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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19149404 No.19149404 [Reply] [Original]

Has he ever done a bad recipe
times are hard gonna do his red beans and rice soon btw

>> No.19149414

anything that involves seafood or beans is a bad recipe
simple as

>> No.19149416

>Has he ever done a bad recipe

>> No.19149443

>times are hard

If you can recognize a good chef then why can't you find a good job sir? Surely you're not completely braindead

>> No.19149445

I don't watch a ton of his videos, but I used to feel like he always had really straight forward versions of pretty classic dishes which most people wouldn't find very controversial. But the last few I watched it seems like he completely fucked the thing up and just went, "oops, mistakes happen in the kitchen! don't let that get you down, it's still going to taste good!" And it's like, yeah, but you're all about teaching basic shit to amateur home cooks and maybe you should only post something when you get it right? People are going to make mistakes at home and it's not a big deal, but maybe they'd go back and give your video a second watch to see what it was supposed to look like and where they went wrong.

>> No.19149448

>minute in ingredients 2 expensive cured meats
ok nevermind maybe after the recession

>> No.19149470

chef john is the best youtube chef but I think it's important he was court martialed for war crimes he conducted while serving in Grenada.

>> No.19149481

his poutine is god awful

>> No.19149563
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>he doesn't know

>> No.19149643

his cock a leekee fucking sucked

>> No.19149659

chip butties truly are the darkest and deepest

>> No.19149678

his sponsored instant mashed potatoes video was pretty cringe

>> No.19149681

God awful? A little harsh, no?

>> No.19149699
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Ah shit man I bet this is pretty fuckin good

>> No.19149727

well it's poutine
not much can save it

>> No.19149738
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>> No.19149748


>> No.19149761

If he makes the mistake then you wont make it.

A lot of people get hung up on specifics that dont matter too, thats partly why hes got that attitude.

>> No.19149787

>savory french toast
>perfectly cooked drumstick
Yeah I'm thinking that is some good eating.

>> No.19149811

Chicken&waffles sisters our response?

>> No.19149919

>if he makes the mistake then you wont make it
That makes no sense whatsoever. He's making content for beginners. He should be shooting a birdie every video. That would tell people "this is what you want it to look like", but most people aren't going to do it on their first try, so if they just make par they've still done something great and see where they have room to improve. You can't learn from mistakes if you don't even know what par looks like.
>people get hung up on specifics that dont matter
I agree 100%, and think that's one of the things that makes him a good teacher. But there's a difference between saying, "hey guys, I went a little darker on the caramel than I would have liked, but it's not scorched and some people like it this way. We want to go a little lighter, but trying different things will help you discover your own preferences!" and saying, "hey guys, my souffle only rose half an inch and then deflated, but all the flavors are still there and nobody actually cares if your souffle looks like a souffle as long as it tastes good! Here's a tip: scoop the entire thing into a bowl (if it doesn't release and turns into a giant mess just give it a shake-a shake-a), and then put a nice dollop of vanilla ice cream with some cayenne on top and nobody will ever know the difference!"

>> No.19149961

He tells you to bring buffalo wing sauce up to a simmer. You don't want to do this; the butter will break from the hot sauce. Other than that his recipes are pretty much bulletproof.

>> No.19149986

>the butter will break from the hot sauce
Can confirm this will happen

>> No.19151086

He is getting a little more experimental

>> No.19151088
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forgot pic

>> No.19151226
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>> No.19151255
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>If you can recognize a good chef then why can't you find a good job sir? Surely you're not completely braindead

>> No.19151359

Most of his ethnic recipes I tries end up tasting bland compared to using a recipe from an ethnic person for the same dish
However this could be done on purpose because most of his audience is American so he could be trying to made a version that most Americans will eat.
I'm not shitting on Americans tho, replace Americans with Europeans or japanese people, anywhere they don't smother their food in spices, my grandma sometimes complains about my cooking having too much flavor because according to her you should taste the chicken instead of the spices. even my dad has started saying similar stuff even tho he has been cooking his entire life

>> No.19151364

Asian in particular, it's more like they're Asian-themed

>> No.19151367

He's not teaching people to actually make the mistakes. He shows you mistakes he made and makes sure to tell you what to do right. The finished product is 95% of the time what he intends it to be.

>> No.19151368
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So much stuff can be added to this

>> No.19151398

>David letterman connection
>Mashed potatoes
>Accent missing in his early videos
>Cheff John exists two hours into the future
>Non authentic authentic carbonara

>> No.19151410
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That dude got me laid once, so I will defend him to my death.

>> No.19151438

>he's not teaching people to actually make the mistakes
Of course not. That was never implied.
>he shows you mistakes he made and makes sure to tell you what to do right
No, he doesn't. He makes a mistake, laughs and says "oops, mistakes happen!", and then just plates the dish and acts like everything is fine. If he really wanted to show you what to do right he would leave in the mistake and then cut to him doing it right without the mistake and showing you what the final thing is actually supposed to look like. It just comes off as lazy, and it honestly sounds like you're simping for him.

>> No.19151450

He talks like a robot doing a bad impression of a TV presenter

>> No.19151479

I like how lines from his recipes get etched into your fucking brain after a few repeats
"People, please, stop dredging chicken in giant pans of flour, and then you have to throw all your flour away..." Is a recent case for me. If you're legit, you'd know which video it's from.

>> No.19151508

If he points out that X should be Y and he made the mistake by making it Z, that's telling you what to do right. Not really simping though I like his vids, you just sound nitpicky.

>if he really wanted to show you doing it right
He often talks about the mistakes and changes he made in trials of the recipe during his videos. So he's usually showing you doing it right as he talks about when he did it wrong or worse.

>> No.19151535

Anon, if we're talking about a semester long course then seeing the professor make a mistake and talk where he went wrong that can absolutely be a teaching moment. But when you look up a 5 minute youtube video to learn how to make some basic dish you don't want the guy who is offering the recipe to fuck it up in his own video. That makes it seem like, "well shit, it sounded good up until this point, but if the recipe doesn't even work for a chef why should I even bother trying?"

>> No.19151617

The Scottish cock-a-leekie soup recipe for me was just uninspired and didn’t look appetising. He really wasn’t trying with that one.

>> No.19151638

I have to appreciate this. He’s been doing the samey, simplistic recipes for a long while so why not try and make shit he gets served in whatever restaurant he ends up in

>> No.19151720

He doesn't fuck up most of it is the issue, he doesn't fuck up any of it most of the time. When he does fuck something up it's usually something minor. If that keeps you from trying then nothing would help you.

>> No.19151958

>he doesn't fuck up any of it most of the time
I explicitly said that I always used to think of him as doing simple, foolproof recipes, but the last few I watched he seemed to fuck something up.
>if that keeps you from trying then nothing would help you
Now you're just getting defensive and attacking me, and pretending that somehow I'm the problem. This isn't about me, and to honest most of the time I watch one of his videos it's for something that I already know how to make, and just want to watch someone do it to refresh my memory and make sure I'm not forgetting anything important. His videos are great for that because they're short and to the point, and his recipes are typically very standard so it's a good reference point. The problem is that his target audience is beginner home cooks. If I were a beginner home cook and watched a video to learn how to make something and they guy making it couldn't even execute his own recipe I wouldn't "stop trying." I'd probably just watch a video from somewhere else that seems like it actually works.

I don't really understand why you're so insistent that Chef John is perfect. I'd assume you've learned a lot from his videos and he holds a special place in your heart. I'm a little older and learned a lot from Alton Brown back in the day, but I have no problem admitting that he's kind of a joke now.

>> No.19152010
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where does "chef john brags about getting strip dances within first minute of cooking video" land

>> No.19152012

I hate this faggots stupid fucking voice, especially now that he really plays up to it. Go back to his earliest shit and you’ll find he doesn’t do that stupid ass voice at all.

>> No.19152104

Chef John mistakes are nothing new. He only makes the food once for the video which is why he says things like "I wish I had done X."

This is so not unusual and no new that you can see it as far back as the shooter sandwich video.

>> No.19152236

He said himself that this one was terrible.
I've made a lot of his recipes, they're usually pretty good, but this one was terrible. I made it for a party too so that was an embarrassment.

>> No.19152248

I guess I must have just started noticing it recently then. Like I said, I don't really watch too many of his videos, but he's been a /ck/ staple for something like a decade now, so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with him.

>> No.19152277

>pretending that somehow I'm the problem
I wasn't really talking about you specifically, more anyone who would think something like "oh if the youtube chef laughed off getting something wrong, why should I bother even trying?" That's just a retarded mindset of someone who wouldn't make it to begin with. If his target audience is a beginner home cook then they probably don't have the standards that you have here as someone who is experienced and bitching about minor execution details. They just want to try to learn a new dish and not fuck it up to the point of it not being enjoyable.

>why do you insist he's perfect?
I explicitly said that he doesn't get things right 100% of the time. Just that he usually gets things right, which most youtube chefs with any decent size do anyway. I don't think he's god's gift to food, just that he's one of the better food youtube guys out there because he focuses more on the food and less on the personality.

>> No.19152312

His cornish pasty recipe was absolutely dire. Terrible pastry, used the wrong vegetables in the wrong proportions, and then he poured cream over the finished article as some kind of final insult
apparently the man can't handle non-American anglosphere dishes

>> No.19152705

Nigga what does liking chef John have to do with economic standing and employability?

>> No.19152717

he's the chef john of making schizo twitter posts

>> No.19152863

Please tell me more.

>> No.19153028

What didn't you like about these? I've enjoyed them a few times, and Chef John's recipe is basically the same as anyone else's.

>> No.19153488

>Post Malone of your adrenochrome

>> No.19153489

>Natural Harvest
lol I remember seeing that on what cd back when

>> No.19153725

Well luckily for you his mistakes are of the first kind and never of the second.

>> No.19153729
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I regularly make his Hungarian potato paprika cabbage sausage soup, its a banger.

>> No.19154032
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>> No.19154051
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>> No.19154274

portugese seafood + white bean stew is great

>> No.19154291

That cauliflower pizza "dough", or whatever. He even tells the viewer that he fucked up.
Unlike Mr. The Cheese is Melted™

>> No.19154349

If you like Chef John I assume you dirty up every dish in the kitchen when you cook, don't know to clean as you go, and are too stupid to read a cookbook. They're mommy blogger recipes, sub-tier ones at that.

>> No.19154430

you have a terrible sense of judgement

>> No.19154464

I have a dishwasher because I'm not poor

>> No.19154546

most of them are too oily

any oil at all is too much

>> No.19154578

And apparently shit cookware if it all goes in the dishwasher along with you Ikea knives. Don't cut yourself! Sharper knives are actually much safer. Another tip is to use the flat of the blade to crush garlic and make peeling easy.

>> No.19154623

>I'll take my food extra dry please

>> No.19154635

oil is dry. it's not water.

>> No.19154646

what kind of oil are you using that is dry

>> No.19155886

/ck/'s official cookbook

>> No.19155980

Holy shit kill yourself

>> No.19156773

Heh that was the first chef john recipe I tried. It was in 2015 and I was doing that paleo thing at that time

>> No.19156785

I saw that, and it makes sense if you're only coating in plain flour. Typically I mix a seasoned flour, so you have to make some arbitrary amount of it, plus I typically double dredge so it's easier to toss the wet pieces straight back into the seasoned flour pan for full contact

>> No.19157528

most tastelet post of the year so far