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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19181662 No.19181662 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is everywhere, all fast food restaurants and grocery stores sell it, but no one is buying it.. I’ve even seen local restaurants have it on the menu. Why do they continue to push this so hard?

>> No.19181668

while the oversocialized bougie numale vegan is a small percentage of the overall market, he usually has an overpaid tech industry job paying him 100k a year despite doing zero actual work

>> No.19181677

>Why do they continue to push this so hard?
the new global currency is human suffering.

>> No.19181721
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Impossible meat is actually pretty good, I hope that we can replace mass produced meat with it so we can put more effort and care into our personal meat purchases.

>> No.19181727
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trannies, faggots and women exist

>> No.19181751
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They fucked up big time not piggybacking on the meme.

>> No.19181845

i buy it all the time. why the fuck does it bother you so much you little bitch

>> No.19181912

Do you notice it has that initial odd taste before tasting completely normal?

>> No.19181942

Because it cost pennies to make it and the factory maintenance is zero. You can just shut down production and leave the soy in the freezer until the next globalist push to erode your currency and destroy your way of life comes. One should burn their factories down. They are surely playing their part on destroying animal farms down

>> No.19182011
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I also eat it all the time, and I don't notice a weird taste because I haven't eaten meat in 15 years and have no basis of comparison

>> No.19182036

It's this sort of tang I noticed the last time I had it, completely disappeared after a second though.

>> No.19182069
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They want you to chow down on their processed soy slop and turn you into this

>> No.19183075

>Why do they continue to push this so hard?

Because you could just eat legumes but those are cheap

>> No.19183097

Hmmm, I wonder who might pay to try to force normal people to eat something poisonous and dehumanizing?

>> No.19183237

true, I've never seen anyone pick up plant based meats from the supermarket meanwhile the real meat section is constantly being raided

>> No.19183261

Because by choosing a plant-based meat alternative, you’re locked into a ground beef simulacra, and at that point why not just eat lentils or soy chunks or something.

>> No.19183396

They tried to stock this shit in my local supermarket. Like they gave it an entire section in the meat coolers the size of the pork section. That lasted for about three months and I don't think I ever saw it anything but completely full.

They don't stock it any more.

>> No.19183410

The one doubt I have about the theory that shady globalists are trying to make us all eat impossible meat is that it's expensive. It would be really easy to get all the walmart poors to buy it up, just make it way cheaper than real beef. The masses will shop by price, and if they dont find it disagreeable, they'll buy it most of the time then splurge on meat beef once in a while.

>> No.19183417

In all fairness, it was a good attempt. Expect to see another push in 15 years

>> No.19183462

I don't really see the point. If I want to eat vegetarian meat, I'll just add some oats to my ground beef

>> No.19183581

I don't know where you guys live but as a European living in a city with two universities, every body and their moms are as vegan as they can be.
Being eco-friendly is the no. 1 character trait people flex nowadays here.

Needless to say I'm in the process of migrating to bumfuck nowhere in Scandinavia.
Fuck Europe.

>> No.19183599

>Midwest USA
I technically work in Chicago, but I work from home in my cornfield town. I know a few vegans at work, but I literally do not know a single one in real life.

>> No.19183612

Pretty sure the company is using the classic Silicon Valley strategy of operating at a loss and burning through investor's money for years until they either become too big to fail or collapse miserably

>> No.19183620

They’re dumping all their VC money on “advertising” (read: paying grocery stores to stock their slop) so that’s part of why it’s so ubiquitous.
It honestly isn’t that bad but (a) real meat is better and (b) if I liked glyphosate that much, I could just stand in a cornfield when the planes fly over

>> No.19184867 [DELETED] 

you motherfuckers still dont get it lol. we are going to give your children gender reassignment surgeries without your ""consent"". you will be watching, screaming and kicking, and theres NOTHING YOU CAN DO. all your little right wing internet fringe research, your snide little 4chan memes, your lord saviour trump, all of it amounts to NOTHING. we WON. get over it. youre going to eat whatever shit you get. you better get used to it. because we're coming.

>> No.19184883

kill yourself

>> No.19184892

i doubt it

>> No.19184896

It's also a small but loyal market. There aren't a lot of fake meat brands, so they can expect to corner the market since there's only really 2 brands. It's a small consumer base, but you're basically guaranteed the entire base buys your stuff regularly. Contrast with real meat, which almost everyone eats, but there's a million sources that have to compete with each other via different pricing and quality.

>> No.19184906
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I'm going to hunt you down, pin you to the ground, and suck your hair until you shit yourself

>> No.19184918

You sound jealous. Jealousy is an extremely feminine trait. This imaginary vegan might be a numale, but you, my dear, are a female.

>> No.19184921

id rape you but youd probably like it

>> No.19184922

Hey. I'm a faggot and i don't eat bullshit-ass fake meat. Gimme a steak or fuck right off.

>> No.19184930
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so why do you guys think they called it impossible
because it's _impossible_ to enjoy!

>> No.19184935
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>Hey. I'm a faggot and i don't eat bullshit-ass fake meat. Gimme a steak or fuck right off.

>> No.19184942

>rape me
With what, sweetheart? Your quivering vagina? It's not like you're going to walk down the street with wearing a strap on. If you did, people would notice. This whole scenario of you raping anyone is exceedingly unlikely, ma'am.

>> No.19184950


>> No.19184952

youre not good enough for my dick actually
youre getting my knife

>> No.19184961

>my dick
>my knife
Strap ons and plastic cutlery hardly count, my dear.

>> No.19184978

you know what? theres no need for hostility, instead how bout you take some of that cityboy money and get us some good go, we can take turns if you want

>> No.19184985

idk wtf any of that means

>> No.19184987

They have to push it wherever they can because nobody is actually buying it

>> No.19184988

they still have billions from investors to burn through

also beyond meat sucks, it tastes weird and has an awful texture

>> No.19184989

gonna make them toes curl slut

>> No.19184997

you will NEVER be a woman

>> No.19184998

Obviously its selling, or they wouldnt have it. are you dense?

>> No.19185003

I tried it and other notmeats. None were good but LiteLife was at least somewhat passable as an actual burger. A bad burger (very bad, in fact), but a burger nonetheless.
Gimme the real shit.

>> No.19185008
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>OH N-

>> No.19185010

That's nice, dear.

>> No.19185011

into gen?

>> No.19185013

See >>19184985

>> No.19185019

go = fag slang for meth
gen = fag slang for sex for money / drugs
got kik?

>> No.19185028

can you shut the fuck up already

>> No.19185031

like there are straight vegans, stop larping

>> No.19185032

>got kik?
See >>19184985

>> No.19185035

who said im vegan? shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.19185036


>> No.19185042

thought you were the other dude, sorry!

>> No.19185049

It tastes okay but it's way too expensive

>> No.19185053

I'd love to see you try

>> No.19185054

What other dude? Cuz neither >>19185019 nor >>19185013 seem very vegan-y.

>> No.19185059

this guy, my victim

>> No.19185075


>> No.19185085

ok so
are me
are the dude i want to rape

>> No.19185089

Investors love ESG shit. Yesterday I helped out with my company clearing invasive plants and planting native trees (getting paid to spend some time outside away from a screen sounded nice) and I chatted with the person running and she said literally the only reason we were doing this was so we could show it off to investors as something "ESG" related we do, not because the company gives a shit about the environment.

>> No.19185099


>> No.19185247

That's nice, dear.

>> No.19185259

People actually do buy it. I routinely notice it's out of stock when I intend to get some.
Not Impossible, no. Some other brands yes. For tacos/burritos/etc. I'll either eat Impossible or just use beans, not a fan of all the other products that only kind of manage to mimic meat's taste.

>> No.19185269

>just use beans
Try lentils.
I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but i use regular, old, common at European lentils as a replacement for mince in some dishes simply because i like the taste and texture. I pressure cook the lentils 12 minutes and slow the or to depressurise on ita own then drain the water and use them. Lentil crunchy tacos are nice, but my family like when i make lentil kheema.
Lentil burgers are also quite nice.

>> No.19185303

yw babe

>> No.19185590

are you ok, anon?

>> No.19186175

Impossible/Beyond meat rely on monocrop farming to exist. It is actually worse for the planet than insutrial beef farming.

>> No.19186185

If it was 99 cents a pound I'd buy it. But not for like $8 a pound. I would never pay a premium or even price parity with real beef chuck.

>> No.19186209

They pay the chains to put it on the menu/stock it for a certain time period. I heard people saying it was some sort of
stockmarket scam. Some rich guys invested money into it. Then they spend a lot of money on marketing, and getting it into stores/restaurants. The intention was to make everyone think it was the next big thing which would cause the stock price to explode. Then they could sell before people realised it was crap.

If it is true it obviously failed as the stock prices keep falling.

>> No.19186215

I got the Impossible Whopper once a bit ago when they were running a promotion where it was only $2. It was "OK". I wouldn't go out of my way to order it and I wouldn't pay anymore for it if I did.

>> No.19186217

>impossible burger
>burger is possible to make
what did they mean by this. also that shit tastes awful

>> No.19186234

New technology is always expensive. I really want it to succeed though. I don't want to kill animals for me to enjoy meat.

>> No.19186290
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Imagine seeing a product in the store and proceeding to get so angry that you go home with this still in mind and then you write the 4chan post and not even when you're clearing the captcha you still don't reconsider and end up posting this looking like an infant on the internet

>> No.19186294

its fine and people like it
you know what i don't like? plums. who eats grocery store plums? but you don't see me making a big deal about it. something to think about.

>> No.19186425

Plums are fucking nice you pussy nigga

>> No.19186510

is it called impossible because its meant to be impossible to distinguish it from real meat? because every review of anyone eating that shit has always said you can tell the difference

>> No.19186520

It's not meat

>> No.19186534

What about dear dry plums?

>> No.19186554

>It was "OK".
Could be just the particular location i happened to get mine, but the one i had was disgustingly salty.

>> No.19186721

They thought that if they loss led for long enough they could either get people to start eating it or displace meat products. Neither came to fruition and these companies have been slowly tanking for years.

>> No.19186818

Peak schizoposting

>> No.19186825

Source? Seems like they have lucrative contracts with all the major franchises.

>> No.19186845

>Why do they continue to push this so hard?

do you want the real answer? if i give it to you are you going to be a chud and call me a tranny/glowie/jew or will you actually listen?

it's because it's unironically not that bad for you, and animals are sentient beings and environmentally unsustainable.

it's about enjoying the taste and texture of meat (it's pretty accurate) while tying to mitigate the harmful effects of it (a sentient being living a torturous painful life, the amount of resources it takes to raise that animal, etc)

it's simple. this isn't some new world order illuminati conspiracy bullshit, it's just a way of harm reduction just like vapes and diet soda

>> No.19188032
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>> No.19188101

Sure, but if it gets to the point where you can't tell the difference, wouldn't you rather have the less evil option?

>> No.19188106

i have a marketing degree and fucking hate coding or any of that bullshit
can i get a wfh techjob that can be done with chatgpt and google? I just wanna stack money for now while I plan on opening my business

>> No.19188134

Eating an animal is the less evil option than supporting processed non-meat slop makers

>> No.19188143

>animals are environmentally unsustainable
Vegans are hilarious

>> No.19188172

Yeah I heard being a 4chan janitor is quite lucrative

>> No.19188185

Can you still get WFH jobs? I thought that ship sailed

>> No.19188225

its crazy how any thread that gets any traction on any board attracts a few trannies that make it their mission to shit up discussion as much as possible

>> No.19188233

the death throes of the eternal loser. all your little whining and moaning on the internet. you think youre so clever, you think you just so managed to escape the "bureaucracy" but you didnt. you never will. we are going to vaccinate you. yes we will do that. we are going to forcibly give your children gender reassignment surgery. yes we will do that. we are going to feed you nothing but grains and insects. yes we will do that. there is nothing you can do. enjoy the limited time you have shitposting on the internet for the "kekz and lulz". we will be the ones having kekz and lulz when youre chained and imprisoned, finally working for once in your miserable short life. and yes it will be oh so glorious. i cant wait.

>> No.19188303

wrong as fuck, im gonna live under a bridge drink dollar cans of malt liquor and smoke half smoked cigarettes off the ground

>> No.19188325

there will be nowhere to run you schizo /pol/tard. nowhere. we're going to hunt you down to the last. finally we'll get rid of the world of dumbass "conspiracy theorists" and dissenters. we're all sick of you.

>> No.19188331

whatever dude im cracking open a steelie as we speak

>> No.19188367
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they are literally trying to get you angry, so say some aggressive shit, so the jannies can ban you

>> No.19188410

jews. basically. they want to make goyim weak so they're easy to push around.

>> No.19188413

thats unfortunate