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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19179916 No.19179916 [Reply] [Original]

>spend an hour caramelizing onions, season and sear the beef, use the onions and fond and wine to make a beef gravy, cook the beef in the gravy slowly, and serve with garlic mashed potatoes to parents
"It's alright."
>They put unseason ground beef in an air fryer until it's overcooked and smother it in packet gravy
"Mmmmm now this is delicious!"
>Fry up recently cured applewood streaky bacon to perfection in a pan
"It's alright."
>They use a shitty unitasker to microwave-steam bacon that smells like it was dunked in liquid smoke until the meat is charcoal while the fat is still white
"This bacon is incredible!"

Is it possible that if you eat bland disgusting food all your life you start liking it more than properly seasoned and cooked food?
My family seems to have the culinary palette of a housecat.

>> No.19179919

Cook for you, enjoy your food. Boomers are another species. My dad used to call food "hot" if there was some black pepper in it.

>> No.19179928

>My dad used to call food "hot" if there was some black pepper in it.
Mine as well - they love tacos but basically can't eat anything but the mildest possible grocery tex mex packet brand with salsa that's really just cold tomatoes because even the suggestion of spice is too much.
We did "medium" once by accident and they said it was way too spicy to eat - I couldn't taste any heat at all

>> No.19179931

Holy shit...are you me? Did they only ONLY each crunchy shells from a box?

>> No.19179932

You might just suck at cooking just as much as they do.
Making food delicious for other people is harder than just for yourself.
Sometimes you just gotta accept how things are and work with it.

Maybe try using some msg or high glutamate ingredients next time like a dashi stock, soy sauce, marmite, etc.

>> No.19179939

>Did they only eat boxed crunchy shells?
Up until about a week ago, yes. We were out of crunchy shells because I "accidentally" just got the seasoning.
Now he like real flour tortillas after trying them for what I can only assume was thr first time

>> No.19179946

>Maybe try using some msg or high glutamate ingredients next time like a dashi stock, soy sauce, marmite, etc.
They also hate salt.

>> No.19179991

You can use less salt if you increase glutamate, inosinate, and guanylate levels.

Instead of telling them what's good maybe try and challenge yourself to understand what they like and cook something you think they will love.

>> No.19179995

Got it, I'll put some raw corned beef hash on a plate and call it a day.

>> No.19180009

Okay, I was right. You do suck at cooking. Lol.

>> No.19180015

You think I'm being sarcastic
I'm not
That's what they eat

>> No.19180022
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>They like unseasoned food and raw fat
>Tell OP to use fucking marmite

>> No.19180024

Mad boomer lol

>> No.19180026

Make them corned beef from scratch then.

>> No.19180031

My Mom is like this.

>> No.19180035

If you think I'm mad I think you have autism because you cannot pick up on other people's emotions properly... My point is that a good cook should be able to adapt to people's tastes rather than complaining that they simply can't appreciate my three michelin star pot roast.

Quiet, cooklet.

>> No.19180038

My god
Does /ck/ have a resident autist now
This reads like a guy post

>> No.19180039
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>> No.19180045

OP outed himself as a snobby, uncreative, whining little cooklet, and can't recover from it.

>> No.19180058
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>> No.19180064

Has to resort to npc memes because he got btfo so hard. Great! Sorry you couldn't have the little circlejerk you wanted so badly.
Show some love and respect to your parents. They wiped shit off your ass for years and you've grown up to someone who complains on the internet that they can't appreciate your fine dining, and you're so far up your own ass you can't even bring yourself to cook them something you know they'd enjoy. "OHHHHH, but it so far beneath me to cook PEASANT FOOD!" LMFAO, bro.

You're missing the point entirely.

>> No.19180069
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>I'm not mad
>I will now write an essay about how not mad I am

>> No.19180073

No. I'm having fun and laughing at you. Npc meme posting is a sign of both anger and defeat.

>> No.19180074

What meal is that? I know its Kay but which video?

>> No.19180078

And you know the best part is I tried giving you honest advice in the beginning. It became clear so quickly that you just came here to act like a pretentious loser.

You even ignored me when I said to just make corned beef from scratch from them. You're pathetic!

>> No.19180081

>Dude just boil a milk steak for them
Will do, Boomer

>> No.19180085

Leaded gas is a hell of a drug

>> No.19180087

Pretentious cooklets are truly the most pathetic individuals in existence.

>> No.19180093
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I can't remember, they all blur together
You're right anon, I've been ungrateful. I should cook them something like this

>> No.19180107

It's so funny to me that you came on the internet to complain about how you can't make an enjoyable meal for your parents, while pretending to be some sort of great chef with these enlightened tastes.

Get called out for it and just revert to your npc scripting and screeching boomer. Lol.

Make them homemade corned beef and hash, dumbass.

>> No.19180114

>hate salt
>love corned beef
Between this and the packet gravy it sounds like they dislike salt because their doctor said so. They also dont know every packaged food contains tonnes of salt.

>> No.19180118

While I agree that, a cook needs to adapt to the taste bud of the ones he's cooking for, sometimes, it's just frustrating.
You've done the dish more than 10 times for yourself, adjusting the recipe, have over, and under-salted, and tasted all of its bad results, and now you can do it consistently well, salt it just right, the texture - can not be better, all thoughts and small details went into the dish.
And they will go "alright", NOT because they weren't impressed, but because of two reasons:
First (and I think the more important reason), they do not know how bad that particular dish can get. So eating a perfect version of that is no better than eating the bad version.
Second, they don't know all the tribulations and challenges you have gone through to achieve that.
Pat yourself on the back, and be proud. You've done something not many could. Always trust your tongue.

>> No.19180126

My cat eats pole and line caught tuna and salmon, I think he has better taste than your parents.

>> No.19180148

Based cat

>> No.19180168

Don't ever cook for other people unless you've thoroughly vetted them. Palates are not created equally, and old, 30+ something fucks who have eaten nothing but HFCS and unnatural additives don't have the ability to appreciate real food, and never will.

>> No.19180175

just be white

>> No.19180187

I'm sure part of it comes down to "food you made tastes better," but at the same time there are absolutely people that just like weird things.
My friend's rich father took us to the kind of steakhouse where you spend 200 a person before drinks when we were kids.
He ordered his steak well done with ketchup. My friend ordered shrimp.
I wanted to crawl under the table and die.

>> No.19180195

In France we say that you should never give jam to a pig.

>> No.19180198

so you guys don't eat jam?

>> No.19180219

Hon hon hon

Sounds very similar to "cast not pearls before swine"

>> No.19180310
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Based Kot.

>> No.19180592
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Maybe they'd like aunt Myrna's party sal-HUOOOOOCK

>> No.19180675

Found it, "Lancaster Hot Pot": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOA1zjXB2DM
Quickly browsing through a bunch of Kay videos really highlights how much more energetic her
used to be.

>> No.19180681

>just do a week long curing process lol

>> No.19180690

>Blood Omen T
Based as fuck
>Deep fried beef and veggies smothered in the cooking oil
She should stick to drinking blood

>> No.19180694

Yeah, it definitely sounds like they're actually craving salt due to attempting to avoid it and OP's food doesn't do it for them because there's no blast of salt on top.

>> No.19180704

My wife is like this, I will probably end up murdering her one day. The homemade sauce I made for dinner last night was to die for and not so much as a "yum", but she'll gorge on fucking chips all night.

>> No.19180722
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This kinda funny
My old man was a legit "chef" worked in fine places(bookbinders in Philly, tavern on the green NY)
Grew up eating all kinds of crazy food every meal from breakfast to dinner was a deal, when he was home
Now I crave shit fast food and junk

>> No.19180787

>just put effort into something to make your parents happy.

>> No.19180988
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, 1511120524162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we need to go back and explain pearls before swine again?

>> No.19181029

Different with your parents, loser.

>> No.19181043

>Is it possible that if you eat bland disgusting food all your life you start liking it more than properly seasoned and cooked food?
yes, many people grew up eating food a certain way and are not adventurous.

I often try new foods, but certain foods I cook only one way, because I like it that way.

it's ok anon. just let it go.

>> No.19181049

>Make them corned beef from scratch then.
I am not him, but guaranteed they won't like it, cuz not the same.

>> No.19181068

My brothers wife would not eat food that I made because it was or was not, made the way her dad (or my brother did or did not make it.

I made a nice beef gravy and she would not eat it because it wasn't packaged brown gravy. when he finally got her to try it she loved it.

they also don't like mushrooms with the irony of that is that the primary flavoring in brown gravy is mushrooms.

>> No.19181074

You don't know them, so I doubt your guarantee has any merit. I would try it and if it didn't work out I would just stop making food for them.

>> No.19181077

they'll just say "it's ok".

>> No.19181082

>It's another "Grown Man Lives in His Childhood Home and Refuses to Grow Up episode"

>> No.19181246

>Being American
>Hating your family and leaving them at 18

>> No.19181392

>Is it possible that if you eat bland disgusting food all your life you start liking it more than properly seasoned and cooked food?

Once you get old you get stuck in your ways. So if they hated X back then, they will hate X now. And there is no changing them.

BUT, whatever the fuck you just posted looks like shit. Which leads me to believe you are a cooklet attempting to pass off incompetence as skill. Because I have impressed my parents with good food, and yes, they did think bologna sandwiches were great. So yeah, it is definitely doable. You just don't know what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.19181398
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This is not uncommon.
I've seen 2 star Tire company chefs eat boxed macaroni before.
Sometimes, you just want simple and easy things.

>> No.19181411

> visit from Davis
Is this an American thing where the chef will visit your house randomly?

>> No.19181420
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*ahchchcHEM*...Uh yeah, sure, Anon, that's it..THAT'S the ticket!

>> No.19181437

I've discovered faggots who don't like mushrooms simply do not like how they look or the appearance of them in their meals, they certainly love the flavor when ignorance is a factor. Very funny

>> No.19181453

I eat mushrooms raw, I love the flavor desu

>> No.19181474

>hot" if there was some black pepper in it
They didn't let me have black pepper as a kid because it's "hot".
They still get their panties in a twist when I "let" my kids use it as much as they like.

>> No.19181475

You gotta taste everything
I've met some pretty pretentious people that say things like "I never eat fast food, it all tastes like trash,"
But like, even a D-tier fast food chain makes millions of dollars every year
Any decent cook is going to ask, "is it good?"
And from a straightforward business perspective, is there something they can learn from it?

>> No.19181476
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Not always.
I had a friend with no olfactory nerves...It was all about texture for him.

>> No.19181483

>Is it possible that if you eat bland disgusting food all your life you start liking it more than properly seasoned and cooked food?
>My family seems to have the culinary palette of a housecat.
Yes, it's why Donald Trump orders his steak well done with ketchup.

>> No.19181487


>> No.19181496

Nah, 90% of the mushrooms people know are button mushrooms and some people just don't like button mushrooms.
I personally don't like their texture and will eat around them in dishes like chicken marsala if it's only a few seconds of effort.

>> No.19181499
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Fair assessment--And even though I haven't eaten fast food for over 20 years, I would smash in-n-out, chik-fil-a, Whatta-Burger...huh, all these hyphens... I wonder.
*BTW those weird purpley splotches on the homemade buns are welsh smoked sal de mer.

>> No.19181511

>My family seems to have the culinary palette of a housecat.
I was going to rip into you about how rich my late cat's palette was but I can't tell if you meant housecat as in pet cat or house cat as in cat that never leaves the house.

>> No.19181512

It's truly a matter of taste.
if you ever get the chance, Giant puffball mushrooms are absurdly delicious, and have the texture of steak when panfried in 1 inch(2.5cm) slices, in butter, with wine and herbs de provence.(even just garlic and rosemary is KINO.)
They GOTTA be fresh though.

>> No.19181540

I'll keep an eye out when it gets closer to their season.
I'm always up for trying a mushroom I haven't had yet, or prepared a way I haven't had yet.
I spent my childhood thinking I didn't like mushrooms. It wasn't until I did a summer semester abroad and tried some shiitake tempura that I realized it wasn't mushrooms I disliked, it was the specific mushrooms my parents and basic bitch restaurants exclusively used that I disliked.

>> No.19181564
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>I realized it wasn't mushrooms I disliked, it was the specific mushrooms my parents and basic bitch restaurants exclusively used that I disliked.
Also, a LOT of people murder button mushrooms, cooking them into a slimey rubbery mess.
I won't even get into the CANNED 'Shrooms contingent.

>> No.19181567

>whatever the fuck you just posted looks like shit
lol newfag
that's a troll webm
it's jacks cooking but with a hambeast redneck
lurk more

>> No.19181690

cook your mushburger some more anon, nobody wants that shit

>> No.19181709

Nobody can HAVE it faggot.
It was medium rare.
Go back to your McShits, anon.

>> No.19181715

It's the leaded gas.

>> No.19181720

I like flour tortillas for burritos, or to eat red and green chili with, but tacos, I got to go with corn.

>> No.19181723

Nigger cope alert

>> No.19181744
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>medium rare
>ground meat

>> No.19181768

>Has never heard of METT
Whatever man--You do U.

>> No.19181774

But that's garbage stew.

>> No.19181801

Two of us are telling you your shitting undercooked mushy ground beef is nasty, as anyone with any taste well knows. I vastly prefer a decent smash burger, but there's no reason for a patty to be more than 3/8" thick or pink in the middle. It's not a fucking steak.

>> No.19181832
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IDGAF what you like faggot
>WHAAA!! 2!! TWOOOO of us said you can't into foods
Go back to eating your prefab garbage then--IDGAF
That burger was FUCKING GREAT.
>Homebaked bun
>Fresh ground Angus--Grass finished
>Aged sharp cheddar
Fuck off.
Go eat your consumer goods you massive puling faggot.

>> No.19181840

If you think boomers are bad at cooking, wait until you see the average millennial's cooking skills.

>> No.19181843

>no visible fat or connective tissue
>pink but not red with a clear pebbly texture and not mush
It's under what most people would order but it's a perfectly fine burger

>> No.19181851

>Can't even get the CAN open.

>> No.19181853

Thanks anon.
These fags won't post their own purchased slop, so they have to malign those who CAN COOK.

>> No.19181945

"But you didn't use an expensive specialised over-engineered single-function appliance too cook it, so of course it's not as good as our food."

>> No.19181950

Love this film. It was deeply personally relevant.

>> No.19181966

This is my wife's entire family. I can't cook for them without complaints about seasoning and spice unless it is the blandest version of what I'd originally intend to make. Think tacos with just browned meat, or grilled chicken with just the grill marks as the only form of flavor. It's fucking impossible.

>> No.19181967

What I've learned about women is: because they actually aren't technically 'alive' and have no real sentient awareness, they value things based purely on how much money they cost. So, if you cook something for her, it's essentially free, therefore it is not good or enjoyable. If you took her to a fancy restaurant and paid $200 for literally the exact same food, she would swoon over it. This is why you should never respect a woman's opinion about anything, anon.

>> No.19181971

Senses fade as we age. We are also creatures of habit. My mother’s idea of a meat loaf is to mush raw chopped vegetables into ground beef, forming some kind of ovular lump, then slamming it into the oven and baking the fuck out of it. No bread crumbs. No egg. No seasoning. No sauce on top. It’s a crumbly gray mess with gray bloodslime pooled beneath it, rendered barely edible with generous amounts of salt and ketchup. My dad would always order meatloaf any chance he got in a restaurant. Soft and saucy. So one day I decided to bake a meatloaf, thinking my mom just didn’t really know how. I kept it very standard, but skipping the powdered onion soup mix (yuck). My dad devoured it. My mom?
>wrinkles nose while pursing her lips, picking at her plate, doing little to conceal her disdain
>”It’s okay.”
I’ll never bake another meatloaf for her. She simply does not like meatloaf. She does other things like fuck up baked beans, too. Ever had dry baked beans with no sweetness or seasoning? That’s another thing my dad would order at a restaurant any chance he got. Now, she was VERY GOOD at baking other things. I tried to steer her in those directions whenever we had company coming or if we were bringing an item to a potluck.
>”since it’s a barbecue, I think I’m going to bring baked beans.”
>”na, don’t do that. plenty of people will bring beans. how about deviled eggs? everybody loves your deviled eggs. those are always the first thing to disappear.”

>> No.19182000

Sounds like you need some dad beans.

>> No.19182088

I'm almost afraid to ask.
Dad beans?

>> No.19182091

Go to the Chef John lost the plot thread
Look for the iceberg
You're better off knowing about that

>> No.19182112

Thanks. It should Lancashire hot pot. No idea why she boiled the meat in oil. You just slow cook it in the oven.

>> No.19182136
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>he doesn't know about dad beans.

>> No.19182532

Aging affects taste greatly as well, sweet excepted.

>> No.19183039

>fag food that tastes the same but costs 4 times as much
They're right lol bro

>> No.19183289

I would choose katana of anime because I already have a job and I think all women are whores.

>> No.19183300

Thank you. Button mushrooms are such damp, sweaty garbage, they taste good if you fry them in a ton of butter and garlic but so does fucking cardboard.

>> No.19183305
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, salvation burger - perfect burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like a rare burger.

>> No.19183383

Bro, you can have your opinion but i think that's bullshit.

>> No.19183389

If you're grinding the beef fresh on sanitized equipment in a sanitized prep area, I don't really see a problem.

>> No.19183618

Looks alright
Probably could stand to be more done or thinner

>> No.19183859

Yeah, it’s fine, if you happen to like raw ground beef. The problem is it’s a terrible burger. The bottom bun was already soaked through, and by the time the customer picks it up it will fall apart and be a nasty mess. Just serve steak tartare with bacon and cheese and bread.

>> No.19183930

They cut and squeezed it for the camera
In actual service it wouldn't be that runny as it would be whole and given time to rest

>> No.19184628

the bun is soaked before they press it down
it's just a wet, soggy mess eaten by dumbasses

>> No.19185961

>Just serve steak tartare with bacon and cheese and bread.
it should be cooked table side like hibachi
wait... are there any hibachi burger joints?
that sounds amazing...

>> No.19186130

This. Once I cooked spicy chicken for a potluck, but accidentally overcooked it so it wasn't tender. Everyone ate it and told me it was delicious. It did taste good, but again overcooked. Like when I say everyone ate it, I mean other food was left over, but mine was completely finished. Almost none left when I went to serve me a plate. People can be weird to cook for.

>> No.19186580

Hello People
*out of breath*
Im back cooking again

>> No.19186584

>your worst meal
amazing to most people

>> No.19186592

Boomers like simple food because they grew up in a time when Americans were prosperous from stretching their dollar
Millennials like complicated food because they bask in unprecedented wealth yet still can't afford the basic necessities of life

>> No.19186625

It’s called a Waffle House you dingus

>> No.19186630

>Waffle House rebrands as WFLHS, an open concept hibachi breakfast boutique that serves artisan hash browns and waffles cooked tableside by professional chefs and gives back to the community by hiring persons recovering from drug dependence and temporarily incarcenated folx
>Millennials and zoomers wait in line for three hours to get inside

>> No.19186648

Everyone can eat what they like and not every cut of beef needs to be rare to be good. Especially if you're using fatty ground beef which stays juicy even when it's well done

>> No.19186691

nah i just saw it and it looks like shit

>> No.19187102

my dad grew up poor and basically developed a cope from it. Now that us kids are grown and have good jobs we try to spoil him as much as we can and he wants none of it. "Meh, it's alright" to high end restaurant food but will come running to tell you about how godlike the no name storebrand frozen water-injected TVP burger was

>> No.19187879

It sounds ridiculous at first but eating is a skill. People train their palate and acquire experience with different dishes, and similar dishes prepared differently/variations with similar products.

People have an easier time accepting this for things like wine, whisky or coffee, but apparently when you eat it's all the same. It's like they go into customer mode and only their basic childlike, ready-made sense of dopamine counts. I mean sure, that's fine, but if you cook you have to understand some people can't eat properly.

>> No.19188429

my mother seems like that because of her gall bladder removal. curiously enough, I've never heard of a guy getting his removed, only women. not sure why this is.

>> No.19188436

wanted to add that sloppy joes are nice comfort food, since the spiciest thing in them is tomato sauce. your family probably would dig them

>> No.19188448

I had to adapt, since I'm a very early millennial who has trouble acquiring women so I usually live alone and have to fend for myself.

>> No.19190203

i live with a friend and her dad and though hes not a boomer (born just after), he has dog shit taste in food. eats the same skanky food day in, day out. boils vegetables so much you can cut them with a spoon. will leave meat out to spoil on a kitchen counter in front of a window (so the sun hits it) and still eat it, by boiling it for ages until theres no fucking flavour left. THEN he will leave half of it sitting in a pan on the hob until the next day and eat it again. does way too big portions of this shit, not that anyone ever eats his food. claims he never gets sick from the food but he definitely does. shit is shit but his shit is something else, you can smell when someone is sick. and no normal person shits 2-3 times a day. i dont think he even knows shit is meant to be solid anymore

>> No.19190893
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This is true. My wife teeters on the edge of sentience and once when I made a "restaurant meal" at home she went on some tangent rant on how it "wasn't fair" like I was cheating on taxes or something. She was pretty close to figuring it out but not quite there.

>> No.19190922

for some people they want one major flavor, one major texture and salt
look at your meals:
they have multiple flavors that have to interact and multiple textures, nice natural smoke brought to a nice doneness

look at thier meals:
hot beef with brown salt sauce, crunchy salt strips with artificial smoke

its not you. some people just like shitty cooking and its fine but maybe stop wasting your time cooking for them

>> No.19190985

Reading people's boomer food stories on 4chan is like looking into another world. My parents are nothing like that.

>> No.19191033

Your parents sound like they are just full of themselves, there's lots of good explanations for this thread but I would believe the simplest one first, which is that they like what they made more because they made it and want to believe it's good. Theirs can't just be okay, that wouldn't please their ego, they have to say it's amazing and shit

>> No.19191297
File: 3 KB, 225x225, MAMA JUST KILLED A MAN PUT A GUN AGAISNT HIS HEAD PULLED MY TRIGGER NOW HES DEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats okay. being elitist about food is its own punishment, your basically being proud about enjoying less food. when fastfoods the only thing available, i just get what i like and thats the end of the story. when some food elitest cant get his triple shot decaf latte with activated almonds, his day is ruined.

okay, ill stay being me. its tough, but someones gotta do it

>> No.19191332
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Cute of him to assume that their parents didn't pay for the trash they're wearing

>> No.19191357

I imagine having boomer parents from some flyover state is like living in a culinary desert when it comes to any form of taste or cooking it must be very frustrating

>> No.19192005

>he makes the corned beef
>they don't like it because it's not the kind from the grocery store
boomers are fucking mentally ill dude, they're not going to appreciate a fucking thing OP will make for them because anything that doesn't come from a can is scary

>> No.19194131
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pearls before swine?

>> No.19194170


>> No.19194174

Why the fuck is she drowning that meat in oil? Is she doing that shit on purpose for views or is she actually that retarded?

>> No.19194184

They might have a retarded (in the clinical sense) palate. Like a literal child's. You know how kids are generally picky eaters and only with time and exposure try and enjoy new things? Some people were raised in deprived culinary environments and never grew beyond the pathetic, stunted taste that this left them with. Spices are the devil's dust to them and anything not already imprinted in their atrophied brains through decades of habituation will have them recoil in disgust.

They're like the kind of autists that can only eat one type of meal without freaking out except they don't have that excuse for their deficiency.

>> No.19194191

What the fuck is this AI abomination? Looks like it couldn't decide between a food stall, a restaurant and a supermarket.

>> No.19194204

Not even once.

>> No.19194248

>caramelizing onions
used to do that but then learned how eating raw onions boosts testosterone. Now I lightly sear it for 15 seconds at most to soften it a little and take out some of the nerve gas from the raw onions.

>> No.19194844

Do you eat ghost pipe?

>> No.19194848

I'd chose the girls because I don't care about defending anime. I don't need the dad beans because my father is dead.

>> No.19194859

Stop making complicated recipes. Just do the simple ones but do every step at S tier lev3” and it’ll be godly.

>> No.19194958

>friend sometimes buys from the most expensive butcher in the city
>I have my own closer to my place that's cheaper and has better selection usually
>he swears the burgers from his expensive one are better
>every time I buy from my own and we grill he complains ones from his butcher would be better
>every single fucking time
>finally agree to buy there for yesterday's grill
>burgers come out worse
>he insists they are better
I'm tempted to one time buy his expensive ones, say they are from mine, and see him berate them and say his butcher is better.

>> No.19194968

using /co/ isn't good for your mental health

>> No.19195016

Kiss him on the lips after to make up for your pranks.

>> No.19195039

You two shouls fuck

>> No.19195069

See which ground beef is better lubricant.

>> No.19195085

Why do you think we haven't?

Honestly, I don't care if which butcher is better, I'm just tired of hearing him say the same thing every time I buy from mine. Like a broken fucking record.

>> No.19195090

Next time he brings it up interrupt him with a kiss on the mouth.

>> No.19196070

>I won't even get into the CANNED 'Shrooms contingent.
You can just drain those for a bit and fry 'em normally afterwards.

Source: I did that a few weeks ago.

>> No.19196078

>Has never heard of METT
Sharts and the like generally haven't.

>> No.19196091

Raw ground beef can be delicious, you just need the right kind of cut mixture (fat:muscle ratio) and proper texture. Germans perfected that with Mett. It's an entirely different thing from what you buy prepackaged in stores. But this wouldn't even be remotely like that, even the "raw" parts in that patty would taste differently.

>> No.19196096

I get why you think it's a cope but maybe his taste buds simply are that shit and he legit can't tell the difference between goyslop and haute cuisine.

>> No.19196422

You posted a flower, not a fungus. Also don't eat too much of that it's a neurotoxin.

>> No.19197396

>properly seasoned and cooked food?
What makes something properly seasoned anyway?
Honestly though, I love onions that have been simmering for an hour and turned all soft, put that on a hamburger and you don't need anything else.

>> No.19197447

You, uh, mean caramelized onions, anon? You know that you can just call them that instead of describing how they are made, right?

>> No.19197709

>once when I made a "restaurant meal" at home she went on some tangent rant on how it "wasn't fair"
I would try to understand any logic behind this, but I know there is none. Women are 95% at the mental development level of children in terms of getting their way and fairness. Whenever they don't get what they want, exactly how they want it, it somehow isn't fair. Fucking tiresome desu.

>> No.19198808

I guess I could.

>> No.19199142

>boomer tastes thread still up a week later
Man, Boomers really can't taste a thing can they?

>> No.19199176

Men that grew up with single mother had this imprinted into them too

>> No.19199353

how does she get out?

>> No.19200029

>mom cooks horribly anytime I visit her
>no energy cause her illnesses to put effort into food
>cook her a nice meal every visit
>she keeps saying the food is so good and thanks me
I love my mom

>> No.19200166
File: 128 KB, 750x747, 1681968406420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're a bad cook?

>> No.19200185

You know who eats like this? Children. Boomers are literal children. They should be treated as such.

>> No.19200838
File: 2.71 MB, 844x446, 1511122109326.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead really fucked up the boomers
It's a miracle they aren't all Jacks

>> No.19201190

>>no energy cause her illnesses to put effort into food
Am I having a stroke?

>> No.19201236

Fuck you mom and dad!!!

>> No.19201244

>Lead really fucked up everyone

>> No.19201691

Lead gasoline for instance was not a thing for that long, historically, so only those who were around during its existence and particularly those who grew up then (since kids are more susceptible) would have suffered major downsides.

>> No.19202563

That explains why they're angry and dumb but not why they like unseasoned slop

>> No.19202936

>so illiterate he considers that post an essay
Anti-intellectualism doesn't make you cool, and isn't an argument.

>> No.19202958

>quotes that never happened outside your head
I bet this argument sounded better in there too. Unfortunately no one is having it with you.

>> No.19202959
File: 47 KB, 636x382, 49EA6B8700000578-0-image-a-16_1520333195439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably around the same time they were spraying literally anything with DDT?

>> No.19202985
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, 1511120899433.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad a full week after being btfo

>> No.19202987

>being a third worlder and having no other options

>> No.19203015
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 5e36b309a72ecd2a0c9e18886cd9760665c1fe9b0a6c15cd4c8bc5262a2bdd57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking everyone is the same poster
>watching the thread for a week
>desperate for (You)

>> No.19203026
File: 1.51 MB, 2121x1414, Baby-Boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell what would be more pathetic, replying to a week old argument as someone involved or as someone reading the thread for the first time

Just boomer things

>> No.19203044

>spend an hour caramelizing onions
Ok, this goes with foie gras or veal liver of course?
>season and sear the beef
Wait a minute, what do you mean, beef? At what temp did you preheat it?
With beef? Get out, you filthy pig.
>Cook beef in gravy
When hell freezes over
>Serve with garlic and mashed potatoes
No wonder you're upset. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

>> No.19203063

ripped up clothes are retarded

>> No.19203066
File: 42 KB, 519x568, 1581311046444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "schizoanon doesn't know it's a slow board" episode

>> No.19203073

secret ninja art of gfs please thanks

>> No.19203078

Yeah that tracks

>> No.19203090
File: 17 KB, 240x280, 1d45e29f20345699f87177c6dcb4b513a15fef06204a0d1e4bc4a67069b0c465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lives with his parents
Yeah that tracks

>> No.19203409

Why comment on things that you don't know anything about? Enjoy being alone and miserable in your 1,000,000 sq ft McMansion that'll put you in debt till you die.