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19159545 No.19159545 [Reply] [Original]

How is picrel?
Got anything better?

>> No.19159587

That's literally just water + sugar

>> No.19159600

Nigga it says unsweetened on the bottle.

>> No.19159601

>How is picrel?

>> No.19159603


>> No.19159887

Dude just make your own tea it's easy af and way better than packaged stuff.

>> No.19159954

buying premade tea is such a moneypit. you get an electric kettle, a gallon pitcher, and tea bags and optional sweetener. I use one gallon size tea bag plus 1 or 2 single serve tea bags of a flavor of my choosing to make it more complex, let it steep for 15 minutes then remove teabags, then add 1.5 cups of stevia sweetener. alternatively i use 3 or 4 single serve green tea bags and let it steep for longer like 30-45 minutes then use the same amount of sweetener to mimic the arizona green tea. its flavored water with zero calories.

>> No.19159958


>> No.19159962
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There used to be a gold peak unsweetened or "slightly" sweet green tea that was so refreshing. i think something happened with it because i can't find it anywhere anymore.

>> No.19160044
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Holy fuck just brew your own and save money.

>> No.19160063

>how is picrel
>got anything better?
buy tea leaves and a teapot. then meet me in >>/tea/

>> No.19160149

Op here
Just drank half a gallon of the op pic
It's good stuff and I don't have to make it myself
It tastes better than when I make my own to

>> No.19160154

RIP. At least you tried to save some time and effort.

>> No.19160808

>unsweetened tea
At that point you might as well just drink water faggot. Who the fuck wants to drink nasty ass bitter tea?

>> No.19160847

Fuck that shit get a big bag of loose leaf ceylon BOP. I noticed it was almost naturally sweet. Funnily enough, Lipton got it’s start with ceylon.

>> No.19160858


>> No.19161120


>> No.19161129

Brits are subhuman.

>> No.19162234

1 earl grey bag + 1 generic black tea bag + 1 generic green tea bag steeped for 5 minutes in half a liter of water is delicious. and healthy as fuck

>> No.19162244

HALF A GALLON? you're gonna be up for the next 24 hours

>> No.19162251

Tea doesnt have as much caffiene as you think. I drink at least a half gallon of unsweetened Gold Peak eryday

>> No.19162276

enjoy your kidney stones

>> No.19162307

I used drink a gallon of Arizona peach tea a night to play video games and dunk on people taking Adderall. I was also running 3 miles a morning, eating 3 square meals a day, working 8 hour days, having a nap during the day and getting 8 hours of sleep. Those were the days.

Makes my stomach freak out now and I can't find the stuff anymore

>> No.19162488

Maybe it affects me differently. Lots of tea tends to keep me up longer than lots of coffee.

>> No.19163984

wife likes to hit the cans pretty hard, she recently replaced alcohol with target brand caffeinated sparkling water, 35mg. healthy is relative, drink water or coffee or something

>> No.19164060

just coldbrew your tea in the summer. comes to pennies a cup. id recommend adding citric acid to taste

>> No.19164150
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>> No.19164194

I'm going to say it because no one else has the courage, ITS NOT GOOD. Arizona iced tea tastes like aluminum. You only enjoy it because it is cheap. Your mind is giddy like you're getting away with something, creating the illusion of a tasty experience. It fucking sucks.

>> No.19164487


>> No.19164795
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I like the diet arizona tea but they stopped selling it in cans in my area and the one in the jug always gets some wierd amoeba thing growing in it after like a week of being open, so I don't buy it at all anymore

>> No.19164801

>tea bags
They are convinient but should be used in an emergency/lazy situation not as everyday tea.

>> No.19164836

I thought I was the only one who noticed the amoeba. How the hell do they keep selling that shit? It's been like ten years since I had it last.