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19159794 No.19159794 [Reply] [Original]

I just keep feeding it, I don't think i'll ever try to make bread with it. seems too hard.

>> No.19159843

you should start an onlyfans

>> No.19159879
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Nice, you have a pet, or more like a few million of them. Keep feeding it until it becomes sentient and overflows the city like an Akira monster.

>> No.19159919

What happens if I sneak in a bit of that starter on my passed out or sleeping girlfriend's pussy?

>> No.19159921

what is that? yeast?

>> No.19159941

yeast for ants

>> No.19159945

women are fucking disgusting what difference would it make

>> No.19160687
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1235678765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what difference would it make
a pussy with a yeast infection or a pussy without one, that's the difference you hypermongoloid.

>> No.19160695
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>> No.19160868
File: 31 KB, 767x305, mcmaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I do with starter
>Add a lot more flour this time
>wait couple hours, add 2% salt, churn the fuck out of it
>make a tucked ball, set it on a dash of krupczatka or semolina to rest in some closed >space like under a plastic bowl
>Heat up pan to low, with whatever fat you use
>salt the pan just before and drop in the dough, flatten into pancake with spatula or oiled up finger
>cover with lid immediately
>flip after 4 minutes, spread tomato sauce, grated cheese and salami
quickly cover again
>turn off heat after 3 minutes, wait another 4 with lid off
Almost like a normie pizza, but less effort and washing than basically anything. Bonus points if you juggle the vessels to have as little as possible to wash

>> No.19160885

here's a protip virgin, they always have yeast infections

>> No.19160890

PS Oh yeah, and use high protein flour, at least for the last time.

>> No.19161088

How do I make sourdough so fucking sour that no one wants to eat it? I want my fuckin cheeks to hurt.

>> No.19161092

make it a sauerkraut sandwich with it

>> No.19161110

how do i get this

>> No.19161185


>> No.19161213

You're on the wrong board for pets.

>> No.19161260

FUCK OFF I want serious answers only

>> No.19161297

get what?

>> No.19161352
File: 573 KB, 800x914, bred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try having your starter strong and ready to go, use plain white flour, rise your dough fast in a warm space ... like a warm oven, do a single rise (don't punch it down)... this has given me the most sour in the past. Don't be a lazy faggot. Search. pic is from last night/this morning. 1/3 whole grain, fresh ground flour

>> No.19161368

I've the opposite problem.
I always worry that I'm going to fuck up feeding my starter. Baking bread is an absolute piece of piss.
If it's the shaping that worries you, make flat breads instead.

>> No.19161374
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mine died

>> No.19161377

that is an extraordinary feat

>> No.19161448

my starter never gets air holes that big
weak piece of shit

>> No.19161465

how old is it? it should double in size.

>> No.19161497
File: 1.19 MB, 1296x972, fryingpan pizza resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds awful even having done this myself. I take the time to cook the pepperoni first and actually cook it upside down on the cheese to finish.

>> No.19161519

how does the cheese not stick? teflon?

>> No.19161523

how are you faggots this pathetic? You seriously think all women are just like prostitutes?

>> No.19161527
File: 209 KB, 498x498, 1674747327461278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come you make actual bread with 'fed' starter and everything else with 'discard'

>> No.19161571

It's a 'stone' electric frypan. It does stick a bit but can be scraped off whole after it has hardened as seen.

>> No.19161793

you can neglect it at least a couple years, and any discard can be added to commercial yeast bread for extra flavor

>> No.19161801

whole wheat and less/no salt, and maybe mix in the starter before the 6+ hour autolyse necessary with unsweetened whole wheat

i need to go out of my way to make it less sour and add salt only because it gets too acidic if i don't

>> No.19161915

Yeast infection is not from excessive sex it usually is from excessive hygiene.
Women rub their pussies with soap to make them smell better, destroy proper bacterial culture and ruin natural pH.
It is like having enema everyday to make sure your colon is clean.

>> No.19161966

I swear to god there's some other children's book or something about this guy who has this pink slime growing in his house, and it gradually keeps growing bigger until it's covering everything in his house and going out the windows. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?

>> No.19162044
File: 1.85 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20230414_194031603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about a month
does double in size, but looks denser
light rye starter, so guess less gluten may be the explanation

>> No.19162252

That bread looks like fuckin shit my guy! Weird because you seem to know your stuff!

>> No.19162348

thats mean but yes it does look mealy and dense.

>> No.19162398

You can just call in the shaping. Roll the dough out into a rough log then stuff it into a bread pan. Wala.