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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19151308 No.19151308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19151311
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>> No.19151313

I didn't know they sold stew at wendy

>> No.19151317


>> No.19151319

If Texas is so great, why isn't it it's own country? You guys have the option

>> No.19151321

its all in the beans famalam
and when u get lucky and get the broken up big pieces of hamburger patties

>> No.19151322

someone told me ethey dice up the beef patties if they dont sell or something
it could be true but i think theres some weird health risk so i dont know

>> No.19151323

Worked at Wendy’s, the chili process is
>meat that is becoming overcooked is taken off the grill and put in a steamer drawer
>when the time comes to make a new pot of chili, the meat gets roughly ground and thrown in the pot
>then the tomato juice base
>then a big brick of frozen onions and bell peppers
>then two giant cans of beans
>then a package of the “spice blend” which is just salt, pepper and a little garlic powder
>let simmer on a dedicated chili stove for ~2 hours
It’s gross.

>> No.19151332

How is this realistically different from making chili any other way

>> No.19151341

For the week i worked there last year, it was very very close or exactly this
but ours was a fairly busy location and at certain times they'd call for "make chili meat" which was a mix of the 2oz patties and the 4oz made specifically to be crumbled in a bag for a batch of chili
i still really like it and get one almost every time i go to wendys. however at my new place our chili sucks

>> No.19151343

what is wrong with that?

>> No.19151345

If you have to ask that you wouldn’t understand what makes a good chili if it was described to you.

>> No.19151349

>what’s wrong with the hockey puck meat and frozen vegetables?
You do you

>> No.19151355
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Secret ingredient

>> No.19151357

lmao is that from the buffy episode?

>> No.19151365
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I want to get paid for posting about Wendy's too.

>> No.19151381

I actually know people who hate that chili. Weird.

>> No.19151406

this was just proven to be rednecks cutting off a finger to get a big settlement

>> No.19151416
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i've never seen a square hockey puck

>> No.19151426


what would you say if I told you I am not a paid shill, for the sake of FUN, say I am telling the truth right now, I want to hear your reaction where you would apologize.

>> No.19151427

All chili uses meat cooked past well done
The chili seasoning is not included because it's high in salt, they put it in packets separately and you're supposed to add it yourself

>> No.19151429

Work at wendy’s

>> No.19151434

the beef is fresh in the us & canada

>> No.19151437

Yeah, past well done =/= dry as fuck. I make my own chili spice blend so I can’t attest to chili packets outside of the ones I used to mix in at Wendy’s like 15 years ago.

>> No.19151442

i have. you just chop up meat from unsold burgers so it gets used in the chili the next day. it's no different than using day old rice to make fried rice

>> No.19151443

Lol. Lmao, you could say. That shit goes into a freezer at night.

>> No.19151444

everything at wendys is well done or past. the burgers for chili would be made and put into warming trays like the chicken would go in.

>> No.19151455

post your old wendys uniform otherwise prove it

>> No.19151469

The ability to taste the difference between regular beef and slightly overcooked beef that is engulfed in tomato sauce requires the taste buds of at least a police dog, not a minimum wage worker or a fat person.

>> No.19151490

>wendy's fast food
>expecting fancy high end chili
You're kind of retarded anon. Like brain stupid.

>> No.19151511

>post your uniform from 15 years ago
Lmao post the one you’re wearing to your shift tonight
>how is this different from making chili another way
>uh I mean we’re strictly talking about fast food chili
Oh yeah, retard projection time.

>> No.19151540


homemade and fast food chilli taste the same unless you go out of your way to cook it as freshly as possible with additional seasonings

>> No.19151568

Excellent deduction

>> No.19151571

It was but they were a failed country so they groveled at the US to join them. KWAB

>> No.19151581

>no mention of wings

>> No.19151591

Chili is so good get same saltines packs to crumble in
with a dave's single and a coke

>> No.19151635
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>> No.19151648

what in the living fuck am i looking at
is that a cross shopped image of the sad tranny and wings "sell my dog for $90 " of redemption

>> No.19151660

They have a designated meat drawer. Anything that is left over or falls on The floor during service goes in the meat drawer where it is saved for the chili.

>> No.19151678
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Was this ever actually proven to be true? People get paid to shill on the racist extremist terrorist hotbed known as 4chan? It feels like most companies especially mainstream ones such as Wendy's wouldn't touch this shithole with a 5 foot pole. I'd say most normalfags think this place is just /pol/ and nothing else.

>> No.19151685

Your motorcycle is quite loud.

>> No.19151686

>frozen vegetables
there is nothing wrong with these. freezing them is done directly after harvest. its fresher than fresh

>> No.19151687

Dogs have worst taste than humans.

>> No.19151689

>falls on The floor during service goes in the meat drawer
bro if the owner of the wendy's I worked at caught me doing that she would probably lynch me

>> No.19151694

Remember when /b/ was the black sheep board? They were the internet hate machine that planned raids and housed l33t haxorz and CP.

>> No.19151698

>staff consumes entire pot of chili when cook
>shat chili back into pot

>> No.19151701

I'll pay you to huff my fucking nuts

>> No.19151702

Fast-food companies and foreign-owned data-mining Fed honeypots both cater to a similar brand of absolute retard.

t. spent $80k on an MA in Gov't Affairs to spend 8 hours/day archiving Coinslot memes, that pension lookin pretty sweet tho fr fr

>> No.19151703

>It’s gross
fuck you

>> No.19151716

Yeah but as the 2010s gave way /b/ declined and is now just another porn dump board

>> No.19151728
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wendysbros i have a question

is the meat on the salads warm? like is the chicken on the chicken caesar warm? like chick fil a? i’m too autistic to ask the workers

>> No.19151730

You stand up for your slop, brave little piggy!

>> No.19151734


>240 calories
>16 grams of protein

>> No.19151737

Stop lying

>> No.19151740
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>designated meat drawer

kek ur such a fag

>> No.19151743

Sounds good

>> No.19151752

>dry ass leftover meat
>frozen vegetables
>prison grade beans
>not slop
Oink oink, hogger.

>> No.19151757

I liked the chili with cheese and the baked potatoes with sour cream and chives they had along with a single burger and coke
very cheap and filling and good

>> No.19151761

The fast food defense league has arrived, out of breath of course

>> No.19151776

You're a vegan douche spreading lies

>> No.19151779

it sounds fucking disgusting but i bet its true, it doesnt even bother me though because i eat chicken nuggets from BK and mcds and thats not exactly good meat

>> No.19151782

>y-you’re a vegan and a liar ok…
Lmao the delusion of pigs who will eat whatever a fast food megacorp shits into a bowl for them

>> No.19151792

>the delusion of pigs
that doesnt make sense. pigs will eat anything and everything through natural intinct because its put in front of them in a pen

>> No.19151794

No food industry especially a chain like Wendy's picks meat off the floor
You know how much they are monitored?
To stand up to the chains performances?
To own one of those chains and not get fucked you obey by their quality
you do shit like that you lose it all

>> No.19151796



>> No.19151802

And they’ll be happy for whatever garbage is poured in for them without realizing its literal trash, yes. Glad I could stitch that together for your lard-filled brain

>> No.19151810

i honestly thought youd be thicker than pig shit and its quiet clear you are
if you think pigs have delusions and that whatever stories you make up in your head about strangers on the internet is real
you need help, i probably way less than you and probably healthier because i was raised by a bodybuilder and hotel manager

>> No.19151818

>doesn’t understand what an analogy is, thinks anyone believes literal pigs have sapient thought
>I probably way
>my dad AND my mom work for nintendo
I guarantee you’re an obese high school dropout lmao. Go get some more of Dave’s Homestyle Slop, Wilbur.

>> No.19151822

>guarantee you’re an obese high school dropout
how much can you guarantee that, say for instance i prove you wrong what could you possibly do to refute it?

>> No.19151827

>>my dad AND my mom work for nintendo
what? my father is a gymhead who constantly lifts and my mother manages a shitty hotel in my town, stop making stuff up in your head you fucking schizo.

>> No.19151829

I guarantee it with 100% certainty, no refutation is even possible. Based on your grammar, you may even be a middle school dropout.

>> No.19151835

>retard and a newfag to boot
Holy shit get the fuck out of here, tourist lmao

>> No.19151838

Everyone here now needs help
you make no sense

>> No.19151840

shush thats why its funny

>> No.19151841

yet again youre making up little stories about someone you dont know
i bet you sit in the shower making up responses to arguments you had ten years ago,im gonna sytop baiting you now because this isnt even funny

>> No.19151850

>you’re making stuff up
>lemme make something up real quick though
I accept your concession, fatso.

>> No.19151857

>>lemme make something up real quick though
i think youre quoting yourself wrong anon

>> No.19151858

Hush lil babies don't you cry....
maybe momma has some tendies and warm milk and a warm towel for your head

>> No.19151863

>no u
I’ll accept a second concession from you tubby tits, I’m just that generous.

>> No.19151864
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i dont want milk
i want a cobes cocktail and to annoy retards

>> No.19151871

>no u
who are you quoting nigga
i honestly cant tell if youre going along with the joke or trying to actually be epix own

>> No.19151875

>haha I was just pretending it was all a joke
Is this fag serious right now?

>> No.19151880

well i fucking hope youre not you retard, you must be taking the piss.

>> No.19151882

Creamy Cobra actually sounds pretty ok

>> No.19151895

If you say so, tubby. I’ll accept that third concession on my way out.

>> No.19151901 [DELETED] 
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>angry wagecuck is out for vengence on society who betrayed him
>see a pot of Wendy's beef stew
>brings a pouch of ground up Tylenol and dumps it there
>gives liver damage and eventual failure to dozens of other wagecucks
>due to late reaction he gets a way with it
>does it again later
man... wagie world is fuckin brutal

>> No.19152210

Was going to post this

>> No.19153569

saved from page 10

>> No.19153596

Thank you.

>> No.19153700

Old hamburgers from the day before

>> No.19153706

They use old hamburger patties for the meat

>> No.19153864

>spice powder does not contain chili

>> No.19154093

>frozen veggies, meat, beans and spices is.. le bad

>> No.19154106

kek, i forgot i was doing this last night. thank you for entertaining me anon x

>> No.19154109
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>> No.19154116

Happy to help. Why have I circled back to this thread lmao

>> No.19154183

Zoomers won't get this

>> No.19154198

is that fr? capless?

>> No.19154199

>>meat that is becoming overcooked is taken off the grill and put in a steamer drawer
the funny thing is this isnt some sort of secret, Wendy's founder sold chili to reuse overcooked/old meat to save money.

>> No.19154496

My dad can't wait for the canned chili. That shit is gonna fly off the shelves.

>> No.19154519

i'd go there if they offered yaki-imo

why don't they?

>> No.19154683

>use meat patties to make burgers
This is fine.
>use meat patties to make chili

>> No.19155636


>> No.19155694

We wish we were and could stop NY/CA from coming in equal to the mexicans not sure what is worse

>> No.19155808

No; they use "old" chicken breasts for the salads like stuff that didn't sell from yesterday or last meal rush hour. They take them out of the warming trays, put in fridge, then the next day prep them by cutting and putting it on the green cold lettuce. They just have to pull the salads out of a fridge with a dressing packet to "serve" an order.

>> No.19155825

>dry ass leftover meat
Which is then put into hot water to flavor blend with the other ingredients. Surely you don't think there is such a thing as dry beef in stews?
>frozen vegetables
chili doesn't really have any vegetables other than beans and tomatoes. Have you ever made chili?
>prison grade beans
as opposed to the high grade whole foods canned beans? And before you say don't used canned, uhhh, why would anyone not use canned beans? Because they'd prefer cook them separate before putting them into a pot with other chili stuff for 6 hours?
>not slop
It isn't, its a stew. There isn't such a thing as a fancy chili, just one with slightly better ingredients like whole cuts of beef, and higher quality seasoning. Theres also like 10 different types of chili, Wendys is just 1 type.

>> No.19156044
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Since we're talking about chili any way, give me a good slow cooker or Instant Pot chili recipe

>> No.19156052

Chili is less of a recipe and more of a method unless you're specifically trying to remake or consistently produce a dish
Chuckwagon chili is probably the most popular style and yes it has beans
If you want to improve chuckwagon chili, don't use bell peppers/capsicum, use roast and peeled poblanos
Yellow onion is pretty common but so is dried onion
Never use fresh garlic, use crystalized or dried garlic, it's a rookie mistake

>> No.19156119

I could fill up that cup with something identical and I can't explain how it works. Something about insoluble fibers or something

>> No.19156126

>it could be true but i think theres some weird health risk so i dont know
theres no health risks at fast food places. the food is fine but low quality. the biggest risk is the people working there, not the actual food.

>> No.19156132

thats dumb. then the subhuman wagies would just throw food on the floor.

>> No.19156135

cant buy those in canada.

>> No.19156154
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Good show!

>> No.19156159
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can i request the salads with warm chicken?

>> No.19157104

They'll probably get annoyed with you for making such an absurd special request since the lettuce will wilt and they have to handle the salad again making essentially an unusable chicken piece thats been cut for that salad.

>> No.19158619

I've seen enough Wendy's training videos to know it's legit yes

>> No.19158627

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.19158637

Because when you make chili at home you cut up beef chuck into small chunks yourself, use homemade beef bone broth, and make a chili paste from scratch with whole dried chilis, and fire roast your own tomato’s and peppers. And you don’t put beans in it

>> No.19159214
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why would you eat warm chicken on a salad

>> No.19159441

can you faggots stop moving to arkansas and immediately causing a 3 car accident with a tractor trailer?

>> No.19159516

find a mexican latin grocery

>> No.19159532
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the secret is when they're picking burgers they separate them into the nice looking ones, which go on your hamburger sandwiches, and the scarred and bruised ones which they grind up to make the chili. the bruised ugly ones taste a lot better.

>> No.19159547
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I don't do any of that shit when I make chili nigga

>> No.19159553

I love chili but i hate pinto beans and chili beans. Dark red kidneys with some black beans is my go to.

>> No.19159567
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For you beaned can using folks do you bother to drain the bean water or just throw that shit into the chili

>> No.19159571

i dont add the beans until about 20 minutes before eating. i always drain and rinse them

>> No.19159580

>be me
>make chili
>it's pretty fine eaten right away after cooking
>put leftovers in the fridge
>the next day it's a clumpy dry mess
Should I just add more water the next day or did I not add enough when cooking?

>> No.19159581

I might have to try that, i keep working to improve my chili, it's been getting really good but there's always room for improvement. The addition of pork sausage has been a real big winner so far.

>> No.19159613

>drain and rinse or else it gets the farts again

>> No.19159623

The Wendy's near me just cuts up a warm chicken patty when I order a chicken salad.

>> No.19159628
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good stuff. as a kid I would eat this or the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger. haven't had it in years but I'd eat it again if I ate fast food anymore.

>> No.19159648

not rinsing the beans results in literally spaypainting shit all over the inside of your thighs

>> No.19159656

Why would you drain the water. Thats liquid flavor buddy. Either drink it or put it in the stew.

>> No.19159669

if your stomach is as fragile as glass, i suppose

>> No.19160416

yet its still the best item on their menu