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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19164958 No.19164958 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

The comfy edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, drink anything shitty lately?

Previous thread: >>19155465 #

>> No.19164964

i had shitty gas station coffee today

>> No.19164966

Cancel Italians

>> No.19164973
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Looks like I can use an aeropress filter in my moka

>> No.19164983

God I fucking love coffee

>> No.19165005
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Friendly reminder that if you opt for any coffee that isn't espresso or americano, you don't actually like the taste of coffee and are just larping to look sophisticated. If you ha e to put a shitload of sugar and dairy into your beverage to be able to choke it down, it probably just isn't suited to your palette. Just order that chocolate milkshake for breakfast that everybody already knows you actually wanted all along. I promise you, you will look and feel less silly.

>> No.19165014

Americano is just a shitty approximation of immersion brewing, drink your espresso as-is or brew with a French press or something if you want it less concentrated.

Italians are the niggers of Europe, stop burning the shit out of your beans Giuseppe.

>> No.19165022

Why would he do this?

>> No.19165028

Re: static nigga

The spoon trick works fine but if you get yourself one of these and just give your beans a quick mist before you toss them in the grinder it works great, nice little workflow improvement.


>> No.19165030

>tolerating any silt at all

>> No.19165039
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>Caffè Americano is a type of coffee drink prepared by diluting an espresso with hot water
you want some coffee with that water, nigger?

>> No.19165048 [DELETED] 
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If you dont drink french press you dont like coffee, you like gear faggotry and naked portafilter tiktoks.. the scientifically best method of extracting coffee costs 30€, cleans up quicker than any other method and takes zero counter space. No plastics touch your water or coffee, no filters to run out of and no acupuncture needles, bean garglin or other paraphernalia required. Just immerse

>> No.19165050
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You know coffee itself is just water right

>> No.19165055
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If you dont drink french press you dont like coffee, you like gear faggotry and naked portafilter tiktoks.. the scientifically best method of extracting coffee costs 30€, cleans up quicker than any other method and takes zero counter space. No plastics touch your water or coffee, no filters to run out of and no acupuncture needles, bean garglin or other paraphernalia required. Just immerse

>> No.19165070
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, immersionbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19165088

yeh so why the fuck are you adding 3x more of the stuff to dilute the coffee you fucking poofter

>> No.19165091

Pour over is better

>> No.19165094

>gear faggotry
a french press is just a fancy bucket with an overly complicated filter.

>> No.19165106

>cleans up quicker than any other method
Are you an actual retard? In what world is it quicker or easier to get all the grounds out of a french press, clean off the screen, disassemble and clean all the parts, and reassemble than it is to just toss out a filter paper and wash a cone?

>> No.19165118

>there are real ass retarded niggas in this world who would rather argue about which brew method is "best" and only drink that instead of learning them all and switching it up based on their mood on any given day

What a sad boring existence

>> No.19165124

>run it under cold water 10 sec
Done, enjoy dealing with a wet bag full of grounds

>> No.19165135


>> No.19165145

Nta but pretty sure there was an implied "except for aeropress ofc" here
>switching it up based on their mood on any given day

>> No.19165148

>run it under cold water 10 sec
enjoy your rancid filter you disgusting loser.

>> No.19165156

Its spotless, have you ever owned a press?

>> No.19165163

>Its spotless
>it looks clean therefore it is!
fucking moron

>> No.19165167
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>Its spotless

>> No.19165168

>cold water
>to clean off coffee oils
Low quality bait

>> No.19165170

I sterilize it in hot coffee every day, enjoy going through life scared of your own shadow. Bet you aeropress too without any worries because you run it through the dishwasher 2 times per day so it doesnt go rancid

>> No.19165174

And yet I still respect him more than mokaposters. Life is funny.

>> No.19165178

What do you mean by disassemble? A quality french press is 2 parts and they come apart by pulling very lightly. Im starting to think none of you own a french press and just have a vague mental image that its messy and difficult

>> No.19165181

I like moka pots, they make tasty coffee.

>> No.19165180

>"hot" = sterile

>> No.19165186

my moka goffee > your moka "coffee"
simple as.

>> No.19165195
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>A quality french press is 2 parts
sure thing champ
sounds like you have never actually cleaned your press before.

>> No.19165196
File: 49 KB, 690x460, DisassembledAndSoapy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your french press retard.

>> No.19165206

Alright, Ill have a closer look tonight and see if I can find some grime or coffee oils and will clean it with soap if thats the case. No point in being stubborn. But admit you dont have to and shouldnt do this everytime

>> No.19165220

when i clean my moka pot i use soap and a sponge and if i wipe with like a paper towel after i can still find a bit of coffee oils even though it looks spotless.
so every other week i take a couple hours at night to manually deep clean every mm of it.
its hard work but its worth it to me.

>> No.19165222
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You have a large surface area of steel mesh, coated in a hydrophobic plant fat that rapidly oxidizes and spoils. Clean your french press retard. Clean all your coffee shit. You can rinse and wipe pourover cones before anything dries because they're smooth. Thats not happening with mesh.

>> No.19165226

Just put it in the dishwasher it's stainless steel ffs

>> No.19165229

this is bait

>> No.19165249

I've dishwashered my French presses for the past 20 years, Anon
They won't melt

>> No.19165252
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I just agreed to disassemble it and clean it like private pile but dont push it, if you say these oils are so bad then you should clean your pourover filter just as meticulously. If you think oil sticks more to metal than plastic I have bad news for you, now go scrub your cone

>> No.19165253

>go one click coarser on my grind
>coffee has 0 flavour
>absolutely nothing
>not even the flavour of the water

>> No.19165295

I brew in glass or porcelain fired at 2750f for 12 hours. Don't get uppity greasy.

>> No.19165303

>clean your pourover filter
anon the filter is paper, you just throw it out when you are done.

>> No.19165306

>provides zero details

>> No.19165388

Hoffmeme method
Light roasted blend
Commandante C2 grinder
On my previous grind setting I was getting brew times of around 3:20 and the flavour left something to be desired
Went one click finer and literally all flavour is gone from the cup

>> No.19165410

>Hoffmeme method
>Light roasted blend
>Commandante C2 grinder
well there's your problem

>> No.19165423

You're about 38 Cs off. Its a c40. Are you talking about a Timemore C2?

>> No.19165432

Yes. I have no idea why I said comandante

>> No.19165463

If you're going to try and sound smart, at least learn the difference between a wooden board painters keep colors on and the upper part of the human mouth as well as how to spell both words.

>> No.19165481

I feel like these threads are a fair bit more active than usual

>> No.19165487

they're pretty much the same tbqh

>> No.19165524

You have a shitty grinder. No getting around that. You could try to get a finer adjustment disc printed, but you're better off with a better grinder. If you listen to hoffmann's immersion vs pourover video
>If you are stuck with a grind that is not suited for your pourover method though, brewing it with an immersion brew is likely to yield better results.
Why even post?

>> No.19165546
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>removing the seasoning

>> No.19165553


>> No.19165563

I have a problem with my moka and I can't solve it, I've been struggling since when I bought it (1+ week).
So basically it's a stainless steel pot I bought because the Bialetti aluminium pot I had before broke, and since day 1 I can't make it use all the water in the boiler so it yields me incorrect amounts of coffee in the upper chamber.

The instruction manual says to fill it with water and submerge the safety valve for half, then it says to use the lower flame possible because the lower the flame the better the coffee will be.

My problem is that if I use a low flame the pot struggles to put coffee out, it goes slow and it suddenly stops, then it resumes but at some point it gives up and starts gurgling and shooting out a lot of steam from the chimney, no other coffee comes out.

I never press the coffee, it's ground coffee so it's not too fine, I fill the basket and remove the excess so it's perfectly leveled and flat.

The only way the pot works is by using a medium flame, higher than what I would normally use (with the Bialetti I used the lowest flame possible ultra low), and then all the coffee gets out but it gets out faster and there's just the usual touch of water left in the boiler, but then again the flame is too high and it gurgles a lot even if I immediately remove the pot from the flame when it's finished.

Is it normal with stainless steel pots? Is my pot faulty or does it have problems?

I'm livid, I now have anxiety when I make coffee and this thing costed me 125$...

>> No.19165566

This is the only coffee this has happened with. I've had good cups from different beans, I've never experienced or even heard anyone mention a complete lack of flavour

>> No.19165572


>> No.19165575
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Put in dishwashe one time per weak. Don't listen to vaxxmaxxers. The merchant hates the french press.

>> No.19165590

So go back to the setting where it tasted alright and change something else. Agitate more, pour higher etc. Stop doing the stupid swirl and get a small spoon or chopstick in there.

>> No.19165596

I know how to use my moka, the problem is with this one I bought. A lot of water stays in and I don't know why.

>> No.19165597

eat shit?

>> No.19165611

Unless you are the guy arguing that plastic is so much easier to clean, I wasnt talking to you sit back down porcelain girl

Nice counterargument rancid cone boy

>> No.19165640

>A lot of water stays in and I don't know why.
Sounds like you're overfilling it
Watch the video

>> No.19165641
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>tfw already into astrology
Really helped me recognize french press is peak brew

>> No.19165643

Overfilling with water or with coffee?

>watch the video

Already did, maybe I'm retarded.

>> No.19165662
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Nowhere did I say plastic is easier to clean retard. I told you a (nonporous) cone can be quickly wiped out. Mesh cannot. Turns out you can't just wipe out porous ceramic drippers either, so they require more careful cleaning. I'm really not sure why I'm expecting any common sense out of a bozo who is just now learning french press filters unscrew, but here we are.

>> No.19165669

>Mesh cannot.
I beg to differ.

>> No.19165742

Are you saying metql is porous now? I find it hard to see any actual point to your argument? Are you just sayingplastic and ceramic cones are harder to clean than metal and glass? Guess what a french press is made of? You have the exact same view as me but still find a way to be salty

>> No.19165772
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Jesus christ you're retarded. Polished steel wipes off real easily. 150μm mesh screen doesn't. This isn't hard to grasp. Stick with your dirty press.

>> No.19165808
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Comming back to you goffee posse for some enlightenment. The sugar actually hides the robusta taste and makes it a tasty cup.
Although I have a low sugar diet and seldom eat sugar it tasted good.
Was 18g/36g in 25s. Measured the sugar 3.9g.
Some anon suggested pana or brown sugar. Will try brown sugar next time and report back.
Do you suggest equivalent weight in brown sugar or should it be adjusted? Also my brown sugar is not certified Lavazza.
Pana is pushing it.

>> No.19165831

Have you tried just using milk? It's a bit sweet and it's a bitter blocker.

>> No.19165839

Use maple syrup instead of sugar, it's way healtier.

>> No.19165864

>Have you tried just using milk?
Yes i have. >>19145237 >>19137650

I don't have maple syrup. Also it influences drink too much.

>> No.19165880

you sound like a power bottom

>> No.19165889

Does not surprise me you are the caitposter. source for your mesh claims? (That 150um is somehow relevant for molecular interactions I mean, its pretty wild so warrants backing up)

>> No.19165925

Get fucked.

>> No.19165933
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>> No.19165939

I bet your aeropress is borosilicate too

>> No.19166149
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Damn french press brew truly feels great.
NO oils filtered.

>> No.19166241
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>> No.19166261
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>> No.19166345

imagine the smell

>> No.19166348
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Instant? *sigh*

>> No.19166367

why is there a roll of toilet paper lmfao. lol . anyways tell us the taste

>> No.19166537

paper towels idiot

smells like coffee with cacao overtones.

>> No.19166548

That's 100% toilet roll

>> No.19166554

when I opened and smelled it, I thought it had chocolate in it.

one of the least bitter coffee's I have ever tried. chocolate smell did not translate in to the finished product, but I drink it cold with milk so...

>> No.19166704

i feel so insecure ordering esspresso and americano but i honestly hate milky coffee it's gross and i hate that in coffee shops the norm, in my experience, is a white coffee of some description

>> No.19166720

he doesnt use toilet roll in toilet, therefore its in the kitchen.

>> No.19166772

paper towel idiot

>> No.19166811

I use a cuppa worth of instant and half a packet of swiss miss pour boiling water and its yummy mocha :)

>> No.19166816

>The instruction manual says
throw that shit out, it was written by italians which means it is inherently wrong.
you should not be using all the water in the bottom.
for a 6 cup moka the optimal yield should be between 150ml and 160ml,

fill the bottom up to the bottom of the pressure valve(do not cover the pressure valve with water) with boiling water right from the kettle
you need to start at max temp on the smallest burner(you better have gas i swear to god)
then when coffee fills to the point you can no longer see the metal bottom of the upper chamber you turn the heat to min
when the coffee reaches halfway to the bottom of the pouring spout you turn the heat off completely, there should be no sputtering or gurgling or any thing.

this is the correct method.
also if you are buying just random ground coffee there is a good chance that it is simply too fine for the moka pot. the moka pot needs slightly coarser grind size than espresso.
if you use less than 6 cups you disgust me but you should be able to adapt these instructions to scale up or down.
hope this helps :)

>> No.19166824

you can beg all you like faggot but you can't wipe clean mesh at all
>but the surface looks clean therefore all of it must be clean!

>> No.19166831

miss me with that gay shit

>> No.19166836

>Also it influences drink too much.
use panela
it is pure, healthier than every other sweetener and doesnt influence the taste of the coffee at all
but if the panela costs you less than $100 per kilo its trash.

>> No.19166851

i never go to a cafe because i can make better coffee at home and if i do order coffee at a cafe if im too far away from home and need a coffee i just order a latte because i dont trust them to make anything else and i dont want an espresso made with shit beans by some mouth breather doing no puck prep.

>> No.19166859

He's a lost cause.

>> No.19166866
File: 45 KB, 522x522, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /ctg/ I really like good coffee so i'm looking to move away from the kirkland k-cups. are there any better brand of k-cups I should look for? thanks

>> No.19166873

no, can't get better than that

>> No.19167151

Got my Flair Neo Flex and made my first cup of espresso today. I really have no idea how I did, but it tasted pretty good and looked pretty good, and definitely had espresso-y characteristics from my limited experience with that.
The whole process was really easy, although I had to apply more force to the lever than I was expecting.

>> No.19167161
File: 52 KB, 1000x666, 7c3a15_20d5ee47f0ad439e961a95a94baedademv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a pressure gauge?

>> No.19167165

No, not yet! I thought I'd learn how to use it without one first, but I'll probably grab one soon

>> No.19167232

idk i just blast all that shit in the sink and it seems to work out just fine

>> No.19167328

I definitely think my grind size was too fine, my first shot was grind size 14 on my Baratza Encore ESP and I think clearly needed too much force. I tried 15 and that still felt too hard. I'll try to dial it in more tomorrow.

>> No.19167397

Noooo you cant clean mesh! Pls stop im about to cry, samefag and call you a bozo to back up this claim

>> No.19167433

Stop posting, start scrubbing.

>> No.19167483

if you are not using an ultrasonic cleaner your filters are not actually clean.
no amount of scrubbing or rinsing or soaking will clean as well as an ultrasonic cleaner can clean in a fraction of the time.

>> No.19167559

I mean you are correct but this is also irrelevant for kitchen equipment. You scrub until they look clean and nothing more comes off and it wont affect your future cooking with it. This is not surgical equipment or telescope mirrors, dish soap and a brush is enough to clean your utensils dont get weird about it

>> No.19167590

>run it under cold water 10 sec
>Done, enjoy dealing with a wet bag full of grounds

>> No.19167609

>you have to use a uv cleaner to brew french press so pourover is superior
I dont have anything rude to tell you that is worse than what you are doing to yourself with this level of take

>> No.19167649

You should probably wipe more too.

>> No.19167656

Your water should be boiling when you fill the chamber, when you put it on the stove you can crank the heat a bit to get the brew started but as soon as you see it start to come through you want to drop it as low as you can while keeping a steady stream of coffee coming out, you want to avoid having it come out in spurts, it should be a slow steady stream. The slower and gentler the stream is the better your brew will be, faster is worse here. Depending on how low your stove's flame goes you might need to pull the pot so it's only partially over the flame and potentially do some temp surfing to keep the flow rate steady.

It's normal for there to be water left in the bottom when the brew finishes, a moka pot works by boiling the water in the pressurized chamber and the steam forms at the top of the chamber, forcing the water below it up through the funnel's tube and through the coffee bed. If you somehow managed to get all of the water up through the tube, you'd also be allowing steam to pass through the coffee bed which you don't want (this is why you want to avoid letting your brew go past the stage where it starts to sputter, that means the water level in the bottom chamber is too low to prevent steam from escaping). As soon as you start to see any signs of steam coming through the tube you need to drop the temperature by running cool water over the outside of the base.

tl;dr: your pot isn't defective, your technique is

>> No.19167681

If you dont uv clean your ass you are basically a caveman. Wipes only work on smooth materials like your brain

>> No.19167683

Nigger, it's about surface area, number of parts, and places that oil/solids can collect. A cone (which can be made of plastic, porcelain, glass, or yes even metal) has a smooth surface that be easily rinsed and have a sponge run over it, and it's a single piece with no seams or anywhere for things to collect. A french press's filter alone is at minimum 3 pieces stacked on top of each other, one of which is a fine metal mesh with a shitton of surface area and tiny holes for shit to get stuck in. The areas between the pieces can easily collect oils and sediment and can't be cleaned effectively without disassembling. And that's not even mentioning the rod that the filter is attached to which is threaded at the end (more small spaces for stuff to collect in), the screw collar that basically every model has to hold the filter assembly in place which is a small metal tube with more threads inside, and the carafe itself which is the easiest part of the whole thing to clean, but by number of items to be cleaned alone you're looking at what would commonly be 6 times as much work to clean vs just wiping down a cone with a sponge and rinsing it, and that's completely disregarding the fact that you have to either scoop the ground out of the bottom manually to throw them out or rinse them out into your sink, collect them, and dispose of them as opposed to walking over to the trash can, dumping the filter paper full of grounds out, and being done with it.

Your brain is defective if you think people are arguing about which brewing vessel is easier to clean based on how material properties affect the amount of work needed to remove coffee oils from the surface.

>> No.19167691

Correct, you should be blasting your asshole with uv rays for at least 6 hours a day or you're disgusting. Please leave and do not return until you have ass cancer to prove that you are clean.

>> No.19167735

Gross you use a sponge? Those things are bacteria central you know, so much surface area you cant imagine

>> No.19167760

Don't bother he's retarded.

>> No.19167784

>you can rinse your french press and be good to go
>actually if you arent using a uv cleaner you are retarded
No further comment

>> No.19167792

>2 hours of manual cleaning
>2 hours of ultrasonic cleaning
>storing the object in a rotating UV cleaning chamber between uses

>> No.19167852
File: 12 KB, 185x300, s-l300 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking this instant for the last few months, imo, the best coffee I've ever had.

>> No.19167885

if i can't call soy milk "milk" the you shouldn't be allowed to call instant "coffee". it's dirt.

>> No.19167891


Starbucks calls its brown water coffee. Just cause it's instant doesn't make it shit.

>> No.19167912


I retract that statement, instant coffee is not as good as proper coffee but it's all I can afford right now so I'm very pro instant

>> No.19167950

I need some tips for making some good iced coffee.
What's the best way to approach doing this in your opinions? I've tried brewing coffee and then freezing them in coffee cubes like if I was doing ice cubes, then putting those in milk with a bit of sugar.
Or should I just brew lots of coffee, mix some milk and sugar and store?

>> No.19167954

cold brew

>> No.19167959

I just pour my moka pot into a cup full of ice and get an iced americano

>> No.19167981

i just did the james hoffman method a few minutes ago. brew a regular cup of coffee but with only 60% of the water you'd usually use, weigh out ice for the last 40%, pour cobbee over ice and drink
turned out pretty good

>> No.19167998
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No good coffee ever came from an aluminium capsule..

>> No.19168048


>> No.19168064

>As soon as you start to see any signs of steam coming through the tube you need to drop the temperature by running cool water over the outside of the base.
I don't get this shit. Why run it to the tap to cool it? Just pour the coffee in your mug!

>> No.19168076

to stop the brew.
there is unwanted gross coffee in the basket and in the funnel if you pour before you cool down the base that unwanted coffee will be poured out and ruin the taste of the good coffee.
i mean its literally 5 seconds of cold water or you can prepare a bowl or some kind of vessel to hold cold water that the base can be submerged in if you dont want to waste water.
i have been thinking about inventing some form of robot that instantly disconnects the base from the top so no water or cooling necessary but im just missing a small loan of 15 million dollars.
there is also the issue of [redacted] causing coffee to be [redacted] like a bomb permanently disfiguring the user.

>> No.19168095

>5 seconds of cold water
So for 5sec (+getting to the water) you are still collecting bad coffee. I instead of pour immediately, in like 3 sec, and don't care about a bit of shit coffee still brewing after the pour. That will get cleaned anyway.
I doubt you could tell any difference but it still seems like such an unnecessary step to me and I wonder why it gets pushed so hard. Moka is supposed to be simple. There are reasonable improvements to the manual that I agree with (hot water in base, grind size, etc.) but the running to the tap seems whack to me.

>> No.19168103

>you are still collecting bad coffee.
anon the coffee should have stopped coming out of the funnel at this point.
plus for me i have a bucket of cold water in my sink ready, so i just turn around, submerge in entire base for 20 seconds and then pour my coffee.
im not saying you need to do what i do to the letter but stopping the reaction is necessary.
while cooling down the base you can literally hear the reaction in the base slowly get calmer until it is silent.
this is when you know any reaction has stopped and it is time to pour.
i submerge mine for so long so when i take it out the base is cool enough to touch to the second im done pouring i can unscrew it and start cleaning right away
the coffee is still far too hot to drink at this point so dont worry about cooling down the coffee itself.

>> No.19168141

>but stopping the reaction is necessary.
I don't think so, depending on the situation.
I pour the coffee quickly, right over the hob. Condensed steam and sputter can accumulate as the moka pot cools down on its own, doesn't matter as I won't drink it. I will then clean the pot and my mug after finishing my coffee.
You clean it right away so of course it makes sense to cool it.
What irks me is that all the youtube channels and this general argue that cooling the pot is necessary to get good coffee. My sink is 2m from the hob, by the time I reach it the coffee could already be in the mug, separated from condensate and sputter that continues while I get over there.
I think it's perfectly fine if you want to clean right after or if you want to serve it in the pot. But I argue that just pouring right away gets you to the same goal, coffee without steam condensate and sputter.

>> No.19168152

>I don't think so
you are wrong.
this isn't a discussion or debate
this is experts telling you what you do to get the best possible result from a moka pot, if you dont like it or dont want to do it thats fine, have subpar coffee.
but dont sit there and say its not necessary when you literally have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

>> No.19168164

Why do you post with that attitude? He explained in clear terms that he doesnt drink the last coffee anyway so it cant effect his coffee. Dont call yourself an expert if you cant even read lol

>> No.19168181

>Why do you post with that attitude
>Only pain no gain.
He's an expert he gets a few perks.

>> No.19168223

>asks how to fix his shitty moka coffee
>have multiple people including me tell him exactly what to do to get great coffee with a moka pot
>argues he doesnt need to do some of the steps because "he's really fast"
he gets the attitude he deserves.
im more than happy to help people here get better results with their moka pot but not if they are going to act like they know better when they literally can't even make 1 good cup of coffee with the fucking thing and come here begging for help.

>> No.19168238

Tastes like soap

>> No.19168244

i love coffee so much bros

>> No.19168261

If you were an expert you could explain to him why what hes doing doesnt work, e.g. how the remains in the moka pot can effect the flavour of the cup he already poured. Childish attitude isnt really the mark of an expert

>> No.19168270

Shut up woman !

>> No.19168300

is James Hoffman gay?
If he is I won't be able to watch his videos anymore. too discusting

>> No.19168323

He's got a wife. He's just very metrosexual

>> No.19168329

They are plastic and filled with the perfect amount of coffee so you don't have to measure anything.

>> No.19168336

hes also very british(gay)

>> No.19168347

i wondered that as well

>> No.19168380

Aeropress gang?

>> No.19168435

I drink the cheapest shit the commissary puts on the shelves
still better than Maxwell House.
Maxwell House should be punishable by death

>> No.19168520

What do you guys think about the starbucks olive oil drinks that are making people shit themselves?

>> No.19168522

Have not tried it nor plan to.

>> No.19168526

nobody will be talking about them in a year

>> No.19168531

I can shit myself without having to pay Starbucks $10 for the privilege.

>> No.19168974

If I lower the flame the stream simply interrupts until I raise it again to medium level.
Today I made coffee and the first layer of coffee came out then everything stopped for whatever the fuck reason, I raised the flame and it started coming out again but it wasn’t a continuous flow, it looked like the coffee has difficulties exiting.

I added 18 grams of coffee in the basket (3 cups moka) so it wasn’t overfilled.

Maybe it’s time to call the customer support

>> No.19169125

For me it's the dirty French press.

>> No.19169540
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Getting to be springtime here in Burgerland, what are your favorite Japanese style "brewed over ice" methods? I like a cold coffee when it's warmer out

>> No.19169734

Get a better stove, or a better brain

>> No.19170074

Show us a pic of your coffee in the basket.

>> No.19170106

Spiced cowboy coffee

Boil it, steep it. Let the spices aromate. Simmer it.

Try it
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't.
Take a bite of those spicy grounds and really appreciate it.

>> No.19170219

How can i really appreciate spiced cowboy coffee?

>> No.19170300

By the effort that goes in to making it precisely how you want it, being thankful you can make coffee without a 2 hundred dollar piece of equipment. By not feeling the need to be elitist in thinking, and by not having someone else do it for you for monetary exchange.
And for the simple fact of trial and error of playing with what ideas you receive in making it your own.
Also when it's really spicy it can double as a bowel cleanse.

Overall, just being grateful you can use the resources available and never really needing more or being SAD when you don't have one particular thing!
"Ooooh you're out of this?! Let me talk to a manager"
Simple things.

>> No.19170335
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Thank you for elaborating. Pretty based tbqh.

>> No.19171273

It's how they did it for all of history bro. Ain't my idea. I'm just looking at things from a perspective of modernity and spirituality. It's easy to take advantage of things, and even take it for granted but in the scheme if things you have what you have and we must be thankful and grateful to God who gives us the experience in life, even if at times our selfishness, which isn't from God, makes our inconveniences seemingly tragic.
Being content with what one has in life is just an expression of humbleness that we aught to have just out of humility.
That being said, if your hobby is making coffee nobody can judge you for doing it fancy or lazy. There is more to life than the things that we Do but we should be glad to be able to do it at all.
That being said, my initial post is pretty judgmental. Pardon me for my hypocrisy.

>> No.19171281

Did you add anything to it? How was it?

Pick up any gas station snacks as well or just the coffee?

>> No.19171444
File: 484 KB, 1880x2288, IMG_20230417_081519~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heirloom washed ethiopian from washed french press this morning. Im about to sip

>> No.19171456

I prefer a natural process french press.

>> No.19171467

I keep my natty press for natty beans, the synergy is important

>> No.19171481

why even bother.

>> No.19171501

Ok I like this one a lot. Cinnamon, toffee, bergamot and I think the roast level contributed well to enhance those flavours. It was roasted a bit more than I expected and when they came out the bag they looked almost medium but I see why beanman dis it this way, good on him

>> No.19171506

>those fingers
z reviews is that you?
>bodum instead of kruve

>> No.19171521
File: 85 KB, 1024x683, ionbeam_08_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>z reviews is that you
You guys see the newest memery? Comes out friday for 150 us cuckles.

>> No.19171533

>chad droplet of water vs virgin ion beam
also doesnt this still mean there is static inside the grinder meaning retention?
if this was somehow built into the the grinder and affected each stage of the grinder than idk maybe? but this is peak reddit.

>> No.19171536
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lmao what the hell is this company

>> No.19171557

It would depend where you mount it but yeah.
>if this was somehow built into the the grinder
Thats the gimmick of the ode v2 and df83v2. Df83 has a retrofit kit for it now, acaia's is grinder agnostic.
They make shit for cafes. Those are for a single dosing cafe to ensure their wagies are efficient and not fucking up. Spit out exactly 18g of beans as fast as you can put a dixie cup under it with no room for user error.

>> No.19171965
File: 521 KB, 3168x2427, 20230417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the spoon out

That makes it worse...

>> No.19171976

finally got my goffee order
it was delayed because of easter
so the roaster went on break for a week and then they dont ship on public holidays so i got these beans like 2 weeks late.
1 ethiopian natty and 1 honduras honey.
feels good.
getting some heavy apricot and pineapple on the natty.
very easy to grind, nice large beans. decent amount of chaff.

>> No.19172168

What's the recommended roast level for cold brew? One local recently sells cheap espresso blend bags but I normally brew light to medium-light.

>> No.19172233

I like the canned coffee from ucc, his do I make something similar at home? Can I just add a bunch of creamer and sugar to french press and chill it?

>> No.19172380

This, I make sure to only order specialty coffee that tastes of chocolate to dab on the mocha fags

>> No.19172476

When is the Hoff uploading a new video I need to consoom

>> No.19172501

Would ctg hate me if i admitted to pressing the 10oz hot water button on my Keurig and adding Taster's Choice to it? Thats my coffee every morning.

>> No.19172557

I fucking love mochas bros.

>> No.19172685

Are there any good subscription coffee services or are they all omega gay?

>> No.19172808
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Are Hario grinders as bad as people say? I've heard they may grind the plastic insides into the coffee at times

>> No.19172832

they are the same quality as the 10 dollars no brand grinders, no reason to buy them, same goes for the bialetti grinders

>> No.19172838

Then what grinder is good for a picopresso?

>> No.19172843
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Weber SG-1

>> No.19172850

I have like a $50 budget after a machine.

>> No.19172900

Just get a neo and use some shitty blade one till you get a job

>> No.19172927
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Drip tray, more like sip tray am I right?

>> No.19172932
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>> No.19172936

Put $50 more in and get a decent grinder instead of something that sucks, moron.

>> No.19172940

I can put 50 bucks in like six months, now I'm stuck with a machine that can't make coffee. Nice, fuck me.

>> No.19172944

Honestly you're going to regret a $50 or under grinder and end up buying a more expensive one later. Sorry but you seem to be fucked.

>> No.19172951

Regardless I was going to be without coffee it seems, a grinder without machine or machine without grinder.

>> No.19172980

Kingrinder k1 is $56 after the amazon coupon. Thats going to be your best option that cheap. 38mm clone of the italmill burr the in the old Kinu M38 and new Knock Aergrind.

>> No.19173107

Because the coffee shop makes shit espresso to begin with. Does anyone make americanos at home?

>> No.19173133
File: 654 KB, 724x613, 1675451938361366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would i make an americano?

>> No.19173138

It was a rhetorical question, I don't think anyone does. It's more you gotta dilute the shitty coffee shop espresso type of thing.

>> No.19173150

I've been pulling "modern" 1:6-1:10 ratios this last week. I don't know if that still counts as an americano but they're fucking delicious. Wafo says you can go as far up at 1:20 on their baskets but I don't have the water debit to do that.

>> No.19173152
File: 1.08 MB, 711x1066, 1678425567120496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you order an americano?

>> No.19173346
File: 70 KB, 960x960, GB6yKNorEtCa3ZeBH1BYQHxu5Ijzgpgrcme32qH9Li5=slg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No talkie, time for goffie

>> No.19173484

Its sad there are no high quality weeb grinders desu

>> No.19173516

Does it make me an asshole to let the barista know my drink was served in a dusty glass, or am I just autistic

>> No.19173524
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Was it served in a dusty glass or are you just autistic ?

>> No.19173555

thank you for your contribution.

>> No.19173587

It looked like the glass was upside down on an open shelf for 1 week or more, with some on the rim. visible coating

>> No.19173614
File: 398 KB, 572x447, 1663524222105515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glass was upside down

>> No.19173618


>> No.19173634

Never heard the plastic thing, but they're shit grinders anyway.

>> No.19173845

mommy got me some arabica blend from a local roaster. i'm grateful of course but holy shit it's burnt as fuck, way to ruin beans with a more delicate flavour like arabica
traditional italian roasters really can't into coffee

>> No.19174533

>as fast as you can put a dixie cup under it with no room for user error.
OK hoffmann

>> No.19174575
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>> No.19174630

As you can see, you can't make espresso manually. Only machines allowed. Also dolce gusto is a viable option

>> No.19174644
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>> No.19174780

I wish there was something like this that took standard 58 mm portafilters.

>> No.19174786

>What's the recommended roast level for cold brew? One local recently sells cheap espresso blend bags but I normally brew light to medium-light.

Also wondering this. I bought a cold-brew maker with a super fine screen, almost looks like cheesecloth. It's touted as not letting many grounds into the brew. Well I used espresso ground cafe bustelo, and grounds def got through. I'm looking for a good tasting coffee with a coarser roast for cold brew. What's a good brand? Or what type of coffee should I look for?

>> No.19174795

i could fix her

>> No.19174809
File: 1.53 MB, 1932x648, Robot57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the robot uses dumb proprietary shit the flair 58x is probably as close as you'll get. I don't really understand why the guy would redesign a babyfae and not fix any of the issues from the 60s.

>> No.19174876


>> No.19175002

Robots filter is genious though, keepa heat transfer to a minimum with the rest of the device so you only need to preheat the basket itself

>> No.19175060

There's nothing to fix

>> No.19175063
File: 91 KB, 919x592, 13485_robot_temperature_tests.png .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People did tests, you lose heat if you don't preheat the piston

>> No.19175157
File: 574 KB, 250x179, 2023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which country grows the best coffee beans?

>> No.19175197

you can really taste the oppression

>> No.19175209

Where is the basket preheat line? That would track basket + piston line (blue). Graph made by Flair shills and dishonest

>> No.19175212


>> No.19175504

The look is much better but I can get three Flairs for this.

>> No.19175534

i think i would like to see a flair with this style of lever.

>> No.19175542

lol the 1k machine espresso looks absolutely disgusting. The Coffee Jack clearly doesn't make espresso, just strong coffee, but it looks drinkable.

>> No.19175559

The powder coating and all the fit and finish looks more professional on the Robot. I don't get "repurposed bike pump" thoughts when I see it.

>> No.19175616

Which machine is Thunderfoot using? The Nespresso blows away the other depressing shots in that video.

>> No.19175632
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What's the deal with 70 buck espressomachines?

>> No.19175648

im hoffing so hard right now

>> No.19175650

Kinda like asking "what's the deal with $100 laptops?"
They're trash.

>> No.19175658
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The Hoff has gone too far this time

>> No.19175662


>> No.19175663

But why is it trash? I just want to know where the difference is. I'm not saying "just the name is 1000 bucks lol scam". If the temp and pressure is correctly controlled then where does it go wrong?

>> No.19175665

i love dirty coffee out of a dirty coffee machine

dirty coffee machine coffee

i believe i will have 1200mg of caffeine today

>> No.19175672

>If the temp and pressure is correctly controlled
for under $500 it isnt.
honestly it can still be shit up to $1000 until things get actually consistent enough to not complain about.

>> No.19175679

Okay. The makers claim to have all kinds of pcb and circuits to make sure everything is correct so that's just shit talk.

>> No.19175682
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>pcb and circuits to make sure everything is correct

>> No.19175686
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>> No.19175704
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what milk does /ck/ use in their black coffee?

>> No.19175705

sure go ahead and buy a $100 espresso machine and tell us how it went.
just watch these and shut up

>> No.19175712

I don't think anon is saying it's good, just telling you what the marketing blurb claimed.

>> No.19175714

Usually none. When I fuck up and make something unpleasant I drown it in dairy milk.

>> No.19175715

I, too, prefer my caffeinated beverage from a well seasoned pot.

>> No.19175718

10 ml lactose free full cream cows milk
microwaved for 10 seconds so it doesnt cool down the coffee much
can do it on the stove too but for 10 ml its just not worth the hassle

>> No.19175719

how are you brewing?

>> No.19175721

>10 ml
so precise. are you measuring it? for medical reasons? you intrigue me.

>> No.19175725

v60 usually. If I visit my mom and forget to bring my grinder then I drink turkish, which I usually like with some milk no matter how I prepare it.

>> No.19175728

let's talk more about ur mum. do you have any pics?

>> No.19175737

Not half as many as I do of your mom.

>> No.19175746
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>no u

>> No.19175748
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>> No.19175749


>i just have to have the final word!

>> No.19175758

yes i put my cup on digital scales and then measure 10ml
no reason other than its enough milk to get the job done without overpowering the coffee.
coffee is usually too thin for my preferences so just a bit of milk makes the liquid drinking experience purely from a mouth feel perspective more enjoyable.
also while i am lactose intolerant lactose free milk is naturally sweeter and adds a creamy sweetness without adding sugar.
i also enjoy making milk foam but i foam it so far that its like meringue and i just scoop about 30 ml of that and gently place it on top of my otherwise black coffee. so its like having the best of black coffee and milk foam, and the foam is very stable so i drink all my coffee and the foam never mixes with the coffee unless i manually mix it so when i drink all the coffee i then mix the foam up in the bottom of the cup and i have lovely sweet/coffee flavored creamy textured foam.
also the foam on top keeps the coffee hot while i clean up the kitchen.
my whole process is very enjoyable and therapeutic, great way to start or end the day.

>> No.19175769

do you brush your teeth before or after you indulge in coffee?

>> No.19175773

Is there a best place to buy good single origins (and blends) online that doesnt rape you in prices or shipping? Ive run out and I want to get more. I always buy local roaster stuff and would like to try stuff online from other states/countries

>> No.19175779

my local roasters all have delivery but unless you're here in melbourne (.au) then you're shit out of luck

go local

>> No.19175798

Are there any effects of shaking cold brew in a mason jar?
I currently have a bunch of grounds in a mason jar on my desk, and have been just vigorously shaking it.

>> No.19175805

alcohol free mouthwash then shower then prep for what i need to do that day then drinking filtered water then i start the coffee process
i would say there is a good hour and a half between mouthwash and drinking coffee
and i asked my dentist what i should do after i drink coffee and he said just drink water and use it like i would mouthwash and then wait an hour to brush because the acidity of the coffee can weaken the enamel so brushing can be bad or something idk, but when your dentist says to do something its probably a good idea to just do it.
but i also am heavily addicted to chewing gum so after im done with my coffee and breakfast and i have washed my mouth and then brushed an hour later i stick a whole pack of gun into my mouth and chew that until i have lunch.
i go through about 3-5 packs of gum per day.
for me its wrigley's extra, sugar free peppermint flavor. every other flavor tastes like actual trash to me.
i try to make sure to stop chewing gum and to cleanse my mouth an hour or so before drinking coffee.
its also not because im like an ex smoker( know thats a common reason to be addicted to gum), its mostly stress and i am schizophrenic and the constant chewing keeps my mind focused on the real world and not my hallucinations.
every time i try to cut back my life is increasingly filled with hallucinations and insomnia.

>> No.19175808

unless you enjoy shaking it, then yes :).

>> No.19175820

well my life has significantly improved since taking brexpiprazole for my schizophrenia. so much so that i can 420 blaze it without suffering from (too much) paranoia.

your dentist is correct but i still have my morning coffees with breakfast before i shower and brush my teeth, and my teeth are browning with age. (idc tho because i'm well endowed)

chewing all of that gum must give you a strong jaw

>> No.19175830

I've observed that it turned into 3 distinct levels.
From the top:
light brown substance
and grounds.
I've taken this to the next level, and am trying to immersion blend the brew, this exagerated the 3 layers, and smaller grounds float to the top. I think this will require some extra filtering later.

>> No.19175838

i aint taking meds
no way no how, i just cant go down that road again.
i been there and i just cant do it again thats all ill say.
yeh my jaw is pretty sore at the end of the day but like in a good way, like how your muscles feel after a nice workout, not painful or tight but thoroughly worked.

>> No.19175839

friendly reminder that my coffee is better than your coffee

>> No.19175840

friendly reminder that my goffee is better than your coffee

>> No.19175842

friendly reminder that my mum is better at sex than ur mum

>> No.19175866


>> No.19175889

>coffee is thin
The struggles of a filter beta. You should immerse in a well seasoned press

>> No.19175904

I said that preheating the basket is enough
>posts a graph validating that claim
Take the meds anon

>> No.19175961

You're never going to buy one anyway poorfag. Just like the mokaautist will never buy an hg-1.

>> No.19176433

Anybody roast their own beans? Where do you buy your unroasted from? Do you have much luck with local distributors?

>> No.19176437
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>i aint taking meds
Can you elaborate a bit more?
I'm curious about this power.

>> No.19176460
File: 493 KB, 1728x3072, signal-2023-04-18-210929_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I started using the Aeropress filters and so far I noticed that using them *seem* to solve the issue because the flow is now even, it's slow and the right amount of coffee gets in the cup, more or less.

The only thing that I don't understand if it's ok is that the coffee is foamy, here's a video to show the extraction:


>> No.19176464


Ps. the video is 2x fast

>> No.19176467


>> No.19176519

Is it correct though?

I have to check the leftover water but it looks like an acceptable level of coffee, it's variable and I don't know why. :'(

I love/hate this moka.

>> No.19176524

Since my coop shut down I've been buying 1-5lbs from
Most of their good shit seems to come from Royal so I'm looking at snagging a few of these once my stash gets a bit more depleted.

>> No.19176552

your coffee has rabies

>> No.19176571


>> No.19176577

it's foamy and animals with rabies will foam from their mouth

>> No.19176601

I see. :D

Is that amount of foam normal?

>> No.19176606

it looks like the heat is too high because the flow rate is so fast but the video is fast so idk wtf bro but something isn't right

>> No.19176630
File: 233 KB, 846x924, tragedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal speed video:


>> No.19176637

what kind of moka pot is that? it looks like maybe there's some trickery going on to give the illusion of more crema and it's making your coffee a bit foamy. or perhaps the pipe on the funnel doesn't go low enough so it's getting a of of oxygen bubbles but it just appear more bubbly and aerated than my moka coffee.

>> No.19176640
File: 772 KB, 1380x687, 1664264740943138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's crema. Aeropress filter must've helped build at least 6 bar pressure.

>> No.19176649

It's the one in this picture >>19176640 a "Giannina 3/1 restyling" by Giannini.

Without the aeropress filter I have literally 0 crema and less coffee, with the filter the magic happens.

If it's correct then I'll just keep using them since they're inexpensive and also clean the cup from coffee grains.

>> No.19176662

>at least 6 bar pressure
Theres no chance.

>> No.19176681

Moka pots safety valves are usually rated at around 3 bar

>> No.19176698
File: 1.16 MB, 855x790, 1658627816612018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> C R E M A

>> No.19176702
File: 103 KB, 907x870, design fault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've decided that your product is faulty by design

>> No.19176709


>> No.19176717

you'd need a lot pressure to brew with that funnel and the reducer acts as an aerator

but it's expensive and shiny!

>> No.19176718

Hope you're not filtering the oils there geezer
You have to season it like a french press. Then no need for filter.

>> No.19176728

Bialetti mokas are ~1.5bar. Brikkas are slightly higher but still way under 3.

>> No.19176739

which is why the safety release valve is set for 3 bar. you just qualified the post you're responding to.

>> No.19176746
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Well anon, I'm buying an 1Zpresso JX Pro S and start grinding my beans for moka so I can experiment (I've been using pre ground coffee since now).
The problem I have been experiencing was non constant flow, it interrupted during brewing randomly, and gurgling with no more coffee exiting with a lot of water inside the bottom part. The filter helped me in this regard.

Fucking moka I swear, with the bialetti it was 100x times simpler.

>it's expensive and shiny


>> No.19176752

>no more coffee exiting with a lot of water inside the bottom
apply more heat

>> No.19176784

Is it more useful to know the pressure the moka brews at, or the pressure the moka doesn't brew at?

>> No.19176794

brew pressure isn't the topic here so i don't know why you're talking about bre pressure. why are you talking about brew pressure bro?

>> No.19176821

Noone mentioned safety valves schizo. We're talking about brew pressure and its effects on "crema".
>Aeropress filter must've helped build at least 6 bar pressure.

>> No.19176827

Yes, the point of my post is that is impossible by design.

>> No.19176831

>maybe if i move the goal posts then nobody will notice

no, faggot. you claimed that anon's moka pot was making 6 bars of pressure and anon pointed out that taet safety release valve was rated much lower than that.

you should probably just kys now.

>> No.19176832

Yes, I figured that it's the solution although the heat is way too higher than what it used to be with the aluminium moka.

Maybe it's ok like this with thick stainless steel, idk it's what I'm trying to figure out since 11 days when I bought it.

The instruction booklet says to use the lowest flame possible though, by doing this nothing happens.

>> No.19176839

>the heat is way too higher than what it used to be with the aluminium moka
>different metals have different heat conductivity characteristics!

>> No.19176846

>The instruction booklet says to use the lowest flame possible
because they don't want to get sued if you blow yourself up

>> No.19176857

You're posting in a 4chan coffee general. I just saw this scrolling the main page, and I'm like "anyone participating in these generals should kill themselves". Do you think anyone in here is actually a coffee expert? It's like any other 4chan obsession, you post the most accessible common knowledge about coffee and every anon will call you wrong. That's how all this stuff works.

>> No.19176863

>still moving goal posts while adding diversionary tactics
just admit that you're wrong and apologize to anon already

>> No.19176871

No faggot, my response is the first one to the 6bartard. The response immediately following mine is useless. Is it more useful to know Bialetti mokas brew pressure, or the pressure when they stop brewing?
>On the other hand, the Moka uses a pressure of about 1.5 bars.

>> No.19176876

You're responding to a completely different anon schizo. Take a break. Sip some decaf.

>> No.19176877

>Is it more useful to know Bialetti mokas brew pressure, or the pressure when they stop brewing?
a good barista will know both

have you kys yet?

>> No.19176885

If you're going to a cafe that uses mokas, run.

>> No.19176900

you must think the people working at starbucks are real baristas then. there is no hope for you.

>> No.19176920

No, I just understand barista is a job title. There's no reason for someone preparing coffee in a commercial environment to know anything about a moka. Making an old fashioned in your kitchen doesn't make you a bartender.

>> No.19176921 [DELETED] 

you must think the people working (ie.pushing buttons) at starbucks are real baristas then. there is no hope for you.

>> No.19176927

>I just understand barista is a job title
is "artist" a job title too?

>> No.19176982
File: 170 KB, 1011x940, 274835166_802341620724356_530584268436826063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do artists, both commercial and freelance file taxes? Yes. Is the faggot making moka with a rok grinder getting paid? No. He's not a barista.
Thats what the word denotes. One who serves coffee commercially. Making your boyfriend a postcoital cup doesn't make you a barista. The fat retard working from a van pressing buttons is a barista.

>> No.19177000

what if i complete a full training course and become a qualified barista but i don't $ELL my espressos to make money like the greedy capitalist american jew that you obviously are?

>> No.19177035
File: 77 KB, 640x961, Young-BKK-Barista-Sells-Moka-Pot-Coffee-On-Her-Vespa-Fulfills-Dream-Of-Owning-A-Cafe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even have to take a course. This bangkokian serving moka commercially from her vespa is a barista. I really fucking doubt she knows how much pressure her valves trip under. Cooking for yourself doesn't make you a chef.

>> No.19177047

>You don't even have to take a course.
>Cooking for yourself doesn't make you a chef.
you're contradicting yourself, while moving goal posts again. are you really this mad?

>> No.19177078

Have you really gone this long thinking all chefs are required to go to culinary school? Gordon Ramsay has a community college degree in hotel management and learned how to cook on the job. Heston Blumenthal is entirely self taught. Its a job title.

>> No.19177103

>maybe if i avoid the question and move the goal posts again then nobody will notice

>Aeropress filter must've helped build at least 6 bar pressure
incorrect because >>19176681
>Moka pots safety valves are usually rated at around 3 bar
tell me again why we're talking about gordon ramsay?

>> No.19177129

I'm guessing you just realized chefs and baristas don't require any formal training and are now embarrassed so you're backtracking.

>> No.19177137


>maybe i STILL insist on moving goal posts then i won't look retarded
guess again

>> No.19177148

>baristas don't require any formal training
i'm a barista without "formal" (goal post #1) training even though i trained myself.

the longer i converse with you the more brain cells i lose so goodbye

>> No.19177170

Were you a barista before someone started paying you?

>> No.19177173


>> No.19177178

>now i want to talk about you!

>> No.19177185
File: 8 KB, 590x184, barista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah thats not how it works.

>> No.19177187


>did you complete your course before getting the job?
yes. that's how it works.

>thats not how it works.
goodbye brain cells!

>> No.19177192

I made a dalgona off of tiktok once. I'm a barista too!

>> No.19177195


it's another "every job must be a paying position" episode!

>> No.19177196

i made a sex tape with ur mum so technically i'm a porn star

>> No.19177205
File: 10 KB, 679x219, jobber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically how it works. I volunteer at a special needs coffee forum. Its not a job though.

>> No.19177210

when my family come to visit me it's my job to make them coffee

>> No.19177221
File: 38 KB, 636x318, i can't believe i had to do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177224

Thats a task retard.

>> No.19177231

what is a job if not a task? retarder.

>> No.19177247

Apparently jobs are hobbies in the ESL world of coffee.
>especially one that is paid

>> No.19177251

do i need to look up and screenshot the definition of "especially"?

>> No.19177258


holy shit

>> No.19177265

>baristas don't require any formal training
>jobs are hobbies in the ESL world of coffee
you're addicted to contradicting yourself

>> No.19177269

Are you a hobbiest lexicographer too? People get paid to edit those definitions.

>> No.19177279

>People get paid
why are american jews obsessed with making money?

>> No.19177289
File: 17 KB, 615x321, especiallyretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by
>over all others

>> No.19177294

they mean others, anon.


>> No.19177305

>used to single out one situation over all others
>especially one that is paid
And they say american educations are trash.

>> No.19177312

you're so mad now that you're rambling incoherently

>> No.19177317

pretty sure you just admitted to being an american jew

>> No.19177342 [DELETED] 

Shalom fellow merchant. May the goyim buy many expensive coffee trinkets.

>> No.19177403

It might look that way to the illiterate.

>> No.19177414

>anon's moka pot makes 6 bar of pressure while the safety release valve is rated at 3 bar and you don't need to be trained to be a barista because gordon ramsay or something

>> No.19177437

Again for the illiterate. 6baraeropressfilteranon isn't me. These are my two responses to that, before some other anon went off about starbucks and baristas pressing buttons. Try reading.

>> No.19177445

your mother's a whore

>> No.19177453

Your mother passed on bad genes.

>> No.19177467

that's right. she passed (declined) your offer of sex and she's not the first and won't be the last

>> No.19177477

She must have had enough trouble raising the first tard. Poor woman. You should pretend to be a barista and make her a moka.

>> No.19177484

what does my mum have to do with gordon ramsay?

>> No.19177495

He fucked her in the mouth while working for Marco Pierre White.

>> No.19177500

i'm impressed. go mum!

>> No.19177515


>> No.19177540

You're going to have to ask a selftrained and uncertified barista.

>> No.19177542

because no one uses cold brew?

>> No.19177547

you need to ask gordon raMSY THE UNQUALIFIED CHEF

>> No.19177571

Mummy never taught me how to read the King's English.

>> No.19177575

because whores don't have an education

>> No.19177598

The educated ones are typically escorts. Your mum is just a dumb slag.

>> No.19177620

6 bar minimum though

>> No.19177645

I'm giving her way more than 87 psi.

>> No.19177655

Is there something stopping you from finding out yourself? And you get back to us so we all know you know?

>> No.19177663

I buy $100 laptops without an OS the upgrade stock ram and into to a pcie hdd.
What's the espresso set up for me?

>> No.19177666

>pcie hdd

>> No.19177696

With an aeropress filter it gets up to 6 bars. Enough for some nice crema. >>19176630

>> No.19177795

We were talking about new not used

>> No.19177815

I didn't know you could buy anything new with one hundred inflation bux.

>> No.19177827


>> No.19178027

i consume alot of caffeine
but im very tall and it seems to have almost no affect on me.
like my sister is very small and like 50 ml of moka coffee in the morning and she's amped the whole day.
for me i have 900 ml a day and i still feel like i cant keep my eyes open after 5pm.

>> No.19178047

i exclusively drink moka goffee.
i have never had french press, pour over or drip or aeropiss.
i didnt say it was objectively thin, i meant that it was subjectively thin for me because i prefer thick drinks.
if my coffee could be like a thickshake and still taste like the coffee im making then i would.

>> No.19179060

What is the cheapest espresso machine that is actually viable option? Beside flair, it's not available in my country and the shipping is almost equal to the price