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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19135329 No.19135329 [Reply] [Original]

what do you use?
Is seed oil a meme?
I use canola and olive oil, olive oil for the fancier dishes
I bought some bacon grease for breakfast sometimes
what do ya'll use for deep frying?
what should I be using?

>> No.19135341

usually i use seed oils
not only do they taste better but they're better for you. problem is that big Anti-Seed is trying to suppress this information. you'll see loads of anti-seed disinfo shills. the fact is, god invented seed oil and satan invented every other oil. you will go to hell if you don't eat seed oil. this is in the bible.
Ezekiel 23:20

>> No.19135344

Corn oil. That's what body builders use. They drink a liter of corn oil a day. It's what being cornfed means.

>> No.19135380

peanut oil for me

>> No.19135406

Avocado, grapeseed, sesame or bacon grease

>> No.19135414

Thoughts on beef tallow?

>> No.19135420

Olive oil for most everything I'm sauteing. Some recipes I'll swap butter for olive oil if its being turned into a cream based sauce for pasta (Only in certain scenarios though, as olive oil is still good for tomato based pasta dishes)
Bacon grease for things like beans or whatnot otherwise.

>> No.19135423

Australian canola for high temp frying.
Spanish olivölle for delicious cooking, salads, and general purpose.
American walnut oil for salads and oiling my cutting board.

>> No.19135427

I've been using lard lately, myself. I'll admit, the smoke point is absurdly low, and it smells like hot death when it starts to burn. But if you avoid that, I've never had more beautiful browning, and the food tastes great.

>> No.19135429
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For me, its butter (salted so I can leave it on the table) and olive oil.

>> No.19135445

The main fats I tend to use are butter (usually used on bread), olive oil (usually with lower-mid temp cooking), and bacon fat (especially good for eggs). I have a jar that I use to strain and then collect leftover rendered bacon fat from whenever I cook it, which I then store in the fridge.

On a more rare basis, I sometimes cook with refined coconut oil (not a huge fan of the flavour, so generally only if I need the higher smoke point), and tallow (usually only if I’m pan-frying a steak). Very rarely, I’ll use ghee or chicken schmaltz. My local butcher sells all varieties of animal fats, so I’m sorta spoiled.

>> No.19135456

For shallow frying: peanut oil
For normal european food: olive oil
For indian food: ghee and mustard oil
For thai food: coconut oil
For topping salads and fried rice: toasted sesame oil

>> No.19135474

If you eat seed oils, you get diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and then you die.

>> No.19136147

I fry chicken in evoo

>> No.19136156

Rice Bran, olive oil, ghee and butter.

>> No.19136268

Imagine adding 120 calories per tbsp of nutrient void grease to your food for no reason

>> No.19136275

it allows for food to be cooked in the delicious way and also sometimes oil itself is quite tasty

>> No.19136279
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>oil itself is quite tasty

>> No.19136281

no things like olive oil and sesame oil and whalnut oil are delicious. neutral high-temp oils are not for flavour, they're for cooking

>> No.19136282

You missed the point entirely

>> No.19136289

A shot of high end olive oil can unironically be good.

>> No.19136299

Refined olive oil for frying, butter for everything else.

>> No.19136312

it wasn't a well delivered point anon :[

>> No.19136347

It was

>> No.19136350

no :[

>> No.19136362

Ok buddy

>> No.19136375


>> No.19136392

Accumulated research on humans suggests seed oils are healthy for the heart. Recent, still sparse research on mice (so very poor redox systems compared to primates) suggest seed oils cause cancer.

>> No.19136405
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for high temps nothing beats this to make a steak or a wiener schnitzel

>> No.19136407

how many of those studies are funded by unilever?

>> No.19136408

what is it? shirly that's not dairy butter

>> No.19136418
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the bastards who discontinued beef stock pots

>> No.19136419

None. Unilever is one of the largest multinational food company and sells products with pretty much any kind of oil so they profit regardless of what's fashionable in health circles. Research funded by mid-size companies specialized in a few products is the one you should be suspicious of.

>> No.19136420

Not in my market.

>> No.19136423
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not in your market YET

>> No.19136429

groundhut oil for deep frying or searing at a high temperature
extra virgin olive oil for everything else

>> No.19136439

clarified butter. only avocado oil has a higher smoke point but it doesn't add butter flavor obviously

>> No.19136443

Not him, but it looks to be German for clarified butter or ghee

>> No.19136446

aah that makes sense, thanks anons

>> No.19136447

avocado oil tastes notably bad IMO

>> No.19136615

coconut fat
duck fat
olive oil

tallow is based my friend

>> No.19137121

Do youkeep your tallow in the fridge?

>> No.19137153
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those bullshit '1 calorie' spray things
only eat poultry and minced beef (which doesn't require oil anyway)

>> No.19137587

I do. I don’t have fast enough tallow turnover to leave it out

>> No.19139047

God that turns me on

>> No.19139057

My go-to is beef tallow, but I also keep ghee, butter, pork lard, and duck fat on hand. My wife sometimes uses olive oil.

>> No.19139101

I use extra virgin olive oil as my all purpose oil, even for shallow/deep frying. I only use oil for cooking at very high heat which would burn butter.

I use butter for lower-heat stuff like cooking eggs, pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, and for certain sauces.

>> No.19139111

I only use extra virgin olive oil

>> No.19139117

OK OP...
Gonna poast it ONCE.
After that, do your WILL.
Adjust accordingly.
Also: Make sure your D Vitamin and others are up to REAL standard.

>> No.19139122
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>> No.19139130
File: 418 KB, 1346x1300, Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 19-24-28 Amazon.com 100% Grass Fed Beef Tallow 1 lb. (16 oz.) one pound Grocery & Gourmet Food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you can for freshness.

>> No.19140721

Sunflower oil..

>> No.19140771
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/ck/ seems to have completely different opinion about oils then /fit/

>mostly sneed oils
>tallow, olive oil, butter, lard, fragrant oils for the taste (such as sesame oil)

>lately they even started to shun olive oil, tho there are some voices which still opt for that
>right now its about 80% butter and lard, with beef tallow being mentioned more frequently, lately
>sneed oils believed to be cancer incarnated

>> No.19140808

/fit/ is the most gobsmackingly retarded board on this whole site, which is saying something

>> No.19140836 [DELETED] 

/ck/ is full of fat lazy goyslop consumers
/fit/ is full of fat lazy self-improvement consumers
At least the latter ostensibly give a shit about what they put in their bodies beyond just taste and convenience.

>> No.19140849

lately Ive been reading some articles about canola oil having lots of omega 3, compared to olive oil. I dont know to whomst to believe anymore

>> No.19140859

Animal fats are the best for you always. Olive oil and avocado oil are just the least-worst alternatives compared to seed oil.

>> No.19140874

Would you trust /g/ about building a computer because they build computers or would you trust /vg/ because they use computers?

>> No.19140932

I use cheap rapeseed oil for deep fry. Butter for pancakes, veggies, eggs. Lard for meat.
Flax oil for wood preservation.

>> No.19140933

Diversity is key. One omega isn't the same as another. Canola is terrible for the stomach and almost always genetically modified to the point where it's immune to all herbicides. Soy has all the essential amino acids but not in the proportions you need them.

Nonsense. Free range animals who've been butchered with minimal amounts of stress deliver healthy fat. Caged animals who were lead to the slaughter are as filthy as can be.

>> No.19140939

Usually when there is more something produced in a given year, it's shilled as superfood on all internet tabloids.

>> No.19140941

Even the worst treated animals produce healthier fats than any industrial seed oil.

>> No.19142739

I use nothing but Canola Oil and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it

>> No.19142773


Well, that seems like a false equivalency
/g/ also uses computers - often for similar purposes or more intensive than /vg/
On the contrary,
/ck/ makes food, eats food, but doesn’t do much with that. /fit/ eats food to grow stronger

>> No.19142801

Sorry, but a magician doesn't give out his secrets.

>> No.19142904

I use olive oil or butter for everything. I live in the Arab World so I get good quality olive oil for cheap here.

>> No.19142908

Extra virgin olive oil usually
Sometimes margarine
I have made and used schmaltz recently

>> No.19142978
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I've never understood the extra virgin preference. just tastes like bitter chlorophyll to me. I much prefer the mellow golden goodness of regular olivölle

>> No.19142983

I wish they sold kerrygold clarified butter in my supermarkets, I cant commit to getting the fuckhuge bootleg looking tubs of ghee they have there, meaning I have to be extra careful to not burn my butter (it burns anyways)

>> No.19143097

>olive oil for the fancier dishes
Why do americans do this? You should never use a product that didn't exist 150 years ago (like canola 'oil')
Just use butter and olive oil. These two have been used for thousands of years without issues. Lard, duck fat etc. are all fine as well.

>> No.19143206

What do people even us oil for? I don't really get it. Nothing of what I eat requires any oil to be made. Do you just grease the pan with it?

>> No.19143353

pan, nice and hot
olive oil - in

>> No.19143395

>If you eat seed oils, you get diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and then you die.
About the same if you don't.
Ghee isn't just clarified, they heat the shit out of it. Clarified butter is more neutral.

>> No.19143398

EVO is not necessarily unfiltered, most of it is push it through ultrafiltration to get the green shit out.

>> No.19143403

I just don't like the taste †bh. I like my oil nice and mellow

>> No.19143645

>Would you trust /g/ about building a computer because they build computers or would you trust /vg/ because they use computers?
I wouldnt trust any of them to be honest

>> No.19143670

ghee, from exclusively grass fed cows
has more saturated fat than animal fat
doesnt spoil