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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1024x683, roasted-cashews-plate-dark-background_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19188470 No.19188470 [Reply] [Original]

Cashews are pretty based

>> No.19188480

Brazilian. or macadamia

>> No.19188483


for me those are texture hell

>> No.19188485
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>> No.19188504
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I like pistachio and nigger toes

>> No.19188563

Almonds and Pecans

>> No.19188576

Pistachios, pecans, or macadamias. but there’s no bad nut, I’ll gladly eat any of them. Do sunflower or pumpkin seeds count as nuts?

>> No.19188638

i get kidney stones. fuck nuts.

>> No.19188657

cashews are delicious but they're expensive, peanuts are my favorite for the price

>> No.19188704
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Holy shit I had no clue. I guess I'm gonna start limiting my consumption of them from now on. WEBMD says to avoid almonds, cashews, and peanuts, snacks that I eat everyday.

>> No.19189233

I love how smooth cashews are, they've got a velvet like quality to them. So delicious.

>> No.19189317

they're rich and oily

>> No.19189363
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I like these in a bar with beer

>> No.19189366

>posts a legume in a nut thread

>> No.19189375

My favorite nut!? Pauly Shore.
Also brazil nuts. Mixed nuts are made for me (except peanuts, hate peanuts, even peanut butter) because i'll have half a handful and be done. Can a body recognize and rebuff something like that, that quickly?
'cuz I'm into seeds, about 20 years ago my parents got mad i devoured a container of shelled (deshelled, what the fuck, english?) sunflower seeds by drinking it one night.

>> No.19189395
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you got beat up alot as a kid didn't you autist?

>> No.19189398

typical low iq peanut brain faggot response

>> No.19189402
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So you did

>> No.19189409

>in a nut thread

>> No.19189602


>> No.19189618

agree if only it wasnt for the pain in the ass shells

>> No.19189639

The conveniently opened shells enhance the experience. No other nut can claim this

>> No.19189648
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For me it's Dee's.

>> No.19189651

Drink water

>> No.19189684

I love cashews because they actually physically harm the retards who have to pick them. Knowing that someone was injured to provide me with my shitty snack gives me pleasure like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19189748
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The humble hazelnut (except in Toffifee)

>> No.19189757

literally the worst of the nuts, fuck cashews

Ranked from 0-100

100 Pecans
95 Hazelnuts
90 Walnuts
82 Peanuts (don't care what you say, it's a nut dammit!)
81 Almonds
75 Brazil Nut
70 Macadamia
50 Pistachio
15 Cashew

>> No.19189851

Cashews aren't nuts you fucking retard.

>> No.19189859

Neither are peanuts, strawberries are not berries, and tomatoes aren't vegetables nobody gives a shit you autistic waste of space.

>> No.19189885

nah, those are seeds bro, but they're still great

>> No.19189900

Imagine being so lazy that you can't even open a fucking pistachio shell. It is part of why they are good. It's like opened sunflower seeds, it's not the same as opening them. Opening them is part of the experience.

>> No.19189928

until that one completedly closed pistachio comes and ruins the fun

>> No.19189960


macadamia tastes like nothing to me. am i defective?

>> No.19189967

walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chestnuts

don't need anything else

>> No.19191069

mixed nuts jars make me irrationally angry
i remember being sleep deprived at a supermarket getting some nuts and noticed some dude was reaching for mixed nuts and instinctively snorted. guy looked at me for a sec and then reached again for the mixed nuts and i snorted again. fucker had the nerve to ask me "are you alright". i just grabbed my pistachios while looking disapprovingly at the mixed nuts section and said "are you"

>> No.19191464

this is nut erasure and i will not stand for it. they're called peaNUTs for FUCKS SAKE MAN

>> No.19191474

It trains you to handle pussy. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.19191475


>> No.19191480

Filberts are fucking disgusting, they taste like acorns.

>> No.19191498
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>> No.19191506

>Cashews are pretty based
I think it's safe to say that not only do I have no fucking clue what the word "based" means, but I'm pretty sure nobody else does either

>> No.19191526


>> No.19191541

when I don't understand something I also come to the conclusion that nobody possibly could. it makes me feel less scared.

>> No.19191544

>when I don't understand something I also come to the conclusion that nobody possibly could. it makes me feel less scared.
So what does "based" mean?

>> No.19191548

I know what it means guy

>> No.19191550

Redpill adjacent, possibly redpilled, and also approaching epic.

>> No.19191553

>I know what it means guy
So you don't know.

>> No.19191558

not even close to what I said.

>> No.19191561


see internet slang

>> No.19191564

>not even close to what I said.
Explain what "based" means or I and everyone else will presume that you don't know what it means. Fucking retard.

>> No.19191566


>> No.19191572

Oh, so "based" means the same as "biased," but a letter is removed because... why?

>> No.19191574


>> No.19191581

why would they presume anything when I already told them that I know?

>> No.19191585

You must be a Person of Color of Wakandan Descent

>> No.19191609

That doesn't make any sense. You're trying too hard to fit in while complaining you don't understand us.

>> No.19191626

Does everyone here have ass burgers?

>> No.19191633

I don't know what you mean and neither do you.

>> No.19191645

What do you mean?

>> No.19191659

>Does everyone here have ass burgers?
Fuck you, white boy. I'll bet you gag on BBC all day and night.

>> No.19191662

Fuck you acorns are delicious

>> No.19191674
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>> No.19191687

1. Chestnut
2. Peanut
3. Hazelnut
4. Pecan
5. Cashew
The rest can suck it. I do enjoy almond as a flavor, but as a nut I couldn't give a fuck about it

>> No.19191693

That's like 1/20 so it's not an issue.

>> No.19191835

He eats thistles. Acorns are Piglet's food.

>> No.19191876

Based on what?

>> No.19191898

this, not even close

>> No.19192664

Power gap
Power gap
Power gap

>> No.19192671

just ate a shitload of pistachios

>> No.19192712

cashews are seedz

>> No.19194741



>> No.19194886

Peanuts, macadamias, pecans > hazelnuts > almonds, walnuts > cashews > pistachios, chestnuts

I like them all to some extent, though.

>> No.19195061
File: 406 KB, 2400x1800, 13A831C0-DEC5-4C23-9277-2175D4D0C0A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m off cashews for awhile.

>> No.19195107

you want to get the roasted kind that aren't dry roasted

>> No.19195114

Every walnut I get is mediocre and slightly bitter. I don't mind it cooked into something or candied, but it's just not that enjoyable straight as other nuts.

Macadamia (correctly roasted)
Power gap
Power gap
Brazil nut (you shouldn't even eat more than 4 large ones or so a day lest you get selenium toxicity)

>> No.19195166

Pestachio but cashews are a.close second

>> No.19195491
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Is >>19191544 an AI? Serious fucking question bros...

>> No.19195510

I've been using >>https://app.humanornot.ai/
This individual asking what based is resembles an AI so much its uncanny. Down to the insults.

>> No.19196144

>kidney stones

Kidney stones formed by calcium + oxalates can be dissolved by drinking lemon juice. No sugar, obviously, and the less water you add the better.

>> No.19196168
File: 6 KB, 225x225, A894032F-390D-4D67-840E-1771F8BEF2B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger toes

>> No.19196187

My favorite nut is the cashew as well

>> No.19196226
File: 86 KB, 511x1000, 81cORuA1-hL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some varition of these little puppies - addictive. Sour and some sweet heat.

>> No.19196238

Cashews are based but for some reason when I buy them I end up eating only a portion because I'll toss the ones that look weird to me (shriveled, discolored, darker marks on them, weird shape). Which for some reason happens a lot with cashews.

Wheras if you buy almonds they all look fucking identical and uniform which gives my semi-OCD comfort.

The problem may be I usually get mixed nuts which may feature "b-grade" cashews (I'm assuming) but if you bought "just cashews" they'd be A grade

>> No.19196248

salted almonds are so amazing though I'd put them in the higher tier

I agree though macadamias are hella good. with a price to fucking match.

I also agree with putting brazils on the bottom rung. I never eat them when I buy mixed nuts

>> No.19196288

How are they in terms of getting onto the pistachio itself? In Bongland they do sell things like this but only a few places and everywhere I've read is that 99% of the coating is on the shell. Your image looks like it is actually on the nut itself.

Would have to spend mega bucks to get those here through some import site most likely.

>> No.19196298
File: 42 KB, 720x644, 0948B03F-7B7F-4D17-822A-340F75898296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncles

>> No.19196305

peanuts mixed with wasabi peas

>> No.19196320

Cashews or Pecans, both are delicious

>> No.19196353

Fairly easy to get to the pistachio itself - by the time you've finished enjoying the outside coating of chili and lemon sour type flavor - it is no different than getting to a regular pistachio. So just a few more seconds extra.

Just make sure you get the ones with the lemon AND chili and not just the chili ones or the "sweet chili" ones...those don't have the sour flavor and to me are not as special.

>> No.19196356

Sorta misread your comment - yeah the ones I buy are slightly cracked so pretty easy to get to once you've sucked off the coating...1 out of 20 will not be "pre-cracked" and i just usually discard.

>> No.19196373


>> No.19196380

Thanks bro. I think I'm gonna try and make my own. Lots of people don't know you're suppose to put the whole thing in your mouth and spit out the shell, so I assume that's where people are getting there isn't enough coating. Which I can guess. But it's still nice to know how 'deep' the coating goes in terms of it falling between the shell and kernel.

Which is why I think I'll just have a go at making my own so I can get a real good deep coating. Shit is so expensive, but will keep an eye out for them. Thanks.

>> No.19196403

I'd love to find a recipe to make my own. Yeah I just eat them like a bigger sunflower seed. Throw 1-5 or so in my mouth...suck on them a bit...then deshell with mouth...spit out shell then eat.

>> No.19196501
File: 45 KB, 884x642, Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 02-03-39 Custom Meal Plans & Meal Planning Recipes PlateJoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a few recipes, but no idea if they're anything like the bought ones. I assume you can make it your particular taste anyway. Seen some places deshell them before doing this and some not. Guess preference.

>> No.19196532

>Every walnut I get is mediocre and slightly bitter.

I love walnuts. they are top tier to me

>> No.19197399

They are indeed.

>> No.19197409

I like them too

>> No.19197412

Salted cashews and peanuts mix.

>> No.19197628

Brush your teeth.

>> No.19197631

What brand

>> No.19197646

I alternate fairly regularly, some times just buy the separate and mix them myself.

>> No.19197687
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Best nut coming through.

>> No.19197700
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>pain in the ass shells
Nigger, opening nuts is part of the experience

>> No.19197707

>That one rotten nut in the bag that looks exactly like the others

>> No.19197749
