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19144794 No.19144794 [Reply] [Original]

Why is shredded cheese so addicting?

>> No.19144799

its got what plants crave

>> No.19144819

Because It's got electrolytes. Brought to you by CARL'S JR.

>> No.19144827

Dat anti-stick dust all over every shred is a powder of cocaine, msg, and salt collected from human tears. It's also what Pidser Hut sprinkles on the pizza.

>> No.19144835

It's addicting? What is it addicting? Finish your thought.

>> No.19144855

Dumb ESL

>> No.19144863

pretty sure it's just cornstarch, bruh

>> No.19144869
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Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.19144870

It's cheese.

>> No.19144891

>2 floors
>1 bathroom
>it's downstairs

>> No.19144905 [DELETED] 

The American yearns for their cattle’s cream, suckling the rest for every last drip of puss like a helpless baby calf

>> No.19144912

The American yearns for their cattle’s cream, suckling the teat for every last drip of puss like a helpless baby calf

>> No.19144920


>> No.19144942

>drop of puss
What does this even mean? Did you mean “pus”? Are you that schizo vegan who things milk is pus?

>> No.19144952

you’re addicted to the hormones in dairy that’s what the thread is about lmao retard

>> No.19144961

It’s the texture. You can see this for yourself. Take some lower quality supermarket cheese and eat a block of that cheese and then eat some of that same cheese shredded. The shredding dramatically improves the masticatory experience.

>> No.19144972
File: 173 KB, 1280x658, Shutup BAITIN'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19145032

He made his point retard.

>> No.19145052

There is nothing embarrassing about using language properly. The well-spoken use "addictive," the street scum mangle the language.

>> No.19145058

Nope, they're both completely valid words. Only ESLs get this worked up over people using normal words in casual conversation as if they have something to prove about their classroom-based understanding of the language.

>> No.19145332

more surface area means more flavor, and the silky, stringy texture is great too.

>> No.19145344
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>only people who care get upset
Ya don't say....

>> No.19145412

I'm saying that ESLs are pathetically insecure and incapable of adapting to real-world language usage, so they autistically nitpick casual writing because it's not as formal as what they learned in their ESL class. Instead of observing natural language use and adopting it, they screech and whine at native English speakers for being wrong.

>> No.19145496

In my experience ESL's favorite word is the n-word and every trendy wor along with it.

>> No.19145533

I haven't had a single bag of pre-shredded cheese of any kind in my home in over fifteen years. Just buy cheese blocks, and use a well made box grater. Cheese is truly addicting, but cutting it into whatever size shape, or thickness you want, is much better.

>> No.19147406

Arguing that "addicting" is a real word is like arguing that ebonics is a real language. No, you're just retarded and can't use English properly. Let me guess, you think "sike" is a real word too?

>> No.19147426

>buying pre shredded cheese
Why not buy a shredder and become free from the influence of the cheese jews?

>> No.19147427
File: 417 KB, 750x835, 6505BF56-71D6-49FB-84B8-1F4687B39B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downstairs to use the bathroom

>> No.19147434
File: 324 KB, 382x417, Graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a piss bottle

>> No.19147716

Ease of access