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19182164 No.19182164 [Reply] [Original]

reminder: rapeseed es no bueno.

>> No.19182218


It's called fucking canola. No one ever uses the old word anymore, and for good reason.

>> No.19182228

*rapeseeds you*

>> No.19182242

> schizo thread
> muh hexane which evaporates at room temp and is measured in ppm in canola oil
you forgot the part where you spray blue chemicals on a filthy shitstained cow udder, jam a plastic onahole on it that has been fucked by hundreds of other cows
pour it into a vat that sits in the sun growing bacteria until its sent to a factory and put on a hotplate to stop the bacteria growing and then into a container full of estrogens and microplastics.
Raw milk products are the single biggest cause of food borne illness in the developed world

>> No.19182298

yeah and being on the internet makes you retarded but here we are anyway

>> No.19182330

>Raw milk products are the single biggest cause of food borne illness in the developed world
[Citation needed]

>> No.19182351

>heavy cream
>becomes thicker, whipped cream
>keep beating
>becomes thicker, butter
>keep beating
>becomes lighter, whipped butter
explain this sorcery

>> No.19182356

That's actually beef

>> No.19182365

>using anything than lard/tallow

>> No.19182387

the beat of the egg whips the cream

>> No.19182391

Rapeseed es malo

>> No.19182418


Not funny, guys. Have some fucking class.

>> No.19182438

You're just going to have to sit here and take all of our rapeseeding

>> No.19182454

> hexane in food processing is satan and it's going to murder your children
> proceeds to stand next to a car exhaust for 2 mins and get 100x more hexane exposure compared to chugging a litre of canola

>> No.19182471

it's actually unwashed lettuce

>> No.19182488

>canola oil
>good for you

>bad for you

Literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.19182493

They're both pretty inconsequential to your health if you're not chugging them in liquid form

>> No.19182743

Fucking kek

>> No.19182750
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>It's called fucking canola. No one ever uses the old word anymore, and for good reason.

>> No.19182790


>> No.19183001
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>hey beavis
>he wants to know if the fries are made with cornhole oil

>> No.19183015
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> coldpresses the seeds instead
> nooooooooo its still bad, it-it just is ok
fucking brainwashed retards honestly
You need a better grift

>> No.19183019

for me, it's peanut oil

>> No.19183029

What if it actually got consent first and is just role playing to keep things spicy?

>> No.19183034

i usually don't touch any added fat :-)

>> No.19183047

You just want someone to squirt a bit of their rapeseed in your mouth.

>> No.19183384

The blue chemical is iodine and good for you you muppet. Do you understand the difference between quantitatively pure and qualitatively pure?

>> No.19183455

they're different processes caused by the same thing
to make whipped cream you agitate the fat particles inside the liquid to suspend them and make them form weak bonds, so you get a colloid
to make butter you agitate the colloid enough to make the fat particles collide with one another and stick together, forming a solid fat
to make whipped butter you agitate the stable fat mixture enough for it to incorporate air bubbles inside the solid fat, getting a whipped fat
this is basic stuff anon

>> No.19183460


>> No.19183602

Can you make whipped cream equivalent with canola oil? Would it be called raped cream?

>> No.19183610

I still prefer the older term of fucknut.

>> No.19183625

NTA, but to respond seriously - no, not with just the oil. Oil won't form a colloid cream since it lacks water and emulsifier. To create the abomination that is rapeseed whipped cream you'd need to experiment with different emulsifiers.

>> No.19183632

Yes with egg and vinegar. And it's called mayonnaise.

>> No.19183715

>iodine and good for you you muppet.
Iodised salt is banned in Japan mate because you can actually consume too much of it, enjoy your goiters.

>> No.19183734

Does the butter industry pay people to repost this over and over? lmao.
It would make sense to advertise on a website full of fat people like this.

>> No.19183740

I don't understand, nothing in your post tells me why I should use butter over canola oil. Oil takes longer to make, why should I care?

>> No.19183746

That's because Japs eat tons of seaweed in addition to shellfish and other seafoods which already contain iodine.

>> No.19183753

> iodine is good for you
> "no, not like that"
iodine is for third worlders anon

>> No.19183760

I mean yeah your body needs iodine, but it can poison you in large quantities just like anything else you eat. If Japanese people ate iodized salt in addition to their regular seafood diet, it would be harmful.

>> No.19183761

Japan also uses rapeseed oil (and other seed oils) in damn near everything and they're one of the healthiest countries in the world with one of the most beloved cuisines.

>> No.19183772

They also eat comparatively small portions, so I'm sure any kind of bad stuff they're getting from sneed oils isn't enough to really cause harm.

>> No.19183780

All of the healthiest countries in the world heavily use seed oils. Nordic countries and Asian countries.

>> No.19183793

Because butter was the food of the wealthy. Except when it wasn't but that's a whole other story.

>> No.19183813

Just because China has low obesity doesn't mean they're healthy. The biggest problem with sneed oils is that they're found in everything now, and restaurants are infamous for reusing cooking oils to save money.

>> No.19183816
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butter is... LE HEALTHY!

>> No.19183832

>deodorize for the rancid smell
what the fuck? do americans really? I worked in harvesting/grain processing for a few years, I can tell you horror stories about being knee-deep in rotting fungus infested wheat that stained my legs for a week to dig out the bad patches before it was trucked to food production, but I never deodorized rape

>> No.19183857

Stinky, fungus-infested rape is the best type of rape.

>> No.19183921

So water and egg would work, then?

>> No.19183985

Whipped egg whites and sugar are considered legitimate cream used to make meringue. Don't add water and yolks, just use the egg whites.

>> No.19184028

Making rapeseethers mad is always a good thing.

>> No.19184076

it goes rancid during the process of turning it into oil, it's not rancid when it's harvested. IIRC it happens when it gets boiled.

>> No.19184097

And that's why you use virgin rapeseed oil.

>> No.19184103

But how will I fuel my rapes if I don't eat rapeseed oil?

>> No.19184109 [DELETED] 
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watch out OP

>> No.19184124

>reminder: rapeseed es no bueno.
reminder: I'd worry about it if I was eating gallons of it a year, but I barely have maybe 1/3 cup.

and that goes for any other oil I use. other than bacon grease or ghee.

>> No.19184218

>healthy country eats seed oil
>another healthy country and China eats it

>> No.19184709
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>Can you make whipped cream equivalent with canola oil?
Yes but you need to add some stuff
Yeah I was just memeing didn't want a serious answer. Also when you make butter you're left with all of the liquid separated.

>> No.19184715
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Yo dawg, quit fuckin me

>> No.19184717

Iodine prevents goiters though...

>> No.19184726

Canola oil unironically gives cancer.

>> No.19184730

The other way around retard. This isn't the 1950s anymore. Fats aren't bad for you.

>> No.19184731

i eat so many shrimp, i got iodine poisoning

>> No.19184751
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Well the jerk store called and they're running out of YOU

>> No.19185410

As did reading your shitty post for me.

>> No.19185428

Humans have been using seed oils worldwide for thousands of years but somehow nobody noticed they were poison until some random internet influencers in the 2020s AD

>> No.19185507

>acting like lard/tallow are at all a replacement for butter
fucking retard

>> No.19185601

>You need to drink water
>can drown