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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19143087 No.19143087 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19143089

>dude im HATING on asian food im so COOL and UNIQUE!!!

>> No.19143091
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>> No.19143092

im hating on cattle, not asians

>> No.19143093


>> No.19143100

the fact that goyim eat goyslop just proves they are inferior cattle

>> No.19143115

I made gyoza a little while back, they were delicious.
i cheated and bought the wrappers

>> No.19143120
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forgot pic

>> No.19143140 [DELETED] 

This goy is wife material

>> No.19143155

you can be the wife and i'll fuck your jew-hole

>> No.19143199


>> No.19143200

get ready to become a trad wife

>> No.19143201

but I'm against traditional gender roles.

>> No.19143203

I hate gyoza
the chinese Jiaozi is better
>inb4 weebs
almost all dumpings you can get in the west is closer to jiaozi than actual japanese gyoza you can get it japan

they taste weird, plus they're meant to be eating with rice, Gyoza With RICE!

>> No.19143213

Why? Eating a hot GYOZA with lots of garlic inside, dipped in vinegar and soy sauce, makes me feel like I could eat up all the rice in the world.

>> No.19143222


>> No.19143224

that means you're in need of correction
now bend over

>> No.19143245

nice dumperringh anon

>> No.19143259
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>> No.19143271
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I see your goyza and raise you a gozer

>> No.19143286

Culinary travesty.
Fuck chicongo.

>> No.19143290

Wait a sec... What is the 'za like in Israel?

>> No.19143304

Where did all these 14 year olds come from?

>> No.19143314

It’s called NYC style.

>> No.19143318


>> No.19143325

Board is dead
It's just fast food and bait posts

>> No.19143340
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last time I did a cookalong it was like 15 photos step by step and got like 2 replies

>> No.19143359
File: 114 KB, 636x637, frensgotyourback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember that for every reply there's 10 other anons who enjoyed your thread but had nothing to say. Don't underestimate how much joy your posts brings to world.

>> No.19143362

hmm yeah probably true I guess. Still miss the banter though.

>> No.19143375
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pierogi kurwa

>> No.19143599

anyone know where to buy that plate or what it's called? it looks kino without being pretentious

>> No.19143627

hello fren

>> No.19143932

just search for
>original japanese ceramic square plate
and prepare 100 donaldoos, don't forget to tip

>> No.19143951

Why are calling these by silly chinese names? They are potstickers.

>> No.19144026

The Chinese name is jiaozi and in some backwards places guotie

>> No.19144042

kill yourself amerishart

>> No.19144058

this. I also never order them from restaurants because i got sick of the frozen ones at home.

>> No.19144319
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>> No.19144343

It's spelled
Glad you like them and started this thread. I love the Szechuan ones they sell in the Chinese supermarket best.

>> No.19144351

it's spelled

>> No.19144376

henloo =]

>> No.19144392

I fucking love gyoza
Literally what got me into cooking since i'm too much of a lazy bastard to go to the chineese resturant every time i want to get gyoza

>> No.19144566

everyone buys the premade wrappers
especially in Japan

>> No.19144725

Yes, it seems you are but there was no need to sign off. This is an anonymous forum, unlike the one I would guess you're used to. How's life going?

>Sichuan cuisine, alternatively romanized as Szechwan cuisine or Szechuan cuisine

>> No.19144746

(I always appreciate effort threads, anon.)
Probably more like 100, but your point is well taken.

>> No.19144818

I'm trans btw.

>> No.19144849
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Appreciate you doing cookalongs fren, this board needs more effortposting.

>> No.19144864
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>> No.19144868
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Best in the city. $23.99 carbs not accepted

Get to the back of the line white boy

>> No.19145872


>> No.19145874

my condolences

>> No.19145981
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>> No.19146753

Made some Gyoza on friday as well and I can say that it's not worth making the wrappers by yourself.

>> No.19146773

I need to get another one soon

>> No.19148024

What kind of sauce is that? Can/do you make it yourself?

>> No.19149461

I had some yesterday. I cheated and bought frozen gyoza from Costco. Still delicious.

>> No.19149482
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looks great only problem that cost about $10 and you could eat 3 plate worth!

>> No.19149486

unintentional pro-carnivore propaganda

>> No.19149491
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i tried

>> No.19149492

did you fry first then steam or steam first then fry?

>> No.19149517

... I don't think matzah soup and a prawn-free diet's gonna sway the tides on this one.

>> No.19149523

Cocaine-mexican goyza is best goyza!

>> No.19149881

It can be worth making wrappers yourself if you're inviting friends over to make 'em. Division of labor makes it easier to stay productive, plus the store-bought wrappers are a fair bit harder to seal properly. Every time I've done it, it's been a hit, everybody loves being bad at pleating gyoza.

>> No.19149966

You are a fucking retard die

>> No.19149973

I'd like to meet her wearing my tee shirt that says
>have hips not fridgebod

>> No.19150561

Is there a reason that every stuffed dumpling and spring roll country that wasn't jacked by the States in the '40s had a Communist period?
No. No. It's the children's fault.

>> No.19150564

Gyoza originated from China anyway, why do you care?

>> No.19150581

She already has hips but her unkempt waist makes her look like a man.

>> No.19150799

They're basically ravioli, you dolt.

>> No.19150957

And god damn were those trains prompt.