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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19154800 No.19154800 [Reply] [Original]

Why are soy beans and soy bean products so reviled? As far as I can tell there are no real reasons to avoid them. It can't all be just because a hastily photoshopped soy wojak meme makes them look bad, people can't be that dumb.

>> No.19154806

It's a false flag to discredit the legitimate concerns people have about things like fluoride.

>> No.19154823

>lust provoking image

>> No.19154827



>> No.19154835

i think it's reactionary. most americans who consume soy products are also the type to say stupid shit like "pigs are actually way smarter than dogs" and "i stopped eating beef for environmental reasons"

>> No.19154839

Insane people that don't understand biology think that eating soy products will turn you gay

Like this guy>>19154827

>> No.19154845

>having cancer turns you gay
so you admit it's a disease

>> No.19154847
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>Why are soy beans and soy bean products so reviled? As far as I can tell there are no real reasons to avoid them. It can't all be just because a hastily photoshopped soy wojak meme makes them look bad, people can't be that dumb.

>> No.19154876

Soyjaks were invented by big Corn

>> No.19154892

the bodies of the alpha based and trad incels who are gonna save the west be destroyed by the slightest bit of estrogen

>> No.19154912

Major glyphosate modified plant for consumption outside of china. (otherwise it's a speciality production in the west and S. America) and forced corporate agricultural practices.

>> No.19154926

>why don't the goyim like eating more cattle feed?
The post.

The real answer is they don't make you feel good; seed oil/soybean oils...

>> No.19154928

Idk if people care about the rainforests in Brazil and deforestation, but it's been one of the major crops to come in after rainforest destruction, and a lot soils have already been destroyed where cattle are now the only thing left to farm without regenerative practices.

>> No.19155323

Soybeans product like tofu, soy sauce and tempeh shouldn't have any significant amount of phytoestrogens. And phytoestrogens are not linked significantly with femminisation effect

On the opposite, it is believe it could bound with estrogen "receptor" (phytoestrogens are analogous of human estrogen but are order of magnitude less powerful) actually lowering the endogen estrogen production.

>> No.19155525

inject a girl with T and see what happens.

>> No.19155545

It's almost entirely grown for livestock feed

>> No.19155551

>people can't be that dumb
You need to be eighteen to post here.

>> No.19155603

If I inject a girl with half a nanogram of T absolutely nothing will happen, thats the amount in soy you people are so paranoid about

>> No.19155618

it's like eggs being good or bad for you. or salt. or alcohol. or milk. or red meat. nutritional science is a myth, no one knows anything about anything with any certainty.

>> No.19155638

>it is believe it could bound with estrogen "receptor" (phytoestrogens are analogous of human estrogen but are order of magnitude less powerful) actually lowering the endogen estrogen production.
for actual evidence of this, at least tangentially, is the fertility drug clomid. it binds to the estrogen receptor. it makes women ovulate.
it also increases testosterone in men, as well as sperm count.
it does this by binding to the same receptor as estrogen, but doesn't send the same signal as estrogen. so your body thinks you need more estrogen.
estrogen is made from testosterone in the body, so in a round-about way, it makes your testosterone go up. and not just a little bit, they give it to people with low testosterone and it's a banned drug in sports.

>> No.19155639

Not only that but also it would be a nanogram of a less powerful hormone than the human T

>> No.19155663

women cycle anavar at like 5mg a day

>> No.19156832

Its a coordinated effort by American meat producers to discourage people from replacing meat with vegan alternatives. Also the reason why Amerilard conservatives are so vehemently against public transit and mixed use zoning right now.

>> No.19156837

the soy is fed to the cows only like 7% of soy grown is directly for human consumption if you cared about the rainforest, you'd limit your beef consumption

>> No.19156859

The phytoestrogens in soy dont bind to the alpha receptor its literally not even close to the same

>> No.19156914

This it's one of the least understood things about humans.

>> No.19156922

People don't experience food anymore. They experience an idea of food. Completely lost in stories, they put food in their mouth with the idea that the food is going to do this or that. When thinking, they don't sense what the food they eat really does. So they need more stories to tell them.
Diet has become like religion. There is no belief. You know that God, Brahman or whatever exists or you don't. Only those that don't know need to repeat reading the same book listening to the same guru and seek others for confirmation. Constant reassurance is only needed for those who can't accept not knowing and pretend to know to quell that unbearable insecurity.
So don't listen to your own being for diet advice. Keep asking others, because others know what's best and what's true for you. Like your mom and dad, they can do no harm.

>> No.19156924
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There was some broscience on misc about soy products leading to gyno. This was picked up by /fit/ then picked up by /pol/ where it got shoe-horned into their "culture Wars" obsessions.

The "study" linking soy to oestrogen levels was debunked decades a go.

>> No.19157043

absolutely soy isoflavones are not like clomiphene, the point is that they are not like estrogen either. something that interacts with the receptor need not cause the effects that the typical substrate would.

>> No.19157070

i didnt know soybeans were the only vegetables you could eat

>> No.19157086

Kill yourself immediately

>> No.19157097

They aren't, but since they're the most common form of vegan protein it makes sense to attack meat alternatives containing them. It helps muddy the waters and quite efficiently so. I occasionally see posters even on /ck/ who think that quorn or seitan based products contain soy.

>> No.19157378

Cute foxes crave human cock

>> No.19157610
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>> No.19157647

It's visibly apparent people are being mass poisoned to turn them into submissive slaves like women. It's ridiculous to even dispute this.

>> No.19157654

>fat fucks found scapegoat (their favorite thing) for their bitch tits and it snowballed from there
sounds about right

>> No.19157989

Asians consume soy products all the time and just look at those muscle bound, hyper-fertile giants. Obviously I want to eat edamame doused in soy sauce, down a soyshake made with Silk™ with that shit. What's the worst that could happen? Cows eat soy all the time, it probably has nothing to do with estrogen/milk production and totally is just about making muscular gains. Stop consuming soy. Stop consuming milk. You are turning yourself infertile. You are making yourself gay.

>> No.19158030

I like being gay though, but I hate being feminine.

>> No.19158129
File: 79 KB, 800x582, 04E40444-D4D7-4D37-ADE9-D51EFFD8FC1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+F “nitrogen”
>0 results
This is the real answer. Nitrogen fixation, management of the nitrogen cycle, and legumes hosting bacteria are huge. Three field crop rotation was a fundamental revolution in farming.

>> No.19158695

and what?