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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19164716 No.19164716 [Reply] [Original]

post a better burger
(protip: you can't)

>> No.19164718

Remove the lettuce and tomato, add a couple strips of bacon, then we'll talk.

>> No.19164723

Also, replace all that semen with a hearty buffalo sauce.

>> No.19164779

Don’t suffer these fools, anon. You have transcended this plane with your impeccable taste.

>> No.19164784

>lettuce, tomato, and sauce all on top

Yeah that shit is going to go flying when you squeeze it to take a bite.


>> No.19164830

Way too much mayo.

>> No.19164834

any burger without sauce is automatically better because sauce sucks.

>> No.19164845

>sauce sucks
how about I bust a fat nut on your face how about that

>> No.19164863

how about you quit being wrong.

>> No.19165051

>wilted ass lettuce
>tomatoes that make the burger all slidy
>boring af sauce
>no grilled or caramelized onions

The only thing good about this is the bun was toasted at least. 4/10

>> No.19165060

>muh smashburger
lol gay

>> No.19165074

How bout you felch my spunk, bottom bitch?

>> No.19165081

That shit's completely overcooked. If you're going to cook your burgers well done it doesn't really matter what else you do; you might as well just go to fucking McDonald's at that point. The only thing actually good about that burger is the lettuce, tomato, and sauce, but those should be on most burgers. And yes, they go on top of the patty. Just because your favorite e-celeb said to do it a certain way doesn't make it right. You're getting your opinions from clickbait and regurgitating them as though they're gospel.

>> No.19165108

if only there was a way to flip over the burger

>> No.19165109
File: 8 KB, 101x101, 1643186448573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a better burger

>> No.19165125

Seriously, how much of a gay twink sissy are you?

>> No.19165151

>no onion

>> No.19165332

how exactly does this moist burger too cooked

>> No.19165343

>moist burger
What the fuck? I guarantee you there isn't a hint of pink anywhere in those patties. I don't even know why that needs to be said.

>> No.19165348

You're a faggot and a retard if you like pink burgers, most people like a burger that is actually cooked. Also it's a thin burger so how would you even have it be pink without the outside also being pink?

>> No.19165358

>most people like a burger that is actually cooked
No shit. When did anyone ever suggest eating raw burger meat?
>it's a thin burger so how would you even have it be pink
You don't make it thin, retard. That's the entire point. Burgers like that are made for one thing, and that's to cook as fast as possible because they're served in fast food places or made by short order cooks.

>> No.19165359

bet you only like ketchup on it too lol

>> No.19165360

You did, pink burgers are not cooked.
Most fast "food" places serve medium sized burgers actually, and the point of a thin burger is to get it crispy

>> No.19165367

Not true, but if it were, relevance being?

>> No.19165377

that you sound like a whiny 9 year old so i assume you eat like one too

>> No.19165385

I'm not going to eat an "epic manly rare burger" so you don't sperg out

>> No.19165387

>cook burger rare, it's pink on the inside
>cook burger medium rare, it's pink on the inside
>cook burger medium, it's pink on the inside
>cook burger medium well, it's pink on the inside
>cook burger well done, it's not pink on the inside
Every fucking time.

>> No.19165393

It's not done, so it's not cooked

>> No.19165395

so you DO eat like a child. good to know

>> No.19165396

If it's done the way I wanted it cooked then yes, it's done.

>> No.19165398

You are the child, with your hipster undercooked burger.

>> No.19165402

It's not done though, there's no real difference between a "medium rare" burger and a burger that was pulled off the grill too early

>> No.19165406

Admit it, if you had a time machine to the 19th century to eat one of the earliest hamburgers, you'd shit on it

>> No.19165409

>there's no real difference between a "medium rare" burger and a burger that was pulled off the grill too early
If it was pulled too early then it's not medium rare. It's either rare or raw. I literally just listed 5 different ways to cook a burger - yours included - and now you're arguing that there's no difference between them?

>> No.19165417

A burger that was meant to be cooked but was pulled too early is the same as a burger meant to be rare

>> No.19165420

nah only children refuse to eat properly seasoned and cooked beef. well done and ketchup for babies like you.
and if you had a time machine, you would go to the future so you could have scotty beam a dildo directly into your gay ass

>> No.19165433

No. It depends entirely on how it was meant to be cooked. I just gave the example of a medium rare burger and said that if you pulled it too early it's either going to be rare, or still raw. Those aren't the same thing. You apparently only eat burgers if they're cooked well done, so for you a burger cooked medium rare would have been pulled too soon - but you're arguing that that would somehow make it rare. Are you starting to understand that you're misunderstanding something here?

>> No.19165438

yeah you should eat properly seasoned and cooked meat instead of pink burgers

>> No.19165444

Only children care about this shit

Go back to elementary school if you want to feel like a bigshot with your lunch tray

>> No.19165453
File: 9 KB, 296x296, 1670607249208573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posted a better burger
looks like I won

>> No.19165457

irrational fear of something you perceive to be undercooked and under seasoned is pretty standard nigger activity. would explain a lot about your opinions.

>> No.19165460

>eggs with mayo
>shitty unripe unseasoned tomatoes
>gross lettuce
>lack of grilled onions, no onions at all in fact
>over smashed, burgers in general should be medium rare but if you're going for a smashburger at least try to not make it completely flat
>no other condiment than mayo
>decent but not great cheese
>ok bun
>nothing special or new about it

>> No.19165468

It is undercooked, and you were the one who brought up seasoning so clearly you're the nigger. Pink burgering is an excuse to pull the burgers too early

>> No.19165474

*yawn* whatever, toby

>> No.19165478

Your burger has lettuce and tomatoes, pal, it was already a worse burger

>> No.19165499

But any burger that wasn't overcooked would be better, so you could post pretty much anything.

>> No.19165517

it's not overcooked

>> No.19165536

Well it's not your burger and you obviously don't cook, so I guess we'll never know.

Oh wait, we do know because you don't get a sear like that on a patty that thin without it being overcooked, dum dum.

>> No.19165542

I think people who insist on steakburgers have some kind of emotional barrier that prevents them from eating crispy beef
Like, they grew up poor or have an eating disorder
>noo! you can't cook the fat and water out of the ground beef, you're wasting the meat!
No, it's just crispy and tasty and there's always more meat

>> No.19165552

I cook all the time and if you think you can't have a burger that's crispy and not overcooked I think there might be something wrong with you

>> No.19165565

>if you think you can't have a burger that's crispy and not overcooked
Of course you can you ESL. You make the patty normal sized and don't "smash" it like a retard. That way you can get a good sear without turning the thing into a hocky puck.

>> No.19165568

So don't make the patty that thin. Where I work I smash the 6oz patties to get that sear on one side but you can still get done less than well.

>> No.19165574

It doesn't get tough because it's fatty ground beef that's not overworked
Stop overworking your beef
>t. esl

>> No.19165576

Not smashing a burger to make it thin is like not using a wheelbarrow to move a pile of stones

>> No.19165586

Yeah I don't get what the whole "thin burgers are tough" thing is about, never happened to me

>> No.19165587

>it doesn't get tough because it's fatty ground beef that's not overworked
Yes, that's how you make burgers. They still get dry when you overcook them, and smashing them into thin patties isn't going to change that.
But I'm moving stones around because I'm not a peasant?

>> No.19165589
File: 176 KB, 1125x1125, Burgers know burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19165595

*not moving stones around

>> No.19165604

Then you're using dry meat, cooking them doesn't make them dry
The meat should be 80/20 or 70/30
The dryness comes from overworking the meat or using too lean of meat to begin with

>> No.19165606
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>> No.19165608

>They still get dry when you overcook them
considering you have to basically cremate a burger to overcook it, and the burger in OP's pic is clearly moist..
Why would you not want to thin burgers out in a less retarded way

>> No.19165612

>the meat should be 80/20 or 70/30
Why are you even bringing this up? Everyone here who didn't learn how to cook from some youtube channel last month knows how burgers are made.

>> No.19165616

>the burger in OP's pic is clearly moist
Based on what? That it looks greasy? That's not moist. The meat is going to be grey and dry and have a shitty texture.

>> No.19165628

Based on it not being dry.
>That it looks greasy
What exactly do you think the moisture in a burger is?

>> No.19165633

Okay, you've officially gone full retard at this point.

>> No.19165639

Because this faggot is bitching about dry meat

>> No.19165666

>nooooo! stop bitching about dry meat!
>i've eaten dry meat my entire life and i'm perfectly fine
>i didn't know that meat contains moisture
>first world problems!

>> No.19165678

Those patties are way too thin.

>> No.19165682

I'm SalisburySteakAuPoivreAnon
Smashburgers are good you should try one sometime and enjoy it
Get over your steakburger problem, ground beef is not that expensive even today

>> No.19165698

I have had smashburgers. They're fine. I also eat fast food burgers sometimes and those are fine too. But you'd have to be crazy to think that those are the best way to have burgers. And your salisbury steak was still moist because you added binders that help retain moisture, and those aren't used in burgers, but you already know that.

>> No.19165701

Also, what the fuck is a "steakburger"? That's not a word people use.

>> No.19165702

What do you think the moisture in a burger is anon?

>> No.19165706

What do you think moisture is?

>> No.19165710

It's the fat in a burger, melted.

>> No.19165714

Do you shower in rendered burger fat?

>> No.19165715

I'm the full retard?

>> No.19165717

I asked you to define moisture and you said burger fat.

>> No.19165746

in the context of burgers

>> No.19165749

Typically a 5-6 oz patty or larger, cooked mid-rare
Usually the type of patty used for "black and blue" burgers

>> No.19165750

If I was repeating your question back to you I would have repeated your question back to you.

>> No.19165766

my mouth is small, so I gotta suck dicks in a row

>> No.19165769

>5-6 oz patty, cooked mid-rare
That's just an average sized patty, cooked mid-rare. And isn't a black and blue burger stuffed? Maybe this just isn't a term I've heard before, but I'm not understanding how a how an average mid-rare burger and a stuffed burger are called the same thing, especially when stuffed burgers are often cooked past mid-rare.

>> No.19165785

>burger is clearly moist
>insists on it being dry

>> No.19165819

>crusty, greasy smash burger
no thanks, I'd prefer a regular burger with size and texture pls

>> No.19165838

There is no moisture in that burger, anon. You're conflating being dry with being tough, and it's not tough because there are things giving that effect other than moisture, which is long gone. As the other anon mentioned, those other things are typically fat and not overworking the meat. When the fat renders it doesn't add moisture to the burger - fat is not wet; water and fat do not mix - but what it does do is creates pockets in the patty that make it even easier to chew. It's kind of like how a ball of dough turns into a soft piece of bread when a leavening agent produces gas and creates air pockets, but instead of being puffed up with air and getting bigger when it cooks, a burger gets smaller BECAUSE IT IS LOSING MOISTURE.

>> No.19165841

if you look at a dry burger there is going to be barely any fat in it

>> No.19165854

You're be using the same fatty meat and not overworking it whether you're making smash burgers or regular burgers; it's not an alternative. You can absolutely have a tough and dry burger made with 70/30 beef, because the fat also renders as it is cooked.

>> No.19165859
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you negros are really enthusiastic about burgers

>> No.19165892
File: 708 KB, 3811x2125, hamburgers in hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are serious business.

>> No.19165895
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>> No.19165917
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1619395824334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That burger would be perfectly fine if they actually got a good sear on it. Then it would just be a blue burger, and the meat wouldn't be falling all over the place.

This is straight up part of a big smashburger disinfo campaign. They were doing fine for awhile relying on viral marketing and heavily edited instagram pictures, but they know the fad is passing and all the young kids are moving on to the next thing like they always do. The problem is that the only thing they have left to sell you on smashburgers is the sear, and how it's "crispy". Of course any proper burger is seared, but they don't want you to realize that, so they post propaganda like this.

>> No.19165923

imagine looking at this pink juice dripping burger that looks like it had maybe 5 seconds total of cooking time and thinking
>wait a minute, where's the sear!!! that's the problem with this burger

>> No.19165932

But the sear is the only thing smashburger agents ever look at. You can't claim it's the most important thing in one case and irrelevant in the other. That's the slight of hand.

>> No.19166022


>> No.19166042

Are the smashburger agents in the room with you right now?

>> No.19166043

>the fat also renders as it is cooked
If you've ever cooked on a gas grill you would be aware of this, because it often causes flareups. But it should also be noted that the fat is going to leave a thin patty faster than a regular one, the same way the moisture will. The reason smashburgers so often appear to be shiny and "moist" is because they are cooked on a flattop, which doesn't have grates, so there is nowhere for the fat to go. What was being called a "clearly moist" burger is actually dry, but appears wet because it is glistening in a coat of its own fat.

>> No.19166051

No, they only exist on the internet - like people who wont eat pineapple on pizza.

>> No.19166056

I had thin burgers that were moist, it's over for you

>> No.19166067

>i ate a greasy burger one time that was covered in way too much cheese and doused in sauce and it was moist
Oh shit, looks like you got me.

>> No.19166081

There was no cheese or sauce on it, cope again

>> No.19166100

Well I guess it doesn't matter what I say then because you're just going to deny that's what happened. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and providing a possible explanation, when I could have just as easily ignored you after you failed to mention how your uncle works for Nintendo.

>> No.19166106

Is a burger story really that hard to believe? When did you stop taking your pills?

>> No.19166181

Anon, there are many different things that happen to a piece of meat when you apply heat to it, and those often differ depending on the type of meat. A number of different things happen at the same rate, which is why you can tell the doneness of a steak by temping it, cutting it open, or just touching it if you're experienced. The nice thing is that if you take a steak off when it reaches the desired temperature you know it's going to look the way a steak is supposed to look at that temperature.

Similarly, you can tell when a piece of chicken is done when there is no pink left in the middle. That is the point where it becomes safe to eat - or "cooked" as anon kept repeating above - but will still be moist. Many people overcook chicken because the recommended temp is much higher, and they never understand what they did wrong and why their chicken is always so tough.

Going back to beef again, if you cook it to the point where there's no more color left inside it is not going to be moist anymore. That's just how beef works. No more pink; no more moisture. If you've ever had to cook a well-done steak and got too impatient to let it rest, you might have noticed that there weren't any juices running out like there usually would be. (On a side note, I have a feeling this is why a lot of people don't think resting meat makes any difference; because they always cook it all the way through so there's no moisture left to run out.

>> No.19166184

Too tall. Gross sauce slathered on.

>> No.19166195

Then why is my burger with no pink moist?

>> No.19166200

If it's not one of the half a dozen things already mentioned, I have no idea.

>> No.19166362

oh my god dude now i get it. i hate eating bergers in public because im worried about making a mess when things spill out but now thanks to you i know that that's just because i like anal so much

>> No.19166388

If the good don't make me ss, it ain't good

>> No.19166409
File: 233 KB, 704x530, 1625443329256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big muff diver who enjoys every so often a bit of rincky up old faithful, but I get really self conscious eating burgers with fried eggs on them in public. I could look like a complete bum, but something about getting yolk in your facial hair and nobody telling you makes me neurotic.

>> No.19166413

smash and make the smashburger agents into smashburgers

>> No.19166420

>having facial hair, enough that food gets stuck in it
post your scraggly pube face, fucko

>> No.19166427

>I'm a big muff diver who enjoys every so often a bit of rincky up old faithful
transbian detected

>> No.19166436

>scraggly pube face
Damn, I was already thinking this before I got past the first line of your post. Nice projection. Having facial hair doesn't make everyone look like a middle schooler like it does with you, or maybe whatever "soy leddit hipster" bearded thing you might be imagining. I'm more like Burt Reynolds with the body of a skinnyfat silverback.

>> No.19166479
File: 53 KB, 300x250, co300x250-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres this octopus plush ad that shows these crazy hamburgers

>> No.19166499

Well, it used to mean a patty made from minced or ground steak, like strip, then over time people started using a mix of steak and chuck, and now it's pretty much always ground beef, unless you're at a steakhouse or you make it yourself

>> No.19166505
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>> No.19166540
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>> No.19166622

I don't know, anon. I feel like it's always just been a marketing term for burgers ground in house. While a place putting on the menu that they grind their own meat already sounds like a big step up, calling it a "steak burger" really makes it sound high quality.

But it's not like any place has ever taken actual steaks and run them through a grinder. Even if they list the cuts they're made from, they're using scraps from breaking down primals and portioning steaks, not the steaks themselves. Even if you've never stepped foot in a professional kitchen, it just doesn't make sense looking at a menu and seeing a $14 sirloin burger on the same page as a $22 8oz sirloin steak and thinking someone took one of those steaks and put in the extra labor to serve it for significantly less.

At the end of the day I guess it doesn't really matter since it's still the same meat, just with more of the fat and sinew (and as you said, they're likely cutting the scraps with a cheaper cut. I just think it's a misleading name, and makes people think it's something much more special than just being a way to use up product they can't sell as steak. I used to work at a place where we made the kids sliders from tenderloin and whatever fat we had at the time. We never put on the menu that they were filet "steak burgers", but that's just kind of how it works.

>> No.19167405

So basically anytime someone says something that makes you uncomfortable because you didn't understand it, you just call them a tranny? Even if they weren't talking to you?

Does that sound about right?

>> No.19167438

A few years ago it was nothing but SMASH BURGERS: THE BEST BURGER OF ALL TIME? and now it's Oklahoma burger everywhere. What will be the next flavor of the month?

>> No.19167465

it's like a 100 year old term that nobody uses anymore

>> No.19167467

>I feel like it's always just been a marketing term for burgers ground in house.
Oh, for sure, and it's always been trimmings
But ground beef is also trimmings
Now "steakburger" just means a fat/tall hamburger that you can cook to rare if you wanted
Hamburger typically is a 3-4 oz patty that is cooked mid-well
Smashburger is a 2.5-3 oz patty that is fried crispy, and one is not enough to make a meal sandwich
A single patty smashburger is good for a snack, or with a hot dog or something else like fried cheese curd or onyo ring

But a real steakburger is actually quite nice, even if that's not what's marketed

I've made meatloaf with steak, that was kino

>> No.19167474

^this guy gets it

>> No.19167502

Do you really see any of this shit irl? Because I actually go outside, and have a small number of friends, and travel quite a bit, and eat out with people more than I'd like to, and I've never seen any of this. As far as I can tell this is all just an online thing, or an occasional pop-up in Venice beach or the East Village where trust fund influencers can take photos to post on instagram for clickbait sites and youtubers to make a buck off.

>> No.19167514

>hamburger typically is a 3-4 oz patty that is cooked mid-well
I actually thought you weren't just pulling shit out of your ass up until this point. If you're going to bait you should at least wait towards the end before you make it obvious you're just fucking with people.

>> No.19167766

>Do you really see any of this shit irl?
No I'm talking about youtube trends, smash burgers were the big thing for a while but lately somebody had the revolutionary idea of adding onions to it.

>> No.19168067
File: 498 KB, 1707x2560, IMG_4151-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon goat cheese burger with caramelized onions. You can't beat this, don't even try. Now concede to me, and validate my superior post.

>> No.19168070

Bacon in burgers sucks

>> No.19168078

>goat cheese
cringe and small brown

>> No.19168085

Absolutely not, goat cheese is GOAT when it's been slightly heated and loosend up. Butter up the bun with just a little butter and it's taste heaven. The flavor is mmph.

>> No.19168591

>remove tomato
>add onion
>add beetroot

>> No.19168610

If you need to turn your burger upside-down then it's not a good burger

>> No.19168813

Holy shit the amount of cope here.

>> No.19168854
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>> No.19168913
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just made a burger very similar to this. 2x 85g of beef is just too fucking much. the meat overpowers everything else. it was a 170g dry aged patty that I made 2 patties from.
I still have another one so I'll try 2x 67g tomorrow and only add cheese and onions. the tomatoes made it too tall and a fucking mess to eat. no burger should need a plate

>> No.19168942

I'm not, most people take a pound of beef and make four patties

>> No.19169413

Of course a quarter pound patty will make a hamburger, but that's not the definition. I don't even think that's the norm. The bigger issue is your suggestion that somehow a hamburger has to be cooked medium well, which I also don't think is the norm. Just because you do something a certain way and that's what you picture when you think of a hamburger does make that the definition of a hamburger.

>> No.19169440

I'm not telling you how to make your burgers, friend, I'm just recognizing some industry standards
smashburger 2.5-3oz
hamburger 4oz
premium burger 5-6oz
gimmick burger 8oz and up

>> No.19169471
File: 241 KB, 640x472, cripes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute cope. there is no man in the world that looks good with facial hair. it is disgusting, no woman likes it, other men will think you're a slob and you are a slob because only a fat lazy slob would refuse to take the time to shave their face pubes

>> No.19169485

I have a full beard, women and Marines ask me if they can pet it all the time

>> No.19169491

Just because you can only grow face pubes and it makes you look like you're still going through puberty doesn't mean the same applies to everyone. Most people can grow actual facial hair.

>> No.19169504
File: 234 KB, 600x450, 1658548214354841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh. you still look a homeless hairy monkey with a rag on your face that nobody likes. when I see a man in public who did not shave I automatically filter him from my perception of "human being". women joke among themselves about how awful their husbands/boyfriends shitty beards look. men who regularly shave are just more evolved specimens of humanity with better hygiene and decorum, which is the leading thing that makes a man since we got out of caves

>> No.19169519

You could replace "facial hair" with "being uncircumscribed" and everything you wrote would be a lot more accurate. Do you also shave your head pubes? And your arm pubes?

>> No.19169526

your foreskin isn't supposed to be cut off. but a beard can be shaved with no injury provided you're not retarded. sorry your parents mutilated you at birth anon, that's fucked up and i wouldnt wish it on anybody. clearly your beard is an attempt to salvage the one piece of your manhood left.

>> No.19169537

>your foreskin isn't supposed to be cut off
Nothing is "supposed" to be anything, retard. Do you think people are "supposed" to wear clothes?

>> No.19169550

They don't make them anymore, because the owner retired and sold his business to penny pinching Asians, but the Wayne burger is the ultimate cheeseburger and made Wayne a small fortune in the middle of nowhere, Utah.

>> No.19169561

Of course I can't, proper burger pics are Webp format.

>> No.19169562
File: 248 KB, 1440x1440, not a smash burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19169615

what kind of asians? SEA? what do they do differently?

>> No.19169648

>perfect bun
>perfectly juicy meat
>cheese is under-melted
>wouldn't put bacon on it because it kinda ruins the flavor/balance
>3 thick patties are stupid
nobody could eat that without cutting in in smaller pieces which defeats the whole purpose of a burger

>> No.19169779

I'd be keen for that honestly...

>> No.19170293
File: 1.30 MB, 4928x3264, 1403277771964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*mogs your burger*
heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.19170309
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>> No.19170835
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your move..

>> No.19170846

Barf. I move away from the table to avoid that.

>> No.19170998

burgerime. youre welcome. uppity bish

>> No.19171108
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>there is no man in the world that looks good with facial hair

>> No.19171117

alright but where's it from?

>> No.19171122
File: 408 KB, 2400x1600, oklahoma-onion-burger-041322-TOH-13-ADedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this thing does look tasty as hell. Would try one if I knew where to go Lol

>> No.19171230
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Oof that Oklahoma burger be poppin'

>> No.19171786

obese pre diabetic low T

>> No.19172077


there we go, people finally wised up and posted the goat burger

rest of yall clear out

>> No.19172232
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This burger is almost perfect minus the order and the fully intact lettuce and lack of onions (and possibly pickles). The correct order (from the bottom) is:

>bottom bun
>burger sauce
>shredded lettuce
>tomato (seasoned with s&p)
>raw onion (rehydrated onions are acceptable, however if using those, they go on before the tomato directly on the patty)
>burger sauce
>top bun

This is the only correct way to enjoy a smash burger besides just burger sauce and nothing else.
All other answers are wrong.

>> No.19172238

this is one of the faggiest threads on 4channel rn (right now)

>> No.19172580


>> No.19172895

Idk what happened but everywhere covers their burgers in this watery cum sauce now, it tastes alright but it covers your face and pools up in a giant puddle over whatever you're eating
I hate it

>> No.19172905
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>> No.19173540

Heart attack grill style burger

>> No.19174026

i immediately thought of mike adriano

>> No.19174102

who has a mouth that big?

>> No.19174135

>brown hands typed this post
Asking for something "well done" doesn't actually mean they did a good job cooking it.

>> No.19174165
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For me it’s the King Yetty

>> No.19174175

Tomatoes are only good on a hamburger when they are fresh from the garden, because they are just so good. If it's a store bought tomato, please remove it. Lettuce is good for texture contrast. But, shredded is superior, because it doesn't cause the burger to slide. Other than that, that's my preferred burger. Thin crusty patties. American cheese. A little lettuce, and some sauce. Wallah!

>> No.19174248

Get help, anon.

>> No.19174251

kill yourself already

>> No.19174273
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>If it's a store bought tomato, please remove it
the trick is to buy small cherry tomatoes only. much more expensive but those are the only tomatoes that still taste like tomatoes and not like flavorless water

>> No.19174407

Where's the pineapple? Where's the beetroot? Into the trash it goes

>> No.19175403
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>Where's the pineapple?
it's not a pizza

>> No.19175437


>> No.19175480

Ok but whats the burger sauce

>> No.19175577

I hate mayo, ketchup and mustard

>> No.19177281

are you a mentally ill vegan roastie?

>> No.19178267
File: 136 KB, 1200x800, butterburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proportions are fucked. Learn to make a burger.

>> No.19178560

>that bun
opinion discarded

>> No.19178606

thats like the silicone tits of burgers

>> No.19178688

Culvers has good patties and nice buns but that's it. They literally put cold slices of cheese on the burger. Also, they never look like that, that's just the heavily photoshopped advertisement photo.