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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19168029 No.19168029 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, why do you love the South?

>> No.19168050

I don't

>> No.19168056

I mostly like the historic south, of the past, or the general idea of the south Going outdoors and actually speaking with these people is generally a huge letdown. That's probably true everywhere now, though.

>> No.19168058
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>tfw I've never had boilt pænuts

>> No.19168060

Warm weather year round.

>> No.19168062

You're deprived.

>> No.19168065

and I probably never will

>> No.19168068

The canned ones actually aren't too bad

>> No.19168083

It's nowhere near the same.
t. Just polished off the last of a 104oz can.

>> No.19168084

I don't know why, but the fact that he's wearing a train engineer's hat is hilarious.

>> No.19168091

He probably just got off the train and set up the cart.

>> No.19168096

Why would anybody love it? We defeated them in war and denied them the right to separate from the constitution, yet they all spend their lives angrily running around shouting about their constitutional rights while continuing to raise the flag that they fought against it with. They're fucking retarded.

>> No.19168098

When did you ever defeat us in war?

>> No.19168099

Oh, they've edited that out of your history classes now?

>> No.19168102

How old are you that you can claim "we" defeated "you" in war?

>> No.19168117

not true, and actually shitty weather unless you like going out in underwear only

>> No.19168119

1865 when first General Lee and soon the rest of the traitor generals surrendered after the Union crushed them.

>> No.19168121

And you were involved how?

>> No.19168123

By inheriting the victors' legacy.

>> No.19168126

If this is the gottem logic the South has to work with, it's no wonder that area is still such a shithole.

>> No.19168128

I live in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.19168132

problem is I have moved to Australia and none of that shit would be available here. and anything uniquely American that catches on is all fucked up and wrong, so I have no confidence of getting anything authentic. Like buffalo wings; fucking hell it's always all fucked up and have honey and soy added and are served with aioli and shit

>> No.19168145

So you're a tranny who wants to inject politics in a thread about literal peanuts.

>> No.19168147

You just need raw peanuts, salt, and a pot (a crock pot is the safest way to do it overnight).

>> No.19168158

Sorry, I made the mistake of reading words and responding to those words based on what those words mean.

>> No.19168169

It's tranny attention getting.
>mentions an area

>> No.19168170

I'll have to look up recipes and see if I can actually get raw peanuts somwhere. seems like a good snack to bring to a BBQ or something

>> No.19168176

>Gets reminded of how the south lost their "but I wanna keep slaves" temper tantrum war to the morally (and military) superior North.
>"Y- You're all trannies!"

>> No.19168179

>mentions a war that has nothing to do with him (as he's a tranny) or me
>pushes tranny politics
>says i'm butthurt rather than mildly annoyed that trannies can't just shut up

>> No.19168183

They're disgusting, you aren't missing out. If black people made them they would just be another one of the many things this board makes fun of a black people for eating, but because it's a white southerner thing we're supposed to just accept that boiled peanuts are based.

>> No.19168199

You have an obsession with trannies, but maybe that's just a southern thing.

It's pretty grim that a boiled nut with the consistency of Play-Doh is a regional symbol

>> No.19168200

Idk man, my family loves their southern heritage and legacy that can be traced back before the Civil War. The war was about slavery and the union didn't even really stop it. After the war, the south made it illegal to be black and made it legal to enslave a prisoner. Mississippi just abolished slavery from their constitution in 2013. I'd hardly say the Union won the war, because they didn't even start winning battles until after they started committing war crimes and killing more civilians than soldiers. The south may never rise again, but I don't beleive it ever truly fell. Matter of fact, I'm gonna ride down to the Trade Day and get me a cup of boiled goober peas and a nice new rebel flag to fly off the back of my truck all the way home on these beautiful Dixie back roads just to celebrate not being a nigger loving yank

>> No.19168207

No, you're just a tranny. You know how I know? You think slavery is wrong.

>> No.19168239

They taste like slightly undercooked beans prepared this way, because it's what they are.
Fun to eat though..

>> No.19168243

are they most commonly prepared with just salt or is the spicy/cajun style preferred?

>> No.19168247

>implies the south only has boiled peanuts as regional symbol
>ignores souther fried chicken, gravy and biscuits, or shrimp and grits
>tastelet confirmed
LOL, LMAO even

>> No.19168269

Are you a nigger? You sound like a nigger. A place can have both good and bad attributes. Not everything has to be absolutely black and white you mouth-breathing ape.

>> No.19168281

Oh, look, another person who has never been to the south worshipping it because of le epic racism fantasy even though it populates more black people than any part of the nation.

>> No.19168310

Lol wtf are you even going on about? I literally don't care if the majority of the south had down syndrome.
There are things to love about the south even if there are other things to dislike about it. Just because you dislike one aspect of their culture doesn't mean everything about them is completely irredeemable. Most people who I see take these weirdly extremist stances are niggers or millennial white women, both of whom think that if you're not 100% with them, you're against them. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.19168320

I prefer regular. At roadside stands, that's usually what you get. Cajun is available in places, but not everywhere.

>> No.19168322
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Last time I was in the USA on holiday I fell in love with chicken fried steak. Back home in Australia..not one restaurant in Sydney, a global city of 6 million people, not one place does chicken fried steak.

>> No.19168332
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and if someone did, it would be a pale imitation and you'd never satisfy your craving. there are many things I love eating in this country that I cannot get in the USA, but I've had to basically entirely forget about so many things as well that I will never be able to eat here

>> No.19168334

Great food, warm, kind people and a lot of them are into computers stuff too.
I'd fit in well there, but I've only visited briefly.

>> No.19168341


With the amount of US migration to Australia recently maybe someone will open up a proper American restaurant.

>> No.19168349

You have Hungry Jack's. Be glad we let you have that.

>> No.19168369

a couple have opened o'er recent years but they don't do well. Surley's was all hyped up as amazing American BBQ fare, but not only is the food disappointing it's incredibly expensive. you get the ribs for $18 and it's literally TWO ribs, why bother. buffalo wings were just bad. Wings & Tins is okay but buffalo still is off. Bovine & Swine was an amazing Texas style smokehouse in Enmore but it went tits up after a couple years.

maybe I have to open my own damn place

>> No.19168914
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I always feel sorry for people in the 3rd world for this reason. They try an American or western dish and totally louse it up with some bizarre interpretation. Try an American dish in a foreign country; US version is better. Try American take on a foreign dish (like curry or Mexican) vs. the authentic dish: people prefer the American every time.

>> No.19168941

you been outside and talked to southerners alot have you?

>> No.19170910
File: 308 KB, 1300x954, boiled-peanut-stand-florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these everytime I go to Florida I get these at every stand I see
Everyone is so chill there to, think it's the hot weather and killer seafood

>> No.19170931

As a gardener I think I would like living in the south because it has a longer growing season.

>> No.19170952

Really depends on what part of the South we're talking about doesn't it.

I mean Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, are all different places. Don't know about places like Arkansas

>> No.19170958
File: 17 KB, 203x249, florida oranges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be stands like the peanut ones selling big bags of oranges and grapefruit all over
we would get a few of each on our way home and give some to neighbors and friends
Don't see them anymore

>> No.19170961

If you're boiled peanuts have the consistency of play dough then you cooked them too long dumbass

>> No.19170981

I'm probably gonna take a week off next winter to visit one or two cities in the south because I love southern food, any recs where I should go?
I've been thinking Charleston and/or Savannah

>> No.19170991

I've thought about boiling peanuts before butnI've never had them so even if I like them I won't know if that's what they're supposed to taste like.

>> No.19170995

Charleston is cool as hell
very historic and lot's of great places to eat
People are so nice it can take you off guard
Never been to Savannah

>> No.19171005
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not under my watch

>> No.19171010

I've supped on swamp cabbage and smoked mullet with the good ol boys many a time.

>> No.19171011

>I love southern food

Such as...?

What are your favs?

>> No.19171014

Pretty accurate statement. You can love and hate something at the same time.
Marzipan is fucking disgusting garbage and Germans should be ashamed of themselves. They also had Hitler and the holocaust tho so it evens out

>> No.19171017

You're a retarded hick.

>> No.19171029

Collard greens and everything greasy, meaty, sweet and salty

>> No.19171031
File: 83 KB, 600x600, shrimp and grits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of reasons to love the South if you're on a food and cooking board.

>> No.19171036

NTA but I enjoy
Fried catfish
Fried okra
Black eyed peas
hush puppies
Any form of bbq, pork, beef, alligator,frog leg
boiled peanuts

>> No.19171038

You should go to a BBQ town then. Charleston would probably be a better bet than Savannah but Savannah is still super cozy.

>> No.19171040

Where is the glass bottle coca cola?

>> No.19171053


>> No.19171064

Crammed so it's hard to see.

>> No.19171065
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neat thanks frens

>> No.19171090

I tell everybody online we all fly Rebel flags, only wear shoes to church, and hang minorities daily (twice on Sundays) in the hopes that Yankee fuckheads like you won’t move down here to vote like retards and drive our housing prices up. I’m glad to see it’s working.

>> No.19171095
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>garlic-fried peanuts
I'd be more than willing to try that. I do this with edamame beans all the time. I'm just worried because it looks like Pennywise made that stand.

>> No.19171789

you lost get over it

>> No.19171826
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>> No.19171926


>> No.19171928

Savannah has been negrofied. Go to orange Beach in Bama or Pensacola

>> No.19171939

WTF is that GRAPE JELLY on a hot dogs!

>> No.19171943


>> No.19171948

Family is big part of southern hospitality and being invited to a crawfish boil when I was a young man was an enjoyable experience.

>> No.19171954

don't keep saying that anon it's the house BBQ sauce that has lots of chunky oignons in it NONE OF IT IS GRAPE RELATED

>> No.19171960

they're pretty whack
but you can boil your own peanuts at home if you're really gung ho about it

>> No.19171961

why can't you make your own wings and buffalo sauce dumbass

>> No.19171967
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I'd say this is only partly true. Korean fried chicken is better than yank chicken. Also the second part only works wit itallian food, american pizza and pasta is better but for all others the original is usually better, chinese, japanese, indian, vietnamese, are all better in their respective countries than the yank take. Although tex mex is probably on par with actual mexican.

>> No.19172137

>speaking with these people
Anon, we know you don't do that.
Spring and fall are nice. Winter is mud and grayness season. Summer is just too fucking hot, the fact it doesn't even let off during the evening is what gets you. 5am-10am is your time to be outdoors basically.
Bait, only thing you defeated is bags of cheetos and bottles of soda.
It's a German food, south is full of kraut descendants. They just couldn't get angloids to pronounce schnitzel.

>> No.19172197


>> No.19172217

Burn Atlanta? That’s now chock-full of black people? Wow, racist much?

>> No.19172241
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Don't worry, they're actually disgusting.
Northcucks have to be the only people in the history of humanity who are still butthurt over a war they WON 150 years later.

>> No.19172246

Checked, redpilled, and based.

>> No.19172259

Nah that's not true at all. American sushi gets boring because a lot of it is fried and tastes the same. Japanese style sushi is better. Texmex is fine but it doesn't have shit on actual Mexican.
But other places that try to do American styled stuff can't cook it well

>> No.19172260


>> No.19172264

You mention the north won the war and every dixiecuck runs out of the woodwork to defend their losing side. Look at what that original post did.
The union did stop slavery, but dixiecucks can't work their own land because they're soft fags so they had to resort to kidnapping free blacks for a while. Then the government came down on that.
Feels good living in nature in the north where I don't have to worry about methed out truckers screaming down roads at 80mph while drinking Bud Light, the beer for pussies

>> No.19172271

The original post just asked why anons love the South. You're the one who went full schizo and brought up a war from the 19th Century. kys northcuck.

>> No.19172285

This is a peanut thread sir.

>> No.19172291

I’ve lived in several places across the midwest/northeast and recently moved south, here’s what I noticed
Small pockets of good food, generally better than the rural midwest. While some areas suffer from the American problem of only having mcdonalds, subway, or burger king in a 30 mile radius, there are often random southern style or barbecue restaurants, and they’re dirt cheap. Sit down places are half as expensive as the northeast and usually quite good. There’s still a plethora of “foreign” foods around the big city and really good asian food in certain parts of VA and NC
Holy shit they’re fucking fat. I thought the midwest was bad but no, you’re hard pressed to find a non overweight population and everyone over 50 is full blown obese. It’s sad.

They’re nicer than northeasterners, far less nice than midwesterners, but sometimes seem to carry an air of suspicion about them
So many blacks, and not segregated into their own areas as much as they are in other parts of the country

>> No.19172311

It isn't working. Prices are already going up. Wages in the south suck still for most sectors, hence the poverty. It's getting to be worse for the less well off southerners.

>> No.19172314

>why do you love the South?
Carolina-style BBQ.

>> No.19172371

Oh yeah and they’re all shit drivers

>> No.19172397

Because I don't feel threatened by fat people.

>> No.19172405
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>big bags of oranges and grapefruit all over
The real OGs know about Satsumas.

>> No.19172437

Thats what they get for creating delicious ebony thots.

>> No.19172989
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>Northcucks have to be the only people in the history of humanity who are still butthurt over a war they WON 150 years later.
This is because, as time goes by, the Confederate States of America has been continually vindicated as the USA becomes more aggressive and imperialistic abroad, and despotic and culturally poisonous at home. Northcucks have to continually justify to themselves why they killed 600,000 Americans to create the world we live in today.

>> No.19174265

hmmm… i dont know, ur frightened demeanour makes me think it’s something grape related

>> No.19174371

are you supposed to eat the shells?

>> No.19174539

What south?

>> No.19174649

Bless your hearts for thinking anything northern from SC is Southern.
Fucking yankees.

>> No.19174657
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based marse robert quoter

>> No.19174660

They are immensely disappointing. You have missed nothing.

>> No.19174717

Food is good most people are nice to your face but alot of that is they want your yankee money so basically whores
Lot's of stupid people that can't hold up a conversation in a bar
Lot's of sluts that are retarded wearing nothing and dirty

>> No.19175274

As a non-American, Yankee neuroticism is hilarious, yet disheartening. Bring up anything even tangentially related to the American South and hundreds of these insecure retards will crawl out and start spouting unfunny Reddit memes from years ago in unison. It would be funnier if it wasn't so predictable and it wasn't a sign of there being so many idiots still legitimately wishing death upon other people over a war from 150 years ago they had nothing to do with that everyone had already got over by 1900.

>> No.19175303

Despite the reputation, I have never met a nice southerner online, mostly because people who are obsessed with the southern identity are insane morons who spend all their time blogging about how gladly they would have gotten cannonballed in the chest over the local peanut picker's farming tools. Midwesterns are both humbler and nicer.

>> No.19175308

go outside, touch grass

>> No.19175315
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>> No.19175356

Someone's grouchy that they are beholden to U.S. sovereignty :^)