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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19154747 No.19154747 [Reply] [Original]

What'll you have?

>> No.19154754

steamed cod with sake

>> No.19154756

Nothing but water for 24 hours because I'm terrified of having to shit on an airplane

>> No.19154759
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Get help anon

>> No.19154764

I would actually take one of each. Can you do that? I'd do that, especially if I was paying 2000$+ for a ticket

>> No.19154766

That's why you order the steak with no sauce and no peppers. I too am not going to be shitting on the flight.

>> No.19154770

>he hasn't adapted his bowels to always need only a single morning shit


>> No.19154771

It sounds like you need to buy three seats anyway, you probably get a meal per ticket

>> No.19154780

I know it's insane but just the thought of shitting mere inches away from an ethnic family, and the possibility they might hear my fecal struggles and smell my last meal, gives me a primal cringe deep in my lizard brain so i just starve myself the whole day of a flight to avoid any chance of that scenario coming to fruition

>> No.19154781

I'm not that fat, but how are you on /ck/ if you don't have the urge to try out everything?
I guess if it's one of each I'd get the salad, appetizer, iron stenk, ice cream, a snack and the salmon. I think if you don't take everything you're allowed to take you're an idiot who paid for an expensive ticket in vain

>> No.19154787
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>I'm not that fat

>> No.19154791


>> No.19154805

A main course.

>> No.19154818

The flat iron but I'd keep sending it back for being over/underdone (regardless of whether it was really)
I'd also drink the whole time

>> No.19154824

You forgot to post your cigar smoking, shit eating grin, smug pepe frog in a suit picture

>> No.19154837

Well, I haven't flown fancy pants class since before this recession they say isn't happening, but yes, they will bring you multiple entrees. At least Delta would. Not sure about United.

>> No.19154865

Is cheese and crackers a desert in some countries?

>> No.19154866

Eating, farting and shitting in an airplane.

>> No.19154871

Fuck getting in that flying bus to begin with. I’d rather walk.

>> No.19154887

Oh shid that's great then

>> No.19155283

just the ice cream.
everything else on that menu has faggot things on it from faggot chefs that think they are making good meals and nice dishes when they're just being fucking faggots.

>> No.19155474

Imagine needing to shit every day

>> No.19155496

>attractiveness is literally inversely proportional with amount of makeup worn
what is wrong with women

>> No.19155534

Nothing bc not on that flight

>> No.19155566

>ethnic family
why wud that worry u, the ethnic familly eats, sleep and shit in the same room.

>> No.19155583

Salad and appetizer. Definitely the fish entree, not only because I love fish, but because the concept of eating fish on an airplane is inherently funny. Egg custard for dessert and the French toast for breakfast.

>> No.19155589


>> No.19155741

Female flight attendant pussy soaked with champagne.

>> No.19155758

A blowjob.....with an egg custard thank you

>> No.19155770

Congrats, anon. Flying business class means you've made it.

>> No.19155863

Risky. Fish at regular restaurants is dodgy enough, I can’t imagine the level of quality on a plane.

>> No.19155934

I took a shit on a train once and nearly passed out because my dump was so fucking huge. No. Fucks. Given.
Honestly, though, I've never shit on a plane that i recall the only exception might be when i was literally pants-shitting baby.
And now that I've told you this, i guarantee that when i next fly abroad, I'm gonna need to take a midair shit. That's gonna be fun.

>> No.19156398

Ah, but shitting on the long haul flights isn't bad. The restrooms are bigger and easier to shit in. I get wanting to avoid puddle jumper loos, they are tight as fuck and claustrophobia inducing. But you should be crapping in the airport for short flights.

>> No.19156401

congrats bro you're eatin good

>> No.19156407

The parm, as that seems the least likely to be fucked up by the catering service.

>> No.19156410

They will if they have them on hand post main-service.

>> No.19156455

considering demographics of the world, i wouldnt want the people working in an airplane touching my food esp. in an evironment that can breed lots of germs.

>> No.19156560

It’s not that bad, just loud.
t. serial plane shitter

>> No.19156584

I was there at one point and now I usually need 2-3
can still get them all out of the way before work, at least

>> No.19156587

Cod with sake, Asian food seems to deal the best with the pressurization issues.
Don't think I've ever once seen a united flight offer food though

>> No.19156590

I'm with you anon. I already hate flying and having to use the bathroom on a flight is the worst.
I also have a slightly irrational fear that we'll hit severe turbulence when I'm in there and my glasses will fall into the toilet and get auto-flushed into oblivion.

>> No.19156681

>no prices on menu
Sorry don't wanna bankrupt myself.

>> No.19156706

Cos that's free flight meals, idiot.

>> No.19157415

2 2mg xanax bars, please

and I will be hitting my weed vape in the lavatory, thanks.

>> No.19157699

who hurt you?

>> No.19157711
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>Smashed potatoes

>> No.19158158
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Chicken Parmesan Express. I want everything from the meal except the Dessert at once so I feel fancy

>> No.19158425

Yes, I do keep 10 pounds of cherry tomatoes in my freezer, how did you know?

>> No.19158441

What's the deal with bus food?
I'm coming home from work eating fries from a paper bag, there is a toddler crying, a fight breaks between two black men, an old homeless man is laying on the floor, probably dead, then a Mexican takes the phone from a girl who is too young to be riding the bus alone and takes off running and I hear a gunshot

>> No.19158556

Fancy people get served over multiple courses

>> No.19158625
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Very well then.

>> No.19158769
File: 126 KB, 1068x699, 1616083822806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all crazy. Airplane bathrooms are pretty much the only public bathrooms I'm comfortable taking a shit in. It's so loud and the air is constantly being recirculated that you can completely let loose and nobody is going know you weren't just in there washing your hands. Those brief few moments when the sphincter relaxes and the poop slips through - high fiving the prostate on the way out - are the only few moments of calm on the entire flight, where you can forget that you're 8 miles up in the sky and could fall to your death at any moment.

If I'm waiting in the airport and have to take a shit, I'm holding it until we're up in the air and I see the fasten seatbelt light go off.

>> No.19158992

gah damn

>> No.19159157

>cherry tomatoes on 95% of the menu
Hard fucking pass

>> No.19159209

based autistic anon

>> No.19159276

It's been awhile since I've flown, and close to a decade since a long international flight, but I'm confused by this image. The menu looks like a first class menu from 20 years ago, but that's clearly a coach seat. Has airplane food gotten better since covid, or did they just replace all the first class seats with coach seats? Based on my last few experiences flying I wouldn't even be surprised if they made first class look exactly like coach but gave you a "You're the Best!" sticker so you know you're still special. Is Polaris some fancy pants thing? I know United is nothing special.

>> No.19159778

It's a first class seat, and it was very nice. I had a pod to myself and was able to fully recline it into a small bed

>> No.19159800

Not the fish. I saw Airplane!