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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19186906 No.19186906 [Reply] [Original]

What's the fucking point of cooking with dried beans rather than canned? You have to spend so much more time and effort to make them non-poisonous and edible

>> No.19186944

What? Also, it's more natural. Canned beans are for the last ditch effort, not for daily use. Preparing and cooking dry beans requires from you about 10 minutes tops of your time. You sound like a people saying they washed their clothes as a chore when all they did was stuffing thr washing machine full of them and hanging them to dry afterwards

>> No.19186957

you just put them in a bowl, add water and come back the next day and pour out the water. It's not like you have to stand there and stare at them for 12 hours, you can do other things while they are soaking.

>> No.19186960

>He doesn't put in a 12 hour bean watching shift

>> No.19186993 [DELETED] 

Kidney beans will make you sick if they're undercover. Most beans will cause digestive issues if undercooked but it's worst with kidney beans.

>> No.19186998

Kidney beans will make you sick if they're undercooked. Most beans will cause digestive issues if undercooked but it's worst with kidney beans.

>> No.19186999

Pressure cook dry beans in an Instant Pot. Use broth for flavor. Fast and superior taste always. Texture better than pre-soaked.

Reminder never to consume uncooked kidney beans. I did once and crapped myself while vomiting. Never again.

>> No.19187875

and soi beans

>> No.19187908

>much more time and effort
Open bag of beans. Tip out hand into a now-empty litre pot of yoghurt. File with water. Pour into pressure cooker. Pressure cook forty minutes. That's it. Works for most beans and pulses (i cook lentils for 12 minutes least they go mushy and i soak chickpeas in alkaline water before cooking).
It's a little more effort (VERY little) but it's nice to have plain, no salt added beans with better price and texture than the canned stuff. That said, we keep a few tins of beans about for emergencies.

>> No.19187918
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>he lets his beans go unobserved
So you're the reason all this is happening.

>> No.19187924

Better texture, better flavor. It's not even that much effort.
>bring to boil
Not hard!

>> No.19187925

>tfw no pressure cooker for fast beans
Why live bros

>> No.19187970
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>1-15.5oz can of pre-cooked beans:$1.25-$3.00
>1 lb. of dried--soaked overnight, then slowcooked at a simmer until it yeilds 8+ cans worth of pre-cooked
IDK anon... WHY would ANYONE do this>????

>> No.19187972
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Fucking hell--They seriously got rid of Home Ecomimics classes in order to breed a helpless consooomer class.
Fuck me.

>> No.19187975
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Canned beans contains dangerous chemicals and preservatives that are bad for you if eaten long term. Dry beans are normal and natural. I should know, I'm from India, our primary source of protein is beans (daal).

>> No.19187998

My mother was afraid of pressure cookers after seeing one kaboom when she was a little girl. She cooked dried beans similarly to >>19187924's method, less the soaking (except for, again, chickpeas, which she soaked in alkaline water like i do). Instead of forty minutes, it takes two and a half hours. Soaking reduces it to a single hour (or so). Lentils never need to be soaked and cook in about an hour rather than the typical 2,5.

>> No.19188001
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I can't find regular dry beans, only canned ones that and they are all fucking overcooked mush

>> No.19188007

What country, anon?

>> No.19188107

leptin is quite toxic.

>> No.19188152

Leptin deez nutz

>> No.19188158

put in pot of water overnight. change water and cook

waow so difficult. retard

>> No.19188197

Leptin is the hormone that inhibits hunger, anon...
You mean something else, LECTINS,anon.
HFCS and sneed goyls are leptin inhibitors.
Do a little more research before you poast again.

>> No.19188199

i have a pressure cooker and its time is not my time, nor is the soaking time if i choose to do it. still saves time compared to repeatedly picking up and setting down cans of mostly water to get them from the store shelf to my pantry. dried are far more compact and actually more fresh, still being viable seeds until cooked.

>> No.19188205

You have to then boil them for about 30 minutes

>> No.19188215

I gave myself mild food poisoning because I soaked kidney beans for 24 hours but didn't give it a rolling boil afterwards, just hours of simmering

>> No.19188227

kidney beans are not for casuals. chickpeas and lentils are good starter beans

>> No.19190476

i just stick em in the instant pot and 70mins later theyre done

>> No.19190814
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They taste better you fagmotron. Canned anything tastes shittier.