you like the Kamira?"

>> No.19193958
File: 291 KB, 1080x1440, 290359461_10223893865513229_7662796700157327025_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that Alberto shills for Giamaica caffè IRL, you can clearly see that what >>19192167 is real.

He chose to go out having lunch to this place one of his customers suggested him, and…wait for it


>> No.19193962
File: 170 KB, 1080x1440, 290535373_10223893865593231_7639150145169181010_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…he found it.

>tfw the Giovanni Erbisti was the first Giamaica caffè I ever brewed in my moka

Feels good, comfy and protected

>> No.19193979
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>Shiba Inu

Certified weeb, Lupin the 3rd enjoyer and based doggo lover.

>> No.19194008

does anyone know what could be causing espresso machine basket to "explode" (as in, the flow gets slower until suddenly the water starts coming out of the top of it)?
I'm using a pressurized stock one on DeLonghi Dedica
This only happens when I actually use finely ground coffee from a blade grinder, using pre-ground coffee doesn't cause this
Could I be grinding too fine for this type of basket?

>> No.19194014

Yes, it's too fine and it's making pressure build up, buy a decent grinder.

>> No.19194101
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>> No.19194110

Drinking my delicious Aeropress coffee rn.
Cheers frens!

>> No.19194146
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Drip goffee as God intended.

>> No.19194162
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So, I tried some of the Ernani capsules here >>19189994 and I can say that I’m pleasantly surprised.

Drank vid related, the blue diamond, and it clearly tastes like it’s described, it’s citrusy and acidic, sweet and clean, I guess that switching to Nespresso capsules to proper grains will achieve a way better result but so far, for being capsules I’m impressed by how they managed to keep such distinctive tastes in what are garbage espresso machines.

There’s the usual Nespresso defect of every coffee tasting watery but overall they’re enjoyable if drank casually during the day,

Too bad that at at 0.30€ per capsule the coffe inside costs like 55-60€/kg which is still a lot of money, but it’s not as outrageous as 75€/kg for Nespresso burnt cancerous trash.

My parents are happy.

>> No.19194245


It's on offer for 59€, should I go for it?

>> No.19194252

God's coffee

>> No.19194258

Sounds like a good deal for something that gimmicky

>> No.19194266
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>that gimmicky

Do it anon. It is your destiny.

>> No.19194353
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>> No.19194356
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>> No.19194365
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>> No.19194412

Enable auto translated subtitles into english and listen, learn, kneel to the man for he tells the absolute truth and (((they))) hate him for this.


>> No.19194425
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Either the kamira or mokista you must buy anon. Both also is acceptable.

>> No.19194436
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Reminds me of lord british

>> No.19194488
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>> No.19194518

He also makes his own butter which he uses to (also) make the croissants he serves at the torrefazione. His wife actually makes and bakes them.

>> No.19194543
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I've tried making several "world championship recipe" aeropress recipes and without exception they all suck. Massively underextracted garbage. What'd the deal?

>> No.19194551
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>> No.19194568

could be too coarse, not hot enough, lack of agitation, low contact time, all of the above...

>> No.19194614
File: 698 KB, 654x654, 1657623937638466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans must not be the best.

>> No.19194615

I already have a steel moka, I can’t buy a mokista moka but I encourage other fellow European anons to do it if they want to give them a try.

Speaking of which, I wonder why Alberto didn’t make a video showing us this moka.


>> No.19194627

That is exactly how my cum drips out after my wife ruins my orgasm by letting go as soon as im past the point of no return, I got a chubby watching this

>> No.19194629

hypothetically, can you take "fresh" pre-ground coffee from a can and use a proper grinder to make it espresso tier fine?

yes i did run out of whole beans

>> No.19194633

Siphon brewing is a fun to watch meme or is there an actual upside?

>> No.19194647
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The man is such a Saint his integrity forbids him to use his authority for mercantile gains.

Awaiting your Kamira experiences.

>> No.19194663

easier to clean than french press

>> No.19194665

it's none of the above, also the coffee is dramatically improved if I 2-3x the contact time

>> No.19194694

I plan on visiting him in Ferrara in July, just in time to take delivery of my new car and make an inaugural journey: torrefazione Penazzi in Ferrara —> lunch with the legendary pasticcio Ferrarese —> torrefazione Giamaica caffè in Verona —> dinner at Renato Bosco for his legendary pizza —> back home happy with great memories.

If there isn’t many people visiting him too I’ll ask him everything I have on my mind, from how to start a job roasting coffee to the secrets behind every extraction methodology.

Also, since I can drink coffee made by him, I’ll ask him to make me 1 espresso and 1 moka, this one I’m really looking forward too because this one will be the benchmark for my future coffee made by using the soul pot.

>> No.19194699


>> No.19194714
File: 225 KB, 1600x1062, IMG_3172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasticcio Ferrarese is pasta with a ragu made with pork and beef meat mixed in a béchamel with added black truffles, then everything is enclosed in sweet shortcrust pastry that gives a salted/sweet contrast, baked in the oven.

This dish was eaten by the nobility back in the good old days.

>> No.19194735
File: 711 KB, 654x654, 1670471932564643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is extremely Based & divine-pilled.
Proper Pilgrimage if i may say.

>This dish was eaten by the nobility back in the good old days.
Worry not King, nobility still eats it to this day.

>> No.19194752

Hmmmmmm, i'd gladly visit a pizza master preserving the style of a particular area's pizza, but this pasta pie is like living by the laws not updated since 400 years ago, a joke

>> No.19194767

If it's good, it's good, and it does sound very tasty.

>> No.19194790

>has to be "updated", whatever that means, for the simple reason that it has been working for 400 years.
Petulant child.
Marg bar Āmrikā

>> No.19194839

What's the best brewing method for thermos?

>> No.19194856
File: 54 KB, 695x460, 99d328_0259cf76d880441fba9a06af85acc78c~mv2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electric grinder niche vs fellow please just give me an answer

>> No.19194863

encore esp

>> No.19194869
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>> No.19194897
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This is what you foreigners always fail to see about us Italians, every time.
Specific coded recipes exist to preserve our legacy and heritage, people make fun of us when Italians sperg about people making carbonara with cream/peas/shit and you find it genuinely funny but to us it’s infuriating because you’re neglecting one of the things that makes us Italians, it’s our history.

Nobody says not to customise the carbonara recipe, what we demand you to do is, if you want to eat carbonara with cream, not to call that dish carbonara, because it’s a different recipe. It is really that simple.

Call it “pasta alla porco dio” or whatever, call it “my custom inspired carbonara recipe”, but don’t call it carbonara because it isn’t the true recipe.

In synthesis, by doing this you avoid ending up eating the bugs like the zog wants you to do.

This is why we are so resistant to globohomo and because people like Alberto Trabatti needs to be preserved at all costs, for they are the antidote to the Jew.

>> No.19194908

>Finally some good fucking goffee.
i've been experimenting with very coarse yeet shots. fast fill then ~4.5g/sec flow phase @ ~1bar, 18:54

barely any crema and highlights acidity, sweetness, and bag tasting notes (if the roaster got them right)

>> No.19194933

Based and Mussolini-pilled

>> No.19194959
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>> No.19194967

Benissimo, my brother

>> No.19194976

Divinely Based

>> No.19194989
File: 394 KB, 675x450, 34645856798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order glasses

>> No.19194997

Similar to what I'm doing on the f58. 4bar peak yeets in under 20s. 18.5:60. Great consistent flavor that would make these mokatards repent.

>> No.19194999
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i can agree to not calling a dish something if it's changed, so thats why i say expresso for what i do and you guys can keep your high pressure coal juice as espresso

on a related note, can i call it carbonara if i made it with american bacon since there's no guanciale here?

>> No.19195002
File: 139 KB, 680x209, all you need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I needed

>> No.19195008
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Sì, è quello che pensavo.
Un amerimutt ribollente

>> No.19195013
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Will coffee stored in a vacuum canister give botulism?

>> No.19195019

Yes you can.
Carbonara origin is not clear and one of the historic versions says that during the war when Americans came to Italy they gave locals their ingredients (bacon and eggs) and asked them to make a dish out of these, so that’s how this recipe was bornt.
In this way bacon would not only be allowed but even be traditional.

The main difference between guanciale and pancetta/bacon is that the latter has a lot less fat and imho they don’t taste as good as guanciale, which is rare and more expensive too.

>> No.19195036
File: 1.62 MB, 600x1067, ezgif-3-145fe6a61d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally self cleaning. French press is truly life on ez mode

>> No.19195043

>Will coffee stored in a vacuum canister give botulism?
no it will go stale faster. save an old bag with a 1 way valve and seal it properly and squeeze the air out, or suck it out through the valve. alternatively, buy a vacuum sealer and 4x6" bags that each hold 3/4 doses, and seal them at peak (after resting for a few weeks for light roast) and then freeze.

i have found that doing a very gentle manual vacuum ensures maximum aroma & flavor preservation. if you buy a bunch of expensive coffees like i do, you'll get a lot more value out of them and theyll never go stale if you freeze them at their peak. i dose from the freezer and reseal and throw back in the freezer and have found no discernible loss in quality by the 3rd/4th dose.

>> No.19195045

Wh.. what is this power?!
I kneel.

>> No.19195058
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>The main difference between guanciale and pancetta/bacon is that the latter has a lot less fat and imho they don’t taste as good as guanciale, which is rare and more expensive too.
i wish things like guanciale were easier to find in the US. so good

>freeze them at their peak
pic related

>> No.19195138

That's pretty neat.
Is there major differences with vacuum sealers?
What kind of bags are those?

>> No.19195150

Nta. No, not unless you're planning on sealing up a bunch of soup. Then you might look into the vac chambers.

>> No.19195175

Pizza is Greek and comes from a Greek city (Nea Polis, Napoli). The word itself is Greek, as any linguist can confirm: pitta. Pasta is just as Greek and comes from that same city. Way before it became a Roman province.

Ragout is French/Belgian. There's not a single "Ragu" recipe in Artusi that isn't a blatant copy of an original French recipe.

The "local produce" idea comes from the big Belgian cities as well (15th century Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Malines and Brussels)

Here's what *you¨* don't know about *your* cuisine. Your 1970s, 80s, 90s and even well into the 00s carbonara recipes are made with Swiss Gruyère, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and cream. Not only that. All other dishes were made exactly the same. ALL of them. The stinco, Bolognese, panzanella, vitello tonnato, ossobucco, you name it. You can thank the EU on your bare knees every night for giving you a proper cuisine with proper cheese, free of Dijon mustard and cream.

Get off your high horse. You know fuck all about the history of your cuisine. You're just as bad as the Brits.

>> No.19195181


>> No.19195192
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> i wish things like guanciale were easier to find in the US.
Still you don't understand.

>Swiss Gruyère
Again nice pleonasm. The fuck do you think this cheese bears this name.

By it's own nature the golem is unfit to understand and appreciate the intricacies and differences that makes us who we are. He cannot create something new. Only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.

>> No.19195196

Italians are the original culture vultures.

>> No.19195209

You're really bad at this.
>Although Gruyère is recognised as a Swiss Geographical Indication in the EU, Gruyère of French origin is also protected as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) in the EU. To avoid confusion, the EU PGI Gruyère must indicate that it comes from France and must make sure it cannot be confused with Gruyère from Switzerland. It, therefore, is generally sold as "French Gruyère".

>> No.19195214

>Next he's gonna talk to me about french Emmental
This fucking gypsy unbelievable

>> No.19195238

Have you modified your moka?

>> No.19195240

>Is there major differences with vacuum sealers?
i got the nesco because it was cheaper than the anova at the time. but now anova is cheaper, so i'd just get that: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F8SMSC4?tag=seriouseats-onsite-prod-20

>> No.19195243
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>Today I was hungry, for the morning break. But not a sweet or savory pasta. I felt the need to go back to the origins of breakfast, with something more, at least apparently, simple. Also in flavour. Thinking about last Saturday's event, together with Lucia and Giorgio, and seeing half a couple in the jar of loaves, said and done: Caffèllatte and Ciupeta. I have savored these moments because they are able to take you back to a sweet distant past, while satisfying my desire to feed myself with pleasure. If you too want to join this little liturgy of the past these days, join me in the Roasting. The Mastro Blend, low in caffeine but intense in flavour, combined with mountain milk, will be the basis for a nice break from the frenetic world.

>> No.19195251

oh and these are the bags: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B8DP7BNM

>> No.19195255

The funny thing is France got the PGI for gruyère 7 years before Switzerland.

>> No.19195276
File: 348 KB, 393x947, 1677355535656089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking gypsy unbelievable
still going

>> No.19195285


>> No.19195293
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x787, gruyere-gi-map-france-and-switzerland-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man without terroir wouldn't understand such concepts.

>> No.19195296

All this Alberto posting truly has blessed my brews.

Here’s another shot @ Continental on low flame (not the lowest) with aeropress filter on.


>> No.19195304

How do I froth milk correctly without an espresso machine? Do those cheap espresso machines even steam a good milk, they are usually cheaper than any stovetop steaming apparatus

>> No.19195315

Buy an Aeroccino Nespresso, they’re very good and last a lot.

>> No.19195320

3 £funtickets$ IKEA milk frother
The french press that you already have also works anon.


>> No.19195322

Looks good, but please wash your cookware.

>> No.19195323

I have a cheap vibrator but it makes really thick and dry foam.

>> No.19195325

I was at the end of eating dinner, in Italy coffee is always drank at the end of the meals.

>> No.19195329
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, bellman-wbg-1__65593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This costs the same and is supposed to make more "authentic" shit

>> No.19195333

Absolute beauty you got there. She's chucking like a princess it seems.
Your goffee must've been delightful.

>> No.19195337

You can just use a french press

>> No.19195339
File: 261 KB, 600x559, 1679201506738630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consoo... . S O V L

>> No.19195372

Thanks, tomorrow for good measure I will try making coffee without the aeropress filter and document how it changes.
Also, yes, it was good and I can't wait to have my grinder for always 100% fresh cups.

The last 2 months of intensive coffee making are giving their results and I'm happy.

>> No.19195373

No you can't, tastes like shit and doesn't rest nicely on coffee. Also art is impossible without a steaming wand

>> No.19195375

What moka is that?

>> No.19195385
File: 245 KB, 576x720, 1384252150959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon, beware of the huge amounts of SOVL:


>> No.19195390
File: 1.62 MB, 2865x2865, IMG_2930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giannini “Giannina” 3/1

>> No.19195393
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>> No.19195409

This man must be protected at all costs.

>> No.19195413

>HR giger museum in the gruyere castle
Most based

>> No.19195424
File: 3.53 MB, 504x896, 4442FD2C41345624761E9F2D4079088C_video_dashinit (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19195425
File: 551 KB, 449x799, 1677678610996079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that is too much SOVL in one go. Almost went to heaven.
Thank you for the link, the collection is marvelous

>> No.19195452


>> No.19195508
File: 592 KB, 800x1000, 1657736152205693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19195517

That looks amazing

>> No.19195578


>> No.19195646
File: 291 KB, 500x636, 1670462016988102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back frens. We in the wrong timeline.

>> No.19195676

virgin unrooted golem


chad rooted preserving legacy & heritage

>> No.19195680
File: 3.46 MB, 480x854, videoplayback.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19195702

>automated everything

>> No.19195743

tfw you always have a great cuppa no matter what

>> No.19195744

Look at all that SOVL

>> No.19195754

It's basically a 9 bar moka pot.

I agree that the reddit grinder is overkill and a manual one would suit the 9barista better.

>> No.19195782

Italophile likes chinese burrs more than GLORIOUS MAZZERS MADE IN THE HEART OF VENIZIA

>> No.19195790
File: 550 KB, 480x854, 1675885118969789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people will never experience such intense c r e m a

>> No.19195808

>basket limited to 15~20 grams of coffee
>yield limited to 40 grams

And this is why every single bullshit espresso maker like this one or the flair/cafelat robot is inherently trash.

Imagine spending 300-400€ and you’re fucking tied to arbitrary values, you can’t make a ristretto or a lungo and you can’t make an Italian caffè with 7 grams of grinded coffee.

Moka > these gimmicks

>> No.19195862

> you can’t make a ristretto or a lungo
What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19195871
File: 556 KB, 2446x3130, 1659627827881709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settle down , i was tallking about the colour & consistency of the crema. In short admiring the roast.
And if i had to buy one i would buy La Bacchi and not the 9barista.
The same bean will shine on any espresso machine as long as it's properly calibrated.

>> No.19195957
File: 206 KB, 1046x960, IMG_3178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You add 120 grams of water and the machine produces 40 grams of coffee.

You can’t make a ristretto (20-25 grams) or a lungo (50 grams)

>> No.19196006
File: 10 KB, 897x111, ristrettobar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pull 20g 1:1 ristrettos all the time on a flair. My typical recipe is is 18.5:60 lungos. I've gone all the way up to 1:8 ratios in a 10g decent basket. These are all possible on the robot as well. Moka pots(and the 9bar its based on) are both significantly more limited by arbitrary values than any manual, including the rok, but the 9barista can still absolutely make ristrettos and lungos. Please email Alberto and consult with him before making more of a fool of yourself.

>> No.19196022

>made of aluminium

Sorry anon, it was too good.

>> No.19196028

I’m not that anon but I was talking about the 9barista with the attached picture from the producer website. The 9barista is a toy for people with too much money on hand.

>> No.19196041
File: 288 KB, 1395x802, 1656793303529197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simpleton, you should be unsusceptible to aluminium >>19191875

>> No.19196050

Thats from the 9bar faq. There's no arbitrary value that will prevent you from making a ristretto in one.

>> No.19196052

Burrtist so transparent even on anonymouse goffee plantation bulletin board. Sad.

>> No.19196055

As always my goffee>your goffee. My burrs are even better.

>> No.19196063

>Gaggia aluminium boiler = le BAD
>Bacchi everything aluminium = le GOOD

>> No.19196065
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>> No.19196068

Did he sign your jx pro yet?

>> No.19196074

The roaster is attached to exhaust tubes that go outside the building just like the gas powered water heater in my apartment.

What can stop me from turning my guest room into a little roasting room?

>> No.19196081

Dude you’re mixing people.
There are two anons who are Trabatti posting.

One of these it’s me, and I’m not who you quote.

>signing my JX pro

I may actually ask him if this means that it will go up in value in the future.

>> No.19196088

The chances of both trabettiposters having cheap chinese grinders are astronomical. I know its not you, your pictures have the original filenames, not 4chan generated ones.

>> No.19196094

>not speedrunning dementia

>> No.19196123

I'm new here. Who is this dude?

>> No.19196146

Alberto Trabetti. Italian roaster who at least one anon has a severe homoerotic fixation on.

>> No.19196150
File: 1.58 MB, 2783x2783, IMG_3057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kindest soul you could find in the coffee business, a pure hearted coffee lover that only wants do educate people about drinking quality coffees while also extracting them in the correct way to fully express their potential.

He’s the Moka God, no one masters the tool better than him.

Check his bio here and buy his coffee:


>> No.19196156

Appreciate the reply but why does nothing come up if I google the dude?

Did you spell his name right...? Just wondering

>> No.19196159

Ah cool. Thank you very much!

>> No.19196164

Trabatti*. Sorry, autocorrect can't read italian.

>> No.19196165

Alberto Trabatti, he spelled it wrong.

He sells his coffee to coffee bars in Europe, he says this in a video posted above, like in England and Netherlands for instance.

We are waiting for an anon to buy his beans once he has a grinder, soon.

>> No.19196175

>We are waiting for an anon to buy his beans once he has a grinder, soon.

>> No.19196219

Can we talk about the fact that Alberto has an entire collection of his pictures on Gettyimages?


These pictures licenses are on sale for 475€ each, I can’t stop being impressed by this man.

>> No.19196290

Can we talk about how he tagged himself
>cool roaster
on flicker?

>> No.19196333

This article is full of tips and his POV on the business of coffee bars.


It’s fascinating and I’m keeping all these info for the future, it’s always good to learn from experienced people.

>> No.19196364

What a worthless read.

>> No.19196371


There are other articles where he spergs (rightfully) against coffee capsules and pods.

>> No.19196374
File: 34 KB, 750x741, 1587827342767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never liked coffee but certain circumstances demands I start drinking it, I have noticed it make me fart like 1000% more than usual and it's very uncomfortable. am I intolerant to coffee or this is just a side effect no one ever mentions?

>> No.19196383

>to makea the goffee you musta understanda the goffee
I really hope you expand your horizons beyond this man once you get your grinder.

>> No.19196671

What fucking grounds/brand are you drinking?

>> No.19196677
File: 24 KB, 162x229, 1669134388829256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally made myself a cereal milk latte (with lucky charms) and it was incredible, I could taste sweet and bitter at the same time, best thing I had in a while, will recommend it to everyone.

>> No.19196704


>> No.19196862

It's a diuretic. You want enough caffeine that you get a little boost with a brew. Too much and you get frequent trips to the bathroom, shakes, withdrawal symptoms when you taper off. I would drink coffee all day long if the ride on the downside wasn't such a mess.

>> No.19197656

Based, love Italy.
T. french