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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19185838 No.19185838 [Reply] [Original]

>seed oils
>high fructose corn syrup
>sugar alcohol
>artificial flavoring
>artificial coloring
What else am I missing? Trying to not eat poison now and almost everything at every store has one of these.

>> No.19185854

Everything has plastic in it
Uncontacted tribes on islands and in rainforests have plastic in their blood
Eat whatever the fuck you want

>> No.19185857

That sounds like bullshit. How could they?

>> No.19185861

Almost every vegetable has some amount of poison in it that government health authorities like to tell us "don't worry about it."

>> No.19185864

>anything to do with soy (even when its fermented and contains 0 phytoestrogens)
>over 30g of carbs on a given day
>not having a 16h fast every 24h period
>anything acidic or alkaline disturbing stomach pH
>anything from a plastic container
>anything from an aluminum can
>anything cooked in teflon-coated cookware
>any meat with added hormones (all meat from grocery store)
>any produce sprayed with pesticides (all produce from grocery store)

Any of these will poison you. But alcohol and tobacco? Don't worry, you can literally kill your brain and organs and get cancer by drinking and smoking all you want. These are good for you.

>> No.19185869

Because microplastic is everywhere in the water
There are plastic rocks on remote volcanic islands
This isn't the anthropocene any more, it's the plasticene
Just eat what you want. Enjoy what you've got.

>> No.19185885

>falling for the sneed oil meme

>> No.19185889
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>he eats seed oils

>> No.19185971

Because its pure bullshit. Nobody has microplastic in their blood, they would die rapidly from blood poisoning or clots.

>> No.19186013

PTFE is completely inert.

>> No.19186017


>> No.19186025

>he fell for a retard psyop for low iq degens

>> No.19186031
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>>he fell for a retard psyop for low iq degens

>> No.19186043

>a psyop to get people to stop eating processed junk food goyslop
Yeah, OK buddy. It's all just a big trick to stop people from eating garbage.

>> No.19186135

good argument
its a nothing burger

>> No.19186152

>Uncontacted tribes
How do they know if they're uncontacted?

>> No.19186153

you weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.19186169

Tribeswomen are poached in their sleep for experiments and sex slavery after the experiments are done.

>> No.19186336

do americans really have difficulty not eating these things?

>> No.19186337

95% of products have one or more of them

>> No.19186342

at a grocery store or like macdonalds?

>> No.19186346

All the fresh vegetables are injected with them.

>> No.19186349

dont listen to that faggot all he does is shop in the frozen pizza aisle

>> No.19186355

grocery store
whole foods
trader joes

the list goes on, have yet to try a local schizo organic health store but maybe that will be the key

>> No.19186358

yeah maybe try buying something other than frozen meals, chips, and boxes of mac and cheese once in a while you retarded faggot

>> No.19186359

what are you trying to buy exactly

get some rice, vegetables and meat

>> No.19186360

i rarely eat processed food

>> No.19186363

well then you're fucking lying about whats in the food you buy which makes you a lying retarded faggot

>> No.19186365

you're wrong friend

>> No.19186368

>buy fresh produce
>buy fresh meats
>buy whole grains

What was the list again?
>seed oils
>high fructose corn syrup
>sugar alcohol
>artificial flavoring
>artificial coloring
Time to take your meds. You have become retarded. Maybe try reading a label once in a while.

>> No.19186377

read >>19185864

>> No.19186379


>> No.19186394

Not only is that list not what this thread was about or mentioned previously in your claims (conveniently for you to cope), it is also an even more schizo list than OP's.

Not exclusive to America, and also wouldn't be a problem if like... produce or fresh meat or grains were washed with water that contained it. Only, hypothetically, a problem if you drank the water.
No. They don't add soy to fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and grains. You're retarded.
>over 30g of carbs on a given day
>not having a 16h fast every 24h period
>anything acidic or alkaline disturbing stomach pH
>anything from a plastic container
>anything from an aluminum can
>anything cooked in teflon-coated cookware
Totally irrelevant about what they sell at the grocery store. You're retarded.
>>any meat with added hormones (all meat from grocery store)
No. It's actually hard to find meat that isn't explicitly labeled "no added hormones" You're retarded.
>any produce sprayed with pesticides (all produce from grocery store)
Pesticides are used everywhere for everything. Every country. Even organic produce. You're retarded.

So, overall, yes, you are quite retarded.

>> No.19186396

It's almost impossible for Americans to avoid these things. They're at the stage now where large number of people don't even know what a loaf of bread is any more. And it's coming to the UK at a rapid pace as well because most EU laws are disappearing.

>> No.19186398

pwease stop bullying me anon

>> No.19186404

ok I will stop

>> No.19186407

okay now give me actual advice as to how to avoid these things, i habitually check labels of everything i buy and i am telling you 95% of products have it, i can't speak for veggies since they're just in mounds but even rice and grains have it here

>> No.19186420

I only shop at Winco, and I buy fresh fruit, vegetables, meats and whole grains. None of that shit has any of these ingredients in it. The meats are no hormones added, no solutions added, the fruits and vegetables are just fruits and vegetables, and the grains contain only grains and maybe enrichment which is just some vitamins. I really don't know what you're going on about. Really the only potentially valid thing is pesticides but they use pesticides everywhere, organic pesticides are often worse (copper sulfate), if they didn't use them they couldn't produce crops because of the pests.
>95% of products have it
Have what?

>> No.19186433

seed oils

>> No.19186437


>> No.19186474

OK I'll bite:
What is the common LISTED ingredient item(s) in 95% of what you buy from Winco that you consider to be "seed oil."
I buy my groceries mostly from ALDI and a corner store, and from a cursory glance the only items which consistently list a seed oil are highly-processed frozen food which contain soybean oil. I think this common in foods which you heat up to pseudo-fry.
Most of other processed items list preservatives, HFCS, various industrially produced chemicals for varying purposes, but no oils directly listed, yet alone seed.

That's not to say they aren't using a lipid or oil substitute and I'm failing to notice - I could very well be wrong, but unless you provide further details it is a meaningless wrong.

>> No.19187371

Soy ran its course. I wonder what will supplant seed oils as the next big boogeyman that's totally 100% at fault for all health issues.

>> No.19187375

old news but also partially hydrogenated oils

>> No.19187425

It's gonna circle back to plastic

>> No.19187435

Have you considered cooking real food with real ingredients you fucking shitbrain? Like buy some meat and potatoes and don't put artificially colored sneed oils on them? I hate this fucking board ffs.

>> No.19187439

You missed dietary fiber.

>> No.19187466

actually just dont buy anything but whole foods

>> No.19187523

Isn't she doing the dance wrong?

>> No.19187537


>> No.19187973

thats a russian porn actress called angel the dream girl

>> No.19188004

eat whole plant foods

you're not going to be healthy by eating a different added fat and added sugar. that's some mommy blog nonsense.

>> No.19188039

canola oil
palm oil
rapeseed oil
soybean oil
that's bad for you?
i avoid those ones

>> No.19188261

We don't do experiments anymore anon, we just have sex with them, it's a lot less paper work that way.

>> No.19188265

>Eat whatever the fuck you want
Yes goyim eat Styrofoam and dry wall and asbestos what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.19188269

Literal bugperson.

>> No.19188287

if its a nothingburger why are you defending it? let people who dont want to eat seed oil, not eat seed oil. its that simple

>> No.19188327

Grains, all of them. Eat meat, dairy and eggs, and some vegetables and fruit on the side. Everything else is poison.

>> No.19188354

its insane how many schizos and /pol/tards are so vehemently against completely fine perfectly healthy foods that got boogeyman'd by mainstream media into being the cause of all their health problems. maybe sitting in front of the computer for 20 hours a day fapping to anime and hating on minorities might, JUST MIGHT have negative consequences??? just a thought. but no its the muh seed oils we've been eating for half a century that's in everything thats causing my diabetes its the seed oils!!! the pufas!!! oh god help me the soybeans!!! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! trump save me!!! you stupid fucking /pol/tards, you're going to eat the seed oils and soybeans whether you like it or not. if gives you bitchtits and low energy maybe thats a good thing, making your life quality worse is a net positive to society anyway

>> No.19188359

you gotta dial it back for believability

>> No.19188479

Is this from a porn?

>> No.19188498

Boy you just be real fun at parties..

>> No.19188502

Calm your bitch titties gaylord.

>> No.19188505

Oh Goyslop, what a wretched feast!
A slovenly mush, fit for no beast,
Made with soy and processed fare,
Artificial colors added with care.

The goyim toil, their wages low,
Yet with this slop they still must go,
Their bodies weak, their spirits dim,
As they labor for the profit of him.

Oh cursed be this goyslop brew,
A meal so vile, it makes one rue,
The day they took this sorry fare,
And turned it into their daily fare.

Let us pray for a better day,
When goyim may eat a wholesome tray,
With nourishing foods, and flavors sweet,
And not this slop, that's sure to defeat.

>> No.19188553


>> No.19188558

Yes. Americans are lazy cunts and cant be bothered to spend 20 minutes cooking something.

>> No.19188559

>>anything acidic or alkaline disturbing stomach pH
>Gastric acid is regulated in feedback systems to increase production when needed, such as after a meal. Other cells in the stomach produce bicarbonate, a base, to buffer the fluid

>> No.19188821

No one got back to me so I already did it

>> No.19189231

What's wrong with sugar alcohols?

>> No.19189236

It's funny how people are taking this post seriously.

>> No.19189239
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>> No.19189246

>he eats pesticide laden food
>he eats hormone laden meat
>he drinks bottled water and brushes his teeth with flouride
it's over dude

nta btw

>> No.19189251


Stop eating packaged foods

>> No.19189537

>canola oil
>palm oil
>rapeseed oil
I saw palm oil on some fudge I bought, but nothing else I have contains the others.
For realz

>> No.19189539

only honest answer in this thread

>> No.19189754

Enji Night before hitting the wall

>> No.19189764

Since I discovered how much of Nutella is palm oil I no longer touch that shit.

>> No.19190011

>Enji Night
What the fuck is wrong with young people

>> No.19190046

nice job wordsworth, you rhymed fare with fare

>> No.19190059

Actual tranny logic

>> No.19190706

Palm oil isn't the worst and is actually about as saturated as lard with around 10% PUFA

Not ideal, but its high SFA and vitamin E content will help stabilize the PUFA. The SFA/PUFA ratio is more relevant in the diet anyway, but you should seek minimize fat in general (see Randle cycle)


>> No.19190708

Thanks, will read up!

>> No.19190715

Nutrition aside, palm oil production destroys orangutan habitat so I avoid it for that reason

I like orangutans. They make me smile and laugh

>> No.19190817
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>A 2015 meta-analysis and 2017 advisory from the American Heart Association indicated that palm oil is among foods supplying dietary saturated fat which increases blood levels of LDL cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, leading to recommendations for reduced use or elimination of dietary palm oil in favor of consuming unhydrogenated vegetable oils.
>numerous allegations of human rights violations in the production of palm oil in Indonesia and Malaysia, including exposure to hazardous pesticides, child labor, and rape and sexual abuse
>lack of government oversight on palm oil plantations, political corruption, or the lacking of enforcement on laws meant to protect Indigenous lands
Fuck no. Palm oil is among the worst of the worst.

>> No.19190831

trans fats and added sugars

>> No.19190853

>American Heart Association
Based on fraudulent science. Pedophile organization. Disregarded

>allegations of human rights violations
Yeah, it's horrible. My OP was about palm oil itself, not its production practices which I later acknowledged are bad in my 2nd post. They rape and enslave orangutans

Okay? It's an energetic compound. Ethanol is used as biofuel too

>> No.19190948

It is suggested to be inert at best. People also heat their teflon shit way too much and WILL breathe in those fumes. It literally kills pet birds. They also change the formula ever so slightly to avoid new bans before having sold millions of them yet again.

>> No.19190959

>Seed oils bad
What study(s) is everyone basing this on again?

>> No.19191082

Some ketofag Youtube videos

>> No.19191121

Do you apply the same skepticism towards the notions of "seed oils good" and "essential fatty acids"? Or is your skepticism only towards the contrarian position? It might be valuable to examine your ostensible biases

It's all ultimately based on the work of Dr. Raymond Peat (PhD biology, not MD). Here are some nice introductions to his ideas regarding vegetable oils and polyunsaturated fats



>> No.19191162
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This site is unreadable, what kind of shitty joke is this? A fucking blog isn't it?
Yes of course I direct my skepticism towards "THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU" that's repeated ad nauseam rather than "What's so fucking good about seed oils anyway?".

>> No.19191187

Update your browser you broke nigger

>> No.19191198

learn to optimize for multiple browsers you dumbass

>> No.19191203

>ego so fragile he needs to assume financial poverty over things unrelated to money
Now that's pathetic anon.

>> No.19191212

Fluoride, flavour enhancer and artificial colours

>> No.19191221

lol more pathetic than dismissing information because the formatting of a website?

Cut him some slack. He was born in 1936 and died recently. idk who is even upkeeping the site

>> No.19191253

>lol more pathetic than dismissing information because the formatting of a website?
I'm glad you agree you're pathetic and your only defense is "no you!".
Of course I want information im going to post as source for other times to look at least presentable so it won't be glossed over as low effort blog bullshit. You can make the most legitimate and largest meta study ever made but if you hand me 200 napkins with the information I might humor you to read it but it's completely unusable in any other context where I need to convince people that don't agree with it.
It worked in another browser but I can't know what other people are using. If this guy died and a unmaintained private site is the only source of this info it also seems highly suspicious if it's your first go to for this sort of thing.

>> No.19191278

Whatever man, just read it then read the counter arguments and use your brain to come to a conclusion

>> No.19191320

Sodium phoshpates, so no cured or canned meats.
MSG too if you're old-fashioned.

>> No.19191470

The fuck is wrong with sugar alcohols?

>> No.19191652

i dont care if its truly good or not, im just going to try and limit my intake because people i dont like are saying its good. thats final

>> No.19191656

People said seed oils are good?

>> No.19191668

well i cant really call them people, more like brainwashed subhumans endlessly repeating kike propaganda masquerading as health experts

>> No.19191952
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You know what unironically has none of these problems?

>> No.19191990

>gets fed chemicals
Sorry bro

>> No.19192043

Such as?

>> No.19192054
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>> No.19192071


>> No.19192082

>dietary fiber and prebiotic
I don't get it.

>> No.19192126

>spread incorrect Information on why seed oils are bad
>average joe will recognize the info as false but not look into it to see if there is another reason why seed oils are bad
>average joe keeps consuming seed oils
A human needs some omega-6 oils and some omega-3 oils in their diet. This is because some types of both oils are not produced by the human body.
Both omega-3 oils and omega-6 oils are PUFAs.
(Your body produces omega-9 oils, meaning they are nonessential, but it is still good to replace some sources of saturated fat, like cheese, with some sources of omega-9.)
However, the average diet is way too high in omega-6 oils due to processed foods and the overuse of vegetable oils, especially soybean oil.
Additionally, much of the soybean and vegetable oils used to make baked goods and fry fast food is partially or fully hydrogenated which creates trans fats.

>> No.19192135

They make you shit. Also the brain can't tell the difference between sugar substitutes and sugar very well, so insulin will be produced anyway. Still better than Splenda, just don't use a lot.

>> No.19192328

you can have it all then

>> No.19192352
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>2023 and /ck/ is promoting eating bugs

>> No.19192931 [DELETED] 

get trolled

>> No.19192954 [DELETED] 

I don't appreciate you trolling outside of /b/...

>> No.19192959 [DELETED] 

I didn't post ze bugs, just saying you should not take those posts seriously.

>> No.19192962 [DELETED] 

Tell it to the judge.

>> No.19193066
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Just balance out your salt, sugar, and fat

>> No.19193214

>A human needs some omega-6 oils and some omega-3 oils in their diet
No, we don't. The original study supporting the "essentiality" of certain polyunsaturated fats (Burr and Burr, 1929) was debunked in 1940 when it was shown that the symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency were cured by the addition of rice bran extract to the rats' diet.

J. Biol. Chem. 1940 132: 539-551. Essential fatty acids, vitamin B6, and other factors in the cure of rat acrodynia. H. Schneider, H. Steenbock, and Blanche R. Platz

Essential fatty acids are only essential for cancer development

>> No.19194454


Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat. They are essential fatty acids because they’re necessary for health but cannot be made endogenously.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is used to produce signaling molecules called eicosanoids, which play numerous physiological roles and reduce inflammation. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a structural component of skin and retinas

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in your diet. It’s mostly found in plant foods and is an essential precursor of EPA or DHA. However, this conversion process is inefficient in humans. Only a small percentage of ALA is converted into EPA, and even less into DHA. Rats have a far better conversion rate.

Exogenous Omega-3 is optimal.

>> No.19195444

>Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat. They are essential fatty acids because they’re necessary for health but cannot be made endogenously.
My friend, you're conflating omega-3s in general with the essential fatty acids, which are ALA (omega-3, incidentally) and LA (omega-6)

You also did not address the findings of Schneider et al. So you missed one point and ignored the other.

>Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a structural component of skin and retinas
Not surprising, you are what you eat. Dietary PUFA even becomes a component of your mitochondrial and cell membranes. This does not establish "essentiality."