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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19141726 No.19141726 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

i wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have perfected a normal moka brew over the course of a couple years edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drink anything that exploded lately?
Previous thread:>>19126281

>> No.19141755
File: 893 KB, 1719x1707, 3eglcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey brikka guy at the end of last thread, im glad you enjoyed your coffee :)
but some parts still confused me
what does
>throw in the sink the last bit of liquid
i dont believe i ever told you to pour coffee down the drain?

>> No.19141767

How does this happen? Overfill?

>> No.19141785

Its what happens when you haven't perfected a normal moka brew over the course of a couple years.

>> No.19141789

im trying to figure it out and i have no idea
why is the top and bottom unscrewed?
but at the end of the day they are italian so that just backs up my claim that italians are incapable of making good coffee.

>> No.19141797

I put your shitty autistic vertical crank in the chart and this is how you act? I'll delete that bitch for v11.

>> No.19141822

Cancel Italians

>> No.19141828

>I put
did you forget that no one here has a name tag?
>getting buthurt over "seethe"
you cant be serious...
i get piled on in literally every thread just like you did just now and i say seethe and you cry about it.
get over yourself.

>> No.19141843

>nooooo its not a legitimate hand grinder chart unless my rok is included :'(

>> No.19141857

how could the answer be anything else?
>here is a list of hand grinders of all different prices and quality... except for multiple hand grinders that should be included but i didnt include for my own personal bias.

>> No.19141878
File: 287 KB, 1240x1859, Pietro-Grinder-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left the shittier ones off until you
every time it was posted. Should I go back and add the harios and javapresses?

>> No.19141923
File: 928 KB, 3024x4032, 1680838187258935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ROK (like the great mma fightert & actor the Rock) grinder, ROCKS okay? Do NOT speak ill of it.

>> No.19141933

I poured it just before it whistled so a bit came out with some sound after I had poured. I wasn't sure if those bits were "tainted" so I let them go.

>> No.19141935

there are literally 3 vertical crank hand grinders
the rok - $279 aud
the craig lyn HG-1 PRIME - $984.95 aud
the weber HG-2 - $2,275 aud

all the other grinders you list use the exact same grinding style
so no you shouldn't add even shittier grinders than the shittiest grinder on that list when they are all in the exact same style
and yes you should add in just 2 of the 3 vertical crank hand grinders which are the cheapest and the second most expensive which is still the most expensive grinder on the whole list
which is also the highest quality.
the weber and the craig lyn are more or less the same grinder but the weber essentially has an apple tax on it so its more expensive because of the brand.
you know these grinders exist and yet you choose to leave them off
and even when you did put the rok on the list you literally made it red like the shit grinders and essentially said no one should buy it unless they were massively autistic and NEEDED a vertical crank hand grinder.
and i was fine with that, if you hate the rok for whatever reason and want to make fun of it on the chart thats fine, but of you want to have a good faith proper hand grinder chart, it needs to be included and list the correct information. this is a chart that is supposed to help newcomers to the hobby or just someone looking for a hand grinder comparison, if you really think the rok is so dogshit it needs to be included to show newcomers not to buy it.

if you want to make a bad faith incorrect and misleading hand grinder chart thats fine but im going to call it out for what it is every single time i see it posted.

i love my rok, i love my moka, i love my natural process burundi and i hate cry baby bitches like you.

>> No.19141940

oh i see.
i thought you made a good brew and then poured some down the drain before pouring into the cup.
thats probably fine.
i would be interested in the output if you happen to measure it next time.

>> No.19141942

>he didnt rdt(Ross Droplet Technique)
skill issue.

>> No.19141952


>> No.19141954
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>> No.19141959

that is an incorrect and bad faith chart that is intentionally missing grinders because the creator is a pathetic loser

>> No.19141979

Skill issue. I did that accidentally because I botched my online order

>> No.19141990

Its the handheld grinder chart. I removed all grinders you don't hold in your hands during operation. Much cleaner.

>> No.19142007

>be me
>decide to plan ahead for once
>load up my drip machine with double coofee
>brew on high strength mode
>shit's so concentrated it's almost a syrup
>put coofee in fridge
>next morning mix it 50/50 with milk, and some sugar
nothing like some delicious iced coffee to start the morning. I should do this more often.

>> No.19142017

>hes never used a manual grinder than sits on a bench before
you know you still have to put your hand on it and hold it down while grinding so it doesnt lift off the bench right?

>> No.19142029

If I went into a man's house and saw a bench-mounted crank grinder in his kitchen I would probably shoot him in the head

>> No.19142062

>I went into a man's house

>> No.19142072
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I used and then wanted a Helor Stance Manual for years.

>> No.19142153
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>> No.19142176
File: 63 KB, 1768x465, tistV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>v2 now with even more top tier options
I guess I'll have to make a third chart once someone spergs out about horizontally cranked hand operated benchtop grinders like the Etzman.

>> No.19142177

>i wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have perfected a normal moka brew over the course of a couple years edition
What are you, a boomer employer? Need 5 years experience too lol

Anyway, caffeine is a drug and an insecticide. The plant produces it to kill insects via neurological overstimulation. Sound familiar???
Yeah, that's not energy you're getting. That's stress. It shouldn't be hard to imagine the detrimental effects this has on you with chronic use. Unless you're some loser caffeine junkie trying to justify a bad habit, loser. Get off the drugs son. Quit caffeine. After 3 months off the demon brew I naturally felt more energetic and alive than that poison could ever do. Caffeine is like running up a pranic debt on a karmic credit card, cashed by your soul. Such waste of life energy is a sin. You will suffer. Get off the kike juice, now. God damned junkies.

>> No.19142198

>kinu m68
wow that is one of the ugliest grinders i have ever seen
i didnt know it existed and i wish i had never seen it.
i cant imagine paying more for that than the hg1 prime.
glad its on the list tho.

>> No.19142222
File: 101 KB, 240x240, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know these grinders exist and yet you choose to leave them off

>> No.19142240

nah im still right on that.
nice quads tho

>> No.19142265
File: 661 KB, 1868x4000, jUnYTUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know about the Malwani Livi too. Should I add that to get some 83mm Italmill representation, or are we getting further and further away from the point of the chart?

>> No.19142314
File: 2.11 MB, 7179x465, 1678361292192483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism assuaged

>> No.19142322

i mean there is already 2 very high end grinders that are pretty close to the same(weber and craig lyn) and my retard eyes dont really see how the Malwani Livi is any different despite costing even more than the weber.
it feels like its just
>hey do you like the weber HG-2 but want a different and very specific aesthetic? well just buy the Malwani Livi!

i also dont like how little detail is in the specs
83mm conical burr just like the craig lyn and weber and a 3 to 1 ratio which is very close to the 2.5 to 1 ratio of the craig lyn and is only slightly more than the 2 to 1 option in the 2 speed transmission of the weber HG2
but also to be far to the Malwani Livi it is the only hand grinder that i know of with a 3 to 1 ratio. and perhaps having a 3 to 1 ratio is really important to some people
and it does have 5 very unique aesthetic options.
where usually (if there are any options at all) you just have white or black.

>> No.19142331

you missed a vertical black line between kinu m47 classic and rog gc
not sure if intentional or not.
also missed the small white border on the right side of the weber hg2.

>> No.19142358

>my retard eyes dont really see how the Malwani Livi is any different
Other than shipping with another company's 83mm burr set?
>Should I add that to get some 83mm Italmill representation

>> No.19142379

>another company's 83mm burr set
it doesnt list the type of burr it just says 83mm conical burr.
on their website

>it is suitable for a cold brew, filter coffee, espresso as well as mocha.
never mind these guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.19142384

I meant his autism was assuaged, if he posts that and yours flares up until you give in, that's fine by me

>> No.19142402

>I bought the black powder coated model with zebrano timber and I immediately swapped out the stock Italmill burrs for Mazzer Robur burrs.
Who makes the burrs in the rok?

>> No.19142409

some poor chinese man probably

>> No.19142496
File: 122 KB, 1149x1500, 71fRgkd644L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for any info on this. The chart isn't an accurate representation of the hand and benchtop market without it.

>> No.19142540

>look at them melt

>> No.19142607
File: 172 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know any coffeetubers who focus on the vertically cranked benchtop grinder market?

>> No.19142658

james hoffmann

>> No.19142708
File: 172 KB, 819x666, IrateCustomer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning coffee tards general, are you percolating anything inbred this morning? I just had the last 16 grams of my Ethiopian and have to get by on espresso until tuesday when my roaster opens again

>> No.19142735

Literally who?

>> No.19142918
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Lukewarm take

>> No.19142993

Where's the lie? genius

>> No.19143122
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Pretty niche audience sorry.

>> No.19143152

>have to get by on espresso
Is espresso a downgrade for you?
Had a shot without milk yesterday afternoon. Tasted nice. Let's see if my palate gets used to robusta.

>> No.19143198

No but I normally only have espresso after lunch, one of my 3 coffees. In the morning I want to sip

>> No.19144134
File: 109 KB, 400x254, 20190511-7928JI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait did we know this unit is braindead retarded? Or did I just assume that? https://www.liberty.edu/news/2019/05/15/knocked-down-not-out-graduate-overcomes-brain-injury-to-earn-degree/

>> No.19144158

How do you get that fat drinking coffee all day?

>> No.19144309

Can the timmemore C2 actually do good espresso?
I just realised mine has an espresso "range" on the burr adjuster but can an affordable hand grinder really do espresso?

>> No.19144333

Not really. A kingrinder k4 can, I'm not sure if there's anything cheaper that's really espresso capable.

>> No.19144344

Doing espresso and doing espresso well are two very different things. Yes it will powderize beans, but for $5 more you can get a kingrinder k1. Clone of the old 38mm kinu and the new Aergrind.

>> No.19144714
File: 423 KB, 1400x309, 1649543853972438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be retardation in the equation if one becomes this fat. Also not exactly a secret see pic rel.

Look ad any of his drinks. He does not like coffee. He likes coffee with sugar and milk. This plus being retarded plus being from the Americas shit was fucked from the start.

>> No.19144744

>being from the Americas
Its Canadian and retarded from the start. You don't need a masters in divinity to run a coffee truck.
>The native of Ontario, Canada, had been serving as an assistant coach with the Lady Flames Division II hockey team while beginning work on her Master of Divinity in the Rawlings School of Divinity.

>> No.19144745
File: 3.46 MB, 1920x1080, divinetard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Oh well we don't claim Canada either.

>> No.19144756

My espresso shots have always sprayed. Is it time to invest in a WDT?

>> No.19144762
File: 800 KB, 1792x748, wdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not really an investment but yes. They're like $10 shipped.

>> No.19144763

Master of Divinity degree?

>> No.19144772

You need one to become a catholic priest. Not sure why a woman would bother.

>> No.19144803

i almost feel kinda bad about laughing now

>> No.19144810

She got hired as a hockey coach to pay for a worthless degree and immediately busted her head open on the ice the first semester. If thats not a sign from God I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.19144887

Yes use a wdt but just to confirm
Are you using a meme naked filter for sick instagram reels? What is the point?

>> No.19144890

Canada is in america, do you have a US education perchance?

>> No.19144893

I prefer a ceremonial hot cocoa, i guess i am just more spiritually inclined than tje average coffee addicted normie ha ha ha have fun being dehydrated looking like a dried prune and having no energy all day

>> No.19144901

Yes you are right about that, mhmm sounds good, hop on over to ceremonial cocoa general now

>> No.19144915
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Read the next post dipshit. Mistakes happen. Thats how units like this get birthed.

>> No.19144935

is this caitlyn of coffee tick tok?

>> No.19144945
File: 15 KB, 399x321, 131988029_447261102939893_2360071353982074999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she drinks black coffee too. and honestly her weight has nothing to do with cofee. christ you people are insufferable. go back to /fit/ you fucking faggots

>> No.19144966

this is very clearly a fat woman

>> No.19144967

I am in this general for now

>> No.19144968
File: 567 KB, 1498x1078, Screenshot_20230205-215420_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a bit jealous of the spiritual aspects of tea. Its way cooler than rdt and wdt and burr geometry mysticism. Should we make up some mythos around coffee drinking? Do you have a spiritual connection to your bean soup?

>> No.19144986
File: 255 KB, 1211x774, coffee house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea "spiritualism" is the equivalent of a burned out loser in her 30s going wiccan.
Coffee is the drink of the enlightened intellectual, favored by scholars throughout the ages. I feel no envy for leaf water chuggers.

>> No.19144993
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>Absolutely no influence on his obesity. None.
>If your interpret this in any different way whatsoever do it out of sight.
post wrist.

>> No.19144996

The coffee is secondary to her being a fat piece of shit

>> No.19145003
File: 963 KB, 406x720, 1650855930480612.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i'm trying to tell you the primary obesity thing is the sugar.
Big boi is fat partly because he adds sugar to his coffee.

>> No.19145005

It gives the whole thing an air of legitimacy and gravity, not saying I want to be that spiritual im saying I want it to exist. I want some mid 20s white girl with dreads say she cried from a particularly beautiful coffee ceremony she was invited to take part of in Brazil

>> No.19145011
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>> No.19145012

You're just thinking with your dick. The only part of your sentence that you actually care about is the "mid 20s white girl with dreads".

>> No.19145024
File: 1.51 MB, 940x1080, bulletproofgoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /fit/ you fucking faggots

>> No.19145236

What's "goffee"?

>> No.19145237
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All this sugar talk opened my eyes. It is known italians enjoy sugar in them pressos.
I will therefore try again a milkless shot with sugar this time.
The sugar is certified.

>> No.19145250

What we brew in these here threads

>> No.19145258

>i wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have perfected a normal moka brew over the course of a couple years edition
you shouldn’t have to drink coffee two years before cleaning your kitchen

>> No.19145276

try brown sugar or panela

>> No.19145283

What's the difference?

>> No.19145287


>> No.19145302
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had a good goffee this morning :)

>> No.19145307

mine was mediocre i pushed my grind too fine and lost the nice flavours of the coffee

>> No.19145309

>i pushed my grind too fine
why would you do that anon...

>> No.19145312

i'm dialing in some new beans. i wasn't sure if the setting i was at was the best this coffee was gonna taste so i went one click finer and it was one click too far

>> No.19145316

fair enough :)

>> No.19145359

Same but I pushed it too coarse. I swear this grinder is fucked.
>50 is too fine
>Set the calibration ring so that the dot is on zero but it's actually calibrated to 50 so I can go past the maximum
>60 is too fine
>70 is somehow even more fine?
>80 is suddenly boulders
It must not have been an intended part of the design to go past 50. The grind setting and amount of fines also changes drastically between the two coffees I have at the moment despite them having a nearly identical roast profile.

>> No.19145373

what grinder?

>> No.19145387

Mind your own business.

>> No.19145391


>> No.19145397

Niche Zero

>> No.19145399

a kmart muzzer

>> No.19145402

this is what happens when you dont have a good goffee in the morning

>> No.19145407

did you mean 'grindr'?

>> No.19145408

Niche Duo fitted with Labsweets

>> No.19145418
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>> No.19145540


>> No.19145613

a lot of people just drink 1 or maybe 2 cups a day.
sounds like you went overboard.

>> No.19145638

Look at them sperg.

>> No.19146200
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We just keep on winning, coffee sisters.

>> No.19146324

that's probably the stupidest fucking candy you could do that with, the shell literally prevents it from melting.

>> No.19146347

What severe brain damage does to a promising young priest.

>> No.19146607

Should have used peach rings with a fruity Ethiopian instead

>> No.19146674

>tfw some cheeky scamp switched out the olive oil for corrosive acid

>> No.19146791

Carefull there. The beanz merchant wants you to get your flavors exclusively from the beans.
What you're suggesting is commonly called an illegal move for those who nose.

>> No.19147080
File: 174 KB, 2048x2335, 71PegFfpA5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using hario skerton pro, it's honestly not bad, but I'm not really satisfied with the grind consistency. Should I upgrade to Comandante?

>> No.19147124

You can but you don't even have to go that far. The popular meme here is a kingrinder k6, which is significantly cheaper and will still blow any hario grinder out of the water.

>> No.19147128
File: 1.75 MB, 848x1200, 53990431_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee experts on youtube solely exist to review products positively and validate your purchases.
The only reason $100+ hand grinders exist is because there's now a culture created around these experts that they can use to justify the prices.
Stop buying into overpiced garbage. Bean juice is not that complicated.

>> No.19147164
File: 39 KB, 475x928, 51jy3hrAykL._AC_SL1054_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received this exact moka pot as a gift: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ariete-Grande-Electric-Coffee-Machine/dp/B0913C66Z4
In the base, where you put the water, there's a marking that says MAX, and if I pour water in it up to this line, the water level is right below the safety valve.
But when I place the funnel-shaped basket on top of the base, the water gets into the basket at a level of maybe 5 mm above the basket's bottom.
So when I begin to put the ground coffee in the basket, I would be putting the coffee into a puddle of water. Is this ok/expected to happen?
I've been using this pot for a couple of months already, and I always took care to put a lesser amount of water in the base, so that I wouldn't get any water inside the basket. Yet today I felt adventurous so I filled it up right to the MAX line, then put the coffee into the basket with a puddle of water in it, screwed in the top part and it went ok - the pot didn't explode and I didn't notice any steam coming out of the safety valve.
Taste-wise, I didn't notice any difference.
What do you think?

>> No.19147170
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>> No.19147193

Spyro coffee

>> No.19147197

Alaskan pipeline coffee

>> No.19147204

Me at 930am after my second cup

>> No.19147288

>it's honestly not bad
Honestly, I thought so too until I got a better grinder and realized how... mediocre it really is. You get so much more bang for your buck by spending just 50 bucks more on your grinder that it just makes no sense to even recommend this imho.

>> No.19147299

Maybe if the comandante had a vertical crank like the Rok.

>> No.19147329

Which cheap grinders are good for upgrading to a wild burr set?

I'd swap the block burrs in my Melitta if I can figure out how to get the lower out.

>> No.19147395
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x4032, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this coffee too coarse for a french press? I've used my french press 5 or 6 times so far and each time I've ended up with horribly watery coffee and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.19147402

Yes. Find the nearest scale, figure out what ratio you're making horribly watery coffee, and add more coffee.

>> No.19147438

Does anyone know how big each step is on the Timmemore C2?

>> No.19147460

I've looked for months and no dice. Not even the guys 3d printing new adjustment plates seem to know.

>> No.19147463

Is it really that hard to discern? I assume they're decently big steps because going just one step finer for me can be the difference between a decent coffee and a bad coffee

>> No.19147471

what do you guys think if the Varia S3? or is niche zero still the solo brewer king of grinders?

>> No.19147495

You just have to measure the thread pitch, length, and clicks per rotation. I think the cheap timemores are 12 click per.

>> No.19147520

my bad I meant hames joffman

>> No.19147524
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The chinks release a stepless itop40

>> No.19147527

>solo brewer king of grinders

>> No.19147560

12 microns? that's a small adjustment no? I feel like my pour over shouldn't be that varied in such a small adjustment. My technique is probably just bad if that's the case

>> No.19147569

Now that we're almost 3 years post release of the Fellow Ode have there been any reports of the SSP burrs causing issues with the grinder in the long run?
There were concerns that using burrs the motor was never specced for may cause issues but was that a bunch of fearmongering?

>> No.19147571

No no. 12 steps/clicks per full rotation at whatever the thread pitch is. The cheapest kingrinder k0 is 40 clicks per rotation so IF they had the same thread pitch and length, the k0 would have about 3x smaller steps compared to the c2.

>> No.19147574

what's better then? i'm in need of an eletric grinder. i only do 1-2 cups a day.

>> No.19147581
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Ignore the burnt cancer inducing bread

>> No.19147589

At the price point of the niche? pretty much nothing

>> No.19147597

The burrs weren't the issue, its grinding light roast espresso with a motor not specced for it. SSPs on filter is fine, running it as a full time 9bar nordic roast espresso grinder is going to put on way more wear. The new gen2 burrs will do it too. I've heard Fellow can deny warranty if you blow it out and they can tell you've been using it "unintended". I wouldn't call it fearmongering when the guy who designed it is on homebarista forums telling people
>hey probably don't use it like this its not an espresso grinder

>> No.19147606

how about at a lower price point? doesn't have to be as good but maybe a better bang for buck. i'll consider varia or fellow.

>> No.19147609

Straya cooking

>> No.19147615

If you're never ever going to do espresso and you're 100% sure of that then it's hard to beat the Ode 2. Their Gen 2 burrs are apparently extremely high quality so the SSP burr upgrade they offer isn't as much of a step up as it was for the Gen 1
There's also the wilfa uniform, Baratza Encore

>> No.19147617

Either ode 2 or df83. Ode is cheaper and you still got options if you want to try out different burrs. Df83 is the new "cheap" chinese endgame with just as many burr options, including the two that come with the new Niche Duo.

>> No.19147636
File: 17 KB, 1000x1000, a6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a brand new moka pot today, made a few cups of hot water to rinse it and made a cup, it didn't sputter, but it is bitter as sin. there's some slight sediment at the bottom of my cup, is my grind too fine? i'm really not used to drinking coffee, so maybe my taste buds aren't used to it...

>> No.19147643

Bitter = too fine
Sour = too coarse
With a moka you just need to find the sweet spot for the beans you're using, it's unforgiving but you get used to it eventually

>> No.19147646
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>Pour over takes three hours to filter
>Comes out under extracted

>> No.19147647

damn. is there any salvaging of the rest of the unused coffee? or is a too fine grind too fine and i'm better off dumping it

>> No.19147648

Did you bulk grind your coffee? Don't do that
Grind as much as you're going to immediately brew

>> No.19147701

>upgrade to Comandante
definitely worth upgrading, but there are a lot of cheaper equivalents

>> No.19147705

i did. well, time to buy a grinder
the moka pot does work beautifully, though.

>> No.19147787

It's not unusual to get a bit of sediment from a moka pot, but if its too bitter then either it's
>too fine
>a variety you don't like

Easiest way to find out is to experiment. Try going a bit coarser and see how you like it, if it ends up sour and weak you went too coarse. If it's a pretty dark roast it'll be bitter, that's how it works. Try a lighter roast, or even a different origin. The lighter the roast the more you'll taste differences in the beans caused by how they were grown.

For dialing in your grind keep in mind that a moka pot needs a coarser grind than espresso despite the fact that they try to sell it as an espresso maker (it's not). Start with already-boiling water when you add it to the base, this ensures you don't start the brew with water that's not hot enough and get an uneven extraction, it's more important to have very hot water the lighter your roast is.

>> No.19147810

Also worth throwing out there that a moka pot might not be the best brewing method to start with if you're not even sure you like coffee. It's pretty simple to use but tricky to get right if you're not familiar with what you like about the coffee you're trying to drink. If you wanted to try something cheap and easy to brew with while you're getting used to things consider a french press or any kind of pour over cone, V60 is the most common and easiest to find useful info on how to brew with.

>> No.19148001

>V60 is the most common and easiest to find useful info on how to brew with.
and also the one with the most variation in results by technique, compared to like a clever dripper

>> No.19148007

>compared to like a clever dripper
unironically why ever make pourover when this exists?
Does a v60 and an immersion brewer taste that different? They both seem to fill the exact same niche to me just that one is 100x easier and less fiddly

>> No.19148238

>Hario Switch
>Cafec Abaca & Medium Roast filters
>K6 grinder
>Just ordered a temperature controlled electric gooseneck kettle
My transformation into a filter coffee autist is complete
I also have an Aeropress but I refuse to use anything more expensive than the OEM filters

>> No.19148273

jesus christ anon
just watch this.

>> No.19148274

Good shit anon. 2023 is going to be a good year.

>> No.19149013
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Anything that tastes similar to this? I like the caffeinated light roast in the mornings for espresso but I hate starbucks as a company and don't want to keep donating to them.
Any company I can buy from that doesn't support homosexuality and tikkun olam?

>> No.19149036

How do you not spill your drinks in Australia?

>> No.19149114

chatcpt says
>The Timemore C2 coffee grinder has 24 clicks for adjustment. Each click adjusts the grind size by approximately 20 microns. Therefore, the total range of adjustment for the Timemore C2 is approximately 480 microns.

probably the best budget combination with the most flexibility. well selected anon-kun.

>> No.19149124

probably not for the same price.

>> No.19149147


did you just smash up some beans with a hammer?

>> No.19149182

I don't really mind too much, I buy a bag every 2 months or so. They last me quite a while because I only drink ~2 shots of espresso a day.

>> No.19149231

>I buy a bag every 2 months or so.
how big is each bag you buy?
>2 shots of espresso a day.
2 shots a day for 2 or more months and only 1 bag?
are you buying 5kg bags?
also those beans are are going to be stale for half of the drinks you make from it.

>> No.19149257

each pound is a bag, I just take a tablespoon and a half or however much those spoons from the espresso machines take and put it into the handle thing. That makes me two shots each day. Ill save one in the fridge for the afternoon and drink it during lunch.

>> No.19149286

this comment has ruined my day.
you have broken me

>> No.19149380

im sorry to hear that I hope you recover well

>> No.19149383

I'm very OCD about food and it takes me like 30 minutes to make a cup of instant coffee

It's a problem

>> No.19149457

>instant coffee
>it takes me like 30 minutes

>> No.19149839

Is it looking like mud when you are done? Likely too many fines mixed in the grind clogging things up and causing uneven extraction. Happens more often with lighter roasts in my experience even with a decent grinder because light roasts are less brittle and don't grind as evenly. Usually I dial it back a few clicks coarser each time until I get a cup that filters smoothly again.

>> No.19149993

>open the bag of instant coffee
>smell it
>take notes
>read notes from last time
>prewarm cup with boiling water
>smell prewarmed cup
>spoon granules into cup
>take notes
>pour boiling water
>smell while mixing
>read last cups postmix notes
>write postmix notes
>wait until it cools to 60 degrees to bring out those acidic notes
>browse my scrapbook of cup shots in the meantime
>have a sip and take this cups portrait shot for my scrap book

Not hard to imagine spending time on something you love is it?

>> No.19150022

damn bro did you really have to do that to me.
thats fucked up man
i get shit for stuff i say in every thread but this is the first one that really hurt.
just unnecessary

>> No.19150027

Bro dont be like that, I respect your routine but I also make fun

>> No.19150043


Just got a k6 at 99€ to replace an old 1st gen timemore slim. I have a v60/moka/french press/cold drip and was wondering if I should get a switch as well.

Whats the market on temp controlled gooseneck kettles? Is the Stagg the best bang for buck or is there something cheaper?

>> No.19150132

fucking gotem

>> No.19150425

Beanman finally open again after easter, so I just immersed some natty yellow bourbon, very good, a bit tart and almondy on the tounge

>> No.19150447

Best good but cheap coffee? I like Trader Joes medium roast. Obviously I like the good "expensive" local roasters too but I dont always want to spend a lot on coffee. Whats your go to cheap?

>> No.19150453

My favorite grocery store brand is barcaffe but it's very local.
Hoffmann did a video covering grocery store coffee

>> No.19150930

Cheapest I normally get is counter culture, but that's semi-local to me and readily available at grocery stores

>> No.19151107
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This guy looks exactly what I would expect a coffee nerd to look like
Yeah I think I'm sticking with my 5lb lavazza costco bag that I've had in the cupboard for months

>> No.19151153

For me it's Burundi in a moka.

>> No.19151338

thanks will look into the ode. if i find out i'm getting shilled i'll gorespam all /ctg/s going forward. just kidding.

>different burrs
why would i need this? why would people need multiple burrs?

>> No.19151347

based and happy caffeinated pilled.

>> No.19151474

I bought this Chinesium kettle because I think the ones from the coffee brands are too expensive
Don't know what's available in the EU

>> No.19151481
File: 163 KB, 1500x807, Lagom+P64+Burrs+Selection+Guide+-+Jan+2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A different burr in the same housing is a different grinder. Different grinders make different coffee. The coffees you like might shine better on a different set of burrs. If you want to look into other higher specced 64mm grinders check out the Option O P64, DF64, Acaia Orbit, Zerno Z1, and Kopi Deva.

>> No.19151520

>different grinder
>different coffee
can you quantify the difference? can you notice the difference?

>> No.19151545


>> No.19151553


>> No.19151575
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>> No.19151585
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I mean say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

>> No.19151706

who would be in a better position to a/b test it than someone with two burrsets?

>> No.19151721
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You guys are alright. But I just walked into this thread, I'm out of my element.

>> No.19151754

I would say not the tard that has to justify his extra burrset.
Look if you go to a coffee shop. Can you tell the difference if the barista brewed your coffee with water?
Can you tell the difference if the water is hot or cold?
Good. These variables matter.
Can you tell the difference between gay acronym for spraying water on the beans before grinding them?
Can you tell the difference if the barista did infact do the gay acronym for mixing the coffe in the filter with needles?

Personally every single time the barista does not use water for brewing i'm able to tell. Fuck off with your sprite John.
Every time he brewed the coffee with cold water i noticed with several of my senses.

Doo you think i could tell everytime the difference between burrsets without buyers remorse?
You see where i'm going? Obviously there is a difference. And the merchant is right it exists. But the merchant will never tell you how much different it will be.

>> No.19151769

>I would say not the tard that has to justify his extra burrset.
I'm not telling him to buy two sets of burrs outright, I'm telling him there are options. He needs to read a bit and figure out what the fuck he actually wants.

>> No.19151811

>A different burr in the same housing is a different grinder. Different grinders make different coffee. The coffees you like might shine better on a different set of burrs.
So tell me again how big is the difference between your burrs. Without pilpul.

>> No.19151907
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Mocha time?
I haven't had good coffee for a week as I'm moving and adapting to a new place

>> No.19151930
File: 544 KB, 2254x1116, gagneditting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 47mm conical burrs and 80mm flats make wildly different coffees when dialed in for the same recipe, on both straight espresso and filter. I don't really feel like buying a $700 refractometer to shitpost here with so I'm not able to dial them in by tds yet, just taste. Having them side by side really demonstrated to me what they're talking about with "texture" vs "clarity". My bimodal conical set trades off clarity for "muddy complexity" and texture. My unimodal flats(with a slight bump of trailing fines) still have a similar amount of texture, but the individual flavors aren't as muddied together and its way less "blended". I can understand what an even more unimodal set of burrs(like Weber Ultra) would taste like. I might not end up liking trading off that slight bit of blendy complexity for more laser focus so I haven't wasted money on a different 80mm yet.

>> No.19151941

what form of autism is this I just go to dunkin donuts and ask for a medium coffee with some cream

>> No.19151948
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Oh forgot the weber pic.

>> No.19151961

Some people think Applebee's steaks are great. Some people prefer grilling. Some people wait around all year for the mcrib, others learned how to smoke. There are levels to everything.

>> No.19151980

The Barista looked at the apprentice and said
>both the burr autist and the anon arguing with him are wrong
And the apprentice was enlighted

>> No.19151991

it better be natty

>> No.19152007
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x810, steakandbusters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy heating up steaks at Dave and Buster's feels the same way.

>> No.19152008

See you're still comparing 47mm conical vs 80mm flat.
Why not 80mm flats vs 80mm flats? Or 47mm conical vs 47mm conical?

>Samefagging with Russell's celestial teapot.

>> No.19152025

>not the tard that has to justify his extra burrset
he can dial in and brew the same coffee twice with different burrsets, decant into two mugs each, label the bottoms, randomize them and pull off one mug, and see if he can taste the odd one out or notice characteristic differences. all you can do is say he has buyer's remorse
you're just mad at people being autists, but you're in the thread for coffee autism. maybe you don't need a scale. maybe single origins is larping compared to buying mass market blends. maybe a gooseneck kettle is gay, and all you need is a pyrex of microwaved water. maybe your espresso puck being broken up by channeling is placebo, and the bitterness is just how it's supposed to be.

>> No.19152042

>The proof why is better comes from the seller of said grinder
You can't make this shit up.

The point which has not been answered is HOW MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE does it make.
Understand that i know it makes a difference. On a scale of >>19151754 how much would you notice is the fucking question.
The weasel has been pilpul-ing from the beginning instead of good faith discussion.

>> No.19152054

> I might not end up liking trading off that slight bit of blendy complexity for more laser focus so I haven't wasted money on a different 80mm yet.
Its what I've got handy. Not sure what to buy yet. I really like the coffee I'm getting now, but the screwless carriers for Weber burrs just started shipping so I've got even more o p t i o n s in the future.
Also the screwless SSP 80mm lab sweets and Mahlkonig tanzania for the EG-1 just started shipping so thats another two variables. I'm just waiting and watching the used market right now. ~$400 for the carrier and weber burr, ~$5-6 for anything that size from ssp.

>> No.19152057

Better is relative and highly subjective. We're simply talking differences. There's a difference.

>> No.19152070
File: 5 KB, 318x28, 1675096123361790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you get several burrs from the same size i would like to know how much of a difference you will notice. If you notice any.

Pic rel>>19152042

>> No.19152075

you said that trying to minimize grinds retention and trying to get rid of clumps and unevenness in an espresso puck are gay and unnoticeable, so I'm more surprised people are still trying to explain it to you at all

>> No.19152091

>you said that trying to minimize grinds retention and trying to get rid of clumps and unevenness in an espresso puck are gay and unnoticeable.
I said the acronym is gay not the act of doing it. It is also implied it makes a difference.
Read the post again muppet. The amount of times your parents dropped you must be double digits easy.

>> No.19152120

If you want a 10minute rant on 80mm from one autistic coffee tuber's(who helped design the fellow gen 2 burrs and new pietro flat hand grinder) perspective, check this out.
I ignored the second part of your post because of this
>On a scale of
I could (subjectively) rate every aspect of a coffee on two burrs numerically and you'd just say
You can't put a number on taste. Two drinks at the same extraction % can and will taste differently. I'm also not sure why you think minimizing static and ensuring bed evenness don't affect anything. You barista doesn't do that shit because you're going to high volume cafes and its not worth the time sacrifice. It doesn't matter if a shot spurts,sputters, and extracts unevenly because of clumping when you're using a spouted portafilter and 95% of your customers are there for steamed milk. The cafes that do use wdt are using shit like the duomo because its quick and just good enough to make a difference. Its priced this high because its meant for use in a cafe, not the home.

>> No.19152130

of course, when you mentioned incredibly obvious differences like whether there was water or whether it was heated, both of which (and only which) you later reiterate that you can notice, then said "good, these variables matter," then give the counterpoint asking if you can tell if the barista "did infact" mix the coffee, it's classic rhetoric to say these also matter and are worth doing, in the context of saying other things make minute differences as to not be worth doing
>It is also implied it makes a difference
the exact same thing you said about different burrs, which you're trying to argue are not worth doing. who's trying to be slippery when you'll just flit between either side of "it's effectively unnoticeable" and "I didn't say it LITERALLY made no difference," while they're just trying to explain what the effects are and talking about their experience with them

>> No.19152167
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>> No.19152185

>when you have a coffee without 15 chocolates bars mixed in

>> No.19152194

Maybe its a traumatic brain injury. Maybe its Maybelline.

>> No.19152212
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>> No.19152401

not into coffee but im thinking about picking up a moka pot

not sure what coffee to get, id like to get some dark roast or something earthy/smokey found ive quite liked that instead of bitter. id also prefer not to get something to grind the beans. any ideas?

>> No.19152409


>> No.19152418


>> No.19152491
File: 2.11 MB, 478x850, coffee girl3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted last week about trying espresso at my local shop before spending $1500 buying a machine. After 2 trips to the cafe I can say I will not be buying an espresso machine. At least not to simply drink shots of espresso. All I taste is "really strong coffee" flavor. I'm not getting "notes of vanilla" or other tasting descriptions. Is my palate just bad or are tasting notes pure marketing?

I'm still considering getting an espresso machine to learn how to make cute latte drinks though.

>> No.19152507

Neither, your local shop just sucks.
>make cute latte drinks though
Thats where they shine. Shitty "strong" coffee in 12oz of milk tastes like a coffee milkshake. Single origin straight espresso is an entirely different drink.

>> No.19152519

cafes use shit dark roasted beans that are not fresh and are not specialty grade.
there is no dialing in, there is no puck prep

you are drinking basic, commodity grade coffee by someone working essentially minimum wage who doesnt actually care about making coffee and just wants to get paid.

i few months ago i went to the most popular cafe in my town(there is a line before they open and they are full with a line down the street the entire day and have a perfect score in reviews)
so i ordered an espresso
it tasted like baked beans, it was watery it was massively under extracted. just gross.

i can make better coffee at home and so can you.
and you dont need an electric espresso machine to do it.

>> No.19152543

Should I be stirring the bloom when I make a pourover?

>> No.19152561

just a little

>> No.19152567


>> No.19152606

You should be feeling for any dry pockets.

>> No.19152625

If they're a mom and pop cafe ask them if they'd let you hand them some beans you bring from home and pull a shot in their machine for you, non-chain coffee shops run by the owners will sometimes be alright with that

>> No.19152634

>beans you bring from home and pull a shot in their machine for you
>hold on while i empty the entire hopper and then clear anything left in the grinder so i can do a single dose for you

>> No.19152635

>All I taste is "really strong coffee" flavor
could be that you're not big on espresso, could be the cafe isn't great (beans they're using, preparation), could be your palate
have you tried and liked e.g. pourover or french press coffee? you can try something like an ethiopian natural process coffee, which should taste pretty distinctly of something other than "coffee"

>> No.19152738

>Excuse me could you guys shut down for a bit while I align your grinder? Don't worry, I brought my own ziplock of beans.

>> No.19152895

>hey can someone hand me exactly 1cm x 1cm aluminium foil so i can shim these burrs, oh and a blue white board marker too?

>> No.19152901

Thanks for the pastebin. I'll be buying the cheap grinder and making cold brew in a large jar. Google said not to use distilled water for brewing. Is this true? What water should i be using?

>> No.19152915

google is dumb
tap water is fine(unless you have really hard water)
filtered water is fine(so it still has minerals in it but if your tap water doesnt taste good)
i have never used distilled water for my coffee so idk but i cant see a reason why it cant be used.

>> No.19152917

Just plain old filtered, RO if you're fancy and feel like adding your own minerals

>> No.19152950

>Google said not to use distilled water for brewing. Is this true?
yes, minerals are responsible for some of the taste of coffee. some people take distilled water and remineralize it to take out variability or try to change it, but without that your tap water would probably be preferable, and normal filtered water from something like a brita filter would be even better

>> No.19152967

Okay copy. I can use city tap water or regular filtered water. Or add minerals back to distilled Thanks.

>> No.19152999
File: 201 KB, 1024x819, water_coffee_chart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point to remember is if you coffee doesn't taste good, it might not be the coffee. Using the "wrong" water will make tasty beans taste off. Some places have great tasting tap water that just doesn't work well for coffee.

>> No.19153065
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>tfw my city has ~12 ppm CaCO3 hardness and ~20 ppm CaCO3 alkalinity
How much am I missing out on? Like you said, it's amazing drinking water but I guess it doesn't make good coffee

>> No.19153078

from my experience developing your palate is more important but water is also very important.
it depends on the brewing method but i can taste the difference between my tap water vs filtered water.
and just using a like jug filter is fine in most cases.
i dont believe changing water(in most cases) is going to turn a bag of beans from gross to pleasant but it will be a noticeable increase in enjoyment.

>> No.19153128

After getting my temp controlled kettle and watching the thermometer slowly go down after boiling, I've realized I wasn't waiting anywhere close to long enough for water in my previous dumb kettle to cooldown to ~92C

>> No.19153174 [DELETED] 

Only one way to find out. $15 bucks of white powders on amazon goes a long way.

>> No.19153181

Only one way to find out. $15 of epsom and potassium bicarbonate on amazon goes a long way.

>> No.19153188

I love coffee!

>> No.19153201

Any particular reason why potassium bicarb instead of baking soda?

>> No.19153204

yes but what about goffee?

>> No.19153211

im glad the gusic meme lives on :)))

>> No.19153254

>coarse grind coffee
>add cold water with 1:8 ratio
>leave in the fridge for 24 hours
>filter out the grind
Is that all I need for a cold brew?

>> No.19153313

Just trying it out. I didn't want to be pulling from the 5lb bag of baking soda I keep under my kitchen sink for goffee kek. I'm sure there some argument for avoiding "sodium" in the chemistry. I also bought calcium chloride to try instead of epsom but haven't used it too much. I already had an old distiller so it was fairly cheap to go all in on water with the dumb little dropper bottles. I haven't even played around with the new water tech yet. I just mix up enough for 9L into 100ml of distilled. Fellow stagg kettle is .9L

>> No.19153328

i dont make it but yeh that sounds correct.

>> No.19153348

Thats a concentrate recipe. Try it. Tweak the next batch. I do mine at room temp, filter and then fridge. The 600ml hario cold brew pot is $13 on amazon right now.

>> No.19153482

There's some chinkoid Stagg clones on ali nowadays but I don't trust them chinks for accurate temp readings.

>> No.19153694

how did he pick tim hortons over the mcdonalds? everyone says mcdonalds is better. are the beans not the same ones they use in store?

>> No.19153799
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>$700 refractometer
what is wrong with pic rel?

>> No.19153816

Well lads, what espresso machine is the best bang-for-buck nowadays from what you have used? I'm finding it hard to choose anything, I'm used to my Flair but would need a quicker turnaround/less hassle day to day

>> No.19153831

If you get anything in the budget segment (check hofmanns videos) do not post it herr, you will be absolutely destroyed. You have to ask all questions indirectly. E.g. greentext some hardline statement and call people fags if they dont agree

>> No.19153856
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>> No.19153857

he already has a flair
he isnt going to be able to get a comparable electric machine for the same price.
also i doubt he has so little time he cant use a flair.
feels like laziness to me

>> No.19153860
File: 17 KB, 461x612, more ''''''needed''''''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. You "need" more?

>> No.19153867

Where's the fag faggot?

>> No.19153959


Not looking for something in the Flair price range, moreso in and around 1k would be fine. I know the Sage is pushed a lot online but is that actually the best choice?

>> No.19153965

do you have the shit flair?
i just assumed it was the 58

>> No.19153970

No that's fine.

>> No.19154020

Yes I have the original, I don't have any interest in some bastard half-manual half-electric lever machine tbqh lad

>> No.19154054

>to explain to you why different burrsets don't have an effect on flavour i will not talk about burrsets and will instead compare them to a technique used to reduce static and only reduce static
the retards in this thread are unlike any other it's amazing

>> No.19154063

>I know the Sage is pushed a lot online but is that actually the best choice?
At that price point? Yeah especially if you're willing to adjust the OPV and stuff

>> No.19154368

>the best choice
would you do the work up-front for a gagguino?

>> No.19154405

Hey bro I have been getting into moka and coffee in general. I have been grinding finer and finer but I still get a great deal of acidity. I wouldn't call it sour just tart. However I have been trying different beans I have lying around and I still get prominant acidity out of them. How much acidity should I expect from a cup? Maybe my ratio is wrong ? I am still using a blade grinder for now btw

>> No.19154459

How long before preground coffee from good/fresh beans becomes worse than freshly ground coffee from stale/overroasted supermarket beans?

>> No.19154476

Cool thanks, I'll keep an eye on it

Probably not dude, I do small electrical repairs as a side hobby but by the looks of it after a quick Google I think I'd kill myself

>> No.19154529

Not too long. It gets even worse once you expose it to air. Best I had was 3 days before it changed. Had one that was bad right out the bag.

>> No.19154558

It's not accurate.

>> No.19154572

I think cheap beans are fundamentally bad, whereas your pregrind is just gonna stale and lose aspects of its flavor profile one by one and asymptotically approach cardboard. If you find a consistent light roast arabica I think I would prefer that on the second day but im not actually aure

>> No.19154577

Wake up babe new Flair just dropped. NEO Flex. $99 polycarbonate neo, pressurized and bottomless pf, but no gauge yet. Aeropresso killer. Cheaper than an E&b moka.

>> No.19154663

Killer price point, nice included accessories too
No carrying case and doesn't break down like the other flairs obviously
Also they say it doesn't work with the pressure gauge kit but I found Some Guy on YouTube doing an early look and, yeah, it seems like it basically does...

>> No.19154668

>>19154663 (me)
Actually, correction, maybe it does break down? I dunno, I can't really tell.

>> No.19154669

The 58+ is really tempting (they finally ditched the weird dangling cable end) but my main brewing method is the moka so I should probably invest in the kettle first lol

>> No.19154697
File: 242 KB, 2000x2000, nespresso-vertuo-next-premium-kaffemaskine-1-liter-rich-brown-0132192033-53291-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a nice good cup of coffee with crema and all that shit? Do I need a real espresso machine, some capsule fucker or what? My old dripper makes a nice workers coffee but it's not that good for a treat.

>> No.19154705

>they finally ditched the weird dangling cable end
Did they? Looks very similar to my preorder unit but with a new connector into the brew head. Cable coming from the brewhead into the controller into a laptop power brick basically. I just shove all the cabling behind my bench and turn it on/off with a switchbot. I think the + is otherwise just a rebranded LE.

>> No.19154718

Yeah if you already have a good workflow with your current machine it’s not worth the upgrade but if you’re coming from not having one it’s a good quality of life tweak. It’s also got a little magnetic mirror so you can ogle at your shot as it flows, like a slut.

>> No.19154724

At that price point, that definitely gets me interested in trying espresso making
I've been a filter guy my entire coffee-life

>> No.19154768

I don't think its quite worth the price bump over the 58 unless you really want walnut handles. That mirror looks like the ullman s-2x I've got on mine but I doubt flair is sourcing those. Other than that you're just paying for the new connector and an extra low flow basket you won't use. I swapped my flair "high flow preorder" basket for a pullman 17-19g and a decent 10g. Apparently the preorder 58s came with unbranded vst. I use it to hold paper filters lel.

>> No.19154785

A couple years ago the cheapest way into espresso(manual or otherwise) was ~$200 for a refurb flair and $200+ for a lido/kinu/comandante. Now we're down to $99 for a neo flex + $55-$100 for a kingrinder. Poorfags are eating real good these days.

>> No.19154793

Never been a better or more accessible time to get into coffee at every price point, it seems like every year the gear gets better and more affordable

>> No.19154820

Funny you should ask. This will do it on the cheap and has a pressurized basket so can run preground until you snag a grinder.

>> No.19154846

My pourover extraction time has increased significantly after switching to a gooseneck kettle from a fat lip kettle. No other variables changed
Does that imply my previous kettle was kicking up the coffee bed more vigorously and each new pour was flowing faster through a smaller bed (i.e. more in suspension)?
I'm hesitant to increase my grind size to compensate

>> No.19154877

It's not available for me, what is the next best solution? Budget is ~100bucks for the whole set.

>> No.19154909

Picopresso 30$ overbudget.

>> No.19154916

He'd still need a grinder.

>> No.19154924

Vertuo is great, buy that

>> No.19154931

>I am still using a blade grinder for now btw
I can't say for certain whether this is causing your sour coffee but a blade grinder genuinely cannot grind coffee properly. Any burr grinder would be an improvement and I'd imagine your issue would be solved

>> No.19154941

Vertuo pods are like $1 each, aren't they? Comically expensive for what amounts to 5.8g of coffee.
If someone was really price sensitive about coffee, investing the extra money in a machine+grinder will pay off in about a year if you have a coffee once a day. Especially since we're in a golden era of cost-effective equipment.
Or if you're a degenerate addict like me, and you have a few cups a day, you'll be spending tons of money very fast.

>> No.19154948

You need more than just a machine and a grinder to make more special coffees.

>> No.19154985

The only neat thing the vertuo machines do is the spinny trick to aerate the coffee for simulated espresso crema.
It's neat I guess, an unusual innovation, but not worth the extra locked-in cost per cup. Are you talking about flavors or something?

>> No.19154991


>> No.19155201


>> No.19155204

I wish Lance wasn't such a good source of information
Because I can not stand watching him

>> No.19155255

tldw guy is doing cool shit. Zerno Z1>P64. Tight tolerances, overspecced motor, variable feed augers and screwless 64mm ssps on the way.

>> No.19155292

24 hours

>> No.19155296
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>> No.19155322

>so I should probably invest in the kettle first
say you are american without saying you are american

>> No.19155354

You have no idea how insane Americans are when it comes to food and cooking implements. My mother insists that non-silicone, plain stainless steel spatulas and tongs are some kind of specialty item that only chefs use or something. She has cooked on nothing but nonstick her entire life. She has been using the same 6" nonstick pan with a giant scratch down the middle of it for making eggs since I was born. She thought that parsley was a specialty ingredient that you needed to go to a fancy grocery store to get.

>> No.19155368

why make pseudoespresso in a moka pot or aeropress when you can make the real deal?
it's over

>> No.19155379

I will have one batch ready next morning. I assume I will need to dilute it by 1:1, is that correct?

>> No.19155382
File: 214 KB, 505x490, 1667938607706208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're using preground beans (or beans that you grounded previously). Do you seriously get a teapot, heat up water, put the grinds inside the machine, MANUALLY press the machine for a shot of espresso, and then (optionally) heat and froth milk in a separate pot each morning just to make a cup of fucking coffee?

You could just be a normal person and put milk and grinds inside of an espresso machine and get a latte using a button.

>> No.19155385

>You could just be a normal person and put milk and grinds inside of an espresso machine and get a latte using a button.
Good espresso starts at $1K minimum for the machine alone

>> No.19155393


>> No.19155396
File: 76 KB, 420x420, 9175e5573633672afe7b8a6a5c4a2e63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19155405

So it's basically the old Neo but it comes with two baskets and you can't upgrade it at all?

>> No.19155406

>she thinks moka is faux espresso
moka is its own drink.
i dont make it because i want espresso, i make it because i want moka.
that addition to the site is simply for normies and retard italians who think moka = espresso.

>> No.19155415

i was just saying that it isnt common for americans to have a kettle.

>> No.19155416

Normal people have an electric kettle, boiling water isn't an arduous task.

>> No.19155421

Yeah basically. It's the old neo, but cheaper, made of plastic, with the $24 bottomless portafilter included, and no drip tray, and they claim you can't use the pressure gauge (but we'll see about that)

>> No.19155461

Is there a reason why they haven't made this one upgradable? Or why the original Neo couldn't be upgraded to use the Pro 2 brew head (while the classic/signature could)? Seems like one of the main selling points of the Flair ecosystem was that it had a cheap entrypoint that you could slowly upgrade over time if you wanted to.

>> No.19155467


>> No.19155483

Market segmentation presumably.
But it seems fairly pointless to buy the Neo Flex with plans to upgrade to the pro 2 head, that would be like $250 when you can just get the actual Pro 2 for $325. The killer feature of the Neo Flex is going to be getting good espresso for $99 (if the machine works nicely).

>> No.19155575

in my experience, more agitation=choking and slower drawdown, if the actual rate you were pouring was the same, maybe the flow from your old kettle dribbled or spread out across a larger area, causing less agitation to the base of the bed?
try dropping almost all your extra movement if you do any (swirling, stirring), or artificially limit/enhance your pours, like try pouring over a spoon or something and see what happens