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19180874 No.19180874 [Reply] [Original]

Latest haul from the British/Irish grocery store. I’m looking forward to the clotted cream since I’ve never had it before!

>> No.19180878

Lol do those jelly babies look like babies?

>> No.19180883

>jar of clotted cream
Sounds grim

>> No.19180887

fat retard

>> No.19180888

clotted cream is trivially easy to make (you bake cream in the oven for a few hours) for super cheap, for future reference

>> No.19180891

No it does not, it sounds quite JARRING innit bruv?

>> No.19180897
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>> No.19180898

cue canned laughter

>> No.19180946

No, you need the genuine article from Devon or Cornwall.

>> No.19181232

As opposed to what? Nobody makes their own clotted cream except people who love cooking in general

>> No.19181258

>Yorkshire gold
I was highly disappointed in this tea. Very dusty, not a lot of high quality leaf in it. Tasted like dirt, not a good black tea at all.

>> No.19181261

Clotted cream shouldn't come in a room temperature jar, anon. It's not meant to be shelf stable.

>> No.19181263

I wonder if the scones are good. The scones I get from Wegmans are fantastic hot, and pretty good cold.

>> No.19181284

OP here. It was refrigerated at the store and I put it back in my own fridge when I got home. Dumbass.

>> No.19181293

You're buying cream in a jar at inflated prices and I'm the retard? They literally don't sell cream in jars in Britain. You got ripped off.

>> No.19181400
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What point are you even trying to make here? What container they use is irrelevant, as is the fact that I'll obviously pay more for an imported product that's uncommon in the US. Furthermore, your use of the term "cream" instead of "clotted cream" is misleading and I daresay disingenuous, because the two are absolutely not the same.

At any rate, I'm satisfied that I got the real thing, and I'm fortunate enough to not care how much I paid for it. If your issue is that I'm not making my own clotted cream at home, again: most people don't do that anyway, and I also don't care what you think of my willingness to make or not make something from scratch.

Are we done here?

>> No.19181405

>They literally don't sell cream in jars in Britain.
Usually in chilled pots like yogurt or cottage cheese. Could be like milk except you almost never buy that much cream at once.
Clotted cream usually comes in fairly small containers, enough for scones for four people. (It freezes pretty well, unlike ordinary cream.) A large jar of it seems weird.
Wilkinson's preserves are pretty good, a genuine premium brand.
Heinz's baked beans are the short of using a fancy recipe yourself. That's genuinely the best product Heinz have ever made, and it's great.
Sage Derby is very much not my choice of cheese. Don't know if that specific brand is any good.
The scones will probably be disappointing. Good scones don't keep at all. You make them immediately before eating.
The other things will probably be a bit grim. Original Hula Hoops are a guilty pleasure for me, but I grew up with them.

>> No.19181422

Yeah, I've seen it smaller jars at other British grocery stores in the city where I used to live. This size was the only one they had and I accept that I probably won't get through it before it goes bad. Possibly this is only for export, but as I said in another post, I'm satisfied that this is at least a genuine product.

Honestly I bought that specific cheese because I hadn't had it before and I saw that it was English-made. I've had Cheshire, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, and both Blue and White Stilton before and loved them all.

I'm not expecting much from frozen scones, but I didn't want to put clotted cream and fruit preserves on, like, an American biscuit (although I might do that at some point anyway). The baked beans I've had before. I put em on buttered white toast and topped with salt, black pepper, and grated mature cheddar. I also tried it with Colman's and HP, and also Worcestershire. And Geo Watkins mushroom ketchup.

>> No.19181440

>export only brand
enjoy your long life slop johnny foreigner

>> No.19181502

Same, also found it very weak in general
>(It freezes pretty well, unlike ordinary cream.)
interdasting, never would have thought to try that

>> No.19181766

>see the jelly babies
>"aww dis nigga dun fugged up. shoulda got the wine g... oh. there they are."
Good lad.

>> No.19182089

>devon clotted cream

>> No.19182133

>8 american dollars for that tiny 6oz jar of clotted cream
anon for $5 you can buy a half gallon of heavy cream, put an inch of water in your slow cooker, put your heavy cream in a bowl and into the water bath, and in 12 hours you have more clotted cream than you'll ever know what to do with
don't fucking spend money on that

>> No.19183365

What do you even use this with? How do you eat a whole jar in 5 days?

>> No.19183393
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The only thing that's odd about the jar is the thinned neck which seems like it'd be a pain in the ass to get all of the cream out, and the reduced surface area means you get less "crust" on top which some would say is the best bit. Fucking love clotted cream, I hope you enjoy it op.

>> No.19183442

I wanted to try a Cornish one but they didn’t have it. I’m assuming it’s hard to find at a physical store outside the UK

>> No.19183454
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I had a bag of roast lamb flavored potato chips, (cant remember the brand) and they were fucking divine. It's a good thing they're hard to find here, otherwise I'd be in big trouble.

>> No.19183502


>> No.19183506
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Based haul. Forget goyslop, this is goyim FUEL

>> No.19183552

Great munchies but why the random tin of beans?

>> No.19183557

You never eaten a tin of beans with a block of cheese as the spoon?

>> No.19183561

>>>19183552 (You)
>You never eaten a tin of beans with a block of cheese as the spoon?

I do eat blocks of cheese though.

>> No.19183631

Sounds disgusting.

>> No.19183642

clotted cream is what happens when you try to make whipped cream with a stick blender

>> No.19183665

>Devon Cream Company, Wiltshire

should be illegal

>> No.19183834

What kind of tea ya got in there?

>> No.19183848

That's literally a hundred miles from Devon.
Also, used to work with a cute Cornish redhead who I'd troll the fuck out of by telling her that Devon made better pasties. She was super Cornish, too. Spoke that shit and everything.

>> No.19184005

putting cream on before jam is drooling insanity, you will always be the shitty inferior county

>> No.19184011

yorkshirefags will tell you it only works if you make with the hard, lime-rich tap water they have up there, but they're just coping shitters, it's a bad tea

>> No.19184817

6 fingered hands typed this post

>> No.19184912

Nice! Though Branston beans are best. Heinz are watery

>> No.19184919

I can't stand Yorkshire tea. Tastes like an ash tray. Even a common brand like PG Tips is better. Twinings Strong English Breakfast is my go to

>> No.19185086

Agreed. Yorkshire tastes like it’s for dogs. PG tips has a sicky taste to the bags

>> No.19186266

Why is the white one sad

>> No.19186273

Never understood the point of these foreign snack hauls. You're just buying a load of goyslop but with slightly different flavours because it's foreign. If I wanted to try a different country's cuisine I would try the actual homecooked food, not some fucking crisps and sweets.

>> No.19186385
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Clotted cream is Rodda's or bust

>> No.19187448

Well, the actual homecooked food isn’t available outside the country.