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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19146969 No.19146969 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good things to cook on a date? Should be a) impressive b) not too messy + time consuming c) not make us both too full

>> No.19146980

For me, it's things that'll likely make her BRAAAP later on enwhilst I have my face nestled betwixt her buttcheeks. Could be any kind of legumes, or - if she's lactose intolerant - something dairy, e.g. fish

>> No.19146993

i made chicken pot pies with my first gf God i miss her

>> No.19147003

rohypnol omelette

>> No.19147008

>something dairy, e.g. fish

>> No.19147014

ask her what she likes dummy

>> No.19147015
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>something dairy, e.g. fish

>> No.19147021

whenever I cook for a new girlfriend we make jambalaya. It always impresses them.

>> No.19147055
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Why don’t you just ask her?

>> No.19147067

You have A, B, C, and D there, dumbass. I hope she's a dumbass too. Otherwise you're wasting your time.

>> No.19147099

In Scotland we make poorige.
Oats with hot water, and a pinch of salt.
Impresses em eveytime

>> No.19147106

Microwave an ostrich, idiot.

>> No.19147134

dont take dating advice from women

>> No.19147135

Beans. Broccoli. Asparagus.

>> No.19147192

no he means ask her waht food she likes you retard. you take her out to dinner first and while you're ordering you talk about what food you like. then you use this information later to determine what dish you'll cook for her. and it will make her sploosh because she'll think you're reading her mind or whatever because she's spittled up so much useless information over the course of the last few times you met that she won't remember telling you her food preferences. for example, I took this girl out to get seafood and she ordered shrimp for the app and her entree and kept saying she loves shrimp. the next week I invited her over to cook for her and made her shrimp scampi

>> No.19147256

>and it will make her sploosh
is this a reference to taking big shits?

>> No.19147275

carbonara, its just egg, spaghetti, bacon and cheese.

>> No.19147289


>> No.19147322

Hey OP, whatever you do, listen to this: do NOT cook a dish for a guest/date that you never practiced before. Ensure you feel comfortable cooking it by practicing beforehand. Improvisation with a new dish is a high risk move

>> No.19147326

cheese pasta + chicken thigh
finish with vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce

>> No.19147343

No cooking. Charcuterie. Bitches love charcuterie.

>> No.19147363


>> No.19147368

I made vegetable soup on my first date with my current partner. We've been together for 7½ years, so it seems like it was a good choice.

>> No.19147384

I assume that because you cooked for a girl on your first date that you are some kind of liberal

>> No.19147394

You're right, I don't even have a nigger or woman hate folder on my computer

>> No.19147407

Our first meal was pistachios, brie cheese and bottle of brandy. 15 years together now. Don't bother with food you don't like, you would live with that.

>> No.19147455

I do. Both are the same folder. It's just pics of my ex.
>black women are hot

>> No.19148777
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Me also. I associate them with so many foods.

>> No.19148787

I made lamb chops with mashed potatoes for my gf on our second date. I was trying to be somewhat fancy but it turned out she didn't like lamb. She did eat most of it just to be nice though.

>> No.19148797


>> No.19148829

am bitch, can confirm

>> No.19148931

hey bitch
you sure are cute-ary

>> No.19148946
File: 61 KB, 1079x1269, 9EC6679A-9996-4650-86D7-A0FA9F0ED3B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I have a girl at my house, even if were not romantically involved, I always sperg out and go full tryhard on the cooking
last time, I made gnocci and beer-braised porkchops with fennel
when Im alone though, I usually just have canned soup, or beans and rice or something like that

>> No.19148957

i dont really follow, you mean on dates? if a girl comes back to my place with me we just start making out, i'm not really sure what your gameplan is if you're just immediately cooking. don't get me wrong i'm here because i love to cook but why the fuck would i if she's already clearly comfortable enough to come chill? if we're actually a thing, then yeah sure i'll cook all the time, but it sounds like you're talking about a date which... like breakfast sure. but why are you trying to stuff someone you're trying to smash with food? you listed some heavy shit like pork chops and pasta? seriously? jesus

>> No.19148970


>> No.19149006

nta but when I date I mean business, I'm trying to demonstrate my value as a person she'd want to live with and marry, the sex part will sort itself out

then again I'm single so maybe that's a sign you should do the opposite of what I do

>> No.19149024

if you're asking for ideas, it's not a good idea

>> No.19149054

kingcobra is that you?

>> No.19149093

are women literally this retarded?

>> No.19149115

some of them are, some of them will remember they told you and be impressed that you pay attention to enough of the crap they spew to remember their favorite food

>> No.19149122

remembering stuff is powerful

>> No.19149131
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Pizza, they're fun to make together and universally loved. If you're just cooking for her then throw a Cornish hen in the oven with a bunch of roughly chopped onions and peppers. Half of one of these birds is not too filling, and this recipe is impossible to fuck up, looks visually impressive, and if you use a lot of oil and salt it'll probably be much closer to restaurant-quality than she expects.

>> No.19149138
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Alternatively, just bake something that looks like this. I say baking is the best cooking method for a date because it fills the house with good smells, and you can give the girl attention and drink wine while it cooks itself. Then you pull out a cast iron pan and she'll be asploosh

>> No.19149142

>Cornish hen
what's the difference from a cornish hen to a normal chicken?

>> No.19149175
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It's really small

>> No.19149203

it's cringe to cook for a woman, you're literally showing her that you're a provider

you cook for friends

>> No.19149209

Like all the creatures from Cornwall, it fears the pastry.

>> No.19149221

love getting a masterclass on dating from some sperg who likely spends most of his time on this board whining about the quality of fast food

>> No.19149232

I taught my GF how to make shrimp Alfredo. Tasty results from few ingredients, nothing complicated, one pan plus a pot for the noodles, fairly quick. And now she knows how to do it. win-win.
Also, I once overdosed my ex with too much garlic. A few hours later, her va-jay-jay tasted like garlic. The more you know...

>> No.19149245

Yes, women have very little self-awareness.

>> No.19149246

In Scotland, men wear skirts and invented bagpipes and golf.
Aside from whiskey, is there anything you do right?

>> No.19149254

>assuming OP is dating a middle school girl
...not that I wouldn't.

>> No.19149261

get triggered

>> No.19149270

>it's cringe to cook for a woman, you're literally showing her that you're a provider
You'd rather she think you're a leach?
No wonder you only fuck fat white girls with daddy issues.

>> No.19149497

Id be cooking for myself anyway, doesn't matter to me if I invite a bitch over and she eats $5 of linguine and shrimp while I get to plow her afterwards

>> No.19149506
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>something dairy, e.g. fish

>> No.19149512

Anon, I, too, miss your girlfriend and all the bouts of seasoning we had.

>> No.19149564

Your criteria is correct and I'd also add "not messy". That means no finger food or long pasta. Oh, also something that isn't too temperature sensitive.
A dish like eggplant parmesan or (vegetable?) lasagna can be prepared ahead of time. Girls love food that suggests healthy but is also delicious.

If you're going with Italian, panna cotta is something that's easy and impressive: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/michael-symon/vanilla-panna-cotta-recipe-1972842

Tiramisu is more work but very delicious while also light. An individual chocolate lava cake would also be impressive, but richer/heavier. They key is to make a dessert an individual serving for maximum impressiveness.

If it's hot make chocolate semifreddo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8BvZ6HvVAM

>> No.19149571

if your bitch doesn't like pasta, chicken and ice cream then you don't need her anyway.

>> No.19149583

Ice cream is lame, dude. (Unless you make it yourself.)

>> No.19149602

your mum is lame

>> No.19149618

That old fashioned way of thinking won't get you far in America. Move to a poor country like Poland and you'll get a very hot wife with this behavior.

>> No.19149629

yeeup, this. or anything with gnocchi.

>> No.19149639

Still sounds like you're chasing 12-15 year old girls.
Or maybe younger?
Personally, I wouldn't go to elementary school girls, but hey, you do you.

>> No.19149658
File: 1.90 MB, 2995x2337, 8EE56BF8-F2F4-487C-BD88-37222610592F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple rose tart - it looks great, and is less work than people think.
Picrel - one I baked for some family friends with apple consume (under the apple slices) and glazed with rose syrup.
Red apples look better but we have a granny smith tree

>> No.19149667

That’s so pretty

>> No.19149689
File: 311 KB, 1391x1283, Morelsauce_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to do my specialty morel cream sauce on steak or pasta, but then the girl I'm seeing says she loves all food except mushrooms ;_;
pic related

>> No.19149774


Make it anyway, fuck her if she doesn't like morel

>> No.19150377

Looks great post recipe I wanna make that, I'll replace the morels with other mushrooms though because where the fuck can you find morels

>> No.19150384

they don't like people like me in poland, they also don't like people I want to turn into my wife

>> No.19150549

You're black?

>> No.19150971
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Advanced Shitpost Anon, audible kek

>> No.19150986

I have a jar of dolphin jelly I use when I have a date over
>cook something simple like a vegetable entree, meat and oven potato main course and a tiramisu for desert
>add a lil dribble of jelly to starter, a teaspoon to the pan sauce and a tablespoon to the tiramisu
Half way through desert she can barely hold back orgasm its pretty neat

>> No.19150992

If you get her hot enough you can fry eggs right on her belly.

>> No.19152629


>> No.19152653

don't do anything that's sauce-heavy which can splatter and cause stains on her nice clothes