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File: 68 KB, 384x472, kewpie-japanese-mayonnaise-kewpie-184994_384x473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19139807 No.19139807 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kewpie actually better than regular mayonnaise?

>> No.19139812

Depends. It goes well on sweet deep fried japshit, that's it. It doesn't substitute real mayonnaise

>> No.19139813

>japanese thing

>> No.19139824
File: 61 KB, 640x426, t0129_001_20181026051800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are hamburg steaks actually better than regular hamburgers?

>> No.19139826


>> No.19139837

It tastes good by itself, but disappears behind strong flavours. It's only good with simple foods, while other mayo is more versatile.

>> No.19139845

>Implying anyone on this board knows what real mayonnaise is
Pro tip, it's not American.

>> No.19139847

It's a round meatloaf with more unique flavors

>> No.19139867

Okay, Russian.

>> No.19139871

Kewpie more like Jewpie kek

>> No.19139892

Why are Americans so annoying?
For the past 20 years they whined about how disgusting Mayonnaise is when Yuros would eat it with fries.
Now that they found some mediocre Mayo that got pushed by their influencer crowd they won't shut up about it.
I don't care about your mass produced weeb shit, spend 30 seconds googling and another 30 seconds pouring the ingredients and mixing and make a much better mayo instead.

>> No.19139893

Better at what?

>> No.19139962

Shut up, nigger, main races only.

>> No.19139975

The taste of mayonaise varies a lot throughout the world anon, a lot of countries make it with different ratios cause that's how the locals prefer it.

>> No.19139982

>Your mum

>> No.19139985

>soybean oil

>> No.19140012

it's made with eggs folded over a thousand times

>> No.19140028

>says the guy who prefers to see a naked baby t-posing while eating

In America we would snip that baby's penis, wrap it up in a blanket and never talk about it again.

>> No.19140063

>Let me tell you about your country despite never having been there
People have put mayo on sandwiches here for decades. What on earth are you even talking about?

>> No.19140070

i dont like mayonaise

>> No.19140122

It's overrated. Give me Dukes any day.

>> No.19140131

>mayonnaise sitting pleasantly on the shelf at the store
>Open the jar
>Must immediately be refrigerated for the remainder of its existence and will turn spoiled mere minutes if it's left unrefrigerated

Why the fuck

>> No.19140139

Not real mayonnaise it's just sugar infused slop

>> No.19140153

Better at what?

>> No.19140169

Fuck off dukes is overrated snoybean bullshit might as well buy miracle whip. Retards on this board act like dukes is God's gift to mayo but it's just more shitty snoy/canola oil garbage that will give you heart disease. I could shit a tastier/healthier mayo

>> No.19140178

I think the reason people like it so much is because of how easily they can squeeze the bottle and the smaller spout. People can easily squirt thin ropes of it out to top things. It’s made using actual egg yolk, which is a plus, but it uses soybean oil, which I avoid. You can make this yourself using extra egg yolks, extra mustard powder, and adding a pinch of sugar, then putting it in a squeeze bottle. I agree with other anons that the taste and texture disappear when used for most things other than cold dishes like deviled eggs or potato salad.

>> No.19140185


>> No.19140189
File: 126 KB, 1667x722, kewpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what sugar?

>> No.19140192

>I could shit a tastier/healthier mayo
but you don't you just sit in mommies basement seething.

>> No.19140195

Why is the made in America version of the Japanese product so fucking awful? How hard is it to keep the ingredients the same?

>> No.19140196


>> No.19140199

yes anon we all hate trump.

>> No.19140231
File: 309 KB, 512x512, soy (219).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woah, no way!! Is that- Is that a JAPANESE version of a completely ordinary food?? OMG!!!
>Japanese food is SOOOOOO much better than western food, am I right my fellow gaijin?
>Well, time to dig in! Itadakimasu!!!
>*takes an obnoxiously exagerated swig of soda* AAAAH KAMPAI!!!!

>> No.19140233

I bought it it isn't good. It tastes weirdly sweet

>> No.19140236

I look like that and say that

>> No.19140251

Oxidation and exposure to microbia

>> No.19140254

where are you getting it, that it is sweet. I live in the US the only place I can find it is asian grocery stores and it is most certainly not sweet. see >>19140189

>> No.19140288

>westoids seething that based nipponmen do everything better

>> No.19140291
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1677423199240164.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that mean?

>> No.19140310
File: 133 KB, 1500x1500, 9EC76B4B-DE0E-403F-99A2-B41C6A8E68B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Labeling differs depending on where it is manufactured. Here is a bottle made in California. The stuff from Japan does have a slight sweetness, too. I just assumed they lumped it under those spices like they do the mustard powder, but I could be wrong.

>> No.19140328

natural flavoring I recon

>> No.19140519
File: 128 KB, 374x311, 1639423625667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegetable oil (Canola oil, soybean oil)

>> No.19140538

This just seems like an overrated meatloaf.

>> No.19140540
File: 291 KB, 948x1091, C056C437-69D1-4DAD-ADFD-54AD062E7383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s good in certain situations. Truthfully, you shouldn’t be using any mayo other than picrel. It’s one of the few I’ve found that has minimal ingredients and isn’t pure estrogen in a BPA container. It’s also by far the best mayo I’ve had.

>> No.19140549

Sir kensingtons makes a delicious avocado oil mayo. There's also another decent brand, but I forget the name of it. Shame they are so pricey.

>> No.19140566

quite gay
just make your own mayo with proper olive oil

>> No.19140574

Olive oil is only good at up to 15ish percent or it becomes bitter. Avocado oil works well for the rest.

>> No.19140591

>chosen foods

>> No.19140691

if there is sugar added (that is not part of some other ingredient) it must have sugar or whatever sweetener on the label. If the vinegar has sugar in it it will have a sub ingredient list with sugar.

the japanese ones do not taste sweet in the slightest.

>> No.19140716

get over yourself oil.

>> No.19141307

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

>> No.19141357

I don't really fucking care, its a meme mayonnaise that I am never going to buy myself because I am not a slave to peer pressure or product conditioning.

>> No.19141370

Kek it really do be like that

>> No.19141656

I prefer kewpie because the flavor is a lot richer than regular mayo, likely due to the MSG.

>> No.19141663

Yes we know, everyone knows.

>> No.19141668

good for you, don't care, I don't like it because it is overly sour, has a strange flavor and a bad after taste.

dukes is better. not quite as sour, no after taste and no sugar.

>> No.19141869
File: 308 KB, 1536x2048, D_Uis1AXYAE1Ise[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever the fuck this is, is the best "mayo" around

>> No.19141874

>making up narratives about nothing in order to feel persecuted
Nice bait

>> No.19141936

Nobody does this or thinks like this, no matter how much you want it to be real in your head. It's just food.

>> No.19141948

Hey look it’s three for free

>> No.19141984

First time on /ck/?

>> No.19142095

this meme and recent anti-japanese sentiment popping up on 4chan is a result of VANK btw

>> No.19142166

Another pedophile mayonnaise thread. If you like looking at naked sexy babies, off yourself.

>> No.19142185

It's literally just MSG laced mayo. Nothing all that special about it. The bottle is fucking genius though, keeps air out of the mayo and allows you to select between tiny stream and big stream for whatever you are making. I wish all mayo came like this instead of in jars that require dirtying a knife or spoon and are a pain to get all of the mayo out of it.

>> No.19142263

I kind of agree. Don't get me wrong, I'll admit a lot Japanese stuff is legitimately great but a lot of unremarkable Japanese stuff also tends to hyped up unnecessarily.

Take Japanese curry for example. It's processed, overly sweet garbage but people act as if it's the greatest thing ever just because it's Japanese. If Americans invented curry roux blocks I guarantee everyone would shit on it and be like "ew, why can't Amerifats just cook real curry from scratch instead of using processed mixes? Why do Americans always bastardize other cultures' dishes? Why do Americans put sugar in everything?" but because it's Japanese people hype it up and pretend that it isn't basically equivalent to Hamburger Helper.

>> No.19142495

McChicken's have a special sauce in Canada? In America, I'm pretty sure it's just plain mayonnaise.

>> No.19142510

im sure its the same thing, they just cant call it "mayonnaise" because of labeling laws or whatever because the ingredients dont qualify it as "mayonaise"

>> No.19142642
File: 128 KB, 1200x630, Kimbap-vs-Sushi-FB-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kimbap better than Sushi?

>> No.19142800


>> No.19142808

No. Funny thing that there is no sushi on your pic.