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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19170295 No.19170295 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good foods to eat while taking a bath?

>> No.19170303

Ice pops

>> No.19170316

Sneed oils

>> No.19170354

Based gummo enjoyer. I feel like triple chocolate cake and ice cold whole milk >>19170303
would be a nice treat in the bath

>> No.19171608


>> No.19171624

Toast fresh from the toaster

>> No.19171638

a nice hot moelleux you heated up in the microwave

>> No.19171660

2 slices of fridge cold 'za

>> No.19171695

I once drank a can of cheap store brand energy drink while taking a shower. Can recommend, but it was a bit depressing; replace with Red Bull for more happiness.

>> No.19171704

ice cold natty daddy tallboy
getting drunk in the bath rules so hard dude

>> No.19171717

Gummo was nothing short of disturbing and pointless, but there’s something oddly comfy about this scene.

>> No.19171723

The heat of the hair dryer boils the egg.

>> No.19171747

ice cream sandwich

>> No.19171757

this. I drink a can of beer every day after work in the shower and it's honestly the best part of my day. I wish I had a home sauna.

>> No.19171777

at least you'd already be in the tub when your stomach tosses that vile shit back up

>> No.19171917

Bb shot cat

>> No.19171946
File: 113 KB, 801x998, the_bathtub_toaster_by_calebharms1996-d908ovi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19172169
File: 68 KB, 600x467, 7F210A2B-D356-49E5-9711-D3E2AA815994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19172170

I once suggested this movie to a guy I was interested in, and he complained the movie was about dirty people and didn't get the point of it.

>> No.19172173

If water acts as an electricity conductor, why isn't the sea electrified due to the presence of the electric eel?

>> No.19172202

Gummo !!!!!

>> No.19172204

because it's all a big lie. electricity can't pass through water

>> No.19172330

do americans really?

>> No.19172337
File: 442 KB, 1080x629, Screenshot_20230416-020445_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're a dedicated ck-er because this movie was introduced here 3 weeks ago in some random thread comment.

>> No.19172342
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A big bowl of beef stew

Maybe a glass of wine

Laptop on toilet seat, watching ASMR walking in Japan videos

>> No.19172347
File: 56 KB, 600x592, shower bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gummo actually good?
Jay from RLM says it's tryhard and weird for the sake of weird and I don't think he'd lie to me.

I was never much for eating in the bathroom, but a whisky or cognac in the shower after a hard workday is the good stuff.

>> No.19172351
File: 111 KB, 828x1472, frogdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even people who haven't seen the film know about the spaghetti in the tub scene, dumdum.
Just because you noticed one recent post doesn't mean nobody else here heard of it before then.
People can know about a movie without talking about it every day.

>> No.19172428

well this goes against my idea of reality so fuck you and fuck your frog video, dumdum

>> No.19172436

I remember when Gummo was in theatres and I have no idea what the spaghetti scene is.

>> No.19172445

Anon... it's the pic in the OP

>> No.19172461

You have to go to the chinese restaurant for that--They were drowned too, not shot.
I drove through Xenia once in highschool, before the film came out.
Well--I didn't exactly drive through; I made it half a mile in, got a REALLY weird feeling, then turned around and went back.
Something is really fucked up down there.

>> No.19172466

>says it's tryhard and weird for the sake of weird and I don't think he'd lie to me.
He didn't.
Shower Beer is one of the few acceptable things to eat/drink in a bathroom, other than medicines or Coffee.

>> No.19172546

I don't get it, what's wrong with taking a snack to the washroom to eat before hopping in the shower? it's warm, humid, and dark in there. great for anxiety and finishing a sandwich before a shower.

>> No.19172565

Kek, I'm not OP but I was in that thread, and that is indeed where I first heard about this movie.

>> No.19172604

>implying the bacon taped to the wall image isnt one of the most famous things about the movie
i was a at a festival last year and some dude had a gummo t shirt on with that exact image

>> No.19172755

based fellow ck enjoyer

le enlightening hipster festival experience enjoyer

>> No.19172762

>going to see a band i liked as a teen makes me a reddit hipster
i know i should probably ignore you, but jesus christ man you sound pathetic

>> No.19172846
File: 311 KB, 1600x1200, quiet lunch for 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19172963

I didn't even mention reddit, but now that you insist...

>> No.19173468

yea Kids was way better and at least it had some semblance of a plot.

>> No.19173473

I just drink the bathwater

>> No.19173883
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, shrimp-cocktail-recipe-cocktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are in a sea of salty filth eating the sea

>> No.19173889

Shower beers in the summertime after doing some activities in the heat are a strong 10/10

>> No.19176039

Bubble and squeak or sopas

>> No.19176057

Why did he waste the hotdog?

>> No.19176066

He doesn't really like it. He's copying the cop's mannerisms because he's an actor preparing for a role.

>> No.19176077

Runny chocolate pudding for sipping