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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19152163 No.19152163 [Reply] [Original]

>Doc says I need to eat more veggies
>Look for vegan recipes

>> No.19152184

>look for vegan recipes
>angry when they contain vegan ingredients.

>> No.19152192

maybe don’t try and make vegan buffalo chicken strip topped burgers you piece of shit. just eat more vegetables

>> No.19152205

I tried go incorporate veggies more aggressively into my daily meals, I thought: yeah, vegan meals are a good way to learn how to make tasty veggies.

I was wrong.

>> No.19152208

Maybe just eat some vegetables and not some soislop imitation of regular dishes?

>> No.19152341

Just make vegetable stir fries, curry, or salads. Vegans are retarded.

>> No.19152345

just get a cold press juicer and drink 7 carrots, a knob of ginger, a lime, and 4-5 celery stocks all at once, once a day

>> No.19152351

>Doc says I need to eat more veggies
>Look for vegan recipes

why? just eat some veggies.

>> No.19152354

Look for vegetarian recipes instead, they don't rely on larping with fake foods like vegan ones.

>> No.19152388

vegetarian is what you want, there are a lot of good vegetarian indian recipes so I'd start there

>> No.19152395

Just eat more fruit instead, it does exactly the same thing. For veggies always add salt to them or your body will reject it. Think like potato chips, pickles, popcorn, salted cucumber. Pasta sauce also counts as a veggie, so stock up on chef boyardee.

>> No.19152421

Make an indian vegetable korma
Coconut milk and oil, stewed veggies, spices, im not even vegan but its delicious

>> No.19152459

>Doc says I need to eat more veggies
he said eat more veggies not become an evangelical moron.

>> No.19152461

why not just make normal recipes that are chock full of veg?
like just have meat & 3veg for dinner every night and maybe a salad sandwich for lunch
its literally not that hard
like fuck, meat & 3veg is the standard nightly meal for most of the world and takes 10min to fucking make

>> No.19153268

Fucking idiot, you need to eat more vegetables, just eat more vegetables. Buy a bag of mixed veg and microwave it or steam it, it’s not fucking rocket science. You don’t need recipes for vegetables,

>> No.19153271

That's googles fault for prioritizing content farm shit over actual results which are useful to you

>> No.19153277

You suck at looking for recipes. There is over 9000 decent vegan recipes if you google and sift through them. My favorite vegan is probably vegetable and chickpea tagine with flatbread.

I am not vegan and do not endorse veganism, but if you are a vegan maybe stop being retarded as well?

>> No.19153335

Op you have to look for traditional vegan meals to find vegan meals that are actually good and not just imitations of other foods. Look into Indian food and such

>> No.19153396

bro what you need is Indian food. Tons of vegetarian recipes that actually use vegetables and legumes instead of crap like "vegan cheese"

Here are some ideas to get you going:
Aloo Gobi Matar (Potatoes, Cauliflower, Peas)
Kachumber (sort of the Indian version of pico de gallo)

If you like takeout Chinese, this recipe will taste like the broccoli from beef with broccoli: https://thewoksoflife.com/garlicky-broccoli/

The secret to eating vegetables is to make them slightly less healthy. Cooking with oil, salt, and some other ingredients can do a lot to make vegetables enjoyable. (obviously don't go overboard and drown everything in salad dressing or something)

You're looking up the wrong kind of vegan meals. With some exceptions like chili, the vegan recipes that try to be a vegan version of a meat recipe suck. Indian food tends to have good vegan recipes because most of its dishes aren't trying to imitate meat dishes.

>> No.19153402

Fuck that. Recipes are way better than just steaming your vegetables. People not knowing how to use vegetables in good ways is why they end up not eating vegetables they buy and throwing them in the trash.

"Ooh, cauliflower! I'm going to steam this up and eat healthy" and then two weeks later it's rotting in the vegetable drawer in the fridge

>> No.19153416

>look for vegan recipes
>angry when they contain goyslop

>> No.19153420
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Do not let yourself become lost in Brendan Fraser's dreamy eyes. This thread is a vegan psyop.

Only a vegan operates according to the logic in the OP, because they are essentially fundamentalists who see the world in black and white (fucking racists). They think that just because they don't eat meat everyone else must not eat vegetables, which is obviously not true, but a fundamentalist only sees what fits their narrative. The opposite of a vegan is not a carnivore; it's an omnivore, which is what the vast majority of people are. No omnivore would ever be told that they need to eat more vegetables and jump to the conclusion that they need to adopt a vegan diet. They would just think "I need to eat more vegetables". The idea that we eat all the same good stuff they do and none of the artificial crap drives them crazy. They've been like this for a long time, but seeing them posting here on /ck/ is a new development. Keep your guards up.

>> No.19153425

wouldn't the opposite of a vegan be an antimatter vegan?

What is like, the opposite of a plant? Meat? I don't think so. Meat is different but not opposite. It's antimatter plants.

>> No.19153643

Eat a frigging salad, or roasted vegetables, ir steamed vegetables, or vegetable soup, or shit like vegetable shepperds pie, vegetable lasagna or spinach with bechamel .... Just less fats carbs and meats and more vegetables, they are good for you take care of yourself you won't regret it peace

>> No.19153655

falafel, das legit good

>> No.19153739

Just make Mediterranean peasant food, it'll taste 100x better than the industrial vegan shit.

>> No.19153848

You can also just eat vegetables. Did you know that? Yeah, they're edible.

>> No.19153851


>> No.19153866

Veganism is so 2013

>> No.19153946

>immediately go for absurd indian ascetic diets instead of eating a bell pepper

>> No.19153963

>Think like potato chips, pickles, popcorn, salted cucumber. Pasta sauce also counts as a veggie, so stock up on chef boyardee.

You're trolling.

>> No.19153971

>not vegetarian
OP you fucked up. Go look up how orthodox, buddhist and hindu monks eat and use those recipes as a guideline instead. Eat eggs and dairy.
Properly cooked vegetarian dishes taste much better than whatever white girl vegan goyslop you see on tiktok, trust me

>> No.19153988
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Dumb gay retard.

>> No.19154033

Just get some veggies and fry or roast 'em. Cabbage is cheap and good stir-fried with some onions and bacon, or Asian style with shredded carrots.
Sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, cruciferous veggies, beets, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes (whole), onion is all good for roasting. Dice em up and drizzle a little oil plus salt n pepper.
Sorry people are being mean to you. Changing eating habits can be overwhelming and confusing at first. Check out downshiftology on YT, she has good and healthy recipes plus meal prep ideas. Good for you OP

>> No.19154038
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Chinese stir fry is always the easiest answer because you get that sauce flavor all over the vegetables and meat. Hell you honestly don't even need meat for stir fry, 90% of the flavor is the sauce you prepared beforehand.
Either way it's my favorite way of eating vegetables. You don't NEED a wok but it certainly helps with how it cooks.

>> No.19154040
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>doc says you need more veggies
>goes full retard and tries to become vegan on a whim

>> No.19154061

>Eating vegan food to be healthy
>No one on /fit/ is vegan
>Public education has completely polluted information literacy

>> No.19154076

that's because no one on /fit/ is remotely healthy

>> No.19154094

The question is WHY did the doc say you need to eat more veggies?
Did he do blood tests to determine if you were somehow nutrient deficient or were you just talking and say "lol I don't eat a lot of vegetables" and he just said "lol you should eat more vegetables"?
Humans do not need a large amount of "vegetables" to be healthy.
Something tells me you just eat a lot of goyslop.

>> No.19154100
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>> No.19154241

>No one on /fit/ is vegan
and /fit/ is suppose to represent some holy grail of health? lmao
90% of /fit/ look like absolute dogshit and the 10% that look good are on roids.

>inb4 post body

>> No.19154322

Just but a bag of baby spinach and eat it like a bag of chips alongside your meal.

>> No.19154590

I'm a vegetarian, and when I made the switch I literally barely even felt it...because the only thing that changed in my diet was that I wasn't eating meat anymore.
How fucking retarded are people that "eat more veggies" translates to "eat nothing but hyperprocessed vegan slop"?? Have you literally never just...eaten like a normal human being before?
Make spaghetti, use a hearty tomato sauce, have meatballs with it, it's fucking fine - but maybe add some whole, small tomatoes to it? Or just more tomato chunks instead of canned paste?
Hell, look at a sandwich - you can still eat that BLT, but maybe ADD a bit to it instead of just taking away the bacon and then crying that it's a bad sandwich.
Fucking morons, I swear.

>> No.19154631

90% of the human diet is plants anyway. Bread, potatoes, pasta and rice are calorie staples. Think of an average meal and just take out the meat. Its not hard.

Unless of course you are American, in which case all your food is hyper processed and you cant cook more than a burger.

>> No.19155523

>>No one on /fit/ is vegan
I'd rather take dating advices from /pol/ than any fucking advice a shithole like /fit/ has to offer.

>> No.19155612

Just buy a bunch of veggies, cut them up, a little olive oil salt and pepper, and throw 'em in the oven at 450 for like 30 minutes. Tastes good as fuck and is the easiest thing you can possibly make.

>> No.19155614

And if you're too much of a lazy fuck to cut up veggies and prepare a sauce you can just buy some frozen stir fry kits.

>> No.19155622

Hope they make vegan bugs, I don't want to eat ze bugs.

>> No.19155696

Look for Chinese vegan dishes, for some reason those are actually made with whole foods while western ones are made with bunch of processed imitation ingredients

>> No.19156645

I’m thinking of going vegan just to piss off the type of retards who seethe about vegans. Even vegans aren’t as obnoxious as those goofs!

>> No.19156677

pretty wild how bent out of shape some people get. i couldn't care less what some rando eats or does not eat.

>> No.19156718

Make oriental food, stir-fry is stupidly easy to make and tastes great, or just dine out on sushi. Stop consuming so much sugary shit, go for a walk everyday around a park or apartment block, drink no-sugar freshly squeezed juice, it's really not that hard.

>> No.19156747

what the fuck is your point?

>> No.19157355

Thank me later: https://www.thechubbyvegetarian.com/

>> No.19157384

“Vegan” is not about practicality but about “look at how much I have to do for the poor animals!”.

>> No.19157438

Doctors lie.

>> No.19157485

You know you can eat vegetables with meat and cheese right?

>> No.19157503

Just eat vegetables. Almost all proteins can pair with vegetables or start with a salad/soup.

>> No.19157504

The problem is that vegans have never really existed until the last few decades, and most of them are just converted meat eaters. So pretty much every vegan recipe will be a knock-off version of a dish with meat/dairy since those people don't know what else they are supposed to eat.

You'd be better off looking at vegetarian or Mediterranean recipes if you just want to increase your vegetable intake. Vegetarianism has been a thing for much longer so you'll have a much easier time finding dishes that don't rely on artificial substitutes. Particularly if you look at Indian cuisine.

>> No.19157525

not so much 10 minutes, but yeah, just eat more vegetable sides and blend a smoothie or two

>dark green leafy veggies 404

>> No.19157575

Sure, if you like endless variations of vegetable curries.

You'll want to mix it up a little though to avoid getting bored. Chinese vegetarian has a lot of stir fry, which will provide crunch that you'll miss after weeks of curry. Learn to put together a decent salad from lettuce leaves, baby carrots, tomatoes, eggs, chicken and a few dashes of vinaigrette. And Mediterranean things like hummus, minestrone, grilled vegetables.

>> No.19157583

Vegetarian >vegan
There are great vegetable based meals out there, eggplant lasagna is one of my favorites

>> No.19157762
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vegan terrorism

>> No.19157779

The fact that a couple of undred anglos could cuck them that easily should be proof enough that veganism is trash diet for a people.

>> No.19157856

They're not vegan, especially North Indians; they eat a lot of dairy.
lol I'm just passing on feedback from my Indian friend.

>> No.19157883

this image conveys a feeling that does not yet exist

>> No.19158149

Your doc is a retard.

>> No.19158178

We went to the beach for the first time this year. We had strozzapreti with tomato, basil, olive oil, IGP mozzarella, Taggiasca olives and Pantelleria capers.
>Doc said I needed more fruit
>Look for fruit juice
TY baby Jesus.

>> No.19158303

>Sure, if you like endless variations of vegetable curries.
>he thinks "curry" is the only food Indians eat

>> No.19158335

couldn't care less

>> No.19158352
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SIR, you don't know SHIT about Indian food.

>> No.19158371

Of the street variety.

>> No.19158399

get a good blender and some earmuffs if you want to drink your food. there is nothing gained by juicing.

>> No.19158454

>there is nothing gained by juicing
one of the issues highlighted by bodybuilders is that eating a healthy and balanced assortment of whole foods is a lot more difficult than stuffing in empty carbs
hence the popularity of "dirty bulking"

juicing saves a lot of time, I can prepare and chug a whole salad equivalent and four fruit servings, equating to 6 of my 8 a day, in less than 15 minutes. then I have 2 vegetable sides with each meal and boom, that's how I get in my 8 a day in very short order.

>> No.19158462

SIR, you shit in your mom!

>> No.19158467

oh sorry, I didn't see
>get a good blender
you're correct, blending is far superior to juicing ie only consuming the juice

>> No.19158864

I've tried a couple vegan restaurants people have recommended to me and I hate looking atmenus and seeing "vegan (meat dish), no descriptions.
Half the time they're terrible, half the time they're good, but I'm going in blind or having the server explain ten dishes to me until something sounds appetizing. Fucking write it down.

>> No.19159114

someone needs to shove you into a locker

>> No.19159250

You make pot of rice.
Cut carrots, onions, garlic.
Rice done so you put in the ingredients.
Add seasoning.
Add some olive oil.
Add 1 egg, 1 slice of cheese
Mash it all up, all in the same pot the whole time.
Enjoy. Vegetatian food, easy to do, healthy-ish, delicious. I eat that 5 times a week

>> No.19159264

Lacking dark green leafy vegetables, throw in some broccoli and spinach
Stir fry the carrots, onions and garlic, it doesn't taste of much if you just throw it raw into the rice
and I'd eat at least 2 eggs with that, more like 3

>> No.19159291

I like the carrots not too soft so I throw them in raw.
Sometimes I put mushrooms and zucchini in a pan with oil and fry it a bit and add it to the rice. I usually go for some kind of curry seasoning in that case.
I really havent eaten any spinach in a long time.. probably since I moved out from my parents even though I kind of like spinach

>> No.19159340

Deep down, we all know you invented a scenario where you get to irritate a made-up doctor with your ignorance.

>> No.19161053

Just buy some fucking vegetables and roast them in the oven with salt pepper and oil and then add them to meals jesus fucking christ

>> No.19161055

it is honestly quite hard to get tired of indian food

>> No.19161057

except OP wants to feel full by eating healthy shit and lose weight.

>> No.19161112

Like what?

>> No.19161139

muslim countries and jamaicans have a lot of vegetarian recipes without goyslop

>> No.19161278

Falafel and hummus is goyslop.

>> No.19162218

>Roasted veg?
Carrot, parsnip, zucchini, peppers, eggplant, bok choy (etc.), cauliflower, broccoli (etc.), plantain (more of a starch).
- probably lean meat with a minimal amount of carbs, like roasted chicken breast with quinoa or barley, or seared tuna with brown rice. Judging by how everything's laid out in the OP, a carbless existence is not on the table.

>> No.19162236

The bean mush is not made specifically by, or for white people. Apply yourself.

>> No.19162250

>Eat more veggies
>Goes vegan
Look up vegetarian recipes or pescatarian ones instead, retard. You can still eat animal by products but just lower the amount.

>> No.19162258

>They keep trying to force the brain rot onto blue boards.

>> No.19162410

literally just take any sort of stew / curry recipe and replace the meat with beans / chickpeas / mushrooms / potatoes. If the sauce already contains tomatoes, peppers, celery etc for flavour then it should be just as good and give you the nutrition you need.

>> No.19162464

bro just eat veggies with your meat cheese and bread it's not that hard

>> No.19163675

Make the same meals you made before, but use half as much meat. Or force yourself to eat a side of steamed broccoli or peas or whatever with dinner. Though if you hate vegetables now the first thing you should do is to stop thinking of eating vegetables as an end to the means and instead think of them as a way to stretch meals.

>> No.19163782

it is faggot, shut up

>> No.19163797

>doc says I need to eat more veggies
>automatically think to just eat vegan food
are you an idiot? Next time, have more veggies, and less meat/fats/carbs. It ain't rocket science.

>> No.19163883

Your need to learn what vegan is firstly. Your doctor said eat more veggies, not stop eating all animal products whatsoever. Basically make sure to have at least 5-6 servings of vegetables per day. Pretty easy considering most of those steamer packs are 2 or 3 servings anyway.

>> No.19163886

there is nothing difficult about eating vegetables unless you are a 7 year old throwing a tantrum

>> No.19163892

Tomatoes are fruits lol. Tomato sauce CAN be healthy, but a lot of them have tons of sugar and salt added to them.

>> No.19163898

just eat chicken salad

>> No.19163905

> he unironically thinks that having lots of muscles automatically means you’re healthy
Bodybuilding is one the unhealthiest “sports”/ lifestyles in the world. Terrible diets, drugs, artificial crap, over-exercising etc. Perfect for accelerating the aging-process.

>> No.19163916

i just add certain vegetables i like to other shit i eat
i like spinach so i add it to a bunch of different shit, fried spinach with meat, spinach with soup, shredded spinach with pasta, etc
just repeat this for any veg you like: corn, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.
its not that hard, just use vegetables like meat in a way, most of them are meant to be the "substance" of the meal rather than a garnish like a lot of people treat it as

>> No.19163919
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*slaps your ass*
>what the hell u just say about bodybuilding?

>> No.19164592

*slaps back*
>I said sometimes you just gotta use a lighter fork. Your delts and traps shouldn't be worked to failure at every meal.

>> No.19164625

>t. vegan who takes a fistful of supplements every morning and still probably looks like a walking corpse

>> No.19164825

You might be right, but...
Even without anabolic steroids, it's definitely not great for you. Being big is one thing; doing everything to get as big as possible as fast as possible with just enough body fat to not die, and then drying yourself out like a human raisin once or twice a week for competitions is really bad for your skin and organs. It's like MMA, but you're beating the shit out of yourself. At almost every one of the dozen or so Pro Shows I set up and op at every year, one or two competitors have to drop out for health reasons. A few collapse. One died of kidney failure side stage before the paramedics could come.

By all means, eat protein and lift, but unless you're making shitloads of money off of it, maybe take some time off to live.

>> No.19165064

What a fucking retard baby. Your parents failed you.

>> No.19165075

Anon, why not just go vegetarian and not worry about the vegan ingredients? Is it a concern of cholesterol your doctor is worried about?

>> No.19165104

>thinks veggies and vegan are synonymous
All vegan means is that there's no animal products involved, that doesn't exempt vegan foods from being highly processed garbage.
Try picking a vegetable you like and look up recipes that use a lot of it. Find a half-way decent stir fry recipe and substitute the meat for more of the veggies they call out. It's not hard and you don't have to go full retard looking for vegan alternatives to the shit you usually eat.

>> No.19165116

It never happened... none of it. He doesn't even have health insurance.

>> No.19165588

Search up lucky peach power vegetables! It’s an amazing book with great veggie recipes without all the processed crap. :) I hope this helps!

>> No.19166073

This desu. If pasta e ceci keeps you fat idk what to tell you.

>> No.19166092

Your doctor is a moron. Don't eat vegetables. There's a reason children have to be abused and psychologically tormented into eating them, it's not part of the natural human diet.

>> No.19166099
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I trust the science implicitly but when asking a doctor if you should choose produce that has been bathed in pesticides they will just look at you with their mouth ajar and ask what a pesticide is.

>> No.19166101

God, you fat fucks are the most disgusting, dishonest people there are.
Your doctor told you to eat vegetables, not to become vegan.

>> No.19166334

Don't eat all of the chickpea pasta - large amounts will absolutely make/keep you fat.

>> No.19166368

Roasted asparagus
Broccoli, onion, pepper, water chesnut, baby corn stir fried in sesame oil. Add garlic and soy sauce, oyster sauce if you have or can find it
Roast cauliflower, broccoli, and carrot with herbs like oregano, thyme, rosemary
Stuffed peppers with rice, bean, corn, and spices
Lentil curry
Sauteed spinach, serve alongside chicken or ravioli with a cream sauce
Salad, literally any salad
Kale salted and baked until crispy, better than some chips

limiting yourself to meme fake vegan shit impersonating real food is your downfall

>> No.19166475

>I trust the science implicitly
You really shouldn't.

>> No.19166481

>All vegan means is that there's no animal products involved, that doesn't exempt vegan foods from being highly processed garbage.
Correct, Oreos and some flavors of Doritos are vegan.

>> No.19167464

The fact that I made this fucking shitpost and is still up proves that /ck/ is a massive shithole board. Fuck jannies for allowing this.

>> No.19167845

What are vegetables? Nothing but plant fibre, water and a low amount of nutrients per serve.

>> No.19167862

This is why I laugh when Americans talk shit about other food cultures. You people are fucking food retarded lmao

>> No.19168007

American food culture is simply enjoying food. Foreign food "culture" is constantly comparing your peasant slop to superior American cuisine because you're poor and have a tiny dick.

>> No.19168018

I got a lot of good veggie ideas from the thread, but im not a fat troll so there's that.

>> No.19168074

Yes, try and eat healthier by ingesting rapeseed oils, corn syrup and other normieslop. Don't just eat vegetables raw, or maybe slightly seared with some garlic and onions. That makes way too much sense.

>> No.19168079


>> No.19168080

Is it? So all your ideas are formed from shitposts you read on boards.4channel.org/catalog/ck

>> No.19168112

Tell doctor he can't tell you what to do and then do it anyway. Send him pictures of you eating grass and random plants from The Yards. Return for a checkup and say nothing about it.

>> No.19168167

on the other hand it's actually remarkably easy, as it's just like three different sauces sharing half of the same spices.
it's not bad, but after a couple of times it does get boring very fast.

>> No.19168289

>500 dead patients and counting

>> No.19168297
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>Germans solve the salad problem

>> No.19168517

What the fuck did vegans eat before all of this fake meat shit existed? Grass?

>> No.19168593

Just fucking eat veggies you fucking retard.