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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 320 KB, 2048x1536, 1669688894855526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19148422 No.19148422 [Reply] [Original]

What's the one thing you bring back?

And the one thing you get rid of?

>> No.19148439

curly fries
black customers

>> No.19148443

the death sentence

>> No.19148448

Ball pit

>> No.19148449

black customers
also you can smoke indoors again

>> No.19148452

An actual dollar menu, and super sizing accompanied by Morgan Spurlock mockery.

>> No.19148454

International Menu limited promotions
Celeb meal limited promotions

>> No.19148461


>> No.19148469

Angus 3rd pounders
Super size
Beef tallow
Put more emphasis on the characters like Ronald, Grimace, etc

Get rid of the celebrity meals

>> No.19148477

Fried apple pies.

>> No.19148478

Actual apple pies. In my country they brought them back but they are like 1/3 shorter than before and has less apple filling.

Nerf the fake meat shit.

>> No.19148492

Simple, replace the new prices with the old ones, and drop everything that was added to the menu after 1970.

>> No.19148766

ill have uh.............
cardi b meal

>> No.19148781

back: indoor smoking
rid of: the filet o' fish to piss off Catholics

>> No.19148803

2010 Dollar Menu
Zoomer celebrity meals

>> No.19148809

half of you niggers just want more money, or want to go back in time for less inflation. thats not how this thought exercise works you fags. has nothing to do with mcdonalds

lower prices is what i would wish for literally everything i buy

>> No.19148810

>What's the one thing you bring back?

>And the one thing you get rid of?
black people

>> No.19148814
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Go woke like Burger King. That worked for them.

>> No.19148878

2 for 4 mcdoubles
the modern decor

>> No.19148894

dollar menus with both forms of mcchickens for every state in the country
celeb meals that dont come with shit stans would buy the meal for. bts meal shouldve come with photocards of the dudes with mcdonalds meals

>> No.19148902

Bring back hot and spicy mcchicken

Get rid of undesirable customers.

>> No.19148911

I just had a light bulb. What if McD’s sold curly fries colored black with activated charcoal and called them “Fro Fries” or something. Ya know, to honor the black community.

>> No.19148913
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Who the hell buys a chocolate chip cookie from McDonalds?

It's just the most basic-tier shit. Is it for people who just NEED a dessert with their meal or something?

>> No.19148918

Wouldn't activated charcoal make you sick?

>> No.19148920

The old veggie deli sandwiches they had about 17 years ago. Apparently they're still sold in the UK.

>> No.19148923

No idiot, it would actually help soak up the other toxic ingredients.

>> No.19148932
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Why has McDonalds not embraced the onion ring?

Why do they avoid this standard fast food offering?

>> No.19148934

I mean, knowing the large quantities of junk food blacks buy from McD's they'd probably OD on it.

>> No.19148939
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>What's the one thing you bring back.
Ball pit
>And the one thing you get rid of?
Paid labor

>> No.19149274

I think you're thinking of activated almonds

>> No.19149282

Bring back western omelet bagel
Get rid of blacks

>> No.19149292
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McRib as a permanent menu item

>> No.19149297

McDonald's would find a way to fuck up O-rings, just like they fucked up my Sausage McMuffin by serving me a green egg that they cracked themselves. How the Mexican lady did not notice that?

>> No.19149302

>What's the one thing you bring back?
Deep-fried apple "pie".
>And the one thing you get rid of?
The McFlurry machine (because it never works).

>> No.19149319

McD's bagels suck. Way to much bread for a sammich.

I really liked the big mac junior.

>> No.19149337

Bring back the KKK
No more negros.

>> No.19149339

a GREEN egg? Wtf

I mean hardboiled eggs get green rings around the yolk but....

>> No.19149356

I was on my way to work and ordered it, nice an easy to eat on the drive. Took a bite and noticed the texture was way off, it was slimy and the taste wasn't the same. I looked down at the sandwich and saw the egg had turned. Luckily I looked at it and didn't finish eating it or I probably would have been sick. It wasn't green from a chemical reaction or overcooking the yolk, shit was bad.

>> No.19149361


Get rid of McCafe coffee so I can get my fries fresher and faster.

>> No.19149417

>shit was bad.
It was probably a penguin egg. They're sneaky fuckers, and often hide in chicken coops after sneaking across the border illegally.

>> No.19149432
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bring back the autism burger

>> No.19149437

These were so good

>> No.19149468

I’d make the Big Mac an actual good sandwich again

Black employees

>> No.19149495
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>> No.19149670

>Get rid of McCafe coffee so I can get my fries fresher and faster.

I don't get it, is all the employees time taken up making McCafe coffees?

>> No.19149675
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>> No.19149687
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Get rid of the Filet o Fish
Bring back that white cheese + grilled onion burger

>> No.19150020

start using tallow for frying everything again. It'll automatically make everything taste better which will bring people back. Also adopt asian menu items because they seem to know how to get customers there.

>> No.19150056

>ghost taco supreme
Unironically would eat. I fucking love sour cream

>> No.19150073
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>> No.19150089

Super-sizing. If people want to eat a lot of food that's their business.

The soulless cafeteria bistro aesthetic a lot of the stores have been converted to. Back to booths and something more unique to McDonalds.

>> No.19150098

these weird coomer fetish mash-ups make me sad. What have we done to our brains, bros

>> No.19150101

I've never had beef tallow fries but I've fried chicken in lard and I prefer vegetable shortening.

>> No.19150120

Bring back the eggnog milkshakes, even if only for the colder months. Get rid of the Big Mac, they've been coasting on it too long and no sandwich that uses a bun in place of an extra patty deserves to live.

>> No.19150123

ding ding ding

>> No.19150129

Introduce McDonald Premium
Basically an off chain McDonald but with everything up price and pretentious, pretending to be five guys

>> No.19150135

Modern Taco Bell isn't too far off from this...

>> No.19150136
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>> No.19150179

What about mozzarella sticks?

>> No.19150187
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Bring back - Styrofoam packaging
remove - Black people

>> No.19150189

I want mcdonalds classic fajitas back. Not the salad filled crap, the old ones.
I miss those things.

>> No.19150200
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fried chicken

>> No.19150218

>burger jail awakened some kinks

>> No.19150272

>dry ingredients interspersed with wet ingredients
Who writes a recipe like this? Are you trying to make me wash my measuring spoons 6 times for this?

>> No.19150292

Not really "bring back", but I'd eat there more often if they served beer and liquor.

>> No.19150348

make it healthy, start putting profits towards low income communities to create after school sports programs and leagues.

>> No.19150358

it's permanent over here in germany

>> No.19150386

Curry nugget sauce in Australia, dunno why they fuckin got rid of it.

>> No.19150422
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McDonald's needs to reflect our society more and be able to relate more to young people to keep up in todays way more competitive market.

Bud Light teaming up with popular influencer Dylan Mulvaney really paved the way here and McDonald's should take a similar route.

"Go woke, go broke" is what a very small yet loud minority of "old" customers will claim, but reality paints a very different picture: Bud Light is doing great, just like all other companies that decided to move on to a more diverse, inclusive message to go along with their products. Their "boycotts" are either not noticeable in sales or (much more likely) they're not really boycotting a product they love.

One thing is sure: McDonald's is popular. Among all demographics all over the world. If McDonald's reflects this, along with providing a great meal at an affordable price, it will be unstoppable.

>> No.19150689

They're decent.

Saw a guy get fired for stealing 1 cookie when I was 16 and working there.

>> No.19150692

Bring back: Steak bagel thing. Disgustingly delicious.
86: Automated order kiosks. Part of the fun at McDoggo's is having a75-year-old who didn't plan for retirement work for me.

>> No.19150696

I'd bring back the ball pits and place place and have speakers in there playing lil b music
I'd get rid of those shitty touchscreen kiosks

>> No.19150699


>> No.19150726

bring smoking back is based. However, catholics are good. so do something to piss off jews instead. like hook nose hot dogs or something

>> No.19150732

do they still sell the bug burger, the impossible whopper? or did that flop already

>> No.19150736

i love all the frens who answered to get rid of orcs. fuck the orcs.

>> No.19150748

the one on the left is actually a better burger than a standard whopper

>> No.19150758

>pride burger
>it's a burger made wrong
what did they mean by this?

>> No.19150777

they are mentally ill perverts and everyone knows it

>> No.19150819

all celebrities, politicians, and people who disagree with my beliefs is a pedophiles, get on my level

>> No.19150824

>ball pits
Y'all niggers don't know shit.
If you're not old enough to remember Mc'Ds birthday parties, just stfu, and go back to playing with your "action figures".

>> No.19150834
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Stop shilling fast food companies, you inbred retarded subhuman.
Get a real job just like everybody else. How much do they pay you? I bet it isnt worth it, you fucking useless microbe.

>> No.19150838

Change the name to “BlackDonalds”

>> No.19150845

>local ingredients
Bake the buns, mince the meat, use local produce (preferably family businesses).

>> No.19150849

I read the arbys one first and wouldn't be surprised if that was real

>> No.19150855

Found the liberal and or black person

>> No.19150862

I know a shit load of people that won't buy AB just for that reason. The biggest drinker of bud light and Busch lights are definitely rednecks and Mexicans and you'll be damned if that move won't piss off a heavy majority of them

>> No.19150907

Permanently return the McRib

>> No.19150923

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.19150958

They tried them back in the late 90s-2000. Didn't pan out. Same with chicken wings, although they're not as much a ff staple.

>> No.19151008
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It's driving me crazy, I used to have a special edition burger almost monthly back when I was a teenager:
>chef guest star
>black pepper sauce
>gouda cheese
>the bun is loaded with sunflower seeds
>beef tastes a little bit better than in regular burgers, saltier and flavorful

This would've been 2012-ish Spain. I've been looking for that burger everywhere, at least some notes or descriptors to try and recreate it at home, but nothing. It's like it never existed. It feels like I live in a Fruit Loops universe.

I would bring that back, it was so good, bros.

And I'd get rid of the brutalist aesthetic in favor of the distinctive McDonald's theme we used to have back then: unique buildings, unique chairs, the old clownish uniforms, bring back the mascots, bring back the glass fiber sculptures, burger seats, self-licensed toys (mcnugget buddies, fry kids),... make it so whenever you take a photo in a McDonald's people know it's a McDonald's.

>> No.19151062

Introduce two filet-o-fish meal
Immediately suspend all partnering with rappers for promo deals

>> No.19151100

It's not that deep

>> No.19151104

They have them for a period every few months in the UK

>> No.19151113

I visited an oft-frequented McD's in my old home town and was pleasantly surprised to find that, decades after having moved away, the interior was untouched after all that time, still had the spinny chairs and iron railings and everything. Whereas all the McD's in the area where I now live have all been completely remodeled floor-to-ceiling SEVERAL times in those years into their current, soulless forms.

The old store of course remained unchanged because the old town was a shithole without $$, but it made me almost want to move back anyway.

>> No.19151122

Sausage gravy as a side, menu item and sauce

>> No.19151159

>that won't buy AB just for that reason.
They'll go back to buying it in a month because they like it. They'll have forgotten about it by then because then there's another new thing the tard whisperers will get them angry about, like a Chinese cinderella Disney movie or whatever

>> No.19151395

>Bring back
$.99 double cheeseburger NOT GAY MCDOUBLES

>Get rid of
Employees who can barely speak English

>> No.19151430

>Bring back
That cheap chicken burger they used to sell made from chicken thighs
>Get rid off
Black people

>> No.19151462

Put all my money in the stock market (put) make a horrible decision.
With the money gained, I sell it for cheap at an auction. Easy profit.

>> No.19151471

Bring back: normal milkshakes & coffee (I know, it's 2)
Get rid: non-stop beeping devices.

>> No.19151472

>bring back
having decent sized burgers. everything is fucking tiny these days.
>If it has to be a menu item
coffee sundae. we had a special event menu for a world cup (maybe germany 2006?) where things were national theme, and one of them was a sundae that they used the coffee frappe syrup as the topping. was so good.

>> No.19151488

Bring back white employees.
Get rid of vegetable oils.

>> No.19151606

>Bud Light is doing great
Didn't they just lose $4b-b-b-billion in market cap specifically because of this ad camptaign?
>One thing is sure: McDonald's is popular.
Yeah, and it has factually nothing to do with their retarded ad campaigns of trying to lure more blacks into their business by paying cardi B and other music millionaires a shitload of money.

>> No.19151625


>> No.19151651

First only hire old lady's and people with down syndrome to work the front. 2nd hire 3rd worlders to bump McDonald's threads on 4chan. Finally mcfish orders come with a business card for the suicide hotline.

>> No.19151657

Based big tatty Ranni.

>> No.19151659

>bring back?
A time before McDonald's.

>get rid of?

>> No.19151662

>STANDING on a cross HOLDING nails
Even by fast-food protestor standards this is faggy as all hell.

>> No.19151663

Make some of the international items available in the US on a rotating basis
The ridiculous breakfast prices, one hashbrown should not be $2.50

>> No.19151668

Onion rings destroy fryer oil. Asked a chipwagon guy.

>> No.19151670

>A time before McDonalds
Alright. I'm all for it; but that'd make it 1954. I'd wager that wouldn't be such a fun time for you, anon. Call it a hunch.

>> No.19151691

>that wouldn't be such a fun time
With the McTimeMachine? It'd be an absolute blast.

>> No.19151707

I would bring back Chicken Selects.

>> No.19151711

Well no. McDonalds wouldn't exist anymore. So it'd just be one of the jewish time machines they built after the war.

>> No.19151724

You silly, silly goose. The McTimeMachine has built-in paradox protection. It wouldn't simply disappear into a puff of smoke or anything. It'd simply exist in the new timeline as a remnant of its original timeline.
For a serious, i don't ready McDo often enough to know wtf they have for me to get rid of nor what is bring back from its past. The only change I'd do is create a rotating Third Thursday menu from their vast international offerings wherein an item from some other location is available for the weekend of the third Thursday of each month. It'd be nice to get to try the chicken maharaja Mac in Coochie County, West Virginia or a Mclobster in Honhonhon, France.

>> No.19151763

Bring back the old aesthetic and do away with the current modern style. It could help bring more eyes to McDonalds by having it stand out compared to everyone else who has changed to become more modern.

>> No.19151853

bring back: bacon smokehouse
get rid of: YOU

>> No.19151902
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snack wraps

>> No.19152201

Didn't know this was an alt right board now. Fuck off to /pol/ nazi scum

>> No.19152209

Everyone knows pink isn’t your real hair color.

>> No.19152419

I'm voting for this

take me back

>> No.19152460

neither, the not fat person

>> No.19152502

2 for 5$ quarter pounders
Get rid of the fish.

>> No.19152535
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Mad respect, you are a king among men.

>> No.19152537

Chicken Selects
Apple Pies.

>> No.19152541

I miss the salad shakers.

>> No.19152545

>What's the one thing you bring back?
99 cent cheeseburger 88 cent hamburger concept
no more 1...2...3... dollar menu bullshit

>> No.19152602
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The blessed digits, may your wish be granted.

>> No.19153377

All day breakfast

>> No.19153924

where on earth do you think your fucking posting you newfag scum?

>> No.19153954

You libs wont live with niggers or spics I don't see why you would be offended by others not wanting to.

>> No.19153962


>> No.19154168

Always has been

>> No.19154173


>> No.19154197

>get rid of black customers
>black employees still there

>> No.19154204

No one is stopping you from living in a black majority neighborhood. Please post your results.

>> No.19154233

resturaunts that look like resuraunts, not grey prison blocks

>> No.19154366

bring back?
those fries you shook in a bag with flavor(or the pizzas)

get rid of
the digital kiosks, stand in line like everyone else fucktards

>> No.19154487

>What's the one thing you bring back?
>And the one thing you get rid of?
all the clown characters

>> No.19154526

It's not. Civilized people usually don't pay attention to these poorslop threads.

>What's the one thing you bring back?
Nothing. I start with proper food for a competitive price. Actual bread, in season veg, decent burger. Transparent supply chain focussing on animal welfare and human health aka female good looks.

>And the one thing you get rid of?
Everything. You guys are like Volkswagen if it still produced '80s GTI's and beetles today. Great products with staying power but they're over. Why come to this sewer for advice on things you already know? Your demographic moved up; either follow them or try to conquer the Eastern Europeans, Filipinos and Ecuadorians who replaced them.

>> No.19154542


>> No.19154567

Bring back: white staff
Get rid of: black staff

>> No.19154604

they're all mexicans in my area, and they're fucking disgusting, nothing is clean, everything is cross contaminated, and I don't see how anyone would eat there

>> No.19154619


>> No.19154626

explain to me how plastic cups are less recyclable than paper cups

>> No.19155031

Well, you are accurate, but that's just a coincidence...

Fuck off with your fascist intolerance with genocidal intent, youre just a rainbow bigot that hates free speech when there's valid arguments against you.

>> No.19155367

I remove mcshill threads from the catalog

>> No.19155511

bring back the Big Tasty
remove fucking paper straws I hate them so much

>> No.19155535


>> No.19155537

>remove fucking paper straws I hate them so much
Oh my science anon think of the weather.

>> No.19155557
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>> No.19155572

go back to reddi t

>> No.19155585

Bring back Angus burgers, chicken selects, and all day breakfast

Get rid of mcflurries, no one likes them.

>> No.19155594

Bring back good tasting food
Get rid of double digit $ combo meals

>> No.19155627
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dollar menus
marketing team

>> No.19155656

Don't even bother responding to those subhumans, they just want the attention.

>> No.19155662

Whole fucking 4chan is right-wing you absolute mongoloid. It always was. And always will be.

>> No.19155820

>it always was
Hello election tourist!

>> No.19156002

Been here since 05, I'm a Leftist(although many Leftists would call me a Centrist).

Market Socialist.

>> No.19156045

>Imagine being in the wrong place for this long.

>> No.19156060
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>It always was. And always will be
Kys Election tourist.

>> No.19156065

Bring back salads

>> No.19156071

>In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx's son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Paul had "one eighth or one twelfth nigger blood." In an April 1887 letter to Paul's wife, Engels wrote, "Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district."
Wow leftism is pretty based.

>> No.19156121
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Basically make the Chick-fil-A of hamburger restaurants. Get rid of the stupid gourmet burgers, McCrispy, and McCafe. Cook the fries in lard. Make racist and homophobic remarks to hopefully trim blacks and liberals from the customer base. Quality hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes prepared and served by white people for white people.

>> No.19156136
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had to do it anons.. i'm sorry..

>> No.19156149

Mac Tonight.

>> No.19156153


>> No.19156156

Mac Tonight
New Mascot

>> No.19156227
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>What's the one thing you bring back?

The beefsteak sandwich. This was fucking GOOD and the process isn't any different then the McShitRib.

>And the one thing you get rid of?

Black customers and staff.

>> No.19156242

>grimaces lament

>> No.19156255

Bring back the Big 'n Tasty

Remove the deluxe QPC.

>> No.19156260

what's wrong with this? it looks good

>> No.19156347

Mcdonalds pizza globally

>> No.19157056

No one needs to breathe your shit smelling smoke, nigger

>> No.19158005

It's common sense you dumbass.

>> No.19158033

Look at this faggot over here.

>> No.19158046

Why wouldn't it? America was booming quicker than ever at that point, and housing was cheap af.

>> No.19158302

kys negroid

>> No.19158326

Used to be 2000s teenage liberal troll. Smoke weed and fuck the church but also niggerniggerniggernigger

>> No.19158341

>election newfag

>> No.19158390

When I did eat Mickey D’s, the Big & Tasty was the only thing I ever ordered.

>> No.19158678

I bring back the McRib at the same time every year for the last time.

>> No.19158879
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>> No.19159116

thanks anon, it's good to see someone standing up against bigotry.

>> No.19159121

Bring back edible food.
Get rid of all current employees and go forward with having standards.

>> No.19159122

i would make the mini mac a permanent item. maybe also a chicken tender wrap with honey mustard. I also would like them to serve a powerade zero as a beverage

>> No.19159123

4chan is meritocratic. All ideas must stand on their own and not some appeal to authority.
'Right wing' just happens to be morally and logically correct.

>> No.19159470

Leftism has historically been socially conservative.

I can't think of a single communist state that tolerate gays and troons.

>> No.19159706
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>> No.19159763

FPBP /thread
You are the Burger King.

>> No.19159803

deli sandwiches
kill all racists including none white racists, any kind of racism is bad

>> No.19159824

>kills himself and leaves a pure-white world
Pretty based.

>> No.19159829

delusional if you think you wouldn't be instantly dead for even responding to me like that, maybe it's a kind of desperate self defence
definitely dead in my world, that's for sure

>> No.19159853
File: 104 KB, 1024x793, 1679372073473053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to how it was when it had better tasting ingredients and a better menu that isn't full of memes. I want the cheap hamburger days again where you can order a bunch of their small cheese/hamburgers.

>> No.19159886

You won't get fresh ingredients at that price. Your best bet is shake shack or five guys.

>> No.19159903

The picture is probably from the 80s if not older. Obviously scale up the prices.

>> No.19159904

>'Right wing' just happens to be morally and logically correct
Under what circumstance? I don't know about where you're from but in the USA we have to fight right wingers to ban assault weapons while all they care about is the bible and gender.
It's a low IQ boomer party, but not that left wingers are much better. Both are horribly corrupted by corporate lobbying. All crooks.

Right wingers are worse though.

>> No.19159906

>from the 80s
that photo is definitely 50's-60's

>> No.19159918

No way look at the poster bottom left. The prices are not 50s or 60s. The hairstyles are not either. This is like late 70s at the absolute earliest I would say.

>> No.19159924


>> No.19159933

I did a quick search and it looks like the Quarter Pounder was added in '73. So it's probably around that time.

>> No.19159936

Yeah 72-73... i was wrong

>> No.19159942

>kill all racists
So you would wipe out all of humanity? Damn we've got hitler 2.0 lurking in /ck/.

>> No.19159952

I was wrong too.

>> No.19159953

Right wing in this context means eliminating 'bankers' and not siding with one team in the political puppet show.

>> No.19159978

Get a load of this guy

>> No.19159992
File: 127 KB, 918x640, 1638598250306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19160005
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>> No.19160353
File: 655 KB, 2048x1536, fun-mcdonalds-with-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to letting the franchisees theme their locations as they wish.
Axe whatever limpdick exec mandated that all restaurants should be uniform in appearance

>> No.19160360

One of my local mcd's used to be all nascar themed as the owner was a nascar fan, and they had real race used mcd nascars in the lobby from the 90's, until very recently when that was all scrapped in favor of bland souless grey cubes.

>> No.19160364

Hungry Jacks here is starting to get rid of all their diner themed places

>> No.19160368

voting for this
the old school mcdonald's chicken fajitas with a handful of picante sauce packets were amazing

>> No.19160375

Styrofoam and foil and all manner of environmentally harmful packaging that makes for piping hot delicious food.

High prices.

>> No.19160389

bring back McDonald’s pizza

>> No.19160453
File: 493 KB, 898x672, Mac 94~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boo! I know he was at the end of his career, but McDonalds is why I became a Bill Elliott fan when I first started watching as a kid, and why I'm a fan of his son Chase now.

I also remember his Mac Tonight (Moonman) car was pretty awesome too.

>> No.19160513
File: 11 KB, 194x259, 098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusional if you think you wouldn't be instantly dead for even responding to me like that,

>> No.19160519

What are you gonna do? Sit on him?