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File: 644 KB, 2048x1365, tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19185240 No.19185240 [Reply] [Original]

I want to raise my child to be tall.
What should I feed them?

>> No.19185254
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>slowly i began to hate them

>> No.19185257
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>> No.19185286

Long grain rice

>> No.19185297
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A Vegan diet

>> No.19185312

Just make sure you're meeting their caloric and protein RDAs and you'll be 90% of the way there. If you also pay attention to essential fatty acids and give them plenty of veg you'll be batting 300.
t. manlet due to childhood starvation

>> No.19185327

broccoli brussel sprout steak and pork chop
just buy them whatever they want to eat just make sure they brush their teeth and don't get fat

>> No.19185328

eggs, milk, and sleep

>> No.19185342

Eggs, meat, dairy, root vegetables

>> No.19185370
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>> No.19185395

Jared is evil and he needs to be killed.

>> No.19185413

breast milk for as long as possible

>> No.19185426

Raw milk, organic grass fed beef, organic eggs, organic grass fed bison (organs)

>> No.19185437

Unironically soy. Testosterone seals your growth plates there is this whole thing where men grow taller if they are castrated at a young age.

But also vitamin K (comes from eating your vegetables), calcium, sodium and lots of macros in general

>> No.19185448

Tall people. You are what you eat.

>> No.19185531

I too enjoy Joe Rogan podcasts

>> No.19185570

If you can afford it start giving them hgh during puberty. No cap. Don't go crazy with dose though.

>> No.19185584

If you bred with a womanlet, it’s already over
50/50 chance of being short as hell, no matter what diet

>> No.19185589

left had really low testosterone in a blood test, supposedly because he's injecting it and then stopped for the test. makes it seem like omnivore is the way to go.

>> No.19185597


>> No.19185625

unironically HGH

>> No.19185627
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what do you think he had for breakfast this day

>> No.19185633

>As an example of the positive reports from trials of the breakfast, Jack Drummond of London University said that after 130 poor children had been fed on the breakfast, effects had been "remarkable".[4] The children had lost the poor skin conditions common at the time, and had enjoyed a 25% gain in height over those not having the breakfast.

>> No.19185671

man trumps lower back must be so tight. he stands like his legs are fused straight but his belly is pulling him over. also make your kid eat veggies, but in tasty dishes not putrid shit like steamed brussel sprouts

>> No.19185678


*Brussels Sprouts

>> No.19185681
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>Tall people. You are what you eat.
That's why my kids only drink Tall Boys. (PROTIP: You can get 3D-printed nipple adapters on Etsy.)

>> No.19185690
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>> No.19185700

Huh. I never thought of two 12oz cans of beer as “3/4 quart”, but I guess it is.

>> No.19185702

>I want to raise my child to be tall.
here's the thing.
for males delaying puberty as long as possible is key (not sure how), but also in the case of my brothers (they are twins) they would drink 5 gallons of milk just by themselves when growing up. they ended up 6'4" I am 6'2"

for girls, don't let them get fat, but also don't starve them if you starve them during or before puberty you are dooming them to be fat forever. there was a documentary I watched many many years ago, and do not remember the name. in it someone stated that girls go through puberty when they hit 110 pounds (regardless of age). I have nothing to back this up, but in talking to some women who are short they all reported being quite chunky at 11 or 12 (which is when they had their first period).

>> No.19185706

You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.

>> No.19185708

except that I do.

>> No.19185709

Milk, eggs, meat, organs, fruit and fruit juices

>> No.19185711

Meat and milk is necessary but not sufficient, you also need to eat green vegetables if you want to heightmax

If your kid is picky then he'll end up 5'10" even if he's sucking down milk

>> No.19185716

Anons post what they eat when they bulk

>> No.19185717

lol absolute horseshit

>> No.19185728

start by having good genetics

>> No.19185729

Whole milk, every day, in large quantities. There is absolutely no comparable replacement for the amount of calcium you get from milk, nothing else comes close.

>> No.19185782

I’ve seen about three, not a huge fan.

>> No.19186191
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lol, there's a lot going on in this image

>> No.19186205

>PROTIP: You can get 3D-printed nipple adapters on Etsy
tell me more

>> No.19186208

Humam growth hormone is produced over 300% more when fasting. Its not about how much you feed them, more like how little.

>> No.19186222


>> No.19186317

I was starved as a kid quite often and am 5'8", shorter than both my parents.
obviously bullshit

>> No.19186322

Starvation and fasting are very different, though of course they seem the same to laymen.

>> No.19186352

Potential height is governed by no more than 11 genes and we're far from understanding the mechanisms of this network.

The Dutch are especially high because they didn't regard women taller than their men as detrimental.

>> No.19186354

you're stupid

>> No.19186367

No. I was kidding, but I used undeniable fact to do so. Nothing I said was incorrect, and adopting my statement would improve most lifestyles in the long term. But there's also whimsical wit there that would get a smirk out of people with high IQs. So I'm both clever and>>19186354 witty in ways you can't understand.

>> No.19186460

Fasting is not starving. Its keeping long periods between proper meals, nothing like starving. Starvation is when the body starts to break down muscle tissue from hunger. Fasting just activates the human growth hormone to make you a better hunter and activates autophagy to make you more healthy to be more successful hunter, without actually starving the body of accessible nutrients from fat reserves.

>> No.19186462

Milk. Especially during puberty. 1 liter per day.